
Cain FFA

Dec 2nd, 2012
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  1. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6766 (98%) 11896w, 27858e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 48 Cain
  2. You say, "Ready?"
  3. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6664 (97%) 11887w, 27873e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 48 Cain
  4. Cain nods his head emphatically.
  5. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6664 (97%) 11887w, 27873e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 48 Cain
  6. (svo): Added 'tht' to the do queue.
  7. Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
  8. You touch your tattoo and a massive, translucent hammer rises up and shatters the magical shield
  9. surrounding Cain.
  10. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6870 (100%) 11879w, 27868e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 48 Cain(smoke 415653)
  11. You take a long drag off your pipe. (8 skullcap left)
  12. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6870 (100%) 11879w, 27868e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 48 Cain
  13. Cain's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
  16. All of Cain's reflections wink out of existence!
  17. Raising his hands to the sky, Cain summons a mighty hailstorm.
  18. Hailstones rain down around you but fail to strike you.
  19. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6860 (99%) 11879w, 27888e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 48 Cain
  20. Cain takes a long drag off his pipe.
  21. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6860 (99%) 11879w, 27888e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 48 Cain
  22. (svo): Added 'axe' to the do queue.
  23. You have recovered equilibrium. (1.9s)
  24. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6860 (99%) 11879w, 27888e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 48 Cain
  25. You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
  26. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6860 (99%) 11879w, 27888e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 48 Cain
  27. You rub some curare on a throwing axe.
  28. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6860 (99%) 11879w, 27888e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 48 Cain
  29. You begin to wield a throwing axe in your left hand.
  30. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6860 (99%) 11879w, 27888e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 48 Cain
  31. A thick conflagration of fire and smoke bursts from Cain's primal ember, protecting him from your
  32. attack.
  33. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6860 (99%) 11879w, 27888e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 48 Cain
  34. You need empty hands to be able to punch, Martial Artist.
  35. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6860 (99%) 11879w, 27888e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 48 Cain
  36. You need empty hands to be able to punch, Martial Artist.
  37. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6860 (99%) 11879w, 27888e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 48 Cain
  38. Cain points an elemental staff at you, and a bolt of lightning cascades out and roars, screaming,
  39. into your body.
  40. H: 4865 (70%), M: 6764 (98%) 11868w, 27900e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 60 Cain(sip health)(transmute
  41. 631)
  42. You take a drink from an oaken vial.
  43. The elixir heals and soothes you.
  44. H: 6500 (94%), M: 6764 (98%) 11868w, 27900e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 60 Cain
  45. You call upon your Kai training and transmute your mana into pure health.
  46. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6133 (89%) 11837w, 27900e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 60 Cain
  47. You cease wielding a throwing axe in your left hand.
  48. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6133 (89%) 11837w, 27900e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 60 Cain
  49. You aren't wielding anything.
  50. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6133 (89%) 11837w, 27900e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 60 Cain
  51. Hailstones rain down around you but fail to strike you.
  52. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6133 (89%) 11837w, 27900e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 60 Cain
  53. (svo): Added 'axe' to the do queue.
  54. You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
  55. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6123 (89%) 11837w, 27900e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 60 Cain
  56. You rub some curare on a throwing axe.
  57. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6123 (89%) 11837w, 27900e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 60 Cain
  58. You begin to wield a throwing axe in your right hand.
  59. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6123 (89%) 11837w, 27900e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 60 Cain
  60. You cock back your arm and throw a throwing axe at Cain.
  61. Cain twists his body out of harm's way.
  62. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6123 (89%) 11837w, 27867e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 60 Cain
  63. You ball up one fist and hammerfist Cain.
  64. Cain twists his body out of harm's way.
  65. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6123 (89%) 11837w, 27852e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 60 Cain
  66. A thick conflagration of fire and smoke bursts from Cain's primal ember, protecting him from your
  67. attack.
  68. H: 6870 (100%), M: 6123 (89%) 11837w, 27852e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 60 Cain
  69. Cain points an elemental staff at you, and a bolt of lightning cascades out and roars, screaming,
  70. into your body.
  71. H: 4865 (70%), M: 6035 (87%) 11811w, 27847e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain(eat irid|outr irid)
  72. You eat some irid moss.
  73. You feel your health and mana replenished.
  74. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11811w, 27847e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  75. You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the Rift to 1674.
  76. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11811w, 27847e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  77. (svo): Added 'axe' to the do queue.
  79. -- 2 SECS TIL REBOUND! --
  80. You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
  84. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27867e 82.6% e|cdbkrTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  85. You have recovered balance on your left arm.
  86. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27867e 82.6% e|cdbkrTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  87. You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
  88. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27867e 82.6% e|cdbkrTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  89. You have recovered balance on all limbs. (3.06s)
  90. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27867e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  91. You pick up a throwing axe.
  92. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27867e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  93. I see no "axe" to take.
  94. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27867e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  95. You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
  96. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27867e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  97. You rub some curare on a throwing axe.
  98. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27867e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  99. You begin to wield a throwing axe in your right hand.
  100. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27867e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  101. Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
  102. You cock back your arm and throw a throwing axe at Cain.
  103. Horror overcomes Cain's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
  104. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27834e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain(smoke 415653)
  105. You ball up one fist and hammerfist Cain.
  106. You connect to the right leg!
  107. right leg at 110/800
  108. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27819e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  109. You ball up one fist and hammerfist Cain.
  110. You connect to the right leg!
  111. right leg at 220/800
  112. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27804e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  113. Hailstones rain down around you but fail to strike you.
  114. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27804e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  115. [Cain ATE BLOODROOT]
  116. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27804e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  117. You take a long drag off your pipe. (8 skullcap left)
  118. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27804e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  119. You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Cain.
  120. -- REBOUNDING UP --
  121. -- REBOUNDING UP --
  122. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27804e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  123. [northeast - Katalyst (1)]
  124. H: 5552 (80%), M: 6722 (97%) 11829w, 27804e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 CainH: 5689 (82%), M: 6870
  125. (100%) 11829w, 27804e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  126. (svo): Added 'axe' to the do queue.
  127. Cain vigorously spins an opaque crystal disc, and it begins to hover in the air.
  128. ---- RETARD ----
  129. ---- RETARD ----
  130. H: 5889 (85%), M: 6669 (97%) 11772w, 27799e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  131. Cain's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
  132. -- REBOUNDING DOWN --
  133. -- REBOUNDING DOWN --
  134. Cain makes a forceful gesture and some crystals embed themselves into the ground.
  135. H: 5889 (85%), M: 6669 (97%) 11772w, 27799e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  136. I don't see that item in your inventory.
  137. H: 5889 (85%), M: 6669 (97%) 11772w, 27799e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  138. I don't see that item in your inventory.
  139. H: 5889 (85%), M: 6669 (97%) 11772w, 27799e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  140. I don't see that item in your inventory.
  141. H: 5889 (85%), M: 6669 (97%) 11772w, 27799e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  142. I don't see that item in your inventory.
  143. H: 5889 (85%), M: 6669 (97%) 11772w, 27799e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  144. I don't see that item in your inventory.
  145. H: 5889 (85%), M: 6669 (97%) 11772w, 27799e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  146. I don't see that item in your inventory.
  147. H: 5889 (85%), M: 6669 (97%) 11772w, 27799e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  148. I don't see that item in your inventory.
  149. H: 5889 (85%), M: 6669 (97%) 11772w, 27799e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  150. I don't see that item in your inventory.
  151. H: 5889 (85%), M: 6669 (97%) 11772w, 27799e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  152. I don't see that item in your inventory.
  153. H: 5889 (85%), M: 6669 (97%) 11772w, 27799e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  154. I don't see that item in your inventory.
  155. H: 5889 (85%), M: 6669 (97%) 11772w, 27799e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  156. Cain takes a long drag off his pipe.
  157. H: 5889 (85%), M: 6669 (97%) 11772w, 27799e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  158. You have recovered balance on your right arm.
  159. You have recovered balance on your left arm.
  160. H: 5889 (85%), M: 6669 (97%) 11790w, 27799e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  161. You have recovered balance on all limbs. (3.117s)
  162. H: 6232 (90%), M: 6669 (97%) 11790w, 27819e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  163. You pick up a throwing axe.
  164. H: 6232 (90%), M: 6669 (97%) 11790w, 27819e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  165. I see no "axe" to take.
  166. H: 6232 (90%), M: 6669 (97%) 11790w, 27819e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  167. You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
  168. H: 6232 (90%), M: 6669 (97%) 11790w, 27819e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  169. You rub some curare on a throwing axe.
  170. H: 6232 (90%), M: 6669 (97%) 11790w, 27819e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  171. You begin to wield a throwing axe in your right hand.
  172. H: 6232 (90%), M: 6669 (97%) 11790w, 27819e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  173. A thick conflagration of fire and smoke bursts from Cain's primal ember, protecting him from your
  174. attack.
  175. H: 6232 (90%), M: 6669 (97%) 11790w, 27819e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  176. You need empty hands to be able to punch, Martial Artist.
  177. H: 6232 (90%), M: 6669 (97%) 11790w, 27819e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  178. You need empty hands to be able to punch, Martial Artist.
  179. H: 6232 (90%), M: 6669 (97%) 11790w, 27819e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  180. You may eat another bit of irid moss or potash.
  181. H: 6232 (90%), M: 6669 (97%) 11790w, 27819e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  182. As the retardation vibration embeds itself, time itself appears to slow.
  183. H: 6232 (90%), M: 6669 (97%) 11790w, 27819e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  184. You move sluggishly into action.
  186. (svo): Slow curing mode enabled.
  188. (svo): (autotsc) - command overrides enabled.
  189. (a) H: 6232 (90%), M: 6669 (97%) 11790w, 27819e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 72 Cain
  190. (svo): Added 'axe' to the do queue.
  191. The sky above grows dark as Cain calls upon powerful magics. Raising his hands balefully, he causes
  192. lightning bolts, the hammer of the storm, to shoot from his hands and slam into you.
  193. (a) H: 3660 (53%), M: 6578 (95%) 11763w, 27814e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain(sip health)
  194. You move sluggishly into action.
  195. (a) H: 3660 (53%), M: 6578 (95%) 11763w, 27814e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  196. You take a drink from an oaken vial.
  197. The elixir heals and soothes you.
  198. (a) H: 5311 (77%), M: 6568 (95%) 11781w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  199. (svo): pausing curing for your commands.
  200. You move sluggishly into action.
  201. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  202. You move sluggishly into action.
  203. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  204. You move sluggishly into action.
  205. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  206. You move sluggishly into action.
  207. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  208. You move sluggishly into action.
  209. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  210. You move sluggishly into action.
  211. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  212. You move sluggishly into action.
  213. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  214. You move sluggishly into action.
  215. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  216. You move sluggishly into action.
  217. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  218. You move sluggishly into action.
  219. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  220. You move sluggishly into action.
  221. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  222. You move sluggishly into action.
  223. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  224. You move sluggishly into action.
  225. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  226. You move sluggishly into action.
  227. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  228. You move sluggishly into action.
  229. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  231. -- 2 SECS TIL REBOUND! --
  232. You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
  236. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  237. You move sluggishly into action.
  238. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  239. You move sluggishly into action.
  240. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  241. You move sluggishly into action.
  242. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  243. You move sluggishly into action.
  244. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  245. You move sluggishly into action.
  246. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6468 (94%) 11751w, 27834e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 96 Cain
  247. You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Cain.
  248. -- REBOUNDING UP --
  249. -- REBOUNDING UP --
  250. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6368 (92%) 11721w, 27829e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  251. Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
  252. You thrust out and batter Cain's mind, making him reel.
  253. --- Batter on Cain ---
  254. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6035 (87%) 11621w, 27829e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  255. (svo): resuming curing.
  256. (smoke 415653)
  257. Jhui gives you the once over.
  258. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6035 (87%) 11639w, 27829e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  259. You move sluggishly into action.
  260. (a) H: 5511 (80%), M: 6035 (87%) 11639w, 27829e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  261. You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
  262. (a) H: 5648 (82%), M: 6368 (92%) 11639w, 27849e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  263. You take a long drag off your pipe. (8 skullcap left)
  264. (a) H: 5648 (82%), M: 6368 (92%) 11639w, 27849e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  265. Cain picks his nose absently.
  266. (a) H: 5648 (82%), M: 6368 (92%) 11639w, 27849e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  267. Cain begins to jerk and shake violently, foaming at the mouth.
  268. (a) H: 5648 (82%), M: 6368 (92%) 11639w, 27849e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  269. You have recovered equilibrium. (3.031s)
  270. (a) H: 6191 (90%), M: 6268 (91%) 11609w, 27849e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  271. (0 - )(svo): pausing curing for your commands.
  272. You move sluggishly into action.
  273. (a) H: 6191 (90%), M: 6268 (91%) 11609w, 27849e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  274. You move sluggishly into action.
  275. (a) H: 6191 (90%), M: 6268 (91%) 11609w, 27849e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  276. You move sluggishly into action.
  277. (a) H: 6191 (90%), M: 6268 (91%) 11609w, 27849e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  278. You move sluggishly into action.
  279. (a) H: 6191 (90%), M: 6268 (91%) 11609w, 27849e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  280. You move sluggishly into action.
  281. (a) H: 6191 (90%), M: 6268 (91%) 11609w, 27849e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  282. You thrust out and batter Cain's mind, making him reel.
  283. --- Batter on Cain ---
  284. (a) H: 6191 (90%), M: 5839 (84%) 11498w, 27844e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  285. (svo): resuming curing.
  286. Cain begins to jerk and shake violently, foaming at the mouth.
  287. (a) H: 6191 (90%), M: 5839 (84%) 11498w, 27864e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  288. You have recovered equilibrium. (2.986s)
  289. (a) H: 6191 (90%), M: 5829 (84%) 11498w, 27864e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  290. (0 - )(svo): pausing curing for your commands.
  291. You move sluggishly into action.
  292. (a) H: 6191 (90%), M: 5745 (83%) 11473w, 27859e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  293. You move sluggishly into action.
  294. (a) H: 6191 (90%), M: 5745 (83%) 11473w, 27859e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  295. You move sluggishly into action.
  296. (a) H: 6191 (90%), M: 5745 (83%) 11473w, 27859e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  297. You move sluggishly into action.
  298. (a) H: 6191 (90%), M: 5745 (83%) 11473w, 27859e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  299. You move sluggishly into action.
  300. (a) H: 6191 (90%), M: 5745 (83%) 11473w, 27859e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  301. Cain begins to jerk and shake violently, foaming at the mouth.
  302. (a) H: 6391 (93%), M: 5645 (82%) 11461w, 27879e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  303. You quickly attack Cain's mind from multiple directions, upsetting his equilibrium.
  304. --- Disrupt on Cain ---
  305. (a) H: 6391 (93%), M: 5579 (81%) 11441w, 27879e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  306. (svo): resuming curing.
  307. You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
  311. (a) H: 6391 (93%), M: 5579 (81%) 11441w, 27879e 82.6% x|cdbkrTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  312. You have recovered equilibrium. (3.002s)
  313. (a) H: 6528 (95%), M: 5820 (84%) 11413w, 27874e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  314. (0 - )(svo): pausing curing for your commands.
  315. You move sluggishly into action.
  316. (a) H: 6528 (95%), M: 5820 (84%) 11431w, 27874e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  317. You move sluggishly into action.
  318. (a) H: 6528 (95%), M: 5820 (84%) 11431w, 27874e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  319. You move sluggishly into action.
  320. (a) H: 6528 (95%), M: 5820 (84%) 11431w, 27874e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  321. You move sluggishly into action.
  322. (a) H: 6528 (95%), M: 5820 (84%) 11431w, 27874e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  323. You move sluggishly into action.
  324. (a) H: 6528 (95%), M: 5820 (84%) 11431w, 27874e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 86 Cain
  325. Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
  326. You raise your arms above your head, allowing Kai energy to congregate between your outstretched
  327. palms.
  328. You thrust your palms forward and a stream of blue light crackles forth to strike out at Cain.
  329. Snapping sounds echo through the air as your crippled victim sinks to the floor.
  330. --- Cripple on Cain ---
  331. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5820 (84%) 11431w, 27894e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  332. (svo): resuming curing.
  333. (smoke 415653)
  334. You move sluggishly into action.
  335. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5820 (84%) 11431w, 27894e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  336. You take a long drag off your pipe. (8 skullcap left)
  337. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5820 (84%) 11431w, 27894e 82.6% x|cdbkTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  338. You have recovered equilibrium. (2.95s)
  339. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5726 (83%) 11424w, 27889e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  340. (0 - )(0 - )(0 - )
  341. Cain gives up a round of applause.
  342. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5726 (83%) 11424w, 27900e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  343. (0 - )(0 - )
  344. Cain begins to jerk and shake violently, foaming at the mouth.
  345. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5726 (83%) 11424w, 27900e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  346. (0 - )(svo): pausing curing for your commands.
  347. (0 - )
  348. You move sluggishly into action.
  349. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5636 (82%) 11397w, 27895e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  350. You move in towards Cain for the backbreaker.
  351. You lift Cain triumphantly into the air, then yank him down into your raised knee with back breaking
  352. force.
  353. --- BBT on Cain ---
  354. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5636 (82%) 11415w, 27850e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  355. (svo): resuming curing.
  356. Jhui gives Cain the once over.
  357. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5969 (86%) 11415w, 27850e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  358. You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
  362. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5969 (86%) 11415w, 27850e 82.6% e|cdbkrTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  363. (svo): pausing curing for your commands.
  364. You move sluggishly into action.
  365. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5882 (85%) 11389w, 27845e 82.6% e|cdbkrTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  366. You have recovered balance on your legs.
  367. You have recovered balance on your right arm.
  368. You have recovered balance on your left arm. (3.902s)
  369. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5882 (85%) 11407w, 27865e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  370. Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
  371. You move in towards Cain for the backbreaker.
  372. You lift Cain triumphantly into the air, then yank him down into your raised knee with back breaking
  373. force.
  374. --- BBT on Cain ---
  375. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5882 (85%) 11407w, 27815e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  376. (svo): resuming curing.
  377. (smoke 415653)
  378. You move sluggishly into action.
  379. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5882 (85%) 11407w, 27815e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  380. You take a long drag off your pipe. (8 skullcap left)
  381. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5870 (85%) 11406w, 27815e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  382. Jhui gives Cain the once over.
  383. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5870 (85%) 11406w, 27815e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 45 Cain
  384. You have recovered balance on your legs.
  385. You have recovered balance on your right arm.
  386. You have recovered balance on your left arm. (3.895s)
  387. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5777 (84%) 11396w, 27830e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 35 Cain
  388. (0 - )(svo): pausing curing for your commands.
  389. You move sluggishly into action.
  390. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5777 (84%) 11396w, 27830e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 35 Cain
  391. You move in towards Cain for the backbreaker.
  392. You lift Cain triumphantly into the air, then yank him down into your raised knee with back breaking
  393. force.
  394. --- BBT on Cain ---
  395. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 5777 (84%) 11396w, 27780e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 35 Cain
  396. (svo): resuming curing.
  397. Jhui gives Cain the once over.
  398. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 6110 (88%) 11396w, 27780e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 35 Cain
  399. Cain begins to jerk and shake violently, foaming at the mouth.
  400. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 6016 (87%) 11386w, 27795e 82.6% e|cdbkTScorpNL- 35 Cain
  401. You have recovered balance on your legs.
  402. You have recovered balance on your right arm.
  403. You have recovered balance on your left arm. (3.972s)
  404. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 6016 (87%) 11386w, 27795e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 35 Cain
  405. (0 - )(svo): pausing curing for your commands.
  406. You move sluggishly into action.
  407. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 6016 (87%) 11386w, 27795e 82.6% ex|cdbkTScorpNL- 35 Cain
  408. You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
  412. (a) H: 6870 (100%), M: 6016 (87%) 11386w, 27795e 82.6% ex|cdbkrTScorpNL- 35 Cain
  413. Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
  414. You move in towards Cain for the backbreaker.
  415. You lift Cain triumphantly into the air, then yank him down into your raised knee with back breaking
  416. force.
  417. --- BBT on Cain ---
  418. With a sickening crunch and cry of pure agony, Cain's head lolls aimlessly far too far to one side.
  419. Cain collapses into such an undignified sprawl that you realise that the throw did indeed snap the
  420. spine like a dry twig.
  421. You have slain Cain.
  422. --- TARGET KILLED ---
  423. Cain leaves to the ether.
  424. Cain has left the area.
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