
Shocking speed

Jun 26th, 2019
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  2. [13:33] Ichida was still look for a decent set of armor that would suit his needs for the future, Sadly most of the shops where empty and the rune-scribe wasn't around to take his orders. Though he didn't let that get him down he floated idol in Gehenna before seeing someone stop beside him.
  4. He'd offer her a smile with a slight bow of his head.
  6. "Hello there. My name is Ichida of the Jade Association created only recently. You are?"
  8. He'd asked in a mellow tone not wanting to sound demanding, no. He wanted to make a new friend while traveling in foreign lands it's best if he expands his horizon a bit.
  10. Plus he though the girl seemed nice and approachable, but look don't always mean everything. Though most of his troubled times are behind him and the new Ichida won't think negative thoughts.
  13. (Ichida Rikiya)
  14. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. [13:42] A white haired girl was making her way through the middle of Gehenna. Purple hues gazing at the various good being sold within wooden carts, as well as goods laid out into the grass for all around to see. Nothing seemed to really perk her interest though, so she was just going to keep on walking.
  18. She walked with a sense of alertness, back straight and ready to take action as if she would need to protect herself at any moment. Which, that was exactly who she was. She didn't trust people often, or easily. She questioned everyone around her at all times, and it had really become such a habit that it was more a part of her now.
  20. "Hello there. My name is Ichida of the Jade Association created only recently. You are?" A mans voice had called out to her, and she'd turn to face him quickly. Not used to people coming up to her so freely. Her eyes scanned him, as if to contemplate weather he was a threat or not. Coming to a mental conclusion, she eased a bit. Though she lifted an eybrow, questioning eyes.
  22. "...My name is Mackenzie, you can call me Mack I guess...." She said, "Do you normally call out to strangers like this?" She questioned him, cocking her head with a bit of a smirk.
  23. (Mackenzie Oshikawa)
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. [13:48] She responded, however, there was another question thrown into the mix how fun. He'd notice the smirk on her face he'd return that same smirk before answering.
  28. "Well you aren't a stranger are you anymore, Mack. Though it's nice to meet new people, so why not take a leap of fate and say hello?
  30. Nothing beats a failure but a tire and it seems I succeed so far, wouldn't you say so?
  32. Sometimes it takes a leap of fate to get any progress I had to learn this the hard way."
  34. He chuckle pointing to his eyepatch.
  35. (Ichida Rikiya)
  36. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. [13:53] It was unusual for people not to be somewhat intimidated by the white haired woman, coming off so ferocious and unwelcoming most of the time. So he'd perked her interest now, and she'd look toward his referenced eye patch. The curiosity tugged at her insides, how had he gained that eyepatch?
  40. "Hm,....You drive a hard argument." She'd say with narrowing eyes. "...Then again, unlike you...I have both of my eyes, because I don't go around making friends with strangers..." She'd say, matter of factly. She was crossing her arms now, still assessing him.
  42. "Also using the word 'fate' so often is sending up some red flags for me." She would be smirking again, clearly making fun of the man. Another thing Mack was good at doing, calling out others and making fun of them. It was...Funny.
  43. (Mackenzie Oshikawa)
  44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. [14:01] Ichida could tell this girl had a tongue on her, but it didn't cut deep enough to cause him to act differently in-fact he chuckled at her comment made mostly the one about the eyepatch. It seems some people like testing the waters and see how far they can go before sinking it was amusing.
  48. "You might be right, heh~, but I doubt a creature attacking you in the woods counts as a stranger I was thinking more of.....predator?; that's the word.
  50. I think I said -fate- once, but why red flag such a cool person?; I doubt I'll cause any harm."
  52. he'd chuckle again.
  54. "Plus having two eyes is overrated I look like a badass now and people probably winder what happened. I could make up anything really and you couldn't tell if I'm lying or not, could you?"
  56. Yeah her tongue was sharp, but he wasn't enough to get to the boy not when he had so much confidence in himself.
  57. (Ichida Rikiya)
  58. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. [14:10] The mans confidence was evident, and it mad her very obviously roll her eyes. Maybe it was the fact he said '..why red flag such a cool person?'. It literally made her blink a couple of times, wondering how often that line got him anywhere in life. Literally stunned.
  62. "You...Said it twice..." Her face twitched in a bit of annoyance, but she shrugged it off. "And I'll red flag whoever I damn well please, but I don't see you as a threat..So.." She said, meaning to insult him again; giving him a look up and down.
  64. "...Anyhow, I'd like to go and get some training under my belt for today. Would you like to accompany me for a spar?" She asked him curiously, though her smirkwas still there. If he were to accept her request, they'd be heading toward the sparring fields.
  65. (Mackenzie Oshikawa)
  66. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. [14:16] It probably wasn't clear the guy was joking, but was her not calling him a threat an insult? He could only assume this girl was a handful to deal with on a daily basis good thing he didn't live here.
  70. "Maybe you're right and I did say it twice, who knows?" He agave a slight shrug. "I wonder who else you red flag?" He asked though wasn't expecting to an answer.
  72. The mention of sparing peeked his intrest a little bit.
  74. "I haven't had much training today anyways so I'll accompany you to the field." This would probably shut her up a little and keep that weapon of a tongue in her mouth.
  75. (Ichida Rikiya)
  76. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. [14:25] The two would walk through town in silence, her purple hues occasionally glancing over Ichida with curiosity. She'd bring him to her second home, the field where she'd partaken in many of spars. Now, back to business.
  81. "Alright, ready to get your ass handed to you?" She said with a smirk, taking her staff from her back with a smile. She'd take the string wrapped around her wrist, and tie her white hair up into a tight bun. Preparing for a nice friendly fight.
  83. There weren't many things in this world Mackenzie was good at. Speaking with strangers she might struggle, but a good fight was always welcome.
  84. (Mackenzie Oshikawa)
  85. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. [14:28] Zeno Morvan whispers something.
  88. [14:28] They traveled to the field where they would engage in a friendly battle, but after a few match would it remain that way? It could tell she always seemed to be on edge and ready to strike at any time if things didn't go her way, but he was only assuming.
  90. "I'm ready to get my ass handled to me for sure."
  92. He repeated what she said, was this a taunt?
  93. (Ichida Rikiya)
  94. [14:40] Ichida could help but grin this wasn't really like him, but the trashing talking coming from the girl was enough to push him to that point. The battle started and the battle was over within a few strike, what happened?
  96. Ichida used his teaching against her, but her over confidence might have been the biggest weapon that bit her in the ass onto of the smoke bombs. He'd cause wind magic around her slowing her movements while using wind magic to increase his movement speed.
  98. While her movements were slowed he'd dash at her dropping many smoke bombs around her, during that process he'd unhealth his blade and deliver many strike at the girl.
  100. As the smoke cleared his blade was already back in the sheath and with one final click the smoke cleared and her body was on the ground. He'd float over towards her offering his hand to help her eye.
  102. He wanted to taunt her again, but decides against it or does he?
  104. "You kicked my ass real good, ready to finish this spar up or do you have some more insults.., oh I mean compliments"
  106. He chuckle.
  107. (Ichida Rikiya)
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  109. [14:48] Any kind of confidence spark she'd had, was clearly gone now. Her movements hadn't been fast enough by a long shot, because this man seemed to have much more experience than she. Even with her big wave of water she'd shoved at him, and the blood whips...All of her efforts were for nothing, because now...She was the one on the ground.
  111. Her eyes narrowed at him, something fierce and fiery inside of them.
  113. Was he the one taunting her now? That was new, she'd never had this happen before. No one ever had the nerve to trash talk her just as much as she did to them. She wasn't sure if she liked it, or hated it. Her eyebrows furrowed.
  115. "..Don't get cocky yet, hot shot." She'd say, fighting his confidence with her own. Getting up off of the ground, she'd ready herself for their second round now. Beads of sweat forming on her brow.
  116. (Mackenzie Oshikawa)
  117. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. [15:03] Did she not learn from the first time? Like an animal stalking it's prey and waiting for the right moment to strike that's all he did without breaking a sweat. One hand resting on the hilt of his blade while the other remained within his coat grabbing his bombs, was she prepared.
  120. To her it might look like he wasn't moving due to his sear speeds he wouldn't know, but the wind magic covered her body again "You're already mine" His voice could be heard, but was he seen? "Run while you still can." The battle that just began was slowly drawing to and end.
  122. "Night Falls, Whisper. That's the name and don't forget it. He'd toss serval smoke bombs on the ground used to cloud her vision. "Can't hit what you can't see. Magic won't help you. Wings flapping or was that all part of their imagination?
  124. The sound of a blade coming form his sheath "One" The violent sound of punishing winds could be heard. "Two" It sounds like whistles in the wind, but what could that be?, the slashes coming from his blade? "Three" The smoke cleared and the girl was left defeated again though a hint of darkness could be seen within the smoke, but it vanished jsut as quickly as it appeared.
  126. Ichida chuckled. "Good match."
  127. (Ichida Rikiya)
  128. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. [15:14] Damn. Damn. Damn...Damn..
  131. He definitely was taunting her, she knew that clearly now. 'You're already mine..' She could hear, but failed to see him. 'Run while you still can.'. His deep voice boomed around her, causing goosebumps to run throughout her body. More words flew her way, and the next thing she knew she was surrounded by smoke. She would cough and wheeze, unable to determine where to throw her attacks.
  133. So she was attacking the air blindly, throwing blood and water over and over. In every direction. She probably looked like a mad woman, purple eyes wide and fearful for just a moment. She felt like a mouse in a very small cage. She didn't like feeling like she was trapped.
  135. Then, as quickly as it had started...It was over.
  137. She was left on the ground when the smoke finally cleared and she could see. Look of utter defeat on herface, she'd never had a battle end so abruptly like that. She'd never felt so completely helpless and trapped, and suddenly she felt...Fearful? Yea. definitely afraid of this man.
  140. "How...You....What?" She sat there, speechless. Slowly with a wince she'd stand to her feet, purple eyes like nails they stuck into Ichida.
  141. "...That was far from a good match, that was a pathetic match....You whooped me, and whooped me good." She said, flatly. Obviously not happy about the confession, but knew where a good congratulations was due.
  144. "You are...Very strong...How?" She asked wearily, her demeanor completely different than when they'd first met. There seemed to be a smidgen of respect there now, and fear.
  145. (Mackenzie Oshikawa)
  146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. [15:14] Zeno Morvan says, "So wha now Saki."
  149. [15:27] The odd feeling after hearing her words, was she showing him respect? The girl with the sharp tongue seemed to be complete different, why? There were so many questions he had, but he could only answer hers at the moment.
  151. You ask me how?; I lost my eye and you probably wonder how that pushed me to a new level of strength. I think the better question is why I didn't give up and the simple fact is me hurting the people closes to me.
  153. From trash talk to sharing personal stories with her this day was rather eventful, but he didn't mind. Or was this another trap coming from her?; it's hard to day at this point.
  155. "I lost constantly and pushed my friends away so much so I never picked another weapon up. My friends forced me to take a weapon and that same weapon saved my life, but it cost me my eye in the process.
  157. Why be depressed about it? this impowered me to become a better version of myself and I finally decided to get a blade that fit my style. This black of black steel with fits my style of battle perfectly, but that's not what keeps me moving.
  159. It's my dream to create a clan of Ninja, shinobi, and Samurai alike and strive for a better future. The Jade Association created by me and my same friends that never gave up on me.
  161. We strive for a better future thus give me the motivation to push forwards no matter what life throws at me.
  163. He'd walk over towards her offering a hand.
  165. "I don't feel any ill will towards you I still consider you a friend of mine and you are always welcome to join us at a later date.
  167. You don't have to use blades or anything of the sorts though the all will always remain good.
  169. He nods.
  172. (Ichida Rikiya)
  173. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  175. [15:35] The story of how he'd lost his eye was an unexpected one. She'd pretty much expected him to verbally tear her apart after all the trash talking she'd spewed his way beforehand. But that didn't come. He was giving her information about his life, opening up to her about his organization in the moment as well. The story about his eye perked her interest, and she would eye the eyepatch that covered the space curiously. Wondrously.
  177. It seemed they weren't as different than she thought, in the reasons they wanted to become stronger. Empowering themselves to become the better versions of themselves. She could relate to that on a big level, considering that's what she strived for.
  179. She'd accept his hand, and stand up slowly.
  182. "I'm sorry for having misjudged you..." She said simply, her purple eyes looking at his honey colored ones. Before silently looking away, and taking a step back away from him to give them some space between them.
  183. "I'm not much on social gatherings, but your friendship...I can accept that,.." Her voice soft now, she'd nod her head along with her words...
  185. Mainly because she sure as hell didn't want to be this mans enemy..
  188. "Anyway," She began, needing to take the intenseness off of the moment they seemed to be having.
  189. "Are you from around here or?" She asked him curiously, stretching her arms and legs from their soreness.
  190. (Mackenzie Oshikawa)
  191. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. [15:43] He smiled hearing she accepted his offer of friendship that was always a good sign despite how they first encountered each other. He could accept this it's what he wanted from the very beginning anyways though he didn't mind the spar it was good excises.
  194. "It's alright. We can't go our whole life holding grudges against people." His friends forgave him for that they he was being distant from them and this wasn't any different. "I'm fine with accepting you as a friends we have to take baby-steps after all."
  195. He wasn't from these lands at all or was he? being here from the age of thirteen would probably make you a native of whatever nation you're in, right?
  197. He pondered this for a while only to shake it head.
  199. "I'm from a small island,but when I took a ship here it landed in Huangzhou so I guess that's where I'm form now.
  200. (Ichida Rikiya)
  201. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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