
A Dangerous Debt

Nov 5th, 2018
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  1. [2018-10-20 13:33] Joey Bites: GDV is mine
  2. [2018-10-20 13:34] Atlach-Nacha: You can have it.
  3. [2018-10-20 13:34] Atlach-Nacha: Except for the attic.
  4. [2018-10-20 13:34] Tzooki: I mean, it is by default, I only see the same five people in here doing stuff.
  5. [2018-10-20 13:35] Joey Bites: That's fine, it's dusty as shit up there you can have it
  6. [2018-10-20 13:35] Tzooki: Granted I left for a few months but it's still a sitcom where Krieg's the dad, right?
  7. [2018-10-20 13:36] Joey Bites: More or less
  8. [2018-10-20 13:40] Hackerbait: Good morning world!
  9. [2018-10-20 13:40] Raven T Hunt: Good morning robocutie~
  10. [2018-10-20 13:41] Hackerbait: That's not quite Jenny but it's not 'Toaster-Chan' so I'll allow it.
  11. [2018-10-20 13:42] Sang: Hello friends.
  12. [2018-10-20 13:42] Sang: And toaster.
  13. [2018-10-20 13:42] *Hackerbait blank staring.
  14. [2018-10-20 13:43] Atlach-Nacha: You're a complete failure as a toaster, so calling you a toaster would mislead the naïve.
  15. [2018-10-20 13:43] Sang: I see it didn't go well?
  16. [2018-10-20 13:43] Hackerbait: Don't blame me, blame the USB toaster
  17. [2018-10-20 13:44] Atlach-Nacha: You get tainted by association.
  18. [2018-10-20 13:44] Joey Bites: But. There was toast. How was that not a success
  19. [2018-10-20 13:44] Sang: I left shortly after the planning phase while we were discussing what parts of her were vital./
  20. [2018-10-20 13:45] Atlach-Nacha: We did sell one piece of toast before things fell apart, though.
  21. [2018-10-20 13:45] Sang: Wow!
  22. [2018-10-20 13:45] Hackerbait: LIterally!
  23. [2018-10-20 13:45] Sang: Was it good toast? Did you step on it?
  24. [2018-10-20 13:46] *Atlach-Nacha checks something on a slightly crumpled clipboard.
  25. [2018-10-20 13:46] Atlach-Nacha: Joey, your current debt is 77 florins.
  26. [2018-10-20 13:46] Sang: You didn't make them pay FIRST!?
  27. [2018-10-20 13:47] Joey Bites: Wait what? Wasn't is like, less than half that before?
  28. [2018-10-20 13:47] Atlach-Nacha: Of course not. You can't commit usury that way.
  29. [2018-10-20 13:47] Sang: Oh. There's your answer, Joey.
  30. [2018-10-20 13:48] Joey Bites: What-- what's that mean.
  31. [2018-10-20 13:48] Sang: It means pay up.
  32. [2018-10-20 13:51] *Joey Bites pulls out a crumpled five dollar bill, a loonie, and two dollars worth of small change. <:|
  33. [2018-10-20 13:51] Sang: Least we know he's Canadian.
  34. [2018-10-20 13:52] Atlach-Nacha: Did you get the job yesterday or not?
  35. [2018-10-20 13:53] Joey Bites: I dunno?? Maybe? He was vague and not very helpful, like always.
  36. [2018-10-20 13:53] Sang: What happens to him if he can't pay?
  37. [2018-10-20 13:54] Atlach-Nacha: We confiscate his property. In his case, the only valuable property to confiscate is his body.
  38. [2018-10-20 13:54] Sang: I knew the answer. I just wanted him to hear it.
  39. [2018-10-20 13:55] Joey Bites: What're you gonna do, lock me in a desk drawer?
  40. [2018-10-20 13:55] Atlach-Nacha: He's have to work pretty hard to pay off the 79 florins, though.
  41. [2018-10-20 13:55] Sang: 80 florins is a lot of money.
  42. [2018-10-20 13:55] Joey Bites: It's TOAST. This isn't legal.
  43. [2018-10-20 13:56] Atlach-Nacha: It's perfectly legal. Being late with a payment is really bad for you in any legal context.
  44. [2018-10-20 13:57] Sang: Honestly. It's not like you can afford a lawyer anyway.
  45. [2018-10-20 13:58] Joey Bites: I can pay you in mice
  46. [2018-10-20 13:59] Sang: Hun you are the mice.
  47. [2018-10-20 14:00] Atlach-Nacha: We accept payment in naturæ.
  48. [2018-10-20 14:01] Joey Bites: In-- what?
  49. [2018-10-20 14:02] Atlach-Nacha: [url=][/url]
  50. [2018-10-20 14:03] Hackerbait: [url=]related[/url]
  51. [2018-10-20 14:03] *Joey Bites head-tilt??
  52. [2018-10-20 14:04] Sang: 10 pounds of ice for $1 is pretty good.
  53. [2018-10-20 14:04] Hackerbait: it's 10 pounds of mice
  54. [2018-10-20 14:04] God Empress Celestia: I like mice
  55. [2018-10-20 14:04] Hackerbait: Well good news
  56. [2018-10-20 14:04] Sang: 10 pounds of mice is even better.
  57. [2018-10-20 14:04] Sang: That can feed a snake for awhile.
  58. [2018-10-20 14:05] Joey Bites: I dunno where I'd keep that much mice
  59. [2018-10-20 14:05] Atlach-Nacha: Then don't pay in mice. Pay in money.
  60. [2018-10-20 14:05] Sang: You need 81 florins in mice.
  61. [2018-10-20 14:05] Atlach-Nacha: Or in nature.
  62. [2018-10-20 14:05] Joey Bites: I still dunno what that means!
  63. [2018-10-20 14:05] Atlach-Nacha: [eicon]eyebrows[/eicon]
  64. [2018-10-20 14:06] Sang: How much do you weigh, by the way?
  65. [2018-10-20 14:06] Sang: Just asking.
  66. [2018-10-20 14:06] Atlach-Nacha: Me and Ari already decided to charge Syed for touching you. So a part of the debt will be paid by him, depending on how much he values you.
  67. [2018-10-20 14:07] Atlach-Nacha: We're just that flexible and understanding.
  68. [2018-10-20 14:08] Joey Bites: And you think HE'S got money?
  69. [2018-10-20 14:08] Sang: The point is that he's in debt.
  70. [2018-10-20 14:09] Atlach-Nacha: I'm sure he has a better money-making ability than you do.
  71. [2018-10-20 14:09] Sang: Ari cooks people, I think. Atlach is a gentle soul though. Don't worry.
  72. [2018-10-20 14:10] Joey Bites: Y'all are outta your minds.
  73. [2018-10-20 14:11] Sang: Uncalled for.
  74. [2018-10-20 14:12] Joey Bites: It's toast! At least charge me for somethin' believable!
  75. [2018-10-20 14:13] Sang: Toast is believable.
  76. [2018-10-20 14:13] Atlach-Nacha: It's not just toast.
  77. [2018-10-20 14:13] Sang: There was more?
  78. [2018-10-20 14:13] Atlach-Nacha: It's toast with Ari's premium stepping service.
  79. [2018-10-20 14:14] Sang: Oh she stepped on it?
  80. [2018-10-20 14:14] Atlach-Nacha: That's a pricey luxury, you know.
  81. [2018-10-20 14:14] Sang: Yeah, you did get a good deal for only 83 florins.
  82. [2018-10-20 14:14] Joey Bites: I didn't want her foot germs on it.
  83. [2018-10-20 14:15] Sang: But you bought it.
  84. [2018-10-20 14:17] Joey Bites: Under FALSE PRETENCES
  85. [2018-10-20 14:17] Joey Bites: Look you act like you're the only people I owe money to.
  86. [2018-10-20 14:17] Sang: No one here is judging your elf foot fetish here. Relax.
  87. [2018-10-20 14:19] Atlach-Nacha: So you're going to just shrug and allow yourself to slip even deeper into a hopeless debt hell?
  88. [2018-10-20 14:20] Joey Bites: I guess so?? That's life under capitalism, bitch.
  89. [2018-10-20 14:20] Sang: At least you understand.
  90. [2018-10-20 14:20] Atlach-Nacha: No, no. That attitude will get you confiscated.
  91. [2018-10-20 14:21] Sang: Yeah but then at least he's not surprised when it happens.
  92. [2018-10-20 14:22] Joey Bites: If the debt collectors can get to my money before I spent it on drugs and gas station pizza, more power to 'em.
  93. [2018-10-20 14:22] Sang: Without a doubt they will.
  94. [2018-10-20 14:22] Atlach-Nacha: I'm not talking about your money because you obviously don't have any. I'm talking about you.
  95. [2018-10-20 14:23] Atlach-Nacha: Let me be completely clear: either you find a way to pay, or we sell you into slavery.
  96. [2018-10-20 14:24] Sang: I thought you were keeping him? If you don't want him I'll buy him.
  97. [2018-10-20 14:25] Tiddly: Are you still going on about the toast from yesterday..?
  98. [2018-10-20 14:25] Atlach-Nacha: We'll keep him, alright. It's going to be an internal purchase. But at that point your problems will be bigger than debt.
  99. [2018-10-20 14:25] Joey Bites: Uhhhh.
  100. [2018-10-20 14:25] Sang: This is what happens when you buy toast.
  101. [2018-10-20 14:27] *Joey Bites doesn't know what to say to that. Have this incredulous expression instead.
  102. [2018-10-20 14:28] *Tiddly takes a picture of Joey's incredulous face.
  103. [2018-10-20 14:28] Sang: Would you like to buy some toast, Tiddly?
  104. [2018-10-20 14:29] Tiddly: No, I made some french toast yesterday.
  105. [2018-10-20 14:29] Atlach-Nacha: Our production line is defunct. No more sales.
  106. [2018-10-20 14:29] Sang: I have three slices left speak for yourself.
  107. [2018-10-20 14:29] Sang: They're just not warm anymore and kind of stale.
  108. [2018-10-20 14:34] Sang: Would you like to buy a slice, Joey?
  109. [2018-10-20 14:34] Joey Bites: >:{
  110. [2018-10-20 14:34] *Joey Bites FROWNS.
  111. [2018-10-20 14:34] Sang: Worth the ask.
  112. [2018-10-20 14:39] Tiddly: Joey just wants a good succ.
  113. [2018-10-20 14:39] Joey Bites: What.
  114. [2018-10-20 14:40] Tiddly: Hastune, suck Joey dry.
  115. [2018-10-20 14:40] I Vucked Up: Slurp
  116. [2018-10-20 14:40] Tiddly: Hatsune, Hastune.. Tomato, Potato.
  117. [2018-10-20 14:41] I Vucked Up: She does have tunes though
  118. [2018-10-20 14:41] Joey Bites: I like my insides on the inside.
  119. [2018-10-20 14:41] I Vucked Up: Nonsense!
  120. [2018-10-20 14:41] Tiddly: Who does this elf-thing think he is? Just EXISTING?
  121. [2018-10-20 14:41] I Vucked Up: Whuh!
  122. [2018-10-20 14:44] Atlach-Nacha: His insides aren't worth 85 florins.
  123. [2018-10-20 14:44] Joey Bites: I dunno, he's looking kinda peakish today
  124. [2018-10-20 14:45] Joey Bites: Then how you expect me to pay you back if you're not gonna eat me?!
  125. [2018-10-20 14:45] Sang: Emotional anguish.
  126. [2018-10-20 14:46] Atlach-Nacha: Your insides are about 15-20 florins, I'd say.
  127. [2018-10-20 14:47] Atlach-Nacha: Once you work your debt down to that, I'll consider accepting your insides to cover the rest.
  128. [2018-10-20 14:47] Sang: Sounds reasonable.
  129. [2018-10-20 14:47] Joey Bites: Uh-huh...
  130. [2018-10-20 14:48] Atlach-Nacha: A live-pickled catboy would fetch a really nice sum, but we're still giving you a chance before we enact your slow and horrible death.
  131. [2018-10-20 14:49] Atlach-Nacha: I'm starting to think we're being too generous, though.
  132. [2018-10-20 14:49] Sang: That or trying to get as much profits from you before taking you.
  133. [2018-10-20 14:49] Joey Bites: Dude! Where am I supposed to get that kind of-- anything??
  134. [2018-10-20 14:49] Joey Bites: You are picking on a homeless youth right now!
  135. [2018-10-20 14:50] Sang: Don't use personal words.
  136. [2018-10-20 14:50] Atlach-Nacha: Do what you usually do.
  137. [2018-10-20 14:51] Sang: The [i]business[/i] is picking on the homeless youth.
  138. [2018-10-20 14:51] Atlach-Nacha: Picking on homeless youths is really bad business, but he forced our hand.
  139. [2018-10-20 14:51] Sang: Yeah it upsets me greatly.
  140. [2018-10-20 14:52] Sang: Tragic, really.
  141. [2018-10-20 14:55] Joey Bites: Couple a' bullies.
  142. [2018-10-20 14:55] Sang: Hey man I'm basically a third party.
  143. [2018-10-20 14:55] Sang: I'm technically not affiliated.
  144. [2018-10-20 14:56] Sierra Petrovita: "Am i the fourth party?"
  145. [2018-10-20 15:00] Joey Bites: No! I don't even know who most of you ARE, quit trying to say I owe you money.
  146. [2018-10-20 15:06] Uyeni Endemier: You don't owe me, but can I have some anyways?
  147. [2018-10-20 15:07] Joey Bites: Nah bitch I'm tapped out.
  148. [2018-10-20 15:07] Uyeni Endemier: Whoa. Don't use the b-word.
  149. [2018-10-20 15:09] Joey Bites: Oh, you uh. You're a dude?
  150. [2018-10-20 15:09] Uyeni Endemier: I mean, regardless.
  151. [2018-10-20 15:10] Joey Bites: What do you care.
  152. [2018-10-20 15:10] Uyeni Endemier: It bothers me.
  153. [2018-10-20 15:11] Joey Bites: There's worse words I could use.
  154. [2018-10-20 15:12] I Vucked Up: Yeah, Jo, don’t fuckin’ swear
  156. ***
  158. [2018-10-20 16:58] *I Vucked Up gnaws on a couch—
  159. [2018-10-20 17:05] Joey Bites: [sub]Boy's got rabies.[/sub]
  160. [2018-10-20 17:09] *Jeffrey Telanis is glad it isn't his rum couch
  161. [2018-10-20 17:09] Ari Satoya: Does that mean we can put him D-O-W-N?
  162. [2018-10-20 17:10] Jeffrey Telanis: You can always put anyone down. I'm not the keeper of souls.
  163. [2018-10-20 17:22] Atlach-Nacha: Ari, it looks like Joey won't be paying his 113 florin debt anytime soon.
  164. [2018-10-20 17:22] Atlach-Nacha: We should consider our next move.
  165. [2018-10-20 17:22] I Vucked Up: I can spell, ya know!
  166. [2018-10-20 17:23] I Vucked Up: Nobody’s puttin’ me down!
  167. [2018-10-20 17:24] Sang: Man that debt really does increase fast.
  168. [2018-10-20 17:27] Ari Satoya: What's a florin? We're getting new floors in the attic?
  169. [2018-10-20 17:27] Ari Satoya: If he get's pickle surprised does that pay off the debt?
  170. [2018-10-20 17:27] Atlach-Nacha: Golden floor. When he pays up, that is.
  171. [2018-10-20 17:28] Ari Satoya: Can we do silver? Gold is so gaudy.
  172. [2018-10-20 17:28] Joey Bites: Wait what?
  173. [2018-10-20 17:29] Atlach-Nacha: We can. Good call.
  174. [2018-10-20 17:29] Atlach-Nacha: But we have to collect our money first, somehow.
  175. [2018-10-20 17:30] Atlach-Nacha: What do we do with him?
  176. [2018-10-20 17:30] *Joey Bites might have made a BIT of money, but--
  177. [2018-10-20 17:30] Ari Satoya: Uh, well all of his body parts and blood are probably not very valuable.
  178. [2018-10-20 17:30] Ari Satoya: Unless some sort of demon thing is buying.
  179. [2018-10-20 17:30] I Vucked Up: Well-
  180. [2018-10-20 17:30] Atlach-Nacha: 15-20 gold pieces at most, I've calculated.
  181. [2018-10-20 17:31] I Vucked Up: [sub]How much fer a leg[/sub]
  182. [2018-10-20 17:31] Ari Satoya: A leg is...about a sixth of him? So 20 florins?
  183. [2018-10-20 17:32] *I Vucked Up sucks in a breath through his teeth. HMM.
  184. [2018-10-20 17:32] Ari Satoya: You can also keep all the blood that spills on the floor.
  185. [2018-10-20 17:34] I Vucked Up: What about a foot?
  186. [2018-10-20 17:34] *Syed Hundal small sniffle.
  187. [2018-10-20 17:35] Atlach-Nacha: About 12 sounds right for a foot.
  188. [2018-10-20 17:36] I Vucked Up: I gueeeess. Th’ problem is that Joey doesn’t got a lotta meat on ‘im in general.
  189. [2018-10-20 17:36] *Syed Hundal [sub]...Joey is all skin and bone. And not a good source of nutrition, beside.[/sub]
  190. [2018-10-20 17:36] I Vucked Up: Not gettin a lotta bang fer my buck, y’know?
  191. [2018-10-20 17:37] *Syed Hundal has offered to rectify this! But Joey is stubborn and proud and adorably defiant.
  192. [2018-10-20 17:37] Joey Bites: B|
  193. [2018-10-20 17:37] Ari Satoya: Well that's his fault, not ours. He racked up the big debt.
  194. [2018-10-20 17:37] *Syed Hundal ruffles Joey. With his non-bandaged hand.
  195. [2018-10-20 17:37] *Joey Bites throws a fifty at Hatsune. "Cunt."
  196. [2018-10-20 17:37] I Vucked Up: Well, it’s certainly yer problem!
  197. [2018-10-20 17:38] *Atlach-Nacha yanks the bill out of the air and examines it. "What's this? This isn't gold, this is paper."
  198. [2018-10-20 17:39] Ari Satoya: Oh it's like an IOU. He owes us fifty gold. But the debt was 113...
  199. [2018-10-20 17:40] *Syed Hundal ...what debt has Joey accrued, now?
  200. [2018-10-20 17:40] Ari Satoya: He bought fetish toast from us.
  201. [2018-10-20 17:40] Joey Bites: Then give it BACK. I don't know how to turn bills into gold!
  202. [2018-10-20 17:40] Syed Hundal: ...bought what?
  203. [2018-10-20 17:40] Joey Bites: I didn't want it stepped on anyhow.
  204. [2018-10-20 17:41] I Vucked Up: Ferish whAT
  205. [2018-10-20 17:41] Atlach-Nacha: No, I think I recognize this currency. Alright, that's 50 florins off the debt. 63 now.
  206. [2018-10-20 17:41] I Vucked Up: Frti s h
  207. [2018-10-20 17:42] Syed Hundal: ...Kai are you drunk.
  208. [2018-10-20 17:42] Atlach-Nacha: Good work, Joey. I knew you could do it.
  209. [2018-10-20 17:42] I Vucked Up: I wish—
  210. [2018-10-20 17:42] *Syed Hundal alSO WHERE DID JOEY GET MONEY.
  211. [2018-10-20 17:42] Atlach-Nacha: Just keep doing what you do best and soon you'll be a free man again.
  212. [2018-10-20 17:44] Ari Satoya: We were selling toast, but he opted to pay extra to have me step on the toast first.
  213. [2018-10-20 17:44] Agnoscis Mortem: What even
  214. [2018-10-20 17:45] Ari Satoya: An option that usually only Jioh gets.
  215. [2018-10-20 17:45] *Syed Hundal ...[sub]had no idea that Joey was into, uh. That.[/sub]
  216. [2018-10-20 17:45] Ari Satoya: And Atlach with her tomatoes.
  217. [2018-10-20 17:45] Agnoscis Mortem: wew
  218. [2018-10-20 17:46] Joey Bites: hhhHHHH
  219. [2018-10-20 17:46] Joey Bites: [sub]Where do you think I got money. It wasn't from you.[/sub]
  220. [2018-10-20 17:47] *Syed Hundal ...[sub]has no idea! But that was, like, kind of hostile.[/sub]
  221. [2018-10-20 17:48] Ari Satoya: I mean, I hope he can get the 63 soon.
  222. [2018-10-20 17:48] Ari Satoya: Since otherwise it will keep compounding.
  223. [2018-10-20 17:49] *Joey Bites massages his temples.......
  224. [2018-10-20 17:49] *Syed Hundal jingles a gold-filled pouch. [sub]I will pay Joey's...strange debt.[/sub]
  225. [2018-10-20 17:49] Atlach-Nacha: He let it grow from 24 to 113 before he started paying. He can't be dense enough to step on that rake twice.
  226. [2018-10-20 17:49] Ari Satoya: No, but he may pay me to step on him instead of the rake.
  227. [2018-10-20 17:50] Ari Satoya: Joey- what are you willing to pay for that?
  228. [2018-10-20 17:50] Joey Bites: No hey c'mon, don't pay their stupid 'debt', this is all... it's ridiculous.
  229. [2018-10-20 17:50] *Syed Hundal frowns! Do not accrue debts that you do not intend to repay! That is only asking for trouble.
  230. [2018-10-20 17:50] *Syed Hundal gestures toward Hatsune. Need he remind Joey what the spider is capable of?
  231. [2018-10-20 17:51] *Ari Satoya angrily shoves herself close enough to Atlach to make herself feel included in the threatening implications and gestures. Angry ear bobbing.
  232. [2018-10-20 17:52] *Agnoscis Mortem sits in the attic and watches the school yeard bullies
  233. [2018-10-20 17:52] Joey Bites: But it's bullshit! Toast? They threw it on the fucking ground and stepped on it! Fucking toast!
  234. [2018-10-20 17:52] Atlach-Nacha: And you bought it.
  235. [2018-10-20 17:55] Joey Bites: I didn't know I was buying-- ARGH. Shut up.
  236. [2018-10-20 17:55] I Vucked Up: Read th’ fine print!
  237. [2018-10-20 17:55] I Vucked Up: And Sy! How’s that hand holdin’ up, pal?
  238. [2018-10-20 17:56] Syed Hundal: Perhaps you ought have taken your own advice, mm?
  239. [2018-10-20 17:56] *I Vucked Up ... coughs
  240. [2018-10-20 17:56] Joey Bites: Fuck aaaall y'all.
  241. [2018-10-20 17:56] *Syed Hundal frets. [sub]Joey, please.[/sub]
  242. [2018-10-20 17:57] Atlach-Nacha: Joey, by using your mouth for speaking, you're wasting valuable earning potential.
  243. [2018-10-20 17:57] *I Vucked Up snrks
  244. [2018-10-20 17:58] *Syed Hundal waves his hand at Kai. The injured one. heavily bandaged, and a bitter smell wafts from the wrappings. [sub]"Thankfully, you missed an artery. Narrowly. I will recover, given time. But the pain is quite intense!"[/sub]
  245. [2018-10-20 17:58] Sang: Everyone in here being like, "Seems like a reasonable purchase and exchange to me."
  246. [2018-10-20 17:58] I Vucked Up: Well, glad yer cheery about it! Didja bring any, eh... alternatives?
  247. [2018-10-20 17:59] *Syed Hundal looks chipper, despite this, yes.
  248. [2018-10-20 17:59] I Vucked Up: I ate an alley cat this mornin’ and felt a lil better.
  249. [2018-10-20 17:59] Joey Bites: You fuckin' what.
  250. [2018-10-20 18:00] Agnoscis Mortem: It's a elf that's not ari
  251. [2018-10-20 18:00] Agnoscis Mortem: what do you expect?
  252. [2018-10-20 18:00] Ari Satoya: Me to hurt them.
  253. [2018-10-20 18:00] I Vucked Up: Oh, don’t lookit me like that. You’d rather it be you, pussycat?
  254. [2018-10-20 18:01] *Syed Hundal gestures to the entire, overgrown bull tethered nearby. The poor, stupid beast has no idea why it was made to take such a long trek! [sub]"Aye. I wrangled this fellow on the way! But, ah, I fear the muzzle will not be prepared for several days time! My merchant friend is a touch busy."[/sub]
  255. [2018-10-20 18:01] Sang: Deep, deep, [i]deep[/i] down, Ari is a kind soul.
  256. [2018-10-20 18:01] Agnoscis Mortem: Nooo
  257. [2018-10-20 18:01] Agnoscis Mortem: that'sa funny joke though
  258. [2018-10-20 18:01] *Syed Hundal ...snaps the fingers on his uninjured hand. [sub]"Do not threaten Joey in my presence! Friend or no, I will not tolerate it!"[/sub]
  259. [2018-10-20 18:02] *I Vucked Up reels! Wehh!
  260. [2018-10-20 18:03] I Vucked Up: [sub]I’ll threaten him later, then[/sub]
  261. [2018-10-20 18:04] *Joey Bites pouts and twitches away, stalking off to curl up in an unoccupied armchair.
  262. [2018-10-20 18:06] Atlach-Nacha: Not even Syed can protect Joey from himself, though.
  263. [2018-10-20 18:06] *Syed Hundal [b]tries so hard.[/b]
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