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Mod List

a guest
May 25th, 2016
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  1. Minecraft Coder Pack (id: mcp, version: 9.05, authors: [])
  2. Forge Mod Loader (id: FML, version:, authors: [cpw, LexManos, Player])
  3. Minecraft Forge (id: Forge, version:, authors: [LexManos, Eloraam, Spacetoad])
  4. Applied Energistics 2 Core (id: appliedenergistics2-core, version: rv3-beta-6, authors: [AlgorithmX2])
  5. CodeChicken Core (id: CodeChickenCore, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])
  6. Not Enough Items (id: NotEnoughItems, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])
  7. OpenEye (id: OpenEye, version: 0.6, authors: [boq, Mikee])
  8. Thaumic Energistics Core (id: ThE-core, version:, authors: [Nividica])
  9. Thaumic Tinkerer Core (id: ThaumicTinkerer-preloader, version: 0.1, authors: [nekosune, Pixlepix, Vazkii])
  10. Witching Gadgets Core (id: WitchingGadgetsCore, version: 1.1.10, authors: [BluSunrize])
  11. Choco Patcher (id: ChocoPatcher, version: 1.2, authors: [Chocohead])
  12. OpenModsCore (id: OpenModsCore, version: 0.9.1, authors: [Mikee, NeverCast, boq])
  13. CoFH ASM (id: <CoFH ASM>, version: 000, authors: [])
  14. Binnie Patcher (id: BinniePatcher, version: 1.8.2, authors: [Chocohead])
  15. FastCraft (id: FastCraft, version: 1.23, authors: [Player])
  16. debug (id: debug, version: 1.0, authors: [])
  17. bspkrsCore (id: bspkrsCore, version: 6.16, authors: [DaftPVF, bspkrs])
  18. ArmorStatusHUD (id: ArmorStatusHUD, version: 1.28, authors: [bspkrs])
  19. StatusEffectHUD (id: StatusEffectHUD, version: 1.27, authors: [bspkrs])
  20. Treecapitator (id: Treecapitator, version: 1.7.10, authors: [DaftPVF, bspkrs])
  21. BD Lib (id: bdlib, version:, authors: [bdew])
  22. CoFH Core (id: CoFHCore, version: 1.7.10R3.1.2, authors: [Team CoFH])
  23. BuildCraft (id: BuildCraft|Core, version: 7.1.16, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team])
  24. BC Silicon (id: BuildCraft|Silicon, version: 7.1.16, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team])
  25. IndustrialCraft 2 (id: IC2, version: 2.2.822-experimental, authors: [Alblaka, Player, RichardG, Thunderdark, GregoriusT, alexthesax, Drashian, Elementalist, Feanturi, Lurch1985, SirusKing, tahu44, Aroma1997])
  26. Baubles (id: Baubles, version:, authors: [])
  27. Thermal Foundation (id: ThermalFoundation, version: 1.7.10R1.2.4, authors: [Team CoFH])
  28. Thermal Expansion (id: ThermalExpansion, version: 1.7.10R4.1.2, authors: [Team CoFH])
  29. Advanced Generators (id: advgenerators, version:, authors: [bdew])
  30. Advanced Solar Panels (id: AdvancedSolarPanel, version: 1.7.10-3.5.1, authors: [SeNtiMeL, Icedfire])
  31. Applied Energistics 2 (id: appliedenergistics2, version: rv3-beta-6, authors: [AlgorithmX2])
  32. AE2 Stuff (id: ae2stuff, version:, authors: [bdew])
  33. AgriCraft (id: AgriCraft, version: 1.7.10-1.5.0, authors: [InfinityRaider])
  34. AppleCore (id: AppleCore, version: 1.3.1, authors: [squeek])
  35. Moving World (id: MovingWorld, version: 1.7.10-1.8.1, authors: [Darkevilmac, Large portions of code based on Archimedes' Ships])
  36. Archimedes' Ships Plus (id: ArchimedesShipsPlus, version: 1.7.10-1.8.1, authors: [])
  37. MineFactory Reloaded (id: MineFactoryReloaded, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals, TehKrush, AtomicStryker, Feanorith, skyboy026])
  38. Thaumcraft (id: Thaumcraft, version:, authors: [])
  39. MFR Compat: Thaumcraft (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals])
  40. Waila (id: Waila, version: 1.5.10, authors: [])
  41. Automagy (id: Automagy, version: 0.28.2, authors: [Tuhljin (programming, art), Draanor (art)])
  42. Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry (id: AWWayofTime, version: v1.3.3, authors: [WayofTime])
  43. Botania (id: Botania, version: r1.8-249, authors: [Vazkii])
  44. Avaritia (id: Avaritia, version: 1.11, authors: [SpitefulFox, TTFTCUTS])
  45. BiblioCraft (id: BiblioCraft, version: 1.11.5, authors: [Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair])
  46. Mantle (id: Mantle, version: 1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins191, authors: [])
  47. Natura (id: Natura, version: 2.2.0, authors: [])
  48. Biomes O' Plenty (id: BiomesOPlenty, version: 2.1.0, authors: [Adubbz, Amnet, Forstride, ted80])
  49. BiblioWoods Biomes O'Plenty Edition (id: BiblioWoodsBoP, version: 1.9, authors: [])
  50. Forestry for Minecraft (id: Forestry, version:, authors: [SirSengir])
  51. BiblioWoods Forestry Edition (id: BiblioWoodsForestry, version: 1.7, authors: [])
  52. BiblioWoods Natura Edition (id: BiblioWoodsNatura, version: 1.5, authors: [])
  53. Big Reactors (id: BigReactors, version: 0.4.3A, authors: [ErogenousBeef])
  54. Binnie Core (id: BinnieCore, version: 2.0-pre14, authors: [Binnie])
  55. Botany (id: Botany, version: 2.0-pre14, authors: [Binnie])
  56. Extra Bees (id: ExtraBees, version: 2.0-pre14, authors: [Binnie])
  57. Extra Trees (id: ExtraTrees, version: 2.0-pre14, authors: [Binnie])
  58. Genetics (id: Genetics, version: 2.0-pre14, authors: [Binnie])
  59. Brandon's Core (id: BrandonsCore, version:, authors: [brandon3055])
  60. BC Builders (id: BuildCraft|Builders, version: 7.1.16, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team])
  61. BC Transport (id: BuildCraft|Transport, version: 7.1.16, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team])
  62. BC Energy (id: BuildCraft|Energy, version: 7.1.16, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team])
  63. BC Robotics (id: BuildCraft|Robotics, version: 7.1.16, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team])
  64. BC Factory (id: BuildCraft|Factory, version: 7.1.16, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team])
  65. BuildCraft Compat (id: BuildCraft|Compat, version: 7.1.5, authors: [asie, BuildCraft Team])
  66. Carpenter's Blocks (id: CarpentersBlocks, version: 3.3.7, authors: [Mineshopper])
  67. ChickenChunks (id: ChickenChunks, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])
  68. Railcraft (id: Railcraft, version:, authors: [CovertJaguar])
  69. The Twilight Forest (id: TwilightForest, version: 2.3.7, authors: [])
  70. Forge Multipart (id: ForgeMultipart, version:, authors: [])
  71. Chisel (id: chisel, version:, authors: [tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr])
  72. ComputerCraft (id: ComputerCraft, version: 1.75, authors: [])
  73. Cooking for Blockheads (id: cookingbook, version: 1.0.140, authors: [BlayTheNinth, ZeroTheShinigami])
  74. PTRModelLib (id: PTRModelLib, version: 1.0.0, authors: [])
  75. Decocraft (id: props, version: 2.3.2, authors: [RazzleberryFox])
  76. Draconic Evolution (id: DraconicEvolution, version: 1.0.2d, authors: [brandon3055])
  77. EnderCore (id: endercore, version: 1.7.10-, authors: [tterrag, CrazyPants])
  78. Ender IO (id: EnderIO, version: 1.7.10-, authors: [CrazyPants, tterrag])
  79. EnderStorage (id: EnderStorage, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])
  80. EnderTech (id: EnderTech, version: 1.7.10-, authors: [voxelcarrot, Arkan])
  81. Ender Zoo (id: EnderZoo, version: 1.7.10-, authors: [])
  82. Extra Cells 2 (id: extracells, version: 2.3.10, authors: [M3gaFr3ak, DrummerMC])
  83. Extra Utilities (id: ExtraUtilities, version: 1.2.12, authors: [RWTema])
  84. Metallurgy Core (id: MetallurgyCore, version: 4.0.4, authors: [Team Metallurgy])
  85. Immersive Engineering (id: ImmersiveEngineering, version: 0.7.7, authors: [BluSunrize, Damien A.W. Hazard])
  86. Tinkers' Construct (id: TConstruct, version: 1.7.10-1.8.8.build988, authors: [mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike, Pillbox, boni])
  87. Metallurgy 4 (id: Metallurgy, version: 4.0.8, authors: [Team Metallurgy])
  88. Pam's HarvestCraft (id: harvestcraft, version: 1.7.10j, authors: [Pamela Collins])
  89. ExtraTiC (id: ExtraTiC, version: 1.4.6, authors: [Glassmaker])
  90. Fast Leaf Decay (id: fastleafdecay, version: 1.4, authors: [Olafski])
  91. Thaumic Tinkerer (id: ThaumicTinkerer, version: unspecified, authors: [])
  92. Forbidden Magic (id: ForbiddenMagic, version: 1.7.10-0.574, authors: [SpitefulFox])
  93. ForgeIRC (id: ForgeIRC, version: 1.2.9, authors: [])
  94. MineTweaker 3 (id: MineTweaker3, version: 3.0.10, authors: [Stan Hebben])
  95. FTBLib (id: FTBL, version:, authors: [LatvianModder, Jared])
  96. FTB Tweaks (id: FTBT, version: 1.0.1, authors: [Jaredlll08])
  97. FTBUtilities (id: FTBU, version:, authors: [LatvianModder])
  98. Funky Locomotion (id: funkylocomotion, version: 1.0, authors: [RWTema])
  99. Redstone Arsenal (id: RedstoneArsenal, version: 1.7.10R1.1.2, authors: [Team CoFH])
  100. Magic Bees (id: MagicBees, version: 2.4.3, authors: [])
  101. GenDustry (id: gendustry, version:, authors: [bdew])
  102. Graviation Suite (id: GraviSuite, version: 1.7.10-2.0.3, authors: [SeNtiMeL])
  103. Guide-API (id: guideapi, version: 1.7.10-1.0.1-29, authors: [Tombenpotter, TehNut])
  104. iChunUtil (id: iChunUtil, version: 4.2.2, authors: [])
  105. Hats (id: Hats, version: 4.0.1, authors: [])
  106. HatStand (id: HatStand, version: 4.0.0, authors: [])
  107. Headcrumbs (id: headcrumbs, version: 1.7.4, authors: [ganymedes01])
  108. Nuclear Control 2 (id: IC2NuclearControl, version: 2.3.4a, authors: [Shedar, xbony2, Zuxelus, DMF444])
  109. I'm Looking At Blood (id: ImLookingAtBlood, version: 1.1, authors: [])
  110. Immersive Integration (id: immersiveintegration, version: 0.6.8, authors: [UnwrittenFun])
  111. INpureCore (id: inpure|core, version: 1.7.10R1.0.0B9, authors: [])
  112. Inventory Tweaks (id: inventorytweaks, version: 1.58-147-645ca10, authors: [])
  113. Iron Chest (id: IronChest, version:, authors: [])
  114. JABBA (id: JABBA, version: 1.2.2, authors: [ProfMobius, Taelnia])
  115. JourneyMap (id: journeymap, version: 5.1.4p1, authors: [techbrew, mysticdrew])
  116. Logistics Pipes (id: LogisticsPipes, version:, authors: [])
  117. LunatriusCore (id: LunatriusCore, version:, authors: [Lunatrius])
  118. MFR Compat: Applied Energistics (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals])
  119. MFR Compat: BuildCraft (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals])
  120. MFR Compat: Forestry (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals])
  121. MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals])
  122. MFR Compat: IC2 (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals])
  123. MrTJPCore (id: MrTJPCoreMod, version:, authors: [])
  124. ProjectRed Core (id: ProjRed|Core, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: [])
  125. ProjectRed Exploration (id: ProjRed|Exploration, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: [])
  126. MFR Compat ProjectRed (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals])
  127. MFR Compat: Railcraft (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [skyboy])
  128. MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals])
  129. MFR Compat: Tinkers' Construct (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTConstruct, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals])
  130. MFR Compat: TwilightForest (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals])
  131. MFR Compat: Vanilla (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals])
  132. Simple Mod Lister (id: ModLister, version: 1.0, authors: [Dragon2488])
  133. Mod Tweaker 2 (id: modtweaker2, version: 0.9.5, authors: [Jaredlll08])
  134. Morpheus (id: Morpheus, version: 1.7.10-1.6.21, authors: [Quetzi])
  135. Mystcraft (id: Mystcraft, version:, authors: [])
  136. NEI Addons (id: NEIAddons, version:, authors: [bdew])
  137. NEI Addons: Developer Tools (id: NEIAddons|Developer, version:, authors: [])
  138. NEI Addons: Applied Energistics 2 (id: NEIAddons|AppEng, version:, authors: [])
  139. NEI Addons: Botany (id: NEIAddons|Botany, version:, authors: [])
  140. NEI Addons: Forestry (id: NEIAddons|Forestry, version:, authors: [bdew])
  141. NEI Addons: Crafting Tables (id: NEIAddons|CraftingTables, version:, authors: [bdew])
  142. NEI Addons: Ex Nihilo (id: NEIAddons|ExNihilo, version:, authors: [bdew])
  143. NEI Integration (id: neiintegration, version: 1.1.2, authors: [tonius11])
  144. Nether Ores (id: NetherOres, version: 1.7.10R2.3.1, authors: [PowerCrystals, TehKrush, AtomicStryker, skyboy026])
  145. Not Enough Resources (id: neresources, version: 0.1.0.ManuallyBuilt, authors: [hilburn, way2muchnoise])
  146. OpenMods (id: OpenMods, version: 0.9.1, authors: [])
  147. OpenBlocks (id: OpenBlocks, version: 1.5.1, authors: [])
  148. OpenPeripheralCore (id: OpenPeripheralCore, version: 1.3, authors: [])
  149. OpenPeripheralAddons (id: OpenPeripheral, version: 0.5.1, authors: [])
  150. OpenPeripheralIntegration (id: OpenPeripheralIntegration, version: 0.5, authors: [])
  151. PortalGun (id: PortalGun, version: 4.0.0-beta-6, authors: [])
  152. ProjectE (id: ProjectE, version: 1.7.10-PE1.9.5, authors: [sinkillerj, Moze_Intel])
  153. ProjectRed Transmission (id: ProjRed|Transmission, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: [])
  154. ProjectRed Transportation (id: ProjRed|Transportation, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: [])
  155. ProjectRed Compatibility (id: ProjRed|Compatibility, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: [])
  156. ProjectRed Integration (id: ProjRed|Integration, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: [])
  157. ProjectRed Fabrication (id: ProjRed|Fabrication, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: [])
  158. ProjectRed Illumination (id: ProjRed|Illumination, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: [])
  159. ProjectRed Expansion (id: ProjRed|Expansion, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: [])
  160. Resource Loader (id: ResourceLoader, version: 1.3, authors: [lumien])
  161. RFTools (id: rftools, version: 4.23, authors: [McJty])
  162. Runic Dungeons (id: runicdungeons, version: 1.1.6a, authors: [MrComputerGhost])
  163. Simply Jetpacks (id: simplyjetpacks, version: 1.5.3, authors: [tonius11])
  164. Solar Expansion (id: SolarExpansion, version: 1.6a, authors: [Shad0wB1ade])
  165. Spring Boards (id: springboards, version: 0.1, authors: [Nick Lanam])
  166. Stackie (id: Stackie, version:, authors: [Lunatrius])
  167. Steve's Factory Manager (id: StevesFactoryManager, version: A93, authors: [])
  168. Steve's Addons (id: StevesAddons, version: 0.10.16, authors: [hilburn])
  169. Steve's Carts 2 (id: StevesCarts, version: 2.0.0.b18, authors: [Vswe])
  170. Steve's Workshop (id: StevesWorkshop, version: 0.5.1, authors: [Vswe])
  171. Storage Drawers (id: StorageDrawers, version: 1.7.10-1.9.8, authors: [])
  172. Storage Drawers: Biomes O' Plenty Pack (id: StorageDrawersBop, version: 1.7.10-1.1.1, authors: [jaquadro])
  173. Storage Drawers: Forestry Pack (id: StorageDrawersForestry, version: 1.7.10-1.1.2, authors: [jaquadro])
  174. Storage Drawers: Misc Pack (id: StorageDrawersMisc, version: 1.7.10-1.1.2, authors: [jaquadro])
  175. Storage Drawers: Natura Pack (id: StorageDrawersNatura, version: 1.7.10-1.1.1, authors: [jaquadro])
  176. Underground Biomes Constructs (id: UndergroundBiomes, version: 0.7, authors: [])
  177. Tainted Magic (id: TaintedMagic, version:, authors: [])
  178. TC Inventory Scanning (id: tcinventoryscan, version: 1.0.11, authors: [BlayTheNinth])
  179. TC Node Tracker (id: tcnodetracker, version: 1.1.2, authors: [Dyonovan])
  180. Thaumcraft NEI Plugin (id: thaumcraftneiplugin, version: @VERSION@, authors: [DjGiannuzz])
  181. Thaumic Energistics (id: thaumicenergistics, version:, authors: [Nividica])
  182. Thaumic Equivalence (id: ThaumicEquivalence, version: 1.7.10-1.0.4, authors: [Lilylicious])
  183. Thaumic Exploration (id: ThaumicExploration, version: 0.6.0, authors: [])
  184. Thermal Dynamics (id: ThermalDynamics, version: 1.7.10R1.2.0, authors: [Team CoFH])
  185. TiC Tooltips (id: TiCTooltips, version: 1.2.5, authors: [squeek])
  186. Tinkers' Mechworks (id: TMechworks, version:, authors: [])
  187. Torched (id: Torched, version: 4.0.0, authors: [])
  188. Translocator (id: Translocator, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])
  189. Traveller's Gear (id: TravellersGear, version: 1.16.6, authors: [BluSunrize])
  190. UBC Ore Registrar (id: ubcores, version: 1.7.10-, authors: [])
  191. Waila Harvestability (id: WailaHarvestability, version: 1.1.6, authors: [squeek])
  192. What Are We Looking At (id: wawla, version: 1.3.3, authors: [])
  193. Witchery (id: witchery, version: 0.24.1, authors: [Emoniph])
  194. Witching Gadgets (id: WitchingGadgets, version: 1.1.10, authors: [])
  195. WR-CBE Core (id: WR-CBE|Core, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])
  196. WR-CBE Addons (id: WR-CBE|Addons, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])
  197. WR-CBE Logic (id: WR-CBE|Logic, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])
  198. Forge Microblocks (id: ForgeMicroblock, version:, authors: [])
  199. Minecraft Multipart Plugin (id: McMultipart, version:, authors: [])
  200. ForgeRelocation (id: ForgeRelocation, version:, authors: [])
  201. MCFrames (id: MCFrames, version: 1.0, authors: [])
  202. RelocationFMP (id: RelocationFMP, version:, authors: [])
  203. Another One Bites The Dust (id: aobd, version: 2.9.1, authors: [ganymedes01])
  204. Dense Ores (id: denseores, version: 1.0, authors: [])
  205. Hunger Overhaul (id: HungerOverhaul, version: 1.7.10-1.0.0.jenkins75, authors: [iguana_man, Parker8283, progwml6, squeek502])
  206. Iguana Tinker Tweaks (id: IguanaTweaksTConstruct, version: 1.7.10-, authors: [boni, iguana_man])
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