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- class PaymentPackage {
- constructor(name, value) {
- = name;
- this.value = value;
- this.VAT = 20; // Default value
- = true; // Default value
- }
- get name() {
- return this._name;
- }
- set name(newValue) {
- if (typeof newValue !== 'string') {
- throw new Error('Name must be a non-empty string');
- }
- if (newValue.length === 0) {
- throw new Error('Name must be a non-empty string');
- }
- this._name = newValue;
- }
- get value() {
- return this._value;
- }
- set value(newValue) {
- if (typeof newValue !== 'number') {
- throw new Error('Value must be a non-negative number');
- }
- if (newValue < 0) {
- throw new Error('Value must be a non-negative number');
- }
- this._value = newValue;
- }
- get VAT() {
- return this._VAT;
- }
- set VAT(newValue) {
- if (typeof newValue !== 'number') {
- throw new Error('VAT must be a non-negative number');
- }
- if (newValue < 0) {
- throw new Error('VAT must be a non-negative number');
- }
- this._VAT = newValue;
- }
- get active() {
- return this._active;
- }
- set active(newValue) {
- if (typeof newValue !== 'boolean') {
- throw new Error('Active status must be a boolean');
- }
- this._active = newValue;
- }
- toString() {
- const output = [
- `Package: ${}` + ( === false ? ' (inactive)' : ''),
- `- Value (excl. VAT): ${this.value}`,
- `- Value (VAT ${this.VAT}%): ${this.value * (1 + this.VAT / 100)}`
- ];
- return output.join('\n');
- }
- };
- // Judge link:
- const assert = require("chai").assert;
- const expect = require("chai").expect;
- // import * as PaymentPackage from "Payment Package func.mjs" module extension must be " .mjs "
- //const PaymentPackage = require("./PaymentPackage");
- describe("Tests for PaymentPackage class", function(){
- let wrongVal = [NaN, {}, null, '', undefined];
- describe("Tests for class name, if obj is instance of class and if all props are in place", function() {
- let myObj = new PaymentPackage("Pesho", 5);
- let className = myObj.constructor.toString().substring(0,20);
- it("should have the same class name", function(){
- assert.equal(className, "class PaymentPackage", "class Name is not the same");
- });
- it("should have all necessary props", function(){
- expect(myObj)"name", "Pesho");
- expect(myObj)"value", 5);
- expect(myObj)"VAT", 20);
- expect(myObj)"active", true);
- });
- it("should have toString method", function() {
- expect(myObj).to.respondTo("toString");
- });
- });
- describe("Tests for name prop setter & getter", function() {
- let myObj = new PaymentPackage("Pesho", 5);
- it("should return the right name", function() {
- assert.equal(, "Pesho", "Name getter is incorrect");
- });
- it("should set the name correctly", function() {
- = "Gencho"
- assert.equal(, "Gencho", "name was not set correctly");
- });
- it("should throw error with incorrect values", function(){
- wrongVal.forEach(val => {
- expect(() => = val).to.throw("Name must be a non-empty string");
- });
- });
- });
- describe("Tests for value prop setter & getter", function() {
- let myObj = new PaymentPackage("Pesho", 5);
- it("should get the value", function() {
- assert.equal(myObj.value, 5, "Value getter is incorrect");
- });
- it("should set the value", function() {
- myObj.value = 6
- assert.equal(myObj.value, 6, "Value getter is incorrect");
- });
- it("should throw error with incorrect values", function() {
- // apparently no one included assertion for NaN.
- [...wrongVal, -1].slice(1).forEach(val => {
- expect(() => myObj.value = val).to.throw("Value must be a non-negative number");
- });
- });
- });
- describe("Tests for VAT prop setter & getter", function() {
- let myObj = new PaymentPackage("Pesho", 5);
- it("should get the VAT", function() {
- assert.equal(myObj.VAT, 20, "VAT getter is incorrect");
- });
- it("should set the VAT", function() {
- myObj.VAT = 6
- assert.equal(myObj.VAT, 6, "VAT setter is incorrect");
- });
- it("should throw error with incorrect values", function() {
- // apparently no one included assertion for NaN.
- [...wrongVal, -1].slice(1).forEach(val => {
- expect(() => myObj.VAT = val).to.throw("VAT must be a non-negative number");
- });
- });
- });
- describe("Tests for active status getter & setter", function() {
- let myObj = new PaymentPackage("Pesho", 5);
- it("getter should work as expected", function(){
- assert(, true, "status getter should work as expected");
- });
- it("should work correct with booleans", function() {
- expect( = false, false, "setter should set false");
- });
- it("should throw error with incorrect values", function(){
- wrongVal.forEach(val => {
- expect(() => = val).to.throw("Active status must be a boolean");
- });
- });
- });
- describe("Tests for toString method", function () {
- let myObj = new PaymentPackage("Pesho", 5);
- it("should work correctly with valid data", function() {
- assert(myObj.toString(),"Package: Pesho\n- Value (excl. VAT): 5\n- Value (VAT 20%): 6",
- "toString does not work correct with valid data");
- = false;
- assert(myObj.toString(),"Package: Pesho inactive\n- Value (excl. VAT): 5\n- Value (VAT 20%): 6",
- "toString does not work correct with valid data");
- });
- });
- });
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