
Docro Issues

Jan 23rd, 2021
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  1. [19:45] Natasha is foregone in pursuit of Zeno, things more important to the Docro were at hand. The hostile display was spectated with a static portrait. Dominik's eyes flitted about watching the two magi desperately try to mangle each other.
  3. In his lap, a black cat had rest herself, removing herself only near the conclusion of the fight. With a grand finale, Natasha was downed, spouting cries of vengeance as was customary between magi after such duels.
  5. Still, hands in pockets, he approaches. "Looks like someone else was trying to capture you. Makes me wonder if that ever gets old."
  7. He'd comment as she was carried away for medical attention. Though the golden-blue eyes would focus on Zeno's face.
  9. "There's something I been meaning to ask you. I found a letter from you to Pep, and I haven't seen her in a bit."
  11. His gaze narrows, dull as ever. "What do you know about that?"
  12. (Dominik pyr Docro)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [19:53] The boy's mana continued to burn bright as he shifted to look at Dominik. Hearing the words that left his mouth his aura didn't die down at all. Or at least it took a moment before it did. As his gun slithered up his arm. His armor fading from his body.
  17. "Yes, its gotten old ever seen the first person who tried it. --Only now I combat them."
  19. Its a constant struggle. However it was something he was always forced to deal with. On a regular basis.
  21. "You tend to get use to it."
  23. He said just before he now aimed to speak about the letter he brought up. Oh which one did that idiotic rat leave behind now. It was ANOTHER constant thing to deal with. Her mistake of letters left about, apparently all over Esshar.
  25. "I'm not sure which one of the plethora she's left about... however before another person attempts to attack me. Shall we head inside a residence? Would be much better that way over all. I don't think you want to be around a wanted and suspected murderer in public."
  27. Zeno said with a smile. Like he was proud of it at this point.
  28. (Zeno Laskaris)
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [20:01] His cloak is opened, removing a thick and quality cigar from the innards before placing it to his lips. A lighter followed suit, burning the end to set it alight. Stuffing the lighter back into his pockets, he'd pull the cigar from his lips, smoke spilling out as a result.
  33. "No need to worry, you're with me now. No one will be able to attack you. Otherwise, you'd have been attacked at the meeting earlier."
  35. He glances to the youth, another drag of the cigar taken before he'd speak again. "Let's stick to the topic at hand, you know how I operate."
  37. He'd roll his neck, "Peppy. Where is she? I've been to her place several times since our last talk. I found the letter which links her lastly to you."
  39. He'd shrug, "So?"
  40. (Dominik pyr Docro)
  41. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. [20:08] "I can assure you it wouldn't matter. If I'm with you or not. It was the crowd. It would be idiotic to attack in such a situation. Still I guess we can speak here."
  45. He hums faintly shifting around. As he was wondering how to really put this. If he wanted to sugarcoat it, tell it straight, or even lie to him a bit. Actually he decides for now it may be better to do the latter. At least until he heals fully.
  47. "You see. I assisted her with faking her death like we spoke about before. Since apparently whatever you wanted her to do didn't work out. She wanted to fully cut ties with us. So that she didn't need to deal with everything that I've been handling. It was a wise decision to be honest."
  49. The boy reached up and rubbed the base of his chin. Before adding on...
  51. "The plan was to get a non-magi Razuka and with my magick grant her mana. Where she looked like a magi. Made her look like Peppy and boom, I set up a fake death at the academy as per usual. --I've not heard back from her either. I think she may have ran off to another continent. Not sure. --Hope she's okay"
  53. He says with a bit of a downtrodden tone.
  54. (Zeno Laskaris)
  55. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. [20:53] Naturally, as they spoke the youth had little suspicions of anything going wrong between the two. However, as they days passed and he hadn't seen her, his stomach turned. He know her, they spent years together, how long had it been since their every waking moment began and concluded with the sight of each other's face.
  59. In one go it was all shattered, a catalyst to destroy a life he had grown to like, to love, to desire. Zeno perhaps didn't know, but he knew.. He knew Peppy all too well like the back of his hand. At first the story seemed like it could be feasible to the Docro; however, not a single letter had been received that she had succeeded in faking her death?
  61. No location had been given to her whereabouts? She cut all ties to them and fled after being given a second chance? Without him? He knew Zeno was lying, the air that girl breathed revolved around him- something she had admitted when looking death in the face. It wasn't something where she would give up on them so easily.
  63. In silence he stood with a torrent of thoughts running amok in his head. His hands felt cold and his mind blanked for a moment. Did he know? Dominik glanced to Zeno's smiling face. Did Zeno know how he'd been solidified as the killer? Is that what would've caused her to go missing? Beyond that, Zeno confirmed that a Razuka had been killed, made to look like her.
  65. "You..."
  67. More thoughts bombarded his brain as he thought about Peppy, his Peppy.. Laying in a pool of her own blood, dying gruesomely as Ecco had done. Her eyes, removed from her sockets in that same horrific manner, leaving her corpse a mess of its former self.
  69. That was it.. That image in his head was the last straw.
  71. "Zeno you.. Killed her.."
  73. The cigar within his hold dissipated into what seemed to be thin air. Occult magic wafting off his person in rivulets as he stood before Zeno. The smog of dreadful darkness lurching across the ground and through the air.
  75. The twisted aura of pain, anger and grief summons itself without the need to beckon to the boy's consciousness. From the corners of his maw would the same onyx fetid mist drift from his person.
  77. No longer did he resist the draw of the occult, his mind given over to the whispers of the wicked, of the depraved. A raspy tone not befitting that of a young man rolls from the boy's tongue.
  79. "Take it... I don't care anymore."
  81. He'd utter, all his pain and anguish- his mother's death, Peppy being stolen away by Celicia's interruption and now her death as a result of his own incompetence.
  83. All of it swallowed up and manifested into his own twisted and dark vessel, inky black in nature, it births itself from the sorrows of his soul. How muchlonger would he be unable to stop this pain from happening?
  85. In a physical manifestation of his suffering, his guardian took the shape of the origin of his occult. The genesis of his pain, its source.
  87. His mother.. Albeit a twisted and deranged shadow of the original. She hovers over him with contorted claws, eyeing Zeno who'd been the impetus for such a conjuring to occur.
  89. Dominik's gaze, vacant, rests on Zeno. Silently he draws his blade, monstrous in appearance, subject to the draw of the occult he levels the apex of the steel to his face.
  91. "...die."
  92. (Dominik pyr Docro)
  93. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. [21:04] As the boy started to express his anger. The magick that was with in his burst out. His own blue flame ready to protect and burn anything in his way. Nothing will stop him of his wishes. Not even someone that would call him an ally. He grew tired of all people around him. With a sinister smirk across his face, he jumped back. His weapon manifesting in his palm. The sawed-off shotgun he used before. However before he truly aimed to fight, he leaned forward spreading his arms out. Mocking him.
  97. "Fine... fine. I killed her. I ripped her eyes out and is one with my collection. Her body post up like all the other murders. So what of it? --I did what she wanted. She wanted to die. I gave her an outlet. Something that you wouldn't do because you loved it. Its a shame."
  99. He chuckled loading his gun and shooting at the Docro, starting the fight... however he let out a few more words as his snakes slithered into the ground.
  101. "I at least let her go outpeacefully. She didn't feel much pain at all. I can assure you. --Regardless, let out your anger Docro… show me what you can muster when things you want are taken from you."
  103. Zeno rushed him...
  104. (Zeno Laskaris)
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [21:08] {Lost Dangerous RPB against Dominik pyr Docro}
  108. [21:08] ** Dominik pyr Docro has inflicted an injury upon Zeno Laskaris. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  109. [21:29] What felt like a boundless rage enveloped his mind, body and soul, warping his personal reality. The pain he felt anew, it seemed to follow him from beginning to end. The heartache, the anguish, another loss..
  111. It painted his psyche in a horrid nightmare in which he was incapable of waking. His mind had been torn with his grief, his pain usurping any fragments of control he'd clung to. He existed without a care, no matter what happened to himself, to Zeno, in the moment it was no longer important.
  113. As the fight would begin, his usual movement was replaced with something inhuman. The thing that influenced his movements provided him with a brutal skillset. Occult intertwined into every spell that would originate from his finger tips.
  115. He wanted Zeno to feel the same pain, the same suffering he had, that he had caused others. The flowery promises of her painless death meant nothing to him. She was dead, that was it, there was no more to it. The means by which she had died would never change the fact that her grief-stricken face would be the last thing he'd seen when the world turned against her.
  117. As explosions, dark arts and savage swordsmanship bore down on Zeno, he'd soon fall victim to the ivory-haired youth. However, to be defeated wasn't enough, he needed to be hurt, to feel the internal sorrow he'd caused.
  119. Anyone could be touched, harmed- but not someone belonging to him.. Not his family, not his lover.
  121. The blade's tip hovered just above the concrete, the blood from Zeno's wounds dripping onto the pavement. He gazed down, with eyes that held unbound ire.. And sadness..
  123. Tears would trickle down his cheek, though his gaze in contrast, remained vacant. The clawed hand reaches down, raising Zeno by his neck before the Docro.
  125. "Let's play a game.. I know you like games.. Will you survive this one..?"
  127. At the end of his distorted words, dark mana penetrates his skin, pouring into his person, ravaging anything it came into contact with. Until finally, it was no more.
  129. Tossed to the side, he would be left on the pavement.
  131. "If you can still hear us.. The next time we see you.. You're dead.. Get the fuck out of my city."
  133. This time the pain he'd inflicted onto others was afflicted onto him, next time? He'd become a part of his own game.
  134. (Dominik pyr Docro)
  135. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. [21:42] The boy couldn't really hold his own here. As the Docro was almost like a counter to his existence. He couldn't fight him well, thus it forced him to be tossed about the arena. Time and time again. Blood dripping from his body. Coughing up bits of blood from internal injuries dealt to him from the fight. --He did his own fair share against his opponent. Yet not enough to win this bout.
  139. After being cast aside, sliding across the ground. Tumbling a bit even, with scratching against the ground. With each thump he'd let out gasps of air, like he was attempting to chuckle. Whereas once he ceased his movements he stood up. With his grin still present. Even whilst wounded as he was.
  141. "Perhaps I should've tortured her, made her suffer... like I'll do you once I get you. Trust me, this win means little. You have won the battle, but my war is only starting. --Soon Docro, you'll understand why your ignorance will be your ultimate downfall."
  143. He said before metal encased his body. Digging into the brick and he disappeared. With rumbling sounds as if he was shifting beneath the ground being made. It was his way of escaping the scene.
  144. (Zeno Laskaris)
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