
The Lake: Part VII

Mar 30th, 2012
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  1. >Goddamn it, it's getting late.
  2. >Uh...I mean, evening of day five.
  3. >You reach into the crate with a gloved hand and pick up the soiled corpse of the yellow earth fluffy.
  4. >The five survivors all react in different ways.
  5. >The two pegasus fluffies are still apologizing.
  6. >The two earth fluffies are trying to charge your hand, but they can't get any traction.
  7. >”Put fwiend down!” they yell. “Fwiend no mean make bad poopies!”
  8. >The sole unicorn is shivering violently, hiding in a corner.
  9. >You lift the body out and walk out of sight of them.
  10. >The earth fluffies are screaming bloody murder.
  11. >”Gif fwiend! Fwiend no weave! Fwuffy wan' fwiend!”
  12. >You throw her into the lake and come back.
  13. >Those two fluffies seem genuinely pissed.
  14. >”You meanie! Gif back fwiend!” the blue one cries.
  15. >The pegasus fluffies try to shut them up.
  16. >”No angwy talkies! We get sowwy-stick!” the red one says in hushed tones.
  17. >They have none of it. “Wan' fwiend! Wan' fwiend wan' fwiend wan' fwiend!”
  18. >You ignore them and consider your next course of action.
  19. >And idly wonder how in god's name a 16 inch tall fluffy pony could contain this much shit.
  20. >Fucking fluffy feces singularities.
  21. >You decide to move them off the island, and call your friend over.
  22. >The two of you bring the crate to the shore, and set it in the driveway.
  23. >You must now figure out how to clean a fluffy using a hose.
  24. >Without drowning it.
  25. >The internet has nothing to offer you on this front.
  26. >In fact, most of the responses to such questions on fluffy pony message boards just say 'if it's caked with shit, set it on fire and buy a new one'.
  27. >Wow.
  28. >Your friend has the unenviable task of keeping an eye on the fluffies while you look.
  29. >He keeps yelling about wanting a gas mask to combat the funk.
  30. >Finally, you decide that you'll just have to do it and hope for the best.
  31. >You'd like to get them to the shelter today.
  32. >You head out to the driveway, dragging the hose with you.
  33. >”Pwease wet out!”, “Hung'y!”, “No sowwy-stick!”, “Wan' fwiend wan' fwiend!” the fluffies say.
  34. >The crate is absolutely filthy.
  35. >All the fluffies are brown.
  36. >You attach the sprayer to the hose and signal your friend to turn the water on.
  37. >You don't want to traumatize them any further, so you try the gentlest setting first.
  38. >You pick up the unicorn and set her on the driveway.
  39. >The angry earth fluffies try to charge your hand when you grab her.
  40. >They slip in the filth and get nowhere.
  41. >You hold the silver fluffy by the scruff and start spraying her.
  42. >”Wawa cold! Wawa cold! Hewp! Hewp!” the unicorn cries.
  43. “You're fine, it's just a bath.”
  44. >”Baff? Wawa no mean to fwuffy?”
  45. “That's right, it won't hurt you.”
  46. >The unicorn seems to accept this, and relaxes in your grip.
  47. >It's not really working. You have to use a stronger spray.
  48. >”Owwies! Wawa hurt fwuffy!”
  49. >The earth fluffies come out of their corner and attempt to charge you again, slamming into the side of the crate.
  50. >They cry in pain and immediately apologize to themselves and the crate afterward.
  51. “Quit pitching a bitch, I'm not hurting her.”
  52. >”You take fwiend! You make wawa hurt fwiend! You meanie hooman!” they shoot back.
  53. >You continue to wash the unicorn, which is slowly becoming silver again.
  54. >”Fw-fw-fwuffy c-c-cold,” she stutters.
  55. >The earth fluffies have settled in their corner again, but they still mutter about their lost friend.
  56. >Unicorn isn't coming totally clean.
  57. >Have to use a stronger setting.
  58. >“Waaaaaaaaah! Wawa hurt fwuffy! Wawa cold! Hewp! No wike dis baff game! Wan' pway somefin' else!”
  59. >Adorably furious earth fluffies stand up. ”Weave fwiend 'wone!”
  60. >You squirt them.
  61. >The pegasus fluffies are huddled in another corner, mumbling fearfully and shaking.
  62. >Silver unicorn fluffy is finally silver again.
  63. >You hand her off to your friend for drying, and pluck the blue earth fluffy from the crate.
  64. >Her tone changes immediately.
  65. >”Put down! Put down! Fwuffy sowwy! Fwuffy no mean be bad fwuffy! Fwuffy wuv you!” she sobs.
  66. >Proceed to clean crying blue earth fluffy.
  67. >Her purple friend continuously slams her head on the side of the crate in an attempt to get out.
  68. >Or, you thought that's what she was doing at first.
  69. >”Wook! Wook! Fwuffy hurt self! Fwuffy hurt self! No hurt fwuffy's fwiend now!”
  70. >Big sigh.
  71. >Once the blue one is finished, you grab the purple one.
  72. >”Fwuffy sowwy! Fwuffy sowwy hurt self! Put fwuffy back! Fwuffy be good!”
  73. >You clean her, but it's difficult. She wriggles and bucks with all her fluffy strength.
  74. >The pegasus fluffies in the crate huddle together.
  75. >At this point, all they know is that the poopies have caused their friends to get taken away, one by one.
  76. >They don't want to be next. They begin to mumble 'sowwy' through fearful hiccups.
  77. >The red pegasus is taking it the worst. When you reach in and grab her green friend, she panics.
  78. >”No! No take wingie fwiend! Wingie fwiend sowwy! Fwuffy wuv wingie fwiend! Wingie fwiend good fwuffy!” she screams.
  79. >You ignore her and clean the green pegasus.
  80. >While you're busy, she shuffles around in the now empty crate.
  81. >”Pwease gif fwiends...” she cries.
  82. >It takes you a while to clean the green one. She thrashes and kicks as if her life depended on it.
  83. >You only notice how quiet the red one has gotten once you reach in for her.
  84. >She's wedged herself into a corner, curled into a ball with her back facing up.
  85. >In fact, she's jammed in there so tight, you have to pull to free her.
  86. >She's dead.
  87. >The red fluffy got so terrified, she tried to hide herself.
  88. >She only succeeded in choking on her filth-soaked fluff.
  89. >The five fluffy ponies are now four.
  90. >Shaking your head, you go to dispose of her body.
  91. >Once you return, you power-wash the crate.
  92. >Night has fallen, though. It's too late to take them to town.
  93. >Your friend has to get back home, so you'll have to keep the fluffies overnight.
  94. >herewefuckinggo.bmp
  95. >You get inside to find your friend has put the four of them in your bathtub.
  96. >”Where's the other one?”
  97. “Suffocated herself to death by accident.”
  98. >”Oh man, what a way to go,” he says, trying not to puke.
  99. >You bid him goodbye and look at your tub full of fluffies.
  100. >”Where wingie fwiend?” the green pegasus asks.
  101. “She's gone.”
  102. >”Go sgetti-wand?”
  103. “...sure.”
  104. >They all say they want to go too, but it's not with the same gusto as before.
  105. >Whenever you move to one end of the tub, they all stumble and slide to the other end.
  106. >They run away from your hand whenever you reach down to pet them, screaming and crying.
  107. >”Pwease no take fwiends anymo'” the earth fluffies beg.
  108. >Big. Sigh.
  109. >Since this tub is a combination with a shower, you decide it'll be safe enough for them overnight if you shut the door.
  110. >You leave some water in bowls for them. You consider food, but you don't want a tub full of shit in the morning.
  111. >You'll probably get one anyway.
  112. >As you go to bed, you hear shouts of 'hung'y!' and 'miss wingie fwiend!'.
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