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a guest
Mar 24th, 2017
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  1. config_description=
  2. config_hardware=true
  3. config_host=true
  4. config_version=2.8.1
  5. pandora.rom_path=/recalbox/share/emulateurs/amiga/uae4arm/kickstarts/
  6. pandora.floppy_path=/recalbox/share/emulateurs/amiga/uae4arm/disks/
  7. pandora.hardfile_path=/recalbox/share/roms/amiga/
  8. ; host-specific
  9. pandora.blitter_in_partial_mode=0
  10. pandora.cpu_speed=600
  11. ; controls
  12. joyport0=mouse
  13. joyport0autofire=none
  14. joyport0mode=mouse
  15. joyportname0=MOUSE0
  16. joyport1=joy0
  17. joyport1autofire=normal
  18. joyport1mode=djoy
  19. joyportname1=JOY1
  20. input.mouse_speed=100
  21. input.autofire_speed=0
  22. button_for_menu=2
  23. button_for_quit=3
  24. ; common
  25. use_gui=no
  26. use_debugger=false
  27. kickstart_rom_file=$(FILE_PATH)/kick31.rom
  28. kickstart_ext_rom_file=
  29. floppy0=
  30. floppy0type=0
  31. floppy0sound=0
  32. floppy1=
  33. floppy1type=-1
  34. floppy1sound=0
  35. floppy2=
  36. floppy2type=-1
  37. floppy2sound=0
  38. floppy3=
  39. floppy3type=-1
  40. floppy3sound=0
  41. nr_floppies=1
  42. floppy_speed=800
  43. floppy_volume=0
  44. scsi=false
  45. sound_output=exact
  46. sound_bits=16
  47. sound_channels=stereo
  48. sound_stereo_separation=7
  49. sound_stereo_mixing_delay=0
  50. sound_frequency=44100
  51. sound_interpol=none
  52. sound_filter=off
  53. sound_filter_type=standard
  54. sound_volume=0
  55. sound_auto=yes
  56. cachesize=0
  57. synchronize_clock=yes
  58. gfx_framerate=0
  59. gfx_width=640
  60. gfx_height=256
  61. gfx_width_windowed=640
  62. gfx_height_windowed=256
  63. gfx_width_fullscreen=640
  64. gfx_height_fullscreen=256
  65. gfx_refreshrate=0
  66. gfx_vsync=true
  67. gfx_lores=false
  68. gfx_resolution=hires
  69. gfx_correct_aspect=true
  70. gfx_center_horizontal=simple
  71. gfx_center_vertical=simple
  72. immediate_blits=false
  73. fast_copper=true
  74. ntsc=false
  75. show_leds=false
  76. chipset=aga
  77. collision_level=playfields
  78. a1000ram=false
  79. fastmem_size=8
  80. z3mem_size=64
  81. z3mem_start=0x1000000
  82. bogomem_size=0
  83. gfxcard_size=0
  84. chipmem_size=4
  85. cpu_speed=max
  86. cpu_type=68040
  87. cpu_model=68040
  88. fpu_model=68040
  89. cpu_compatible=false
  90. cpu_24bit_addressing=false
  91. rtg_nocustom=true
  92. filesystem2=rw,DH0:DH0:/recalbox/share/ram/,0
  93. uaehf0=dir,rw,DH0:DH0:/recalbox/share/ram/,0
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