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a guest
May 6th, 2019
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  1. command:
  2. help:
  3. output:
  4. usage: '&7Použitie: &c%usage%'
  5. cmdInfoFormat: '[command] &7- &7[description]'
  6. cmdFormat: '&c/[command]&c[arguments]'
  7. helpPageDescription: '&c* [description]'
  8. explanation: '&c * [explanation]'
  9. title: '&8■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ &cNápoveda systémového pluginu &8■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■'
  10. nocmd:
  11. help:
  12. info: '&7Ukáže dostupné príkazy'
  13. args: ''
  14. actionbarmsg:
  15. help:
  16. info: '&7Pošle správu hráčovi do ActionBaru'
  17. args: '[Meno/All] [Správa]'
  18. info:
  19. message: '&c&l[message]'
  20. afk:
  21. help:
  22. info: '&7Prepínanie AFK módu. Môže byť použitý dôvod'
  23. args: (-p:Hráč) (Dôvod)
  24. afkcheck:
  25. help:
  26. info: '&7Zistí AFK status hráča'
  27. args: '[Hráč]'
  28. info:
  29. feedback: '&7Status hráča &c[playerDisplayName]&7je: &c[status]'
  30. feedbackInactive: '&7Neaktívny po dobu &c[time]'
  31. feedbackReason: '&7Dôvod: &c[reason]'
  32. air:
  33. help:
  34. info: '&7Zadá hráčovi vzuch'
  35. args: '[Hráč] [Hodnota]'
  36. info:
  37. feedback: '&7Zadal si &c[amount]&7 vzduchu pre hráča &c[playerName]&8 [&c[offon]&8]&7.'
  38. targetFeedback: '&7Tvoj vzduch bol zadaný na &c[amount]&7 hráčom &c[senderDisplayName]&7.'
  39. current: '&7Aktuálny vzuch hráča &c[playerDisplayName] &7je: &c[amount]'
  40. alert:
  41. help:
  42. info: '&7Upozorní Administrátorov pri pripojení hráča.'
  43. args: '[Hráč] (Dôvod)'
  44. explanation:
  45. - '&7Oprávnenie:'
  46. - '& &7- pre videnie upozornení po pripojení hráča'
  47. info:
  48. inform:
  49. - '&8■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ &c&lUPOZORNENIE &8■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■'
  50. - '&8■ &7Hráč &c[name] &7sa práve pripojil.'
  51. reason: '&7Dôvod varovania: &c[reason]'
  52. removed: '&c[playerDisplayName] &7bol vymazaný z listu upozornenia.'
  53. added: '&7Upozorňujúca správa bude odoslaná všetkým Administrátorom, ak sa hráč &c[playerDisplayName] &7pripojí v nasledujúcich 24 hodinách.'
  54. online: '&7Hráč &c[playerDisplayName] &7už je online.'
  55. aliaseditor:
  56. help:
  57. info: '&7Alias editor'
  58. args: (Nový alias) (Alias-príkaz)
  59. info:
  60. ListNumber: '&c[number].'
  61. aliasName: ' &c[alias] '
  62. commandList: ' &c/[command] '
  63. commandListDelay: ' &c[command] '
  64. permReq: '&7Vyžaduje oprávnenie: &c[state]'
  65. permReqExplanation: '&7Vyžaduje oprávnenie &ccmi.customalias.[alias] &7pre použitie.'
  66. addAliasInfo: '&7Zadaj nový alias. Napíš &cCancel &7pre zrušenie.'
  67. addInfo: '&7Zadaj nový príkaz. Napíš &cCancel &7pre zrušenie.'
  68. addInformationHover: "&7Global variables supported as of sender category \n\
  69. &cdelay! 5 &7to include delay in commands \n&c$1 &7will take provided variable\
  70. \ by new command and will place in that place \n&c$1- &7takes all variables\
  71. \ from this point and inserts into original commands \n&c? &7makes it valid\
  72. \ when using any last variable. For Help page usage\n&cfromConsole! will perform\
  73. \ command from console"
  74. editInfo: '&7Klikni pre zadanie starého textu. Napíš &cCancel &7pre zrušenie akcie. Napíš &cRemove &7pre vymazanie riadku.'
  75. armorstand:
  76. help:
  77. info: '&7Otvorí armor stand editor.'
  78. args: (last/near)
  79. info:
  80. cantClick: '&7Toto nemôžeš urobiť. Tento armorstand už niekto edituje.'
  81. tooFar: '&7Armorstand je príliš ďaleko.'
  82. coordX: '&cX'
  83. coordY: '&cY'
  84. coordZ: '&cZ'
  85. body: '&7Rotácia tela: &c[amount]'
  86. head: '&7Hlava &c[coord]&7: &c[amount]'
  87. torso: '&7Trup &c[coord]&7: &c[amount]'
  88. leftArm: '&7Ľavá ruka &c[coord]&7: &c[amount]'
  89. rightArm: '&7Pravá ruka &c[coord]&7: &c[amount]'
  90. leftLeg: '&7Ľavá noha &c[coord]&7: &c[amount]'
  91. rightLeg: '&7Pravá noha &c[coord]&7: &c[amount]'
  92. pos: '&7Pozícia &c[coord]&7: &c[amount]'
  93. plate: '&7Podstavec'
  94. size: '&7Malý'
  95. visible: '&7Viditeľný'
  96. arms: '&7Viditeľné ruky'
  97. gravity: '&7Gravitácia'
  98. glow: '&7Svietivosť'
  99. invulnerable: '&7Nezničiteľný'
  100. name: '&7Viditeľné meno'
  101. interactable: '&7Nemodifikovateľný'
  102. explanation: '&7Ľavým alebo pravým klikom myše nastavíš hodnotu.'
  103. explanation2: '&7Drž shift na to, aby si to spravil 10x rýchlejšie.'
  104. attachcommand:
  105. help:
  106. info: '&7Pridá príkaz na item'
  107. args: '[Príkaz/-clear]'
  108. explanation:
  109. - Oddeľ príkazy týmto: ;;
  110. - Môžeš definovať príkazy na ľavý alebo pravý klik s týmyto hodnotami
  111. - '&c!left! &7pre zadanie príkazu pri ľavom kliknutí myše'
  112. - '&c!right! &7pre zadanie príkazu pri pravom kliknutí myše'
  113. - '&c!limiteduse:[amount]! &7Definuje koľko krát môžeš použiť tento item.'
  114. - '&c!cc! &7Zadá príkazy z konzole, vyžaduje oprávnenie &'
  115. - '&c!cooldownn:[amount]! &7Pridá časovač na predmet'
  116. - '&c[interactedPlayer] &7Zadaj, pokiaľ chceš príkaz preniesť na iného hráča'
  117. - '&7Globálne možnosti pracujú s použitím &c[itemUses]'
  118. info:
  119. list: ' &c[id]. &c[cmd]'
  120. noCmds: '&7Na tomto predmete nie sú žiadne príkazy.'
  121. uses: '&7Použitia predmetu: &c[amount]'
  122. usesLeft: '!actionbar!&7Zostávajúce použitia predmetu: &c[itemUses]'
  123. cooldown: '&7Item budeš môcť použiť o&c [time]'
  124. back:
  125. help:
  126. info: '&7Teleportuje späť na poslednú uloženú lokáciu.'
  127. args: (Hráč) (-s)
  128. info:
  129. noinfo: '&7Nie je žiadna lokácia, kde by si sa mohol vrátiť.'
  130. feedback: '&7Vrátil si sa na poslednú uloženú lokáciu. &c[worldName]&e7,&c [x]&7,&c [y]&7,&c [z]&7.'
  131. balance:
  132. help:
  133. info: '&7Zistí peniaze hráča'
  134. args: (Hráč)
  135. info:
  136. balance: '&7Tvoje peniaze: &c[money]&7.'
  137. balanceOther: '&7Peniaze hráča &c[playerDisplayName] &7sú: &c[money]&7.'
  138. baltop:
  139. help:
  140. info: '&7Zistí TOP hráčov v peniazoch.'
  141. args: (Hráč)
  142. info:
  143. topLine: '&8■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ &c&lPENIAZE &7■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■'
  144. topLineHover: '&7Celkový majetok servera: &c[total]'
  145. list: '&c[place]. &7Hráč &c[playerDisplayName]&7 Peniaze: &c[balance]'
  146. ownLine: '&c[place]. &7Hráč &a[playerDisplayName]&7 Peniaze: &c[balance]'
  147. recalculating: '&7Peniaze sa spočítavajú, prosím chvíľu počkaj a vyskúšaj to znova.'
  148. ban:
  149. help:
  150. info: '&eBan player'
  151. args: '[playerName] (reason) (-s)'
  152. explanation:
  153. - cmi.command.ban.bypass - to bypass ban
  154. info:
  155. message: '&cYou are banned from this server!'
  156. reason: '&6Reason: &e[reason]'
  157. defaultReason: '&eViolated server rules'
  158. messageToAll: '&6[playerDisplayName] &egot banned by &6[senderDisplayName] &efor:
  159. &6[reason]'
  160. banedSilent: '&7[&8Silent&7]&6[playerDisplayName] &egot banned by &6[senderDisplayName]
  161. &efor: &6[reason]'
  162. noSelfBan: '&cYou can''t ban yourself'
  163. cantBan: '&cYou can''t ban this player'
  164. blockcycling:
  165. help:
  166. info: '&7Cyklácia blokov'
  167. args: ''
  168. blockinfo:
  169. help:
  170. info: '&7Zistiť informácie o bloku'
  171. args: ''
  172. info:
  173. Info: ' &7ID: &c[id][data] &7Materiál: &c[name][ndata]'
  174. RealName: ' &7Reálne meno: &c[name]'
  175. TempLight: ' &7Teplota: &c[temp]&7, Svetlo - blok: &c[blevel]&7, Výška: &c[slevel]&7, Celkovo: &c[level]'
  176. Resistance: ' &7Odpor - Ťažba: &c[mining]&7, Explózia: &c[explosion]'
  177. noteBlock: ' &7Tón: &c[tone] &7Oktáva: &c[octave] &7Nástroj: &c[instrument] &6Stúpanie: &c[pitch]'
  178. BlockState: ' &7[state]: &c[value]'
  179. blocknbt:
  180. help:
  181. info: '&7Ukáže NBT informácie o bloku'
  182. args: ''
  183. info:
  184. noNbt: '&7Blok neobsahuje žiadne NBT dáta'
  185. book:
  186. help:
  187. info: '&7Editovanie knihy'
  188. args: '[Author/Title/Unlock] [Hodnota]'
  189. info:
  190. noitem: '&7Nedržíš žiadny item v ruke.'
  191. notBook: '&7Item nie je napísaná kniha.'
  192. wrongValue: '&7Item nie je uzatvorená napísaná kniha.'
  193. inccorectAction: '&7Nesprávna akcia.'
  194. authorChanged: '&7Autor zmenený na: &c[author]'
  195. titleChanged: '&7Meno zmenené na: &c[title]'
  196. unlocked: '&7Kniha bola odomknutá.'
  197. bossbarmsg:
  198. help:
  199. info: '&7Odošle správu hráčovi do BossBaru'
  200. args: '[Hráč/all] (-sec:[Sekúnd])(-t:[Čas, ktorý ostane]) (-n:Meno BossBaru)
  201. (-p:[maxValue/current]) (-c:[Farba]) (-s:[1,6,10,12,20]) (-cmd:"command;;command2")
  202. (-a:[ticks]) [Správa]'
  203. explanation:
  204. - '&7PlaceHolderAPI is supported for progression and text it self'
  205. - '&7Time is defined in regular way, like 1s is one second and 1m is one minute.'
  206. This will determine for how long to keep bar shown for player before automatically
  207. hiding'
  208. - '&7nameOfBar is option and when defining same one, then current bar will update
  209. with new information'
  210. - '&7olors can be: red, green, pink, purple, white, yellow'
  211. - '&7max and current values determines bar fillup, PlaceHolderAPI variables can
  212. be used for dynamic updates'
  213. - 'Examples:'
  214. - '&c/cmi bossbar Zrips BossBarTitle'
  215. - '&c/cmi bossbarmsg all -t:1s -p:%server_max_players%/%server_online% -n:testbar
  216. -c:red &2Title of bar %server_online%/%server_max_players% &e%cmi_user_name%'
  217. - '&c/cmi bossbarmsg all -p:+1 -n:testbar &7- will add one percent towards current
  218. progresion bar by name'
  219. - '&c/cmi bossbarmsg all -p:-1 -n:testbar &7- will take out one percent from current
  220. progresion bar by name'
  221. - '&c/cmi bossbarmsg all -s:10 -n:testbar &7- will set bossbar style to 10 segments
  222. by bar name'
  223. - '&c/cmi bossbarmsg all -sec:5 &7- will count for 5 seconds from 0 to 5'
  224. - '&c/cmi bossbarmsg all -sec:-5 &7- will count for 5 seconds from 5 to 0'
  225. - '&c'
  226. broadcast:
  227. help:
  228. info: '&7Odošle špeciálnu správu pre všetkých hráčov.'
  229. args: (!) [Správa] (-w:[Svet,Svet])
  230. explanation:
  231. - '&7Pokiaľ správa začína so znakom &c!&7, ukáže sa prázdna správa.'
  232. - '&7Môžu byť zadané svety, kde sa bude zobrazovať správa.'
  233. info:
  234. format: '&cSystem &8&l|| &7[message]'
  235. info: '&eDismount any entity riding you'
  236. args: ''
  237. explanation:
  238. - ''
  239. info:
  240. shaked: '&eYou have shaken off: &6[entity]'
  241. nothing: '&eNothing to shake off'
  242. shoot:
  243. help:
  244. info: '&eShoot projectile'
  245. args: (playerName) (-t:targetPlayer) (type) (speed)
  246. signspy:
  247. help:
  248. info: '&eToggle sign spy'
  249. args: (playerName)
  250. explanation:
  251. - cmi.command.signspy.hide - Hides created signs from signspy
  252. info:
  253. text: '&5Sign&2Spy&7[&8[senderDisplayName]&7]&7: &f[text]'
  254. toggled: '&eSign spy toggled to &6[state] &estate'
  255. silence:
  256. help:
  257. info: '&eBlocks public messages'
  258. args: ''
  259. explanation:
  260. - cmi.command.silence.bypass - to bypass silence
  261. info:
  262. enabled: '&eSilence mode &2Enabled'
  263. disabled: '&eSilence mode &cDisabled'
  264. inMode: '&ePlayer is in silence mode'
  265. silentchest:
  266. help:
  267. info: '&eToggles silent chest'
  268. args: ''
  269. explanation:
  270. - '&ePlayers arround you wont see chest opening animation when you opening chest'
  271. - '&eProtocollib required for this feature to work.'
  272. info:
  273. feedback: '&eYou toggled silent chest mode to &3[offon].'
  274. onOpen: '&eOpening chest, silently.'
  275. sit:
  276. help:
  277. info: '&eSit in your position'
  278. args: ''
  279. info:
  280. onSit: '!actionbar!&eYou are sitting now'
  281. onStandUp: '!actionbar!&eYou are no longer sitting'
  282. accupied: '!actionbar!&cSomeone is sitting here already!'
  283. skin:
  284. help:
  285. info: '&eChanges players skin'
  286. args: '[skinName/off/update] (playerName)'
  287. info:
  288. changed: '&eChanged skin to &6[skinOwner] &elook'
  289. failed: '&eFailed to apply skin'
  290. resetSteve: '&eRemoved skin'
  291. reset: '&eApplied default skin'
  292. update: '&eUpdated skin'
  293. smite:
  294. help:
  295. burn:
  296. help:
  297. info: '&7Zapáliť hráča'
  298. args: (Hráč) (Čas) (-s)
  299. info:
  300. feedback: '&7Zapálil si hráča &c[playerDisplayName]&7 na čas &c[time]7. &8[&c[offon]&8]&7.'
  301. targetfeedback: '&7Bol si zapálený hráčom &c[senderDisplayName]&7 na &c[time]&7.'
  302. charges:
  303. help:
  304. info: '&eShows left spawner charges'
  305. args: '[playerName] [add/set/take/clear/reset] (-f)'
  306. info:
  307. charges: '&e* Charges: &6[current]&e/&6[max] [bypass]'
  308. cd: '&e* CD: &6[cdtime] &eNext in: &6[time]'
  309. bypass: '&6(Bypass)'
  310. allUsed: '&eAll charges used! Next in [time]'
  311. noGroup: '&eDon''t have assigned charge group'
  312. cantBreak: '&eYou can''t break until you will have assigned charge group'
  313. minusCd: '&e Minus &6[sec]&esec on spawner charge cooldown'
  314. add: '&eAdded &6[amount] &espawner charges for &6[playerDisplayName]'
  315. set: '&eSet &6[amount] &espawner charges for &6[playerDisplayName]'
  316. clear: '&eCleared all spawner charges for &6[playerDisplayName]'
  317. reset: '&eReset spawner charge group for &6[playerDisplayName]'
  318. take: '&eTook &6[amount] &espawner charges from &6[playerDisplayName]'
  319. chat:
  320. help:
  321. info: '&eChat with target player through public messages'
  322. args: '[playerName/off]'
  323. info:
  324. toggledOn: '&ePersistent chat have been started with &6[playerDisplayName]&e.
  325. You can now write messages in public chat.'
  326. toggledOff: '&eToggled of Persistent chat'
  327. toggle: '&6[playerDisplayName] &ewants to enable persistent chat with you'
  328. checkaccount:
  329. help:
  330. info: '&eSearch for a players other accounts'
  331. args: (playerName/ip)
  332. explanation:
  333. - 'Extra permission: cmi.command.checkaccount.showip'
  334. info:
  335. place: '&e[place]. &6'
  336. ip: '&6[ip]&e: '
  337. name: '&6[name]&e(&6[times]&e)'
  338. nonIpList: '&eAccounts: &6'
  339. nonIpName: '&6[name]'
  340. click: '&eClick to check &6[name] &eaccount'
  341. noData: '&cThere is no records for this user'
  342. checkban:
  343. help:
  344. info: '&eCheck players ban status'
  345. args: (playerName)
  346. info:
  347. list: '&6[place]&e. &e[playerDisplayName] &6[time]'
  348. permanent: '&3Permanent'
  349. bannedUntil: '&eBanned for: &6[time]'
  350. reason: '&eReason: &6[reason]'
  351. bannedBy: '&eBanned by: &6[sourceDisplayName]'
  352. bannedWhen: '&eBanned at: &6[date]'
  353. checkcommand:
  354. help:
  355. info: '&eSearch for possible commands by keyword'
  356. args: (key word)
  357. info:
  358. list: '&e[place]. &f[command] &7[args]'
  359. hover: '&e[desc]'
  360. variableColor: '&f'
  361. checkexp:
  362. help:
  363. info: '&eCheck players exp'
  364. args: (playerName)
  365. info:
  366. current: '&eLevel: &6[currentLevel] &eExp: &6[levelExp] &eTotal exp: &6[exp]'
  367. need: '&eNeed exp until next level: &6[missingExp]'
  368. checkperm:
  369. help:
  370. info: '&eCheck possible permission nodes'
  371. args: (key word)
  372. info:
  373. list: '&e[place]. [permission]'
  374. hover: '&e[desc]'
  375. permissionColor: '&6'
  376. cmdPermissionColor: '&2'
  377. variableColor: '&f'
  378. noPermissionFound: '&7No permissions found by this keyword'
  379. cheque:
  380. help:
  381. info: '&eConvert money into check'
  382. args: (playerName) [amount]
  383. info:
  384. transfered: '&eTransfered &6[amount] &eto your account. New balance: &6[balance]'
  385. chequeName: '&eCheque for &6[amount]'
  386. chequeLore:
  387. - '&r&fIssued by &7[senderDisplayName]'
  388. - '&r&fRight click to deposit'
  389. holdPaper: '&eHold paper in your hand'
  390. cantUse: '&eCan''t use this piece of paper. It is a cheque already!'
  391. clear:
  392. help:
  393. info: '&eClear players inventory'
  394. args: (playerName) (item(-amount)) (-s)
  395. info:
  396. feedback: '&eYou have cleared &3[playerDisplayName]&e inventory (&3[offon]&e).'
  397. targetfeedback: '&eYour inventory was cleared by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  398. confirm: '&7Click to confirm inventory clear up. &cAll items will be removed!'
  399. clearchat:
  400. help:
  401. info: '&eClears chat'
  402. args: (self)
  403. explanation:
  404. - 'Permission:'
  405. - ' &6cmi.command.clearchat.bypass &e- to ignore chat cleaning'
  406. info:
  407. information: '&eChat was cleared by &6[senderDisplayName]'
  408. clearender:
  409. help:
  410. info: '&eClear players ender chest'
  411. args: '[playerName] (-s)'
  412. info:
  413. feedback: '&eYou have cleared &3[playerDisplayName]&e ender chest (&3[offon]&e).'
  414. targetfeedback: '&eYour ender chest was cleared by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  415. colorlimits:
  416. help:
  417. info: '&eShows all posible colors'
  418. args: (playerName)
  419. info:
  420. publicmessage: ' &ePublic: '
  421. privatemessage: ' &ePrivate: '
  422. nickname: ' &eNickName: '
  423. signs: ' &eSigns: '
  424. books: ' &eBooks: '
  425. me: ' &eMe: '
  426. None: '&e-'
  427. colors:
  428. help:
  429. info: '&eShows all posible colors'
  430. args: (playerName)
  431. info:
  432. List:
  433. - '&e***************************************'
  434. - ' &0&%0 &1&%1 &2&%2 &3&%3 &4&%4 &5&%5 &6&%6 &7&%7'
  435. - ' &8&%8 &9&%9 &a&%a &b&%b &c&%c &d&%d &e&%e &f&%f'
  436. - ' &%k - &kMagic&r &%l - &lBold'
  437. - ' &%m - &mStrike&r &%n - &nUline'
  438. - ' &%o - &oItalic&r &%r - &rReset'
  439. - '&e***************************************'
  440. commandspy:
  441. help:
  442. info: '&eToggle command spy'
  443. args: (playerName) (-s)
  444. explanation:
  445. - cmi.command.commandspy.hide - Hides performed commands from commandspy
  446. info:
  447. command: '&5C&2Spy&7[&8[senderDisplayName]&7]&7: &f[command]'
  448. toggled: '&eCommand spy toggled to &6[state] &estate'
  449. compass:
  450. help:
  451. info: '&eSet players compass point to your location'
  452. args: '[sourceName] (targetName) (x) (z) (worldname) (reset) (-s)'
  453. explanation:
  454. - 'Example: /cmi compass Zhax'
  455. - /cmi compass Zrips Zhax
  456. - /cmi compass LT_Craft 0 0 Zrips -s
  457. - /cmi compass reset Zrips
  458. info:
  459. wrongworld: '&cYour defined world dont exist!'
  460. feedback: '&eYou have set &3[playerDisplayName] &ecompass arrow to &3[sourceDisplayName]
  461. &elocation.'
  462. feedbackCustom: '&eYou have set &3[playerDisplayName] &ecompass arrow to &3[x]
  463. [z] [world] &elocation.'
  464. targetFeedback: '&eYour compass target was set to &3[sourceDisplayName] &elocation
  465. by &3[senderName]&e.'
  466. targetFeedbackCustom: '&eYour compass target was set to &3[x] [z] [world] &elocation
  467. by &3[sourceDisplayName]&e.'
  468. reset: '&eCompass target got reseted'
  469. condense:
  470. help:
  471. info: '&eCondense items into blocks'
  472. args: (itemName)
  473. info:
  474. converted: '&eConverted &7[items] &eitems into &7[blocks] &eblocks'
  475. nothing: '&cThere is nothing in your inventory that can be condensed.'
  476. counter:
  477. help:
  478. info: '&eStarts counter for surrounding players'
  479. args: '[join/leave/start] (t:time) (r:[range/-1]) (c:[world:x:y:z]) (msg:custom_message)
  480. (-f)'
  481. explanation:
  482. - '&ePermissions:'
  483. - '&6cmi.command.counter.force &e- to force counter for everyone in range '
  484. - '&6cmi.command.counter.time &e- define custom time range '
  485. - '&6cmi.command.counter.range &e- to define custom range'
  486. - '&6cmi.command.counter.msg &e- to define custom message'
  487. - '&6cmi.command.counter.autojoin &e- joins counter automatically'
  488. - -f will force counter to all players in range
  489. - 'Example: /cmi counter start r:30 t:7 msg:&eCustom_message -f'
  490. info:
  491. join: '&eJoined counter'
  492. leave: '&eLeft counter'
  493. go: '&eGO!'
  494. tooFast: '&cCant repeat command that fast, wait: &6[sec]&esec'
  495. noOne: '&cNo one seeing this counter!'
  496. cplaytime:
  497. help:
  498. info: '&eDetailed playtime'
  499. args: (playerName)
  500. info:
  501. moreDetails: '&7Click for more details'
  502. title: '&8[playerDisplayName] &7playtime'
  503. date: '&8[date]'
  504. time: '&7[hour]:00&f-&7[nextHour]:00'
  505. thishour: '&7Current hour'
  506. hourback: '&7Previous hour'
  507. today: '&7Today'
  508. yesterday: '&7Yesterday'
  509. thisweek: '&7Current week'
  510. week: '&77 day range'
  511. thismonth: '&7Current month'
  512. month: '&730 day range'
  513. thisyear: '&7Current year'
  514. year: '&7365 day range'
  515. total: '&7Total'
  516. ctext:
  517. help:
  518. info: '&eShows custom text'
  519. args: '[cText] (playerName/all) (sourcePlayer)'
  520. info:
  521. list: '&eCustom Text''s: &6'
  522. check: '&eCheck: &6[text]'
  523. cuff:
  524. help:
  525. info: '&eSuspends players actions'
  526. args: '[playername] (true/false)'
  527. info:
  528. noChat: '&cAll your actions are suspended. You can''t chat.'
  529. noCommand: '&cYou cant use commands while suspended. &eAllowed: &6/msg, /r,
  530. /tell'
  531. cuffed: '&6[playerDisplayName] &ecuffed'
  532. unCuffed: '&6[playerDisplayName] &euncuffed'
  533. free: '&eYou are free now'
  534. gotCuffed: '&eYou have been cuffed'
  535. cantCuff: '&cYou can''t cuff this player!'
  536. customrecipe:
  537. help:
  538. info: '&eManages item custom recipes'
  539. args: ''
  540. info:
  541. removed: '&eRecipe removed: [id]. For FULL effect you will need server restart.'
  542. noRecipe: '&eThere is no custom recipe by this id'
  543. edit: '&8Edit recipe (&6[type]&8)'
  544. addNew: '&eAdd new recipe (&6[type]&e)'
  545. shapelessRecipe: '&6Make new shapeless recipe'
  546. shapedRecipe: '&eMake new shaped recipe'
  547. furnaceRecipe: '&2Make new furnace recipe'
  548. mainTitle: '&8Custom recipes (&7[current]&8/&7[total]&8)'
  549. dback:
  550. help:
  551. info: '&eReturns to death location'
  552. args: (playerName) (-s)
  553. info:
  554. noinfo: '&4There is no saved location to return to!'
  555. feedback: '&6Returned to last saved location ([world],[x],[y],[z])!'
  556. disableenchant:
  557. help:
  558. info: '&eDisable enchantment'
  559. args: (enchant/id) (disable/enable)
  560. info:
  561. title: Enchant disabler
  562. feedback: '&6[enchantName] &ehas been [state]'
  563. dispose:
  564. help:
  565. info: '&eDispose of unneeded items'
  566. args: (playerName)
  567. info:
  568. title: '&cPlace all items you don''t need'
  569. donate:
  570. help:
  571. info: '&eDonate item you are holding'
  572. args: '[playerName] (amount)'
  573. info:
  574. donated: '&eDonated &6[type]&eX&6[amount] &eitems to &6[playerDisplayName]'
  575. got: '&eGot &6[type]&eX&6[amount] &edonation from &6[playerDisplayName]'
  576. sentOffer: '&eSent donation to &6[playerDisplayName]&e. Waiting until player
  577. accepts it'
  578. gotOffer: '&eGot &6[type]&eX&6[amount] &edonation from &6[sourceDisplayName]&e.
  579. Click to accept it.'
  580. doesnthave: '&ePlayer doesn''t have this item anymore'
  581. dsign:
  582. help:
  583. info: '&eManage dynamic signs'
  584. args: (new)
  585. explanation:
  586. - Look at sign and perform /cmi dsign new
  587. info:
  588. howTo: '&cThis is not dynamic sign, to create new perform &e/cmi dsign new'
  589. gui: '&7---- &f<Open gui> &7----'
  590. guiHover: '&7Open dynamic sign settings GUI'
  591. individual: '&7Individual: [state]'
  592. individualLore:
  593. - '&2True &7- Will result sign to be different for each player'
  594. - '&2True &7- Will update player placeholders'
  595. - '&2False &7- Will result in sign to be physically updated'
  596. - '&2False &7- Is more efficient but more limited at same time'
  597. interval: '&7Update every &6[second] &7second'
  598. intervalLore:
  599. - '&7How often, in seconds, information on the sign is updated'
  600. - '&7This also defines line scroll speed'
  601. range: '&7Activation range: &6[blocks]'
  602. rangeLore:
  603. - '&7Defines area around sign to trigger updates'
  604. dye:
  605. help:
  606. info: '&eDye leather armor'
  607. args: (playerName) (red,green,blue/hexCode/colorName/random/clear/rainbow/day/biome/health)
  608. (-s)
  609. info:
  610. color: '&eCurrent color - &c[red],&2[green],&9[blue] &eHex:&6#[hex]'
  611. custom: '&eEnabled custom color mode: &6[mode]'
  612. editctext:
  613. help:
  614. info: '&eCustom text editor'
  615. args: ''
  616. info:
  617. noText: '&cCant find custom text by this name'
  618. editInfo: '&eClick to paste old text. Type &6cancel &eto cancel action. Type
  619. &6remove &eto remove line'
  620. addInfo: '&eEnter new line text. Type &6cancel &eto cancel'
  621. addInformationHover: "&eGlobal variables supported as of sender category \n\
  622. &eTo include clickable messages: \n&e<T>&rText&e</T><H>&rHover text&e</H><C>&rcommand&e</C><SC>&rSuggested\
  623. \ text&e</SC> \n&6<T> &eand &6</T> &erequired, other is optional \n&eUse \\\
  624. u005Cn to break line \n&eTo have more than one JSON message use <Next> \n\
  625. &6<CC> &eperforms console command once \n&6<CCI> &eperforms console commands\
  626. \ every time player clicks text \n&6<URL> &eallows to add url to redirect\
  627. \ player into web page"
  628. newInfo: '&eEnter name of new custom text. Type &6cancel &eto cancel'
  629. deleteInfo: '&eType in &6confirm &eto confirm removal or type &6cancel &eto
  630. cancel this action'
  631. deleted: '&eCustom text (&6[ctext]&e) was removed'
  632. createdNew: '&eCustom text (&6[ctext]&e) was created'
  633. createNew: '&2 + '
  634. createNewHover: '&eAdd new'
  635. autoPage: '&eAuto page: &6[state]'
  636. autoAlias: '&eAuto alias: &6[state]'
  637. permReq: '&eRequires permission: &6[state]'
  638. list: '&eCustom Text''s: &6'
  639. editlocale:
  640. help:
  641. info: '&eEdit your locale file'
  642. args: (keyword(-s))
  643. info:
  644. found: '&7********* &eFound: [found] &7*********'
  645. editplaytime:
  646. help:
  647. info: '&eEdit players playtime'
  648. args: (playerName) [add/take/set] [amount] (-s)
  649. info:
  650. cantSet: '&cFailed to change playtime'
  651. set: '&eChanged from &6[old] &eto &6[new]'
  652. editwarnings:
  653. help:
  654. info: '&eCheck player warnings'
  655. args: (playerName/clearall) (clear)
  656. info:
  657. list: '&7[place]. &e[time] &6by [warnedBy] &cfor: &7[warnedFor]'
  658. hover: '&7Expires in: [time]'
  659. cleared: '&eAll warnings from player got cleared'
  660. allCleared: '&eAll warnings from ALL players got cleared'
  661. editwarp:
  662. help:
  663. info: '&eEdit warps'
  664. args: (warpName)
  665. info:
  666. placeItem: '&2Place item to set custom icon'
  667. placeOffItem: '&2Place item to set custom off icon'
  668. autoLore: '&2Auto lore generation: [state]'
  669. permission: '&2Requires permission to use: [state]'
  670. reqPermission: '&2Show without permission: [state]'
  671. location: '&2Set new location'
  672. slot: '&2Slot: &6[slot]'
  673. page: '&2Page: &6[page]'
  674. overllaps: '&2Overllaps with:'
  675. notSet: '&eNot set'
  676. effect:
  677. help:
  678. info: '&eAdds potion effect to player. use clear to remove all effects'
  679. args: '[playername/all] [effect/clear] (duration) (multiplier) (-s) (-visual)'
  680. explanation:
  681. - -visual will add visible bubbles and icon on top right corner
  682. - 'Examples:'
  683. - /cmi effect zrips nightvision 60 1 - will give 60 sec night vision for Zrips
  684. - /cmi effect zrips nightvision +10 - will add 10 sec to current night vision
  685. time
  686. - /cmi effect zrips nightvision -10 - will take out 10 sec from current night
  687. vision time
  688. - /cmi effect all health_boost 60 1 - will boost hp by 1 for everyone online
  689. info:
  690. feedback: '&ePotion effect &6[effect] &eadded to &3[playerDisplayName]&e for
  691. &6[sec]sec&e with power of &6[power] &e(&3[offon]&e).'
  692. cleared: '&ePotion effects have been cleared for &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  693. enchant:
  694. help:
  695. info: '&eEnchant items'
  696. args: (playerName) [enchant] [level] (-o) (-onlyvalid) (-keeponlyvalid) (-inform)
  697. (-s) (-i:[itemName(:data)])
  698. explanation:
  699. - -o will take item from offhand
  700. info:
  701. feedback: '&eYou have enchanted item with &3[enchant]:[level]&e enchantment
  702. for &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  703. removed: '&eYou have removed &3[enchant] &eenchanted from item for &3[playerDisplayName]&e
  704. (&3[offon]&e).'
  705. cleared: '&eCleared &3ALL &eenchantments from item for &3[playerDisplayName]&e
  706. (&3[offon]&e).'
  707. noitem: '&cNot holding any item in hand.'
  708. invalidEnchant: '&cYou dont have permission to enchant item with invalid enchantment'
  709. clearedInvalid: '&eRemoved &6[amount] &einvalid enchantments from item'
  710. inccorectId: '&eIncorrect enchant name or id.'
  711. wrongItem: '&eWrong item in your hand'
  712. levellimit: '&cLevel is too high, max allowed is &e[level].'
  713. posible: '&ePossible enchants: '
  714. posibleList: '&6[enchant]'
  715. ender:
  716. help:
  717. info: '&eOpens players ender chest'
  718. args: (playerName)
  719. explanation:
  720. - cmi.command.ender.preventmodify - prevents inventory modifications
  721. - cmi.enderedit - allows to edit opened inventory
  722. info:
  723. title: '&8[playerDisplayName] Ender Chest'
  724. feedback: '&eYou are editing &3[playerDisplayName] &eenderchest (&3[offon]&e).'
  725. entityinfo:
  726. help:
  727. info: '&eCheck entity information'
  728. args: ''
  729. info:
  730. type: '&eEntity Type: &6[type]'
  731. customName: '&eCustom name: &6[name]'
  732. health: '&eHealth: &6[current]&e/&6[max]'
  733. lastDamage: '&eLast damage cause: &6[cause]'
  734. tamed: '&eTamed: &6[state]'
  735. owner: '&eOwner: &6[playerDisplayName]'
  736. entitynbt:
  737. help:
  738. info: '&eCheck entity nbt information'
  739. args: ''
  740. exp:
  741. help:
  742. info: '&eSet players exp. Use L to set levels'
  743. args: '[playerName] [add/set/take/clear] [amount]'
  744. explanation:
  745. - 'Example:'
  746. - /exp 10
  747. - /exp add 10
  748. - /exp set 10L
  749. - /exp take 10
  750. - /exp Zrips clear
  751. - /exp Zrips add 10
  752. info:
  753. current: '&e[playerDisplayName] &eis at &6[lvl]&elvl with &6[currentExp]&eexp
  754. or with &6[exp]&eexp in total.'
  755. selfFeedback: '&eExp was set to &3[exp] &efor &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  756. targetFeedback: '&eYour exp was set to &3[exp]&e by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  757. ext:
  758. help:
  759. info: '&eExtinguish a player'
  760. args: (playerName) (-s)
  761. info:
  762. feedback: '&eYou have extinguished &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  763. targetfeedback: '&eYou have been extinguished by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  764. feed:
  765. help:
  766. info: '&eFeed player'
  767. args: (playerName)
  768. info:
  769. feedback: '&eYou have fed &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  770. targetfeedback: '&eYou have been fed by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  771. findbiome:
  772. help:
  773. info: '&eFinds nearest biome by name'
  774. args: '&3(biomeName/stop)'
  775. info:
  776. infoShow: '&6TPS: &3[tps] &6Left &e[left] &6(&e[time]&6) &6Speed: &e[speed]'
  777. stopped: '&eStopped!'
  778. cantFindBiome: '&eCould not find biome you wanted. Checked &6[amount] &echunks'
  779. teleportedTo: '&eTelepoted to &6[biome] &ebiome'
  780. fixchunk:
  781. help:
  782. info: '&eScans for damaged chunks'
  783. args: '&ew &6[worldName]&e r &6[range in chunks]&e c &6[x:z]&e '
  784. explanation:
  785. - '&6SubCommands:'
  786. - '- &6stats &e- show current scanning stats'
  787. - '- &6pause &e- pause scaning'
  788. - '- &6continue &e- continue scaning'
  789. - '- &6stop &e- stop scaning'
  790. - '- &6speed [amount] &e- set current scan speed'
  791. - '- &6autospeed [true/false] &e- set autospeed turned off or on'
  792. - '- &6messages [true/false] &e- set message output to off or on'
  793. - 'Example:'
  794. - /fixchunk w LT_Craft
  795. - /fixchunk w LT_Craft r 50 c 1024:-2048
  796. - /fixchunk w LT_Craft r g
  797. - /fixchunk fix
  798. info:
  799. startScanning: '&eFound &6[amount] &echunks to check. Starting!'
  800. paused: '&eScanning paused, to continue use &6/cmi fixchunk continue.'
  801. continuing: '&eScanning continuing'
  802. stoped: '&eScanning stopped. You can check the results with /cmi fixchunk info'
  803. speedChange: '&eSpeed changed to [amount]'
  804. autospeedChange: '&eAutoSpeed changed to [state]'
  805. messagesChange: '&eMessage state changed to [state]'
  806. NoInfo: '&eThere is no info'
  807. InfoShow: '&6TPS: &3[tps] &6Left &e[left] &6(&e[min]m:[sec]s&6) &6Speed: &e[speed]
  808. &6Found: &e[found]'
  809. scanList: '&2[number]. &7X:&f[x] &7Z:&f[z]'
  810. finished: '&eScanning finished, use &6/cmi fixchunk fix &eto fix found issues.
  811. &cChunks will be regenerated!'
  812. fixed: '&2[number] &echunks fixed'
  813. total: '&eChecking from [current]/[until] from total of [total]'
  814. stats:
  815. - '&e************************************************************'
  816. - '&e* &6Chunks: &e[checked]/[total]'
  817. - '&e* &6Scan range: &e[range]'
  818. - '&e* &6Scan speed: &e[scanspeed] &6(&e[autospeed]&6)'
  819. - '&e* &6Real speed: &e[cps] &6CPS (&e[avgcps] avg&6)'
  820. - '&e* &6World: &e[world]'
  821. - '&e* &6Found: &e[found]'
  822. - '&e* &6Time: &e[min]min [sec]sec'
  823. - '&e************************************************************'
  824. flightcharge:
  825. help:
  826. info: '&eManage and check flight charges'
  827. args: (add/take/set/show/expcharge/moneycharge/recharge) (playerName) (amount)
  828. info:
  829. charge: '&eCurrent charge: &6[charge]&e/&6[max]'
  830. changed: '&eYour flight charge level changed to &6[charge]'
  831. newCharge: '&eNew charge level: &6[charge]'
  832. bossbar: '&2>> &fFlight Charge [charge][changeAmount]&7/&f[max] &2<<'
  833. guiTitle: '&8Flight recharge'
  834. buttonExp: '&6Recharge with exp'
  835. buttonMoney: '&6Recharge with money'
  836. max: '&6Already fully charged'
  837. guiLore:
  838. - '&eLeft click +1'
  839. - '&6Shift left click +10'
  840. - '&eRight click +100'
  841. - '&6Shift right click +1000'
  842. changeAmount: '&e([amount]&e)'
  843. fly:
  844. help:
  845. info: '&eSet players fly true or false'
  846. args: '[playerName] (true/false) (-s)'
  847. info:
  848. feedback: '&eYou have set fly to &3[boolean]&e for &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  849. targetFeedback: '&eYour fly mode set to &3[boolean]&e by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  850. flyc:
  851. help:
  852. info: '&eToggle flight charge mode'
  853. args: (playerName) (true/false) (-s)
  854. info:
  855. feedback: '&eYou have set fly charge mode to &3[boolean]&e for &3[playerDisplayName]&e
  856. (&3[offon]&e).'
  857. targetFeedback: '&eYour fly charge mode set to &3[boolean]&e by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  858. targetFeedbackSelf: '&eYour fly charge mode set to &3[boolean]'
  859. noCharge: '&eFlight charge is depleted'
  860. flyspeed:
  861. help:
  862. info: '&eSet players fly speed from 0 to 10'
  863. args: '[playerName] [amount] (-s)'
  864. info:
  865. feedback: '&eYou have set &3[amount]&e fly speed for &3[playerDisplayName]&e
  866. (&3[offon]&e).'
  867. targetfeedback: '&eYour flyspeed was set to &3[amount]&e by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  868. max: '&eMax allowed fly speed for you is &6[max]&e.'
  869. gamerule:
  870. help:
  871. info: '&eManage gamerules'
  872. args: ''
  873. getbook:
  874. help:
  875. info: '&eGet book'
  876. args: '[cTextName] (playerName)'
  877. info:
  878. list: '&eBooks: &6'
  879. check: '&eCheck: &6[text]'
  880. title: '&7[title]'
  881. give:
  882. help:
  883. info: '&eGive item to player'
  884. args: (playerName) [itemname] (amount)
  885. explanation:
  886. - Name and lore supports placeholders
  887. - 'Example: /give stone'
  888. - /give Zrips stone 5 n Stonehenge
  889. - /give stick e knockback:1
  890. - /give Zrips sponge l Got_item_on:_%date/YY/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss%
  891. - /cmi give Zrips sponge 1 e Knockback:%rand/1-5%
  892. - /cmi give Zrips sponge %rand/1-10%
  893. - /give sponge a maxhealth:5:mainhand
  894. - /give diamond_sword unbreakable
  895. - /give mob_spawner:creeper
  896. - /give minecraft:diamond_helmet 1 0 {ench:[{id:0,lvl:100},{id:2,lvl:100},{id:34,lvl:100}]}
  897. info:
  898. feedback: '&6Giving &e[amount] &6of &e[itemname] &6(&e[customitemname]&6) to
  899. &e[playerDisplayName]'
  900. wrongEntityId: '&cWrong entity id'
  901. maxLimit: '&cYou can''t give more than &7[max] &citems in one go'
  902. maxLimitResize: '&cYou can''t give more than &7[max]. &cResizing to limit.'
  903. giveall:
  904. help:
  905. info: '&eGive item for all players'
  906. args: '[itemname] (amount) (e|l|n|offline)'
  907. explanation:
  908. - '&e- give item name or its id with data value'
  909. - '&e- optionaly provide amount you want to give '
  910. - '&e- &6n &e- to define itemname '
  911. - '&e- &6l &e- to define item lore '
  912. - '&e- &6e &e - to define item enchants '
  913. - '&e- &6-s &e - wont show feedback message '
  914. - '&e- &6h &e - followed with player name will give item from its hand '
  915. - '&e- &6inv &e - followed by player name will give entire inventory for others '
  916. - '&e- &6offline &e- to include offline players'
  917. - '&ecmi giveall stone 1 n &2Uber_stone l &3Stone_lore offline'
  918. - '&ecmi giveall h Zrips'
  919. - '&ecmi giveall inv Zrips'
  920. info:
  921. starting: '&6Starting to give items for all players, this can take some time.'
  922. running: '&6[amount] already got item, still running.'
  923. feedback: '&6Finished. &e[amount] &6players got item.'
  924. glow:
  925. help:
  926. info: '&eSet players glow mode'
  927. args: (playerName) [true/false/color/gui]
  928. explanation:
  929. - 'Example: /glow Zrips red'
  930. - 'Permissions: cmi.command.glow.[color] - allows to set particular glow color'
  931. info:
  932. feedback: '&eYou have set [color]glow &eto &3[boolean]&e for &3[playerDisplayName]&e
  933. (&3[offon]&e).'
  934. targetfeedback: '&eYour [color]glow &emode set to &3[boolean]&e by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  935. gm:
  936. help:
  937. info: '&eSet players game mode'
  938. args: (playerName) [gamemode]
  939. info:
  940. feedback: '&eYou have set &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e) to gamemode
  941. &3[gameMode]&e.'
  942. targetfeedback: '&eYour game mode was set to &3[gameMode]&e by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  943. god:
  944. help:
  945. info: '&eSet players god mode to true or false'
  946. args: '[playerName] (true/false) (-s)'
  947. info:
  948. feedback: '&eYou have set god to &3[boolean]&e for &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  949. targetfeedback: '&eYour god mode was set to &3[boolean]&e by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  950. groundclean:
  951. help:
  952. info: '&eClears server from unnecessary items'
  953. args: (+cb) (+cm) (+ci) (+b) (+tnt)
  954. explanation:
  955. - +cm will include minecarts into cleaning
  956. - +cb will include boats into cleaning
  957. - +ci defines if you want to include weapons and armors
  958. - +tnt defines if you want to include primed tnt
  959. - +b broadcasts clear message to everyone
  960. info:
  961. removed: '&eRemoved -[list]'
  962. items: ' &eItems: &6[items]'
  963. arrows: ' &eArrows: &6[arrows]'
  964. exporbs: ' &eExpOrbs: &6[exporbs]'
  965. blocks: ' &eFallingBlocks: &6[blocks]'
  966. projectiles: ' &eProjectiles: &6[projectiles]'
  967. tnt: ' &ePrimedTnt: &6[tnt]'
  968. boat: ' &eBoats: &6[boat]'
  969. minecart: ' &eMinecarts: &6[minecart]'
  970. nothing: '&eNothing to remove.'
  971. haspermission:
  972. help:
  973. info: '&eCheck if player has particular permission'
  974. args: (playerName) [permissionNode]
  975. info:
  976. title: '&6[playerDisplayName] &e-> &6[permission]'
  977. none: '&ePermission is not set for player and he is not OP. Results to &6[state]'
  978. hardSet: '&eHard set to &6[state] &eby some plugin'
  979. notHardSet: '&eNot hard set, can result to &cFalse &ein some cases'
  980. ops: '&eResults to &6[state] &ebecause player is OP'
  981. hat:
  982. help:
  983. info: '&ePlace item like hat'
  984. args: (playerName)
  985. info:
  986. feedback: '&6You have successfully changed hat!'
  987. targetfeedback: '&6Your hat was changed by &3[senderDisplayName]&6!'
  988. fullinv: '&3[playerDisplayName] &6inventory is full, can''t change hat!'
  989. head:
  990. help:
  991. info: '&eGet players head'
  992. args: '[sourceName] (targetName) (-s)'
  993. info:
  994. Feedback: '&3[headName] &6head created!'
  995. targetFeedback: '&eYou got &3[headName] &ehead from &3[senderDisplayName]&e!'
  996. heal:
  997. help:
  998. info: '&eHeal player'
  999. args: '[playerName/all] (healamount/healpercent)'
  1000. info:
  1001. feedback: '&eYou have healed &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  1002. feedbackMulti: '&eYou have healed &3[count] &eplayers.'
  1003. targetfeedback: '&eYou have been healed by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  1004. helpop:
  1005. help:
  1006. info: '&eSends message for help to staff members'
  1007. args: '[message]'
  1008. explanation:
  1009. - Requires cmi.command.helpop.inform too see messages
  1010. info:
  1011. message: '&c[Help]&4[&7[senderDisplayName]&4]&r&c [message]'
  1012. hideflags:
  1013. help:
  1014. info: '&eHides item flags'
  1015. args: (playerName) [flagName/clear]
  1016. info:
  1017. feedback: '&eYou have added new flag to item for &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  1018. cleared: '&eCleared &3ALL &eflags from item for &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  1019. noitem: '&cNot holding any item in hand.'
  1020. inccorectId: '&eIncorrect flag name.'
  1021. hologram:
  1022. help:
  1023. info: '&eCreate holograms'
  1024. args: ''
  1025. info:
  1026. howTo: '&cTo create new hologram perform &e/cmi hologram new &6[name]'
  1027. gui: '&7---- &f<Open settings gui> &7----'
  1028. guiHover: '&7Open hologram settings GUI'
  1029. interval: '&7Update every &6[second] &7seconds'
  1030. intervalLore:
  1031. - '&7How often, in seconds, information on the hologram is updated'
  1032. - '&7If text is not changing, set it to -1'
  1033. text: '&7Spacing for text &6[space]'
  1034. usync: '&7Text change in sync: &6[state]'
  1035. teleport: '&7Teleport to hologram location'
  1036. icon: '&7Spacing for icons &6[space]'
  1037. iconLore:
  1038. - '&7Defines distance between objects'
  1039. range: '&7Show range: &6[blocks]'
  1040. rangeLore:
  1041. - '&7Defines area around hologram to show or hide it'
  1042. updateRange: '&7Update range: &6[blocks]'
  1043. updateRangeLore:
  1044. - '&7Defines area around hologram to trigger update'
  1045. relocate: '&7Relocate'
  1046. relocateLore:
  1047. - '&7Relocates hologram to your current location'
  1048. interact: '&7Interactable: &6[state]'
  1049. commands: '&7Commands:'
  1050. particles: '&7Show particles: &6[state]'
  1051. big: '&7Big button: &6[state]'
  1052. bigLore:
  1053. - '&7Keep in mind that big button mode'
  1054. - '&7Will prevent you from moving past it'
  1055. order: '&7Downwards placement: &6[state]'
  1056. moveX: '&7X:&e[x]'
  1057. moveY: '&7Y:&e[y]'
  1058. moveZ: '&7Z:&e[z]'
  1059. shift:
  1060. - '&eChange by 0.01 or hold shift to change by 0.1'
  1061. list: '&6[place]&e. [name]'
  1062. addInfo: '&eEnter new line text. Type &6cancel &eto cancel. Extra variables:
  1063. &6ICON:&7[Value] &6SICON:&7[Value]&e where &7Value&e- &7[MaterialName-amount]%enchanted%&e,
  1064. &7%itemInHand%&e, &7Head:[headOwner]'
  1065. hologrampages:
  1066. help:
  1067. info: '&eChange hologram page'
  1068. args: '[holoName] (playerName) (next/prev/[pageNumber])'
  1069. home:
  1070. help:
  1071. info: '&eTeleport to home location'
  1072. args: (homeName) (playerName) (whoTeleport)
  1073. info:
  1074. list: '&eHomes: &6'
  1075. listNonePrivate: '&f'
  1076. listPrivate: '&2'
  1077. click: '&eClick to teleport to &6[home]'
  1078. teleported: '&eTeleported to home: &6[home]'
  1079. noHomes: '&cThere is no saved homes'
  1080. private: '&cThis home location is private!'
  1081. remove: '&cShift+Right click to remove home'
  1082. title: '&0[playerDisplayName] &8homes'
  1083. homes:
  1084. help:
  1085. info: '&eA list of homes that you can click to teleport to.'
  1086. args: (playerName)
  1087. hunger:
  1088. help:
  1089. info: '&eSet players hunger'
  1090. args: '[playerName] [amount] (-s)'
  1091. info:
  1092. feedback: '&eYou have set &3[hunger]&e hunger for &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  1093. targetfeedback: '&eYour hunger was set to &3[hunger]&e by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  1094. ic:
  1095. help:
  1096. info: '&eCreate interactive command'
  1097. args: (new) (name)
  1098. info:
  1099. titleC: ' &e--- &6[name] '
  1100. titleB: '&e[type] &e---'
  1101. public: ' &2[Public]'
  1102. notPublic: ' &7[NotPublic]'
  1103. editSign: ' &e[EditSignLines]'
  1104. publicHover: "&eChange public status. \nSigns top line &e[ic:[name]]"
  1105. createdPublic: '&eCreated new interactive sign'
  1106. list: '&e[place]. &6[name]'
  1107. listType: ' &e[type] '
  1108. editCommands: '&eEdit commands'
  1109. editBlocks: ' &eEdit blocks'
  1110. addBlock: '&eAdd block you are looking at'
  1111. addEntity: ' &eAdd entity you are looking at'
  1112. manageCommands: '&eSwitch to command editor'
  1113. manageBlockEnt: '&eSwitch to block/entity editor'
  1114. locList: '&e[place]. &6[type] '
  1115. entList: '&e[place]. &6[type] '
  1116. ListHover:
  1117. - '&eWorld: &6[world]'
  1118. - '&eX:[x] &6Y:[y] &eZ:[z]'
  1119. notPublicIc: '&cYou cant use this, its not public'
  1120. noCommandBlocks: '&eThere are no interactive commands'
  1121. commandList: ' &e[command] '
  1122. block: (Block)
  1123. entity: (Entity)
  1124. both: (Both)
  1125. none: (None)
  1126. addedNew: '&eAdded new block/entity for &6[name]'
  1127. dontExist: '&cInteractive command dont exist by this name'
  1128. exists: '&cInteractive command with this name already exists'
  1129. blockExist: '&cThis block is already being used by &e[name]'
  1130. entityExist: '&cThis entity is already being used by &e[name]'
  1131. cantUsePlayer: '&cYou cant use regular player as command entity'
  1132. addInfo: '&eEnter new command. Type &6cancel &eto cancel'
  1133. addInformationHover: "&eGlobal variables supported as of sender category \n\
  1134. &eTo include delay in commands: \n&edelay! 5 \n&eAditional variables can be\
  1135. \ used to insert variables by their place \n&e$1 will take provided variable\
  1136. \ by new command and will place in that place \n&e$1- takes all variables\
  1137. \ from this point and inserts into original commands"
  1138. editInfo: '&eClick to paste old text. Type &6cancel &eto cancel action. Type
  1139. &6remove &eto remove line'
  1140. ifoffline:
  1141. help:
  1142. info: '&ePerform command only when player is offline'
  1143. args: '[playerName] (command)'
  1144. ifonline:
  1145. help:
  1146. info: '&ePerform command only when player is online'
  1147. args: '[playerName] (command)'
  1148. ignore:
  1149. help:
  1150. info: '&eIgnores player'
  1151. args: (playerName/uuid/all)
  1152. explanation:
  1153. - cmi.command.ignore.bypass - to bypass ignore list
  1154. info:
  1155. self: '&cDon''t be silly, you can''t ignore yourself'
  1156. added: '&eYou''re now ignoring &6[playerDisplayName]'
  1157. addedAll: '&eYou''re now ignoring everyone'
  1158. all: '&eEveryone'
  1159. removed: '&eYou''re no longer ignoring &6[playerDisplayName]'
  1160. removedAll: '&eYou''re no longer ignoring everyone'
  1161. list: '&e[place]. [playerDisplayName] '
  1162. ignoringYou: '&c[playerDisplayName] &eis ignoring you'
  1163. importfrom:
  1164. help:
  1165. info: '&eImport data from other plugins'
  1166. args: '[essentials] [home/warp/nick/logoutlocation/money/mail]'
  1167. info:
  1168. converted: '&eConverted: &6[done]&e/&6[total] &eusers'
  1169. convertedWarps: '&eConverted &6[amount] &ewarps'
  1170. noInfo: '&cYou forgot to provide information what you want to import exactly'
  1171. saving: '&eSaving data into data base'
  1172. HDfile: '&cCould not find HolographicDisplays plugin database file. Aborting.'
  1173. HDexist: '&cHologram by &7[name] &cname already exists. Skipping.'
  1174. HDfailed: '&cCould not load hologram (&7[name]&c)'
  1175. HDimported: '&eImported &7[amount] &eholograms'
  1176. importoldusers:
  1177. help:
  1178. info: '&eImports users from playerdata folder in main world folder. Server can
  1179. suffer lag spike during import'
  1180. args: ''
  1181. info:
  1182. starting: '&eStarting import'
  1183. feedback: '&eImported &6[amount] &enew users'
  1184. info:
  1185. help:
  1186. info: '&eShow players information'
  1187. args: '[playerName/uuid]'
  1188. info:
  1189. feedback:
  1190. uuid: '&ePaste uuid into chat box'
  1191. Name: '&eDisplay name: &6[dname] &e(&6[name]&e)'
  1192. knownAs: '&eAlso known as: &6[namelist]'
  1193. Uuid: '&eUUID: &6[uuid]'
  1194. OnlineUuid: '&eOnlineUUID: &6[OnlineUuid]'
  1195. Ip: '&eIp: &6[ip]'
  1196. Op: '&eOP: &6[op]'
  1197. God: '&eGod: &6[godmode]'
  1198. Money: '&eMoney: &6[money]'
  1199. Group: '&eGroup: &6[group]'
  1200. Gm: '&eGame mode: &6[mode]'
  1201. Hp: '&eHp: &6[hp]&e/&6[maxhp]'
  1202. Air: '&eAir: &6[leftair]&e/&6[totalair]'
  1203. Hunger: '&eHunger: &6[food]&e/&620'
  1204. Saturation: '&e(saturation +&6[saturation]&e)'
  1205. Exp: '&eExp: &6[totalexp]&eexp -> &6[currentexp]&e/&6[needexp] &e(&6[level]&elvl)'
  1206. Location: '&eLocation: &6[world] (&e[x]&6:&e[y]&6:&e[z]&6)'
  1207. deathLocation: '&eDeath location: &6[world] (&e[x]&6:&e[y]&6:&e[z]&6)'
  1208. bed: '&eBed set: &6[bworld] (&e[bx]&6:&e[by]&6:&e[bz]&6)'
  1209. respawn: '&eNext respawn: &6[rworld] (&e[rx]&6:&e[ry]&6:&e[rz]&6)'
  1210. flySpeed: '&eFly &6[flyspeed]'
  1211. walkSpeed: '&eWalk &6[walkspeed]'
  1212. Sprint: '&eSprinting: &6[sprinting]'
  1213. Sneek: '&eSneaking: &6[sneaking]'
  1214. Banned: '&eBanned: &6[banned]'
  1215. Muted: '&eMuted: &6[muted]'
  1216. Jailed: '&eJailed: &6[jailed]'
  1217. Cuffed: '&eCuffed: &6[cuffed]'
  1218. homes: '&eHomes: &6[homes]'
  1219. firstLogin: '&eFirst login: &6[firstLogin]'
  1220. canSee: '&eCan see you: &6[canseeyou]'
  1221. afk: '&eAfk: &6[afk]'
  1222. Fly: '&eCan fly: &6[fly] &e(&6[isflying]&e)'
  1223. Online: '&eOnline: &6[online]&e Since: &6[logoff]'
  1224. CountryHoverNew: '&7[country] &f(&2[countryCode]&f)'
  1225. CityHover: '&7[city]'
  1226. LocalTimeHover: '&fLocal time: &7[time]'
  1227. List:
  1228. - '&e************************************************************'
  1229. - '&e* [name]'
  1230. - '&e* [knownAs]'
  1231. - '&e* [uuid]'
  1232. - '&e* [OnlineUuid]'
  1233. - '&e* [ip]'
  1234. - '&e* [op] [godmode] [fly]'
  1235. - '&e* [sprint] [sneek]'
  1236. - '&e* [gm] &eSpeed: [flySpeed] [walkSpeed]'
  1237. - '&e* [money] [group]'
  1238. - '&e* [hp] [air]'
  1239. - '&e* [hunger] [saturation]'
  1240. - '&e* [exp]'
  1241. - '&e* [location]'
  1242. - '&e* [bed]'
  1243. - '&e* [respawn]'
  1244. - '&e* [banned] [canSee] [afk]'
  1245. - '&e* [cuffed] [muted] [jailed] '
  1246. - '&e* [online]'
  1247. - '&e* [homes] [firstLogin]'
  1248. - '&e************************************************************'
  1249. inv:
  1250. help:
  1251. info: '&eOpens players inventory'
  1252. args: '[playerName]'
  1253. explanation:
  1254. - cmi.command.inv.preventmodify - prevents inventory editing
  1255. - cmi.invedit - allows to edit inventory
  1256. - cmi.command.inv.location - shows players location
  1257. info:
  1258. feedback: '&eYou are editing &3[playerDisplayName] &einventory (&3[offon]&e).'
  1259. invcheck:
  1260. help:
  1261. info: '&eOpen saved inventory in preview mode'
  1262. args: (playerName) [id] (-e) (last)
  1263. invlist:
  1264. help:
  1265. info: '&eShow saved inventories list'
  1266. args: (playerName)
  1267. invload:
  1268. help:
  1269. info: '&eLoad saved inventory'
  1270. args: (sourceName) (targetName) [id/last]
  1271. invremove:
  1272. help:
  1273. info: '&eRemove saved inventories for player'
  1274. args: (playerName) [id/all/last]
  1275. invremoveall:
  1276. help:
  1277. info: '&eRemoves all saved inventories'
  1278. args: '[confirmed]'
  1279. info:
  1280. removed: '&eAll saved inventories removed ([count])'
  1281. invsave:
  1282. help:
  1283. info: '&eSave inventory'
  1284. args: (playerName) (id) (-s)
  1285. ipban:
  1286. help:
  1287. info: '&eBan ip'
  1288. args: '[ip/playerName] (reason) (-s)'
  1289. explanation:
  1290. - cmi.command.banip.bypass - to bypass ban
  1291. info:
  1292. message: '&cYou are ip banned from this server!'
  1293. reason: '&6Reason: &e[reason]'
  1294. defaultReason: '&eViolated server rules'
  1295. messageToAll: '&6[playerDisplayName] &egot ip banned by &6[senderDisplayName]
  1296. &efor: &6[reason]'
  1297. banedSilent: '&7[&8Silent&7]&6[playerDisplayName] &egot ip banned by &6[senderDisplayName]
  1298. &efor: &6[reason]'
  1299. ipbanlist:
  1300. help:
  1301. info: '&eBan ip list'
  1302. args: ''
  1303. info:
  1304. list: '&e[place]. &7[ip] &e- &6[reason] '
  1305. bannedBy: '&7Banned by: &f[source]'
  1306. ends: '&7Ends: &f[time]'
  1307. related: |-
  1308. &7Related accounts:
  1309. &f[list]
  1310. iteminfo:
  1311. help:
  1312. info: '&eShow item information'
  1313. args: (playerName)
  1314. info:
  1315. id: ' &eId: &6[id][data]'
  1316. realName: ' &eReal Name: &6[name]'
  1317. bukkitName: ' &eBukkit Name: &6[name]'
  1318. mojangName: ' &eMojang Name: &6[name]'
  1319. durability: ' &eDurability: &6[current]&e/&6[max]'
  1320. itemlore:
  1321. help:
  1322. info: '&eChange items lore'
  1323. args: (-p:[playerName]) [linenumber] [remove/insert/ new lore line]
  1324. info:
  1325. feedback: '&eYou have changed lore line to ''&r&5[loreLine]&e'' for &3[playerDisplayName]&e
  1326. (&3[offon]&e).'
  1327. noitem: '&cNot holding any item in hand.'
  1328. removed: '&eItem lore line &6[line] &ewas removed for &3[playerDisplayName]&e
  1329. (&3[offon]&e).'
  1330. inserted: '&eItem lore line &6[line] &ewas inserted for &3[playerDisplayName]&e
  1331. (&3[offon]&e).'
  1332. maxLines: '&eThere is only &6[lines] &elines of lore.'
  1333. blocked: '&eThis item is blocked from re-loring.'
  1334. itemname:
  1335. help:
  1336. info: '&eRename items'
  1337. args: (-p:[playerName]) [remove/your new item name]
  1338. info:
  1339. feedback: '&eYou have renamed item to [itemname]&e for &3[playerDisplayName]&e
  1340. (&3[offon]&e).'
  1341. noitem: '&cNot holding any item in hand.'
  1342. removed: '&eItem name was removed for &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  1343. blocked: '&eThis item is blocked from renaming'
  1344. itemnbt:
  1345. help:
  1346. info: '&eShow item NBT information'
  1347. args: (playerName)
  1348. info:
  1349. step: ' &6->: &6[name]'
  1350. final: '&e[value]'
  1351. list: '&e- &r[value]'
  1352. noNbt: '&eItem does not contain any NBT data'
  1353. jail:
  1354. help:
  1355. info: '&eJail player for time period'
  1356. args: '[playerName] (time) (jailName) (cellId) (-s) (r:jail_reasson)'
  1357. info:
  1358. jailed: '&eYou put &6[playerDisplayName] &einto jail for the next [time]'
  1359. jailedPlayer: '&6[playerDisplayName] &ejailed for the next [time]'
  1360. reasson: ' &eFor: &c[reasson]'
  1361. leftTime: '!title!&7Jail time:!subtitle![time]'
  1362. jailedTarget: '&eYou have been jailed! [time]'
  1363. cantTalk: '&cYou cant talk while you are jailed'
  1364. cantTalkRange: '!actionbar!&fYour chat range is limited to &c[range] &fblocks'
  1365. failed: '&cFailed to jail player. Check target jail name, cell id or time format'
  1366. bossbar: '&7Jail time: [autoTimeLeft]'
  1367. noCommand: '&cYou can''t use this command while jailed!'
  1368. jailedit:
  1369. help:
  1370. info: '&eEdit jails'
  1371. args: ''
  1372. info:
  1373. notInArea: '&cYou are not standing in jail area'
  1374. noName: '&cNo jail by this name'
  1375. noCell: '&cNo cell by this id'
  1376. exist: '&cJail with this name already exist'
  1377. createdJail: '&eSuccessfully created new jail (&6[jail]&e)'
  1378. createdCell: '&eSuccessfully created new jail cell (&6[jail]&e:&6[cellId]&e)'
  1379. jailList: '&e[place]. &6[jail] &eCells:&6[cells] &eJailed: &6[amount] '
  1380. editCells: '&eEdit cell list'
  1381. cellList: '&eCell id:&6[id] &ejailed: &6[amount] '
  1382. jailListTp: ' &7[tp] '
  1383. jailListTpHover: '&eSet outside teleport location'
  1384. jailListArea: ' &7[area] '
  1385. jailListAreaHover: '&eRedefine area'
  1386. jailRemoved: '&eRemoved (&6[jail]&e) jail'
  1387. jailOutside: '&eSet new outside location'
  1388. jailArea: '&eRedefined area for &6[jail]'
  1389. cellRemoved: '&eRemoved (&6[cellId]&e) cell from &6[jail]'
  1390. jaillist:
  1391. help:
  1392. info: '&eList jails'
  1393. args: (jailName) (cellId)
  1394. info:
  1395. jailList: '&6[place]. &e[jailName] &7Cells:&e[cellCount] &7Jailed:&6[count]'
  1396. cellList: '&6[place]. &7Id:&e[cellId] &7Jailed:&6[count]'
  1397. cellJailedList: '&6[place]. &e[playerDisplayName] &7release in &e[time]'
  1398. Release: '&7Click to release'
  1399. jump:
  1400. help:
  1401. info: '&eJump to target block'
  1402. args: ''
  1403. info:
  1404. tooFar: '&cNo block in sight or it''s too far (max [max] blocks)'
  1405. kick:
  1406. help:
  1407. info: '&eKick player with custom message'
  1408. args: '[playerName/all] (message) (-s)'
  1409. explanation:
  1410. - cmi.command.kick.bypass - prevents from being kicked out
  1411. info:
  1412. defaultMessage: '&eKicked from server'
  1413. cantKick: '&eCan''t kick this player'
  1414. messageToAll: '&6[playerDisplayName] &egot kicked from server.'
  1415. kickReason: ' &eReason: &6[reason]'
  1416. all: '&eKicked &6[amount] &eplayers from server'
  1417. killall:
  1418. help:
  1419. info: '&eKill mobs around you'
  1420. args: (-monsters/-pets/-npc/-animals/-ambient/-named/-f/-lightning/-list/-m:[mobType])
  1421. (-r:range) (-s)
  1422. info:
  1423. infoList: '&2[category]&e: &7[amount] &e([list]&e)'
  1424. removedList: '&6[type]&e: &7[amount]'
  1425. total: '&eRemoved a total of: &7[amount] &e([list]&e)'
  1426. noRemove: '&eNothing to remove'
  1427. monsters: Monsters
  1428. pets: Pets
  1429. npc: NPCs
  1430. animals: Animals
  1431. ambient: Ambient
  1432. vehicles: Vehicles
  1433. named: With custom name
  1434. kit:
  1435. help:
  1436. info: '&eGives predefined kit.'
  1437. args: '[kitName] (playerName)'
  1438. explanation:
  1439. - '&ePermissions:'
  1440. - '&6cmi.kit.[kitName] &e- allows to use particular kit'
  1441. - '& &e- bypass money requirement'
  1442. - '&6cmi.kit.bypass.exp &e- bypass exp requirement'
  1443. - '&6cmi.kit.bypass.onetimeuse &e- bypass one time use'
  1444. - '&6/cmi kit [kitName] [playerName] &e- will give kit to another player'
  1445. info:
  1446. noMoney: '&eNot enough money. Cost: &6[cost] &eyou have &6[balance]'
  1447. noExp: '&eNot enough exp. Cost: &6[cost] &eyou have &6[balance]'
  1448. noCondition: '&eYou dont have special condition permission to use this kit:
  1449. &6[condition]'
  1450. oneTime: '&cThis is a one time use kit and you have already used it!'
  1451. cantUseNow: '&cYou can''t use this kit for the next [time]'
  1452. limitedTimeUseError: '&eCan''t use more than &6[times] &etimes'
  1453. limitedTimeUse: '&7Can use for &c[times] &7times'
  1454. limitedTimeAllUsed: '&cYou can''t get another one'
  1455. canUseIn: "&eCan use again in: \n[time]"
  1456. cooldown: "&eCooldown: \n[time]"
  1457. noKit: '&eCan''t find kit by this name'
  1458. noKitAccess: '&cYou don''t have access to this kit'
  1459. noFoundKit: '&eCan''t find any kits'
  1460. givenKit: '&eYou have given &6[kit] &eto &6[playerDisplayName]'
  1461. title: '&8Kits'
  1462. group: '&eGroup: &6[group]'
  1463. left: '&6Left &eclick to claim'
  1464. right: '&6Right &eclick to preview'
  1465. take: '&6Take this kit!'
  1466. kitcdreset:
  1467. help:
  1468. info: '&eReset kit timer'
  1469. args: (kitName) (playerName)
  1470. info:
  1471. notCd: '&eKit is not in cooldown stage'
  1472. reset: '&eKit (&6[kit]&e) cooldown got reset for &6[playerDisplayName]'
  1473. list: '&e[place]. &6[kit] &e[time]'
  1474. listHover: '&eClick to reset'
  1475. noCd: '&eThere are no kit''s on cooldown'
  1476. kiteditor:
  1477. help:
  1478. info: '&eKit editor.'
  1479. args: ''
  1480. explanation:
  1481. - '&ePermissions:'
  1482. - '&6cmi.kit.[kitName] &e- allows to use particular kit'
  1483. - '& &e- bypass money requirement'
  1484. - '&6cmi.kit.bypass.exp &e- bypass exp requirement'
  1485. - '&6/cmi kiteditor &e- shows kit list'
  1486. info:
  1487. kits: '&eKits: '
  1488. noKit: '&eCan''t find kit by this name'
  1489. iconSet: '&eNew icon set for &6[kitname] &ekit'
  1490. kitExists: '&eKit with this name already exist!'
  1491. deleteConfirm: '&eClick me if you really want to remove (&6[kitname]&e) kit!'
  1492. deleteConfirmFinal: '&cThis action is not reversible!'
  1493. kitRemoved: '&eKit (&6[kitname]&e) removed'
  1494. kitNotRemoved: '&cKit (&6[kitname]&c) could not be removed'
  1495. addNewInfo: '&eType kit name into chat and press enter. Type ''&6cancel&e''
  1496. to cancel this action.'
  1497. renameCommandInfo: '&eType new kit &6command &ename into chat and press enter.
  1498. Type ''&6cancel&e'' to cancel this action.'
  1499. renameConfigInfo: '&eType new kit &6config &ename into chat and press enter.
  1500. Type ''&6cancel&e'' to cancel this action.'
  1501. groupInfo: '&eType new group name into chat and press enter. Type ''&6none&e''
  1502. to remove group. Type ''&6cancel&e'' to cancel this action.'
  1503. commandInfo: '&eType new command into chat and press enter. Type ''&6cancel&e''
  1504. to cancel this action. Posible placeholders: &6{USERNAME} {DISPLAYNAME} {WORLDNAME}
  1506. conditionsInfo: '&eType new condition into chat and press enter. Type ''&6cancel&e''
  1507. to cancel this action'
  1508. descInfo: '&eType new description into chat and press enter. Type ''&6cancel&e''
  1509. to cancel this action'
  1510. renamed: '&eRenamed &6[kitname] &eto &6[newkitname]&e.'
  1511. groupSet: '&eNew group (&6[groupname]&e) set for &6[kitname]'
  1512. commandsListTitle: '&e✎&6Commands:'
  1513. conditionsListTitle: '&e✎&6Conditions:'
  1514. descListTitle: '&e✎&6Description:'
  1515. ListTitleHover: '&eClick to open GUI'
  1516. ListNumber: '&e[number].'
  1517. ListUp: ' &6⇑'
  1518. ListDown: ' &6⇓ '
  1519. ListRemove: '&cX'
  1520. ListRemoveHover: '&cRemove line'
  1521. ListRemoveKitHover: '&cRemove &6[kitname]'
  1522. ListEditKitHover: '&cEdit &6[kitname]'
  1523. ListAdd: ' &2+'
  1524. ListAddHover: '&2Add new'
  1525. guiClickery:
  1526. - '&eLeft mouse click to increase and right click to decrease'
  1527. - '&eHold &6Shift &eto speed process by 10 times'
  1528. - '&eRepeating fast clicks will speed amount change'
  1529. - '&eStop clicking for 1 sec to go back to default amount'
  1530. OffHand: '&ePlace offHand item over here'
  1531. Helmet: '&ePlace helmet item over here'
  1532. Chest: '&ePlace chest item over here'
  1533. Legs: '&ePlace leggings over here'
  1534. Boots: '&ePlace boots over here'
  1535. Weight: '&eWeight: &6[Weight]'
  1536. WeightExtra:
  1537. - '&eHigher value have bigger priority'
  1538. - '&eKits should be in same group'
  1539. despiteWeight: '&eShow despite weight: &6[Weight]'
  1540. despiteWeightExtra:
  1541. - '&ePLayer is not getting access to kit, but can preview it'
  1542. Slot: '&eSlot: &6[slot]'
  1543. SlotAuto: '&6Auto'
  1544. Clone: '&eClone items from inventory'
  1545. CloneExtra:
  1546. - '&eUse right mouse button to include armors'
  1547. - '&eClick again to revert changes'
  1548. timeDelay: '&eDelay: &6[time]'
  1549. usages: '&eCan be used for &6[times] &etimes'
  1550. usagesUnlimited: '&6Unlimited'
  1551. ignoreWeight: '&eShow despite weight: &6[state]'
  1552. timeDelaySeconds: '&eIn seconds: &6[time]'
  1553. moneyCost: '&eMoney cost: [cost]'
  1554. expCost: '&eExp cost: [cost]'
  1555. enabled: '&eEnabled'
  1556. disabled: '&6Disabled'
  1557. clickToSwitch: '&eClick to switch state'
  1558. clickToEdit: '&eClick to start editing'
  1559. editConfigName:
  1560. - '&eClick to rename config name'
  1561. - '&eThis only determines permission node'
  1562. editCommandName:
  1563. - '&eClick to rename command name'
  1564. - '&eThis sets command you need to use to get this kit'
  1565. kitGroup: '&eKit group: &6[group]'
  1566. dropItems: '&eDrop item if full: &6[state]'
  1567. commands: '&eCommands:'
  1568. conditions: '&eConditions:'
  1569. desc: '&eDescription:'
  1570. mainMenu: '&eMainMenu'
  1571. settings: '&eSettings'
  1572. icon: '&eIcon used when kit is &2available'
  1573. iconCd: '&eIcon used when kit is &cunavailable'
  1574. kitusagereset:
  1575. help:
  1576. info: '&eReset kit usage counter'
  1577. args: (kitName) (playerName)
  1578. info:
  1579. notLimited: '&eKit has no limited amount of usage'
  1580. reset: '&eKit (&6[kit]&e) usage amount got reset for &6[playerDisplayName]'
  1581. list: '&e[place]. &6[kit] &e[used]/[usages]'
  1582. listHover: '&eClick to reset'
  1583. noCd: '&eThere are no kit''s with usage above 0'
  1584. lastonline:
  1585. help:
  1586. info: '&eShow played players from last x minutes'
  1587. args: '[timeRange/list/stop] [page]'
  1588. info:
  1589. searching: '&eSearching &6[checked]&e/&6[total] &e(&6[found]&e)'
  1590. List: ' &6[place]&e. &2[name] &e-> &6[time].'
  1591. launch:
  1592. help:
  1593. info: '&eLaunch at direction you are looking or at angle'
  1594. args: (playerName) (p:[power]) (a:[angle]) (d:[direction]) (loc:[x]:[y]:[z])
  1595. explanation:
  1596. - cmi launch - will launch at direction you are looking
  1597. - cmi launch p:3.2 - will launch with power of 3.2
  1598. - cmi launch p:2.5 a:25 - will launch at direction you are looking with angle
  1599. of 25 dgrees and with power of 2.5
  1600. - cmi launch Zrips d:east - will launch to east direction same angle you are
  1601. looking
  1602. - cmi launch Zrips d:0 - will launch at 0 degrees direction (south) same angle
  1603. you are looking
  1604. - cmi launch d:45 a:30 p:2 - will launch south-west at 30 degree angle with
  1605. power of 2
  1606. - cmi launch loc:150:120:123 - will launch player to target location
  1607. info:
  1608. feedback: '!actionbar!&6[&fWhoosh!&6]'
  1609. lfix:
  1610. help:
  1611. info: '&eFix light in chunks around you'
  1612. args: (range) (playerName)
  1613. info:
  1614. NoMore: '&eRange can''t be more than server view range. Changed to maximum allowed.'
  1615. startFixing: '&eFound &6[amount] &echunks to fix. Starting!'
  1616. InfoShow: '&6TPS: &3[tps] &6Left &e[left] &6(&e[min]m:[sec]s&6) &6Speed: &e[speed]'
  1617. Finished: '&eLight fixing has finished'
  1618. Stopped: '&eStopped'
  1619. list:
  1620. help:
  1621. info: '&eShows online player list'
  1622. args: ''
  1623. explanation:
  1624. - 'Perm: '
  1625. - cmi.command.list.admin
  1626. - cmi.command.list.staff
  1627. - cmi.command.list.hidden
  1628. -[number]
  1629. info:
  1630. List:
  1631. - '&7========================'
  1632. - '&ePlayers online &6[amount][hidden]&e/&6[maxamount]'
  1633. - '[adminLine]'
  1634. - '[staffLine]'
  1635. - '[groupLine]'
  1636. - '&7========================'
  1637. staffL: '&7Staff: &f[list]'
  1638. adminL: '&8Admin: &f[list]'
  1639. hiddenPref: '&e&7[H]'
  1640. hiddenCount: '&e&7([amount])'
  1641. groupL: '&6[groupName]: &f[list]'
  1642. playerF: '&f[playerDisplayName]'
  1643. # Add as many groups as you wish, by default there is only 10, to create new one, just copy paste one line and add increment into lines name, like group11 or group12 and so on.
  1644. # Player have to have appropriate permission node to be plaecd in group[groupnumber], bigger number have priority
  1645. groups:
  1646. group1: '&eGroup1: &f[list]'
  1647. group2: '&eGroup2: &f[list]'
  1648. group3: '&eGroup3: &f[list]'
  1649. group4: '&eGroup4: &f[list]'
  1650. group5: '&eGroup5: &f[list]'
  1651. group6: '&eGroup6: &f[list]'
  1652. group7: '&eGroup7: &f[list]'
  1653. group8: '&eGroup8: &f[list]'
  1654. group9: '&eGroup9: &f[list]'
  1655. group10: '&eGroup10: &f[list]'
  1656. noGroupLine: '&eList'
  1657. lockip:
  1658. help:
  1659. info: '&ePrevents logging into account from different ip'
  1660. args: (playername) [add/remove/list/clear] [ip]
  1661. info:
  1662. CantLogin: '&cYou can''t login from this ip address'
  1663. add: '&eNew ip (&6[ip]&e) added for &6[playerDisplayName]'
  1664. remove: '&eIp (&6[ip]&e) removed from &6[playerDisplayName]'
  1665. clear: '&eAll ip''s removed from &6[playerDisplayName]'
  1666. ipNotFound: '&cIp not found'
  1667. empty: '&cList is empty'
  1668. list: '&6[place]&e. &6[ip]'
  1669. mail:
  1670. help:
  1671. info: '&eSend and receive mail'
  1672. args: '[send/clear/read] [playerName] (message)'
  1673. info:
  1674. sentMail: '&eMail sent to &6[playerDisplayName]'
  1675. gotMail: '!actionbar!&eYou received mail from &6[senderDisplayName]'
  1676. clearMail: '&eAll mail has been cleared!'
  1677. removedMail: '&eRemoved mail'
  1678. noMailsById: '&eThere is no mail by this id for this player'
  1679. noMails: '&eYou have no mail'
  1680. mailHover: '&e[senderName] /n &e[time]'
  1681. list: '&6[id]. &7[senderDisplayName]&e: [mail] '
  1682. waitingMail: '&eYou have &6[amount] &emails. Click to check them out.'
  1683. mailall:
  1684. help:
  1685. info: '&eCheck or send mail to all players'
  1686. args: '[send/clear/remove] [message]'
  1687. info:
  1688. sentMail: '&eSent &6[amount] &email(s)'
  1689. clearMail: '&6[amount] &email(s) have been removed'
  1690. removedMail: '&eRemoved &6[amount] &email(s)'
  1691. maintenance:
  1692. help:
  1693. info: '&eSet server into maintenance mode'
  1694. args: (message)
  1695. explanation:
  1696. - cmi.command.maintenance.bypass - to bypass maintenance mode
  1697. info:
  1698. feedback: '&eServer is in maintenance mode. Come back later.'
  1699. set: '&eServer maintenance mode set to &6[state] &ewith message: [message]'
  1700. maxhp:
  1701. help:
  1702. info: '&eSet a player''s max hp'
  1703. args: set/add/take/clear [playerName] [amount] (-s)
  1704. info:
  1705. feedback: '&eYou have set &3[maxHp] &emax hp for &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  1706. targetfeedback: '&eYour max HP was set to &3[maxHp] &eby &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  1707. maxplayers:
  1708. help:
  1709. info: '&eChanges maximum amount of players who can connect to server'
  1710. args: '[amount]'
  1711. explanation:
  1712. - '&ePermissions: '
  1713. - '&6cmi.fullserver.bypass &e- join full server'
  1714. info:
  1715. changed: '&eChanged max allowed players from &6[old] &eto &6[new]&e. Online:
  1716. &6[current]'
  1717. me:
  1718. help:
  1719. info: '&eSends special message to all players'
  1720. args: '[message]'
  1721. info:
  1722. format: '&5* [senderDisplayName] &5[message]'
  1723. merchant:
  1724. help:
  1725. info: '&eOpen merchant trade window'
  1726. args: '[type] (playerName)'
  1727. info:
  1728. incorrect: '&cIncorrect profession.'
  1729. feedback: '&eYou have opened &6[type] &etrade for &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  1730. targetfeedback: '&3[senderDisplayName]&e opened &6[type] &etrade for you.'
  1731. migratedatabase:
  1732. help:
  1733. info: '&eChanges database system and migrates all data'
  1734. args: ''
  1735. mirror:
  1736. help:
  1737. info: '&eStarts block place/break mirroring.'
  1738. args: (start/stop)
  1739. info:
  1740. started: '&eMirroring started'
  1741. stopped: '&6Mirroring stopped'
  1742. tooFar: '&cYou are too far from mirror center (max &6[blocks] &cblocks). Feature
  1743. is paused!'
  1744. title: Mirror
  1745. notSet: '&cCenter not set'
  1746. set: '&2Center set'
  1747. noBlocks: '&cNot enough blocks'
  1748. used: '&7Used: &7[blocks]'
  1749. Action:
  1750. Name:
  1751. X: X
  1752. Y: Y
  1753. Z: Z
  1754. XY: XY
  1755. ZY: ZY
  1756. XZ: XZ
  1757. ZX: ZX
  1758. Rotate90V: Rotate90V
  1759. Rotate90H: Rotate90H
  1760. Rotate90HC: Rotate90HC
  1761. Rotate180H: Rotate180H
  1762. Pause: Pause
  1763. Location: Location
  1764. Desc:
  1765. X: '&eMirrors by &6X &eaxis'
  1766. Y: '&eMirrors by &6Y &eaxis'
  1767. Z: '&eMirrors by &6Z &eaxis'
  1768. XY: '&eMirrors by &6X &eto &6Y &eaxis'
  1769. ZY: '&eMirrors by &6Z &eto &6Y &eaxis'
  1770. XZ: '&eMirrors by &6X &eto &6Z &eaxis'
  1771. ZX: '&eMirrors by &6Z &eto &6Y &eaxis'
  1772. Rotate90V: '&eRotates up'
  1773. Rotate90H: '&eRotates &690 &edegrees clock wise'
  1774. Rotate90HC: '&eRotates &690 &edegrees counter clock wise'
  1775. Rotate180H: '&eRotates &6180 &edegrees'
  1776. Pause: '&ePauses mirroring'
  1777. Location: '&eSets mirroring center location'
  1778. mobhead:
  1779. help:
  1780. info: '&eGet mob head'
  1781. args: '[mobType] (entryNumber) (playerName) (-s)'
  1782. info:
  1783. got: '&eGot &6[type] &emob head'
  1784. money:
  1785. help:
  1786. info: '&eManage money balance'
  1787. args: '[pay/give/take/set] [playerName/all/alloffline] [amount/%rand/1-1000%/1%[min-max][playerName]]
  1788. (-s)'
  1789. info:
  1790. newBalance: '&6[playerDisplayName] &enew balance: &6[money]'
  1791. paid: '&eYou have sent &6[amount] &eto &6[playerDisplayName]'
  1792. gotMoney: '&eYou got &6[amount] &efrom &6[senderDisplayName]&e. Balance: &6[money]'
  1793. gotMoneyGive: '&eYou received &6[amount]&e. Balance: &6[money]'
  1794. noMoney: '&cYou don''t have enough money'
  1795. worldGroups: '&cYou can''t send money between different world groups'
  1796. self: '&cYou can''t send money to yourself!'
  1797. confirm: '&eClick to confirm the &6[money] &etransfer to &6[playerDisplayName]
  1798. &a&l[✔]'
  1799. notAccepting: '&eThis user is not accepting payments from other players'
  1800. giveAll: '&eGive out &6[totalAmount] &efor &6[playerCount] &eplayers'
  1801. takeAll: '&eTook &6[totalAmount] &efrom &6[playerCount] &eplayers'
  1802. more:
  1803. help:
  1804. info: '&eFills item stack to maximum amount'
  1805. args: (playerName) (-clone/[amount])
  1806. explanation:
  1807. - '&ePermissions:'
  1808. - ' &6cmi.command.more.oversize &e- to get oversized stacks'
  1809. info:
  1810. feedback: '&eFilled stack to &3[amount]&e for &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  1811. msg:
  1812. help:
  1813. info: '&eSends message to player'
  1814. args: '[playerName] [message]'
  1815. explanation:
  1816. - If message starts with ! then clean message without sender name will be shown
  1817. - Requires cmi.command.msg.clean permission
  1818. - If message starts with !- then clean message without sender name will be shown
  1819. and without option to reply
  1820. - Requires cmi.command.msg.noreply permission
  1821. info:
  1822. TargetMsg: '&7[&8[senderDisplayName] &7-> &8me&7]&r&f [message]'
  1823. SenderMsg: '&7[&8me &7-> &8[playerDisplayName]&7]&r&f [message]'
  1824. consoleMsg: '[[senderDisplayName] -> [playerDisplayName]] [message]'
  1825. noPM: '&cPlayer is not accepting private messages now'
  1826. msgtoggle:
  1827. help:
  1828. info: '&eToggle private messages'
  1829. args: (playerName)
  1830. info:
  1831. feedbackOn: '&7Accepting private messages'
  1832. feedbackOff: '&7No longer accepting private messages'
  1833. mute:
  1834. help:
  1835. info: '&eMute player'
  1836. args: '[playerName] (time) (-s) (reason)'
  1837. explanation:
  1838. - 'Examples: '
  1839. - /cmi mute zrips 1m
  1840. - /cmi mute zrips 1h
  1841. - /cmi mute zrips 1h For swearing
  1842. info:
  1843. mutedFor: '&e[playerDisplayName] muted for &6[time]'
  1844. muted: '&eYou are muted for &6[time]'
  1845. reason: '&eReason: &7[reason]'
  1846. mutechat:
  1847. help:
  1848. info: '&ePrevent public messages'
  1849. args: (time) (-s)
  1850. explanation:
  1851. - 'Examples: '
  1852. - /cmi mutechat 1m
  1853. - '/cmi mutechat 1h '
  1854. info:
  1855. mutedFor: '&ePublic chat muted for &6[time]'
  1856. isMuted: '!actionbar!&ePublic chat is muted for &6[time]'
  1857. nameplate:
  1858. help:
  1859. info: '&eSet players name plate prefix, suffix or its color'
  1860. args: (playerName) (-pref:[prefix]) (-suf:[suffix]) (-c:[colorCode])
  1861. info:
  1862. feedback: '&eYou have updated nameplate for &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  1863. targetfeedback: '&eYour nameplate got updated'
  1864. near:
  1865. help:
  1866. info: '&eCheck who is near you'
  1867. args: (distance)
  1868. info:
  1869. nope: '&eNobody is near you'
  1870. list: '&e[place]. &6[playerDisplayName] &e- &7[distance]m'
  1871. aproxList: '&e[place]. &6[playerDisplayName] &e- &6[dir] &7~[distance]m'
  1872. nick:
  1873. help:
  1874. info: '&eChanges player name'
  1875. args: '[newNickName/off] (playerName) (-s)'
  1876. explanation:
  1877. - 'To change into different nick name: cmi.command.nick.different'
  1878. - To bypass length protection use cmi.command.nick.bypass.length
  1879. info:
  1880. changed: '&eNickName changed to &r[newNickName] &efrom &r[oldNickName]'
  1881. changedTarget: '&eYour nickName changed to &r[newNickName] &eby &r[senderDisplayName]'
  1882. reset: '&eNick name set to default one'
  1883. sameNick: '&cYou dont have permission to change into different nick. You can
  1884. change only colors'
  1885. blockedNick: '&cYou can''t use this nick name'
  1886. blockedNickLength: '&eNick name is to long. Max &6[amount] &esymbols'
  1887. blockedNickLengthMin: '&eNick name is to short. Min &6[amount] &esymbols'
  1888. inUse: '&cNick name is already being used by another player'
  1889. notarget:
  1890. help:
  1891. info: '&eToggle no-mob target mode'
  1892. args: (playerName) (true/false) (-s)
  1893. info:
  1894. enabled: '&eMonsters will no longer attack you!'
  1895. disabled: '&eMonsters will now attack you!'
  1896. note:
  1897. help:
  1898. info: '&eManage players notes'
  1899. args: (playerName) [add/remove/clear/list] (id/note)
  1900. info:
  1901. newNote: '&eAdded new note for player'
  1902. clearNote: '&eAll notes cleared for player'
  1903. removedNote: '&eRemoved note for player'
  1904. noNotesById: '&eThere is no saved notes by this id for player'
  1905. noNotes: '&eThere is no saved notes for player'
  1906. list: '&6[id]. &e[note]'
  1907. oplist:
  1908. help:
  1909. info: '&eCheck operator player list'
  1910. args: ''
  1911. info:
  1912. feedback: '&e* &6[number]. &e[playerName]'
  1913. panimation:
  1914. help:
  1915. info: '&ePlay custom particle animation'
  1916. args: ''
  1917. explanation:
  1918. - Information on usage can be found at
  1919. patrol:
  1920. help:
  1921. info: '&ePatrol'
  1922. args: ''
  1923. info:
  1924. noPatrol: '&eCurrently there is no players you can patrol'
  1925. Patroling: '&eCurrently patroling: &6[playerDisplayName]'
  1926. lastPatrol: '&eLast time patroled &6[time]&eago'
  1927. notes: '&eHas &6[amount] &enotes'
  1928. pay:
  1929. help:
  1930. info: '&ePerform money transaction'
  1931. args: '[playerName] [amount]'
  1932. paytoggle:
  1933. help:
  1934. info: '&eToggle payments from another player'
  1935. args: (playerName)
  1936. info:
  1937. feedbackDisabled: '&eYou are now accepting payments from other players'
  1938. feedbackEnabled: '&eYou no longer accepting payments from other players'
  1939. ping:
  1940. help:
  1941. info: '&eShows players ping'
  1942. args: (playerName)
  1943. info:
  1944. feedback: '&ePing: &6[ping]ms'
  1945. selffeedback: '&eYour ping is &6[ping]ms'
  1946. placeholders:
  1947. help:
  1948. info: '&eList out all placeholders'
  1949. args: (parse) (placeholder) (playerName)
  1950. info:
  1951. list: '&e[place]. &6[placeholder]'
  1952. outputResult: ' &eresult: &6[result]'
  1953. parse: '&6[placeholder] &eby [source] &6result &8|&f[result]&8|'
  1954. playercollision:
  1955. help:
  1956. info: '&eSet players collision mode'
  1957. args: (playerName) [true/false] (-s)
  1958. info:
  1959. feedback: '&eYou have set collision to &3[boolean]&e for &3[playerDisplayName]&e
  1960. (&3[offon]&e).'
  1961. targetfeedback: '&eYour collision mode changed to &3[boolean]'
  1962. playtime:
  1963. help:
  1964. info: '&eShows player total play time'
  1965. args: (playername)
  1966. info:
  1967. total: '&e* Total play time: [time]'
  1968. joined: '&e* Joined on: &6[time]'
  1969. playtimetop:
  1970. help:
  1971. info: '&eShows top list of player total play time'
  1972. args: '[page]'
  1973. info:
  1974. topLine: '&e----- TopPlaytime &e-----'
  1975. scanning: '&eData is being scanned currently, please wait a minute and try again'
  1976. loading: '&eData is not loaded yet. Scan process will start and you will get
  1977. result after its finished'
  1978. list: '&e[number]. [playerDisplayName] &e- &6[time]'
  1979. place: '&6[playerDisplayName] &eis in &6[place] &eplace'
  1980. point:
  1981. help:
  1982. info: '&ePoint to block'
  1983. args: (particleName) (playerName) (-self) (time) (-s:[speed])
  1984. portals:
  1985. help:
  1986. info: '&eSet portals'
  1987. args: (new/nearest) (portalName)
  1988. info:
  1989. collides: '&cCollides with &6[portalName] &eportal'
  1990. exist: '&cPortal with this name already exist'
  1991. notExist: '&cPortal with this name doesn''t exist'
  1992. locationSet: '&ePortal location set to your position for &6[portalName]'
  1993. removed: '&ePortal &6[portalName] &eremoved'
  1994. click: '&eClick to set tp location for &6[portalName] &eto your current position'
  1995. bungeeSet: '&eTravel to position and click on this message to set teleport location'
  1996. list: '&e[number]. &6[portalName]'
  1997. redefine: '&eRedefine area from current selection'
  1998. particles: '&eParticles: &6[state]'
  1999. particleType: '&eParticle type: &6[type]'
  2000. particleAmount: '&eParticle amount: &6[amount]'
  2001. particlePercent: '&ePercentage of sides shrinked particles: &6[amount]%'
  2002. activationRange: '&eActivation range: &6[amount]'
  2003. bungeeTeleport: '&eTeleport to exact bungee location: [state]'
  2004. requiresPermission: '&eRequires &7[perm] &epermission to use: [state]'
  2005. informPermission: '&eInform on missing permission: [state]'
  2006. teleportToLocation: '&eTeleport to portal location'
  2007. teleportToTarget: '&eTeleport to portal target location'
  2008. performCommandsWithoutTp: '&ePerform commands without valid teleport location'
  2009. editCommands: '&eEdit portal commands'
  2010. setTeleportLocation: '&eSet teleport location'
  2011. setSafeLocation: '&eSet safe outside location'
  2012. save: '&eSave changes to file'
  2013. removePortal: '&eREMOVE PORTAL'
  2014. cantUsePortal: '&cYou can''t use this portal'
  2015. pos:
  2016. help:
  2017. info: '&eShow current position of a player'
  2018. args: (playerName)
  2019. info:
  2020. feedback: '&e[playerDisplayName] &e(&3[offon]&e) ([world]&e,&6[x]&e:&6[y]&e:&6[z]&e)'
  2021. feedbackRegion: '&eChunk &6[chunkx]&e:&6[chunkz]&e Region &6[regionx]&e:&6[regionz]'
  2022. feedbackDirection: '&eDirection &6[direction] &e(&6[degrees] &edegrees)'
  2023. feedbackBiome: '&eBiome &6[biome]'
  2024. feedbackLight: '&eLight level &6[lightLevel]'
  2025. netherCoord: '&eNether World coord: &e(&6[x]&e:&6[y]&e:&6[z]&e)'
  2026. normalCoord: '&eNormal world coord: &e(&6[x]&e:&6[y]&e:&6[z]&e)'
  2027. preview:
  2028. help:
  2029. info: '&eLoad chunk for given range'
  2030. args: '[range] (innerrange)'
  2031. info:
  2032. NoMore: '&eRange can''t be more than 32 chunks. Changed to maximum allowed.'
  2033. startSending: '&eFound &6[amount] &echunks to send. Starting!'
  2034. InfoShow: '&6TPS: &3[tps] &6Left &e[left] &6(&e[min]m:[sec]s&6) &6Speed: &e[speed]'
  2035. Finished: '&eFinished. It can take some extra time to load all chunks on your
  2036. side.'
  2037. prewards:
  2038. help:
  2039. info: '&eCheck playtime rewards'
  2040. args: (playerName)
  2041. info:
  2042. list: '&e[place]. &6[rewardName] &ereward in &6[time]'
  2043. listNoStack: '&e[place]. &6[rewardName]'
  2044. listOneTime: '&e[place]. &6[rewardName]'
  2045. claim: ' &2Claim!'
  2046. claimAmount: ' &2Claim(x[amount])!'
  2047. claimHover: '&2Click to Claim reward!'
  2048. inform: '!actionbar!&2You have unclaimed rewards waiting for you! /prewards'
  2049. ptime:
  2050. help:
  2051. info: '&eControls player personal time'
  2052. args: ''
  2053. explanation:
  2054. - 'Example:'
  2055. - /ptime 13:00:00
  2056. - /ptime 1pm
  2057. - /ptime 13
  2058. - /ptime 7000ticks
  2059. - /ptime Zrips 1pm
  2060. - /ptime freeze
  2061. - /ptime unfreeze
  2062. - /ptime realtime
  2063. - /ptime reset
  2064. info:
  2065. check: '&ePersonal Time: &6[24h] &eor &6[12h] &eor &6[ticks]ticks'
  2066. frozen: ' &c(-)'
  2067. gotreseted: '&6[playerDisplayName] &etime has been reset'
  2068. gotfrozen: '&6[playerDisplayName] &etime has been frozen'
  2069. gotunfrozen: '&6[playerDisplayName] &etime has been unfrozen'
  2070. setto: '&eTime set to &6[24h] &eor &6[12h] &eor &6[ticks]ticks &efor &6[playerDisplayName]'
  2071. purge:
  2072. help:
  2073. info: '&eCleans player data from world folder by inactive days'
  2074. args: (stop)
  2075. info:
  2076. stopped: Purge stopped.
  2077. pweather:
  2078. help:
  2079. info: '&eControls player weather'
  2080. args: (playerName) [sun/rain/reset] (-s)
  2081. info:
  2082. check: '&ePersonal weather: &6[weather]'
  2083. gotreseted: '&6[playerDisplayName] &eweather has been reset'
  2084. setto: '&ePersonal weather set to &6[weather] &efor &6[playerDisplayName]'
  2085. gotset: '&eYour personal weather set to &6[weather]'
  2086. reset: '&eWeather reset'
  2087. rankdown:
  2088. help:
  2089. info: '&eDecrease your rank'
  2090. args: (playerName) (rankName) (confirm) (-cmd) (-cost)
  2091. explanation:
  2092. - -cmd will perform command defined for previous rank rankup
  2093. - -cost will charge player with money, exp or items if defined for previous
  2094. rank rankup
  2095. info:
  2096. noPrev: '&eCan''t find any previous ranks'
  2097. list: '&ePick one rank you want to &crankdown &eto: '
  2098. confirm: '&eClick me to confirm &crankdown &eto &6[rank]'
  2099. downranked: '&eRanked down to &6[rank]'
  2100. rankinfo:
  2101. help:
  2102. info: '&eYour rank information'
  2103. args: (playerName) (rankName)
  2104. info:
  2105. distanceCM: '[value]cm'
  2106. distanceM: '[value]m'
  2107. distanceKm: '[value]km'
  2108. requiredMoney: ' &eMoney: [color][current]&e/&6[needed]'
  2109. requiredExp: ' &eExp: [color][current]&e/&6[needed]'
  2110. requiredVotes: ' &eVotes: [color][current]&e/&6[needed]'
  2111. requiredPerm: ' &ePerm: '
  2112. requiredMcmmo: ' &eMcmmo: '
  2113. requiredMcmmoList: '&e[color][name] '
  2114. requiredMcmmoListHover: ' &e[color][current]&e/&6[needed]'
  2115. requiredMcmmoPower: Power
  2116. requiredJobs: ' &eJobs: '
  2117. requiredJobsList: ' &e[color][name]'
  2118. requiredJobsListHover: ' &e[color][current]&e/&6[needed]'
  2119. requiredJobsTotalLevel: TotalLevel
  2120. requiredItem: ' &eItems: '
  2121. requiredItemsList: '&e[color][name]'
  2122. requiredItemListHover: '&e[color][current]&e/&6[needed]'
  2123. currentRank: ' &eYour current rank: &6[rankName]'
  2124. elseCurrentRank: ' &6[playerDisplayName] &ecurrent rank: &6[rankName]'
  2125. rankNameLine: ' &e------ &6[rankName] &e[rankupState] &e------'
  2126. canRankup: ' &2Can rankup!'
  2127. cantRankup: ''
  2128. requiredStats: ' &e[name][extra]&e: [color][current]&e/&6[needed]'
  2129. requiredStatsExtra: ' (&6[type]&e)'
  2130. nextRanks: ' &eNext ranks: '
  2131. finalRank: ' &eThis is last rank'
  2132. noRank: ' &eCant find rank'
  2133. check: '&eCheck &6[rank] &erank'
  2134. progressBarHover: '&eProgress [percent]%'
  2135. ranklist:
  2136. help:
  2137. info: '&eList of possible ranks'
  2138. args: ''
  2139. info:
  2140. list: '&e[place]. [currentRankMarker]&6[rankName][currentRankMarker]'
  2141. currentRankMarker: '&6+'
  2142. rankset:
  2143. help:
  2144. info: '&eSet a players rank'
  2145. args: (playerName) [rankName] (-cmd) (-cost)
  2146. explanation:
  2147. - -cmd will perform command defined for that rank rankup
  2148. - -cost will charge player with money, exp or items if defined for that rank
  2149. rankup
  2150. - player will get rank even if he doesnt have enough money, exp or required
  2151. items
  2152. info:
  2153. set: '&eRank changed for &6[playerDisplayName] &eto &6[rankName]'
  2154. rankup:
  2155. help:
  2156. info: '&eIncrease your rank'
  2157. args: (playerName) (rankName) (confirm)
  2158. info:
  2159. noRank: ' &eYou don''t have any rank associated with you'
  2160. requiresPrevious: ' &eYou cant rankup to this rank. It requires you to have
  2161. &6[rank] &erank(`s)'
  2162. list: '&ePick one rank you want to rank up to: '
  2163. confirm: '&eClick me to confirm rankup to &6[ranks]'
  2164. realname:
  2165. help:
  2166. info: '&eCheck players real name'
  2167. args: (playerName/nickName)
  2168. info:
  2169. feedback: '&r[playerDisplayName] &ereal name &r[playerName]'
  2170. recipe:
  2171. help:
  2172. info: '&eCheck item recipe'
  2173. args: (itemName)
  2174. info:
  2175. title: '&0[itemName]'
  2176. page: ' &0[current]&7/&0[total]'
  2177. noRecipes: '&cCant find any recipes for this item'
  2178. reload:
  2179. help:
  2180. info: '&eReloads plugins config and locale files'
  2181. args: ''
  2182. info:
  2183. feedback: '&6Configs and locale files reloaded!'
  2184. failedConfig: '&4Failed to load config file! Check spelling!'
  2185. failedLocale: '&4Failed to load locale file! Check spelling!'
  2186. removehome:
  2187. help:
  2188. info: '&eRemove home'
  2189. args: (homeName) (playerName)
  2190. info:
  2191. remove: '&cClick to remove'
  2192. removed: '&eHome (&6[home]&e) removed'
  2193. removeuser:
  2194. help:
  2195. info: '&eRemoves user and its data'
  2196. args: '[uuid/duplicates]'
  2197. info:
  2198. removed: '&eUser (&6[uuid]&e) removed'
  2199. removedDuplicate: '&6[amount]/[max] &eduplicates removed'
  2200. removewarp:
  2201. help:
  2202. info: '&eRemove warp'
  2203. args: (warpName)
  2204. info:
  2205. remove: '&cClick to remove'
  2206. removed: '&eWarp (&6[warp]&e) removed'
  2207. notYours: '&cThis warp doesn''t belong to you!'
  2208. repair:
  2209. help:
  2210. info: '&eRepair items'
  2211. args: '[hand/armor/all] (playerName)'
  2212. explanation:
  2213. - - allows a user to repair items in their hand
  2214. - - allows a user to repair items in armor slots
  2215. - - allows a user to repair their whole inventory
  2216. - - allows a user to repair items without
  2217. adding repair share protection
  2218. info:
  2219. feedback: '&eYou have repaired &3[amount]&e items for &3[playerDisplayName]&e
  2220. (&3[offon]&e).'
  2221. itemOwner: '&eLast repaired by: &6[owner]'
  2222. cantUse: '!title!&cCan''t use this item!!subtitle!&eRepair it your self!'
  2223. repaircost:
  2224. help:
  2225. info: '&eSet items repair cost'
  2226. args: (playerName) [amount]
  2227. explanation:
  2228. - 'Example:'
  2229. - /repaircost 10
  2230. - /repaircost set 10
  2231. - /repaircost add 10
  2232. - /repaircost take 10
  2233. - /repaircost Zrips clear
  2234. - /repaircost Zrips add 10
  2235. info:
  2236. current: '&eCurrent items base repair cost: &6[cost]&e.'
  2237. noitem: '&cNot holding any item in hand.'
  2238. cantDetermineCost: '&cCan''t determine base repair cost for this item.'
  2239. selffeedback: '&eBase repair cost was set to &3[amount] &efor &3[playerDisplayName]&e
  2240. item in hand (&3[offon]&e).'
  2241. targetfeedback: '&eYour item repair cost was set to &3[amount]&e by &3[senderDisplayNaame]&e.'
  2242. replaceblock:
  2243. help:
  2244. info: '&eReplaces blocks in current world around you'
  2245. args: '&eid &6[blockName:data/id:data]&e w &6[blockName:data/id:data] &er &6[range
  2246. in chunks/g]&e y &6[max height]'
  2247. explanation:
  2248. - '&6SubCommands:'
  2249. - '&e- &6pause &e- pause replacing'
  2250. - '- &6continue &e- continue replacing'
  2251. - '- &6stop &e- stop replacing'
  2252. - '- &6speed [amount] &e- set current replace speed'
  2253. - '- &6autospeed [true/false] &e- set autospeed turned off or on'
  2254. - '- &6messages [true/false] &e- set message output to off or on'
  2255. - 'Example:'
  2256. - /cmi replaceblock id 52 w stone r 10
  2257. - /cmi replaceblock id 52,gold_block w stone r 15 y 100
  2258. - /cmi replaceblock id 52 w air r g y 100
  2259. - /cmi replaceblock id iron_ore%75 w stone%90,dirt%5 r g
  2260. info:
  2261. startScanning: '&eFound &6[amount] &echunks to check. Starting!'
  2262. paused: '&eReplacing paused, to continue use &6/cmi blockreplace continue.'
  2263. continuing: '&eReplacing continuing'
  2264. stoped: '&eReplacing stopped.'
  2265. speedChange: '&eSpeed changed to [amount]'
  2266. autospeedChange: '&eAutoSpeed changed to [state]'
  2267. messagesChange: '&eMessage state changed to [state]'
  2268. infoShow: '&6TPS: &3[tps] &6Left &e[left] &6(&e[time]&6) &6Speed: &e[speed]
  2269. &6Replaced: &e[found]'
  2270. finished: '&eFinished!!! Replaced: &6[amount] &eblocks! In &6[time]&e.'
  2271. reply:
  2272. help:
  2273. info: '&eReplay to last message sender'
  2274. args: '[message]'
  2275. info:
  2276. noOneToReplay: '&eThere is no one to replay'
  2277. resetdbfields:
  2278. help:
  2279. info: '&eResets particular database columns to default value'
  2280. args: '[collumnName] (-w:[worldName]) (-p:[playerName])'
  2281. info:
  2282. feedback: '&eUpdated &7[amount] &eplayers'
  2283. nofield: '&cCant find field by this name'
  2284. ride:
  2285. help:
  2286. info: '&eRide target entity'
  2287. args: ''
  2288. explanation:
  2289. - ' cmi.command.ride.[entityType] - to have access in riding entity'
  2290. info:
  2291. riding: '&eYou are riding &6[entityName]'
  2292. cantRide: '&cYou cant ride (&6[entityName]&c) entity'
  2293. someOneElse: '&cSome one is already riding this entity'
  2294. ridingYou: '&6[playerDisplayName] &eis riding you, do &6/shakeitoff &eto get
  2295. them off'
  2296. rt:
  2297. help:
  2298. info: '&eTeleports to random location'
  2299. args: (playerName) (worldName)
  2300. info:
  2301. posible: '&ePossible worlds: &6[worlds]'
  2302. tpLimit: '&eYou can''t teleport so fast, please wait &6[time] &eand try again'
  2303. IncorrectLocation: '&6Could not find correct teleport location, please wait
  2304. &e[time] &6and try again.'
  2305. teleported: '!actionbar!&6Whoosh!!!'
  2306. sameip:
  2307. help:
  2308. info: '&eList players logged in from same ip'
  2309. args: ''
  2310. info:
  2311. list: '&e[place]. &6'
  2312. nothing: '&eNothing to show'
  2313. saturation:
  2314. help:
  2315. info: '&eSet players saturation'
  2316. args: (playerName) [amount]
  2317. info:
  2318. feedback: '&eYou have set &3[amount]&e saturation for &3[playerDisplayName]&e
  2319. (&3[offon]&e).'
  2320. targetfeedback: '&eYour saturation was set to &3[amount]&e by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  2321. saveall:
  2322. help:
  2323. info: '&eSaves every player inventory'
  2324. args: (daysRange/-online)
  2325. explanation:
  2326. - -online variable can be used to save only online player inventories
  2327. info:
  2328. saving: '[simbol] &2checked: &e[checked]&2 from &e[total]&2 saved: &e[saved]
  2329. &2skipped: &e[skipped] [simbol]'
  2330. saved: '&eSave finished. Saved: &6[saved] &eSkipped: &6[skipped]'
  2331. saveditems:
  2332. help:
  2333. info: '&eSave or manage saved items'
  2334. args: '[save/get/remove/list] (savedItemName) (-t:playerName) (-s)'
  2335. info:
  2336. info:
  2337. - '&fLeft click to get item'
  2338. - '&fMiddle mouse click to detele'
  2339. got: '&eGot &6[name] &eitem'
  2340. give: '&eGive &6[name] &eitem'
  2341. removed: '&eRemoved &6[name] &eitem'
  2342. saved: '&eSaved &6[name] &eitem'
  2343. title: '&8[current]&7/&8[total]'
  2344. sc:
  2345. help:
  2346. info: '&eStarts sign copy process'
  2347. args: ''
  2348. info:
  2349. punch: '&ePunch sign to paste text into it, or punch any non-sign block to cancel
  2350. process'
  2351. canceled: '&eSign copy process cancelled'
  2352. updated: '&eSign updated'
  2353. scan:
  2354. help:
  2355. info: '&eScans for items in current world'
  2356. args: ''
  2357. explanation:
  2358. - '&6SubCommands:'
  2359. - '&e- &6stats &e- show current scanning stats '
  2360. - '&e- &6pause &e- pause scanning '
  2361. - '- &6continue &e- continue scanning '
  2362. - '- &6stop &e- stop scanning '
  2363. - '- &6speed [amount] &e- set current scan speed '
  2364. - '- &6autospeed [true/false] &e- set AutoSpeed turned off or on '
  2365. - '- &6messages [true/false] &e- set message output to off or on'
  2366. - 'Variables:'
  2367. - '&eid &6[id:data]'
  2368. - '&eq &6[minimum quantity]'
  2369. - '&er &6[range in chunks] &e- option to use &6g &einstead of number to scan
  2370. entire map'
  2371. - '&en &6[item name]'
  2372. - '&el &6[item lore]'
  2373. - '&eh &6uses info from item in hand'
  2374. - '&ee &6[enchantname]'
  2375. - '&eelvl &6[enchantminlevel]'
  2376. - '&eoversize'
  2377. - '&epurge - removed found items, this feature should be enabled in config file'
  2378. - 'Example:'
  2379. - /scan id 52 r 30
  2380. - scan id diamond_block r g q 32
  2381. info:
  2382. loadingChunkInfo: '&eLoading chunk information!'
  2383. startScanning: '&eFound &6[amount] &echunks to check. Starting!'
  2384. paused: '&eScanning paused, to continue use &6/cmi scan continue.'
  2385. continuing: '&eScanning continuing'
  2386. holdItem: '&eYou need to hold the item in hand'
  2387. stoped: '&eScanning stoppeds. You can check the results with /cmi scan info'
  2388. speedChange: '&eSpeed changed to [amount]'
  2389. autospeedChange: '&eAutoSpeed changed to [state]'
  2390. messagesChange: '&eMessage state changed to [state]'
  2391. NoInfo: '&eThere is no info'
  2392. infoShow: '&6TPS: &3[tps] &6Left &e[left] &6(&e[time]&6) &6Speed: &e[speed]
  2393. &6Found: &e[found]'
  2394. Teleport: '&ePress to teleport'
  2395. scanList: '&2[number]. &e[place] &6[amount] &8(&7X:&f[x] &7Y:&f[y] &7Z:&f[z]&8)'
  2396. scanListChecked: '&7[number]. [place] [amount] (X:[x] Y:[y] Z:[z])'
  2397. edit: ' &e(Edit)'
  2398. total: '&eChecking from [current]/[until] from total of [total]'
  2399. Stats:
  2400. - '&e************************************************************'
  2401. - '&e* &6Chunks: &e[checked]/[total]'
  2402. - '&e* &6Scan range: &e[range]'
  2403. - '&e* &6Scan speed: &e[scanspeed] &6(&e[autospeed]&6)'
  2404. - '&e* &6World: &e[world]'
  2405. - '&e* &6Found: &e[found]'
  2406. - '&e* &6Time: &e[time]'
  2407. - '&e* &6id: &e[id]'
  2408. - '&e* &6Qty: &e[qty] and up'
  2409. - '&e* &6Name: &e[name]'
  2410. - '&e* &6Lore: &e[lore]'
  2411. - '&e************************************************************'
  2412. schedule:
  2413. help:
  2414. info: '&eTrigger schedule'
  2415. args: '[scheduleName]'
  2416. se:
  2417. help:
  2418. info: '&eChanges sign text line.'
  2419. args: '[SignLine] [Text]'
  2420. explanation:
  2421. - Use / n for additional line
  2422. search:
  2423. help:
  2424. info: '&eSearch items/enchants/fly/maxhp/gm/oversize modes and other stuff from
  2425. all users'
  2426. args: ''
  2427. explanation:
  2428. - '&eid &6[id:data] '
  2429. - '&ename &6[some_custom_itemname] '
  2430. - '&elore &6[some_custom_lore] '
  2431. - '&eenchant &6[lowest enchant level] '
  2432. - '&epotion &6[lowest custom potion effect level] '
  2433. - '&efly &6[true or false] '
  2434. - '&egm &6[0/1/2/3 or survival/creative/adventure/spectator] '
  2435. - '&emaxhp &6[lowest hp player have] '
  2436. - '&egod &6[true/false]'
  2437. - '&eoversize'
  2438. - 'Example:'
  2439. - /search gm 1
  2440. - /search id 52
  2441. - /search lore Uber_lore
  2442. info:
  2443. started: '&eSearching '
  2444. current: '&eCurrently found &3[amount] &efrom &3[files] &echecked files'
  2445. nothingfound: '&eNothing found by your criteria'
  2446. totalfound: '&eTotally found &3[amount] &efrom possible &3[files] &echecked
  2447. users'
  2448. total: '&eChecking from [current]/[until] from total of [total]'
  2449. location:
  2450. ender: '&3Ender'
  2451. inv: '&eInv'
  2452. invS: '&eShulkerBox'
  2453. PlayerVault: '&ePlayerVault'
  2454. localsearch: '&e (L search)'
  2455. localsearchhover: |-
  2456. &eWill open inv from local files
  2457. &eThis will take longer
  2458. reglist: '&e[number]. &e[name]'
  2459. list: '&2[number]. [location] &6[name]'
  2460. listhover: '&eClick to open inv'
  2461. seen:
  2462. help:
  2463. info: '&eCheck when player was last seen'
  2464. args: '[playerName/uuid]'
  2465. info:
  2466. feedback: '&6[playerDisplayName] &ehas been &6[offon] &esince &6[time]&eago!'
  2467. online: '&6online'
  2468. offline: '&6offline'
  2469. sell:
  2470. help:
  2471. info: '&eSell items from inventory'
  2472. args: (all/blocks/hand/same/gui)
  2473. info:
  2474. total: '&eEarned &6[total] &eby selling &6[amount] &eitems. New balance &6[balance]'
  2475. close: '&8Place items you want to sell'
  2476. sellInfo: '&8Sell for: &2[price]'
  2477. sendall:
  2478. help:
  2479. info: '&eSend all online players to target server'
  2480. args: '[serverName]'
  2481. server:
  2482. help:
  2483. info: '&eConnect to bungeecord server'
  2484. args: '[serverName] (playerName)'
  2485. servertime:
  2486. help:
  2487. info: '&eShow server time'
  2488. args: ''
  2489. info:
  2490. time: '&eServer time: [time]'
  2491. format: MM/dd/YYYY HH:mm:ss
  2492. timeZone: '&eTime zone name: &6[name]'
  2493. timeZoneId: '&eTime zone id: &6[id]'
  2494. timeZoneOffset: '&eTime zone offset: &6[offset]'
  2495. setfirstspawn:
  2496. help:
  2497. info: '&eSets first spawn point'
  2498. args: (playerName)
  2499. info:
  2500. feedback: '&eFirst spawn point set (&6[world]&e,&6[x]&e,&6[y]&e,&6[z]&e)!'
  2501. sethome:
  2502. help:
  2503. info: '&eSets home location'
  2504. args: (homeName) (playerName) (-p) (-l:worldName;x;y;z)
  2505. explanation:
  2506. - cmi.command.sethome.unlimited
  2507. - -l will define custom location for new home location, this requires cmi.command.sethome.customloc
  2508. permission node
  2509. info:
  2510. set: '&eYou correctly created the home with name of &6[homeName]&e!'
  2511. setBed: '&eCreated bed respawn location'
  2512. private: ' &2(private)'
  2513. noMore: '&cYou have reached max sethome limit'
  2514. noOverwrite: '&cYou don''t have permission to overwrite existing home location.
  2515. Remove old one or pick different home name.'
  2516. setmotd:
  2517. help:
  2518. info: Set server motd
  2519. args: '[newMotd]'
  2520. explanation:
  2521. - use \n to make second line
  2522. info:
  2523. changed: '&eChanged motd to:'
  2524. setrt:
  2525. help:
  2526. info: '&eSet random teleport bounds'
  2527. args: (worldName) (center:[x]:[z]) (min:[range]) (max:[range]) (square/circle)
  2528. (enabled/disabled)
  2529. info:
  2530. list: '&6[place]. [world] [enabled] &7[centerX]:[centerZ] &e[maxDist]/[minDist]
  2531. [type]'
  2532. setspawn:
  2533. help:
  2534. info: '&eSets spawn command teleport point'
  2535. args: (playerName) (true/false) (-g:[groupName]) (-rng:[range]) (-w:world,world_nether)
  2536. explanation:
  2537. - More info on command usage at
  2538. info:
  2539. feedback: '&6Spawn point set ([world],[x],[y],[z])!'
  2540. group: ' &e([group])'
  2541. rng: ' &e(Rng: [rng])'
  2542. respawn: '&7Click to set this spawn point as possible respawn location'
  2543. setwarp:
  2544. help:
  2545. info: '&eSets warp location'
  2546. args: '[warpName] (reqPermission) (hand) (slot) (autoLore)'
  2547. explanation:
  2548. - 'Examples:'
  2549. - /cmi setwarp spawn - simple warp to spawn
  2550. - /cmi setwarp spawn true - creates warp and will require cmi.command.warp.[warpname]
  2551. permission node to use it
  2552. - /cmi setwarp spawn hand - creates warp will take item from hand to display
  2553. in gui for this warp
  2554. - /cmi setwarp spawn 13 - creates warp and sets gui slot to be used in gui (1-54)
  2555. - /cmi setwarp spawn true hand 13 - creates warp with icon from hand, slot 13
  2556. and requires permission
  2557. - /cmi setwarp spawn true hand 13 false - same as previous, but doesn't generate
  2558. lore
  2559. info:
  2560. newSet: '&eNew warp (&6[warp]&e) set'
  2561. noSet: '&cWarp with this name already exists'
  2562. noMore: '&cYou have reached max allowed warp limit. ([max])'
  2563. setworth:
  2564. help:
  2565. info: '&eChange item worth'
  2566. args: (itemname)
  2567. info:
  2568. setSell: '&eSet item sell price &7[amount]'
  2569. setBuy: '&eSet item buy price &7[amount]'
  2570. notInUse: '&eMainly used for possible exploit detection'
  2571. sellPrice: '&fSell price: &e[amount]'
  2572. buyPrice: '&fBuy price: &2[amount]'
  2573. exploit: '&4Possible EXPLOIT!'
  2574. ingridient: '&2Ingredients'
  2575. ingridients: '&7[ingridient]&f(&7[amount]&f) = &e[price]'
  2576. notSet: '&eprice not set'
  2577. result: '&2Crafts into &7[result]&f(&7[amount]&f)'
  2578. ingridientsPrice: '&cIngredient price: &7[price]'
  2579. resultPrice: '&cCan be sold for: &7[price]'
  2580. shakeitoff:
  2581. help:
  2582. info: '&eStrike ground or player with lightning'
  2583. args: (playerName) (-s)
  2584. info:
  2585. gotSmited: '&eYou got smited!'
  2586. socialspy:
  2587. help:
  2588. info: '&eToggle social spy'
  2589. args: (playerName)
  2590. info:
  2591. msg: '&2Spy&7[&8[senderDisplayName] &7-> &8[playerDisplayName]&7]&f [message]'
  2592. toggled: '&eSocial spy toggled to &6[state] &estate'
  2593. solve:
  2594. help:
  2595. info: '&eSolve equation'
  2596. args: '[equation]'
  2597. info:
  2598. result: '&7Result: &e[res]'
  2599. incorrect: '&cIncorrect input: &e[input]'
  2600. sound:
  2601. help:
  2602. info: '&ePlay sound at target location'
  2603. args: '[sound] (-p:[pitch]) (-v:[volume]) (playerName/-all) (world) (x) (y)
  2604. (z) (-s)'
  2605. info:
  2606. playing: "&ePlaying &6[sound] &eat [world] [x]:[y]:[z] \n&ePitch: &6[pitch]\
  2607. \ &eVolume: &6[volume]"
  2608. playingMultiple: "&ePlaying &6[sound] &efor &6[amount] &eplayers \n&ePitch:\
  2609. \ &6[pitch] &eVolume: &6[volume]"
  2610. spawn:
  2611. help:
  2612. info: '&eTeleports back to spawn location'
  2613. args: (playerName)
  2614. info:
  2615. notset: '&4Spawn point is not set!'
  2616. feedback: '&6Teleported to spawn!'
  2617. spawner:
  2618. help:
  2619. info: '&eSets spawner'
  2620. args: '[EntityType]'
  2621. info:
  2622. feedback: '&eSpawner is set to &6[type] &etype'
  2623. wrongEntityIdName: '&cWrong entity id or name'
  2624. cantSet: '&cCan''t set this type spawner'
  2625. cantDetect: '&cCan''t detect spawner block'
  2626. pickOne: '&8Pick spawner type'
  2627. spawnereditor:
  2628. help:
  2629. info: '&eEdit spawner'
  2630. args: ''
  2631. spawnmob:
  2632. help:
  2633. info: '&eSpawns entity at your location'
  2634. args: '[EntityType]'
  2635. explanation:
  2636. - ' &e- First argument always is main entities name'
  2637. - ' &e- You can define entities states: baby, adult, dumb, tamed, n-[name],
  2638. upwards, glow, skull-[name], helmet-[itemname], chest-[itemname], legs-[itemname],
  2639. boots-[itemname], mhand-[itemname], ohand-[itemname], effect-levitation/10/1-speed/10/2.
  2640. /n Example: horse:baby:tamed:n-Horsy, zombie:skull-Zrips:n-AngryZombie:mhand-Diamond_Sword'
  2641. - ' &e- some entities have special variables: '
  2642. - ' &6Sheep &e- white, brown, red, rainbow and so on... &6primed_tnt &e-
  2643. [ticks], incendiary'
  2644. - ' &6Horse &e- white, chestnut, creamy, darkbrown, gray, black'
  2645. - ' &6Ocelot &e- red, siamese, wild, black &6experience_orb &e- [number]'
  2646. - ' &6Skeleton &e- wither, &6Creeper &e- charged &6Wolf &e- angry'
  2647. - ' &6Zombie &e- villager, blacksmith, butcher, farmer, priest, librarian'
  2648. - ' &6Villager &e- blacksmith, butcher, farmer, priest, librarian'
  2649. - ' &6Slime, MagmaCube &e- size by giving number from 1. slime:3'
  2650. - ' &6ArmorStands &e- nogravity, noplate, arms, noarms, small'
  2651. - ' &6ShulkerBullet &e- [target], bounce'
  2652. - ' &e- Extra variables:'
  2653. - ' &6ps:zombie:priest:baby-1 &e- passanger with amount'
  2654. - ' &6hp:20 &e- health'
  2655. - ' &6sp:3 &e- spreads randomly entities in range'
  2656. - ' &6s:4 &e- entities speed'
  2657. - ' &6t:[playername] &e- target which one entities will atack'
  2658. - ' &6q:10 &e- amount you want to spawn'
  2659. - ' &6[playername] &e- spawns entities at players location'
  2660. - ' &6loc:123/13.0/-15/World &e- spawn location. World name is optional
  2661. if used as player'
  2662. - 'Example: /cmi spawnmob sheep:adult:rainbow ps:chicken:baby:n-Chick_on_Sheep
  2663. q:10 sp:10 hp:50 s:2'
  2664. info:
  2665. wrongEntityName: '&eIncorrect entity name'
  2666. wrongPlayerName: '&eIncorrect player name'
  2667. spawnedEntities: '&eSpawned &6[entities] &eentities '
  2668. spawnedPasangers: '&eand &6[passengers] &epassengers'
  2669. nothingSpawned: '&eNo entities spawned'
  2670. cantSpawn: '&eCan''t spawn this type of entity'
  2671. staffmsg:
  2672. help:
  2673. info: '&eSends message to staff channel'
  2674. args: '[message/toggle/on/off]'
  2675. info:
  2676. message: '&2[Staff]&4[&7[senderDisplayName]&4]&r&c [message]'
  2677. toggledOn: '&eA persistent staff chat has been started. You can now write messages
  2678. in public chat.'
  2679. toggledOff: '&eToggled off Persistent staff chat'
  2680. stats:
  2681. help:
  2682. info: '&eCheck players stats'
  2683. args: (playerName)
  2684. info:
  2685. distanceCM: '&e[value]&6cm'
  2686. distanceM: '&e[value]&6m'
  2687. distanceKm: '&e[value]&6km'
  2688. list: '&e[name]:&6[amount]'
  2689. listCover: '&e([list]&e)'
  2690. Quit: '&eGames Quit: &6[value]'
  2691. PlayTime: '&eTime Played: &6[value]'
  2692. SneakTime: '&eSneak time: &6[value]'
  2693. Sleep: '&eSleep in bed: &6[value]'
  2694. Joined: '&eJoined on: &6[time]'
  2695. Jumps: '&eJumps: &6[value]'
  2696. SinceDeath: '&eSince Last Death: &6[value]'
  2697. Deaths: '&eNumber of Deaths: &6[value]'
  2698. DeathsByMonsters: '&eKilled by monsters: &6[value]'
  2699. TotalDistance: '&eTotal distance traveled: &6[value]'
  2700. Walk: '&eWalked: &6[value]'
  2701. Crouch: '&eCrouched: &6[value]'
  2702. Sprint: '&eSprinted: &6[value]'
  2703. Swim: '&eSwum: &6[value]'
  2704. Fall: '&eFallen: &6[value]'
  2705. Climb: '&eClimbed: &6[value]'
  2706. Fly: '&eFlown: &6[value]'
  2707. Dive: '&eDove: &6[value]'
  2708. Minecart: '&eMinecart: &6[value]'
  2709. Boat: '&eBoat: &6[value]'
  2710. Pig: '&ePig: &6[value]'
  2711. Horse: '&eHorse: &6[value]'
  2712. Elytra: '&eElytra: &6[value]'
  2713. Damage: '&eDamage &6[dealt] [taken]'
  2714. DamageDealt: '&eDealt: &6[value]'
  2715. DamageTaken: '&eTaken: &6[value]'
  2716. JUMP: '&eJumps: &6[value]'
  2717. Kills: '&eKills &6'
  2718. KillsMob: '&eMob: &6[value]'
  2719. KillsPlayer: ' &ePlayer: &6[value]'
  2720. Blocks: '&eBlocks &6'
  2721. BlocksMined: '&eMined: &6[value]'
  2722. BlocksPlaced: ' &ePlaced: &6[value]'
  2723. Items: '&eItems &6'
  2724. ItemsUsed: '&eUse:&6[value]'
  2725. ItemsDrop: '&eDrop:&6[value]'
  2726. ItemsPicked: '&ePick:&6[value]'
  2727. ItemsBroken: '&eBroke:&6[value]'
  2728. ItemsCrafted: ' &eCraft:&6[value]'
  2729. ItemsEnchanted: ' &eEnchant:&6[value]'
  2730. Opened: '&eOpened &6[list]'
  2731. OpenChest: '&eChest:&6[value]'
  2732. OpenEnder: '&eEnderChest:&6[value]'
  2733. OpenShulker: '&eShulkerBox:&6[value]'
  2734. Interacted: '&eInteracted &6[list]'
  2735. InteractBeacon: '&eBeacon:&6[value]'
  2736. InteractBrewingStand: '&eBrewStand:&6[value]'
  2737. InteractCraftTable: '&eCraftTable:&6[value]'
  2738. InteractFurnace: '&eFurnace:&6[value]'
  2739. Inspected: '&eInspected &6[list]'
  2740. InspectDispenser: '&eDispenser:&6[value]'
  2741. InspectDropper: '&eDropper:&6[value]'
  2742. InspectHopper: '&eHopper:&6[value]'
  2743. Statistics:
  2744. LEAVE_GAME: Game quit
  2745. PLAY_ONE_TICK: Play time
  2746. TIME_SINCE_DEATH: From last death
  2747. TIME_SINCE_REST: From last rest
  2748. SNEAK_TIME: Sneak time
  2749. ACOUNT_AGE: Account age
  2750. TRAVEL: Travel
  2751. WALK_ONE_CM: Walk
  2752. CROUCH_ONE_CM: Sneak
  2753. SPRINT_ONE_CM: Sprint
  2754. SWIM_ONE_CM: Swim
  2755. FALL_ONE_CM: Fall
  2756. CLIMB_ONE_CM: Climb
  2757. FLY_ONE_CM: Fly
  2758. DIVE_ONE_CM: Dive
  2759. WALK_UNDER_WATER_ONE_CM: Walk under water
  2760. WALK_ON_WATER_ONE_CM: Walk on water
  2761. MINECART_ONE_CM: Minecart travel
  2762. BOAT_ONE_CM: Boat travel
  2763. PIG_ONE_CM: Pig travel
  2764. HORSE_ONE_CM: Horse travel
  2765. AVIATE_ONE_CM: Elytra travel
  2766. JUMP: Jump
  2767. DAMAGE_DEALT: Damage dealt
  2768. DAMAGE_TAKEN: Damage taken
  2769. DAMAGE_DEALT_ABSORBED: Damage dealt absorbed
  2770. DAMAGE_DEALT_RESISTED: Damage dealt resisted
  2771. DAMAGE_BLOCKED_BY_SHIELD: Damage blocked by shield
  2772. DAMAGE_ABSORBED: Damage absorbed
  2773. DAMAGE_RESISTED: Damage resisted
  2774. DEATHS: Deaths
  2775. ENTITY_KILLED_BY: Killed by
  2776. MOB_KILLS: Mob kills
  2777. PLAYER_KILLS: Player kills
  2778. ITEM_ENCHANTED: Item enchanted
  2779. ANIMALS_BRED: Animals bred
  2780. FISH_CAUGHT: Fish caught
  2781. TALKED_TO_VILLAGER: Talked to villager
  2782. TRADED_WITH_VILLAGER: Traded with villager
  2783. CAKE_SLICES_EATEN: Cake slices eaten
  2784. CAULDRON_FILLED: Cauldron filled
  2785. CAULDRON_USED: Couldron used
  2786. ARMOR_CLEANED: Armor cleaned
  2787. BANNER_CLEANED: Banner cleaned
  2788. BREWINGSTAND_INTERACTION: Brewing stand interactions
  2789. BEACON_INTERACTION: Beacon interactions
  2790. CRAFTING_TABLE_INTERACTION: Crafting table interactions
  2791. FURNACE_INTERACTION: Furnace interactions
  2792. DISPENSER_INSPECTED: Dispenser inspected
  2793. DROPPER_INSPECTED: Dropper inspected
  2794. HOPPER_INSPECTED: Hopper inspected
  2795. CHEST_OPENED: Chest open
  2796. TRAPPED_CHEST_TRIGGERED: Trapped chest triggered
  2797. ENDERCHEST_OPENED: Ender chest opened
  2798. NOTEBLOCK_PLAYED: Noteblock played
  2799. NOTEBLOCK_TUNED: Noteblock tuned
  2800. FLOWER_POTTED: Flower potted
  2801. RECORD_PLAYED: Record played
  2802. SLEEP_IN_BED: Slept in bed
  2803. SHULKER_BOX_OPENED: Shulker box opened
  2804. CLEAN_SHULKER_BOX: Shulker box cleaned
  2805. DROP: Item dropped
  2806. MINE_BLOCK: Blocks mined
  2807. BREAK_ITEM: Item breaks
  2808. CRAFT_ITEM: Item crafts
  2809. USE_ITEM: Items used
  2810. PICKUP: Item pickups
  2811. KILL_ENTITY: Monster kills
  2812. statsedit:
  2813. help:
  2814. info: '&eEdit players statistics'
  2815. args: (playerName) [add/take/set] [statistic] (subType) [amount] (-s)
  2816. info:
  2817. cantSet: '&cCan''t set this type of statistics'
  2818. reqSubType: '&cThis statistic requires defined &6[type] &csubtype'
  2819. set: '&eChanged from &6[old] &eto &6[new] &evalue for &6[statistic] &e(&6[extra]&e)'
  2820. status:
  2821. help:
  2822. info: '&eShow server status'
  2823. args: ''
  2824. info:
  2825. Platform: ' &ePlatform: &6[platform] &e(&6[os]&e) &eRunning threads: &6[threads]'
  2826. Tps: ' &eTPS: &6[tps]'
  2827. CpuUsage: ' &eCpu usage: &6[cpuusage]% &e(&6[cores] cores&e)'
  2828. Uptime:
  2829. main: ' &eUptime: '
  2830. weeks: '&e[weeks] &6weeks '
  2831. days: '&e[days] &6days '
  2832. hours: '&e[hours] &6hours '
  2833. mins: '&e[mins] &6mins '
  2834. secs: '&e[secs] &6secs '
  2835. MemoryUsage: ' &eMemory usage: &6[percent]% &e(&6[current]&e/&6[max] MB&e)'
  2836. MemoryUsageHover: "&fFree: &7[free] \n&fAllocated: &7[allocated] \n&fMax: &7[max]\
  2837. \ \n&fTotal: &7[total]"
  2838. Java: ' &eJava version: &6[mainV].[majorV].[minorV]&e(&6[update]&e) Build: &6[build]'
  2839. DiskUsage: ' &eDisk usage: &6[percent]% &e(&6[current]&e/&6[max] GB&e)'
  2840. Worlds: '&e [number]. &6[world] &e[chunks] Chunks &6[entities] Entities &e[tiles]
  2841. tiles &6[players] players'
  2842. sudo:
  2843. help:
  2844. info: '&eForce another player to perform command'
  2845. args: '[playerName] (command/c:[text])'
  2846. explanation:
  2847. - cmi.command.sudo.bypass - protects player from being 'trolled'
  2848. info:
  2849. performed: '&ePerformed ''&6[command]&e'' command as &6[playerDisplayName] &eplayer'
  2850. suicide:
  2851. help:
  2852. info: '&eKill your self'
  2853. args: '[playerName] (-s)'
  2854. info:
  2855. feedback: '&eGoodbye cruel world...'
  2856. message: '&6[playerDisplayName] &etook their own life'
  2857. switchplayerdata:
  2858. help:
  2859. info: '&eSwitch all data from one player to another'
  2860. args: '[sourcePlayerName/uuid] [targetPlayerName/uuid]'
  2861. explanation:
  2862. - Use UUID for more accurate transfers, especially when usernames matching each
  2863. other
  2864. info:
  2865. same: '&eProvided target and source users are same already'
  2866. transferred: '&6[sourceName] &edata got switched with &6[Name]'
  2867. tablistupdate:
  2868. help:
  2869. info: '&eForce tablist update for all or specific player'
  2870. args: (playerName)
  2871. info:
  2872. updated: '&eTablist updated'
  2873. tagtoggle:
  2874. help:
  2875. info: '&eToggle tag sounds'
  2876. args: (playerName)
  2877. info:
  2878. feedbackDisabled: '&eDisabled tag sounds'
  2879. feedbackEnabled: '&eEnabled tag sounds'
  2880. tempban:
  2881. help:
  2882. info: '&eTempBan player'
  2883. args: '[playerName] [timeInSec] (reason) (-s)'
  2884. explanation:
  2885. - Ban max range depends on cmi.command.tempban.max.[amount]
  2886. - cmi.command.tempban.max.unlimited - allows to ban for as much as you want
  2887. - In case player doesn't have any, 60 sec will be max value
  2888. - 'Example: '
  2889. - /cmi tempban zrips 5m For swearing
  2890. info:
  2891. messageToAll: '&6[playerDisplayName] &egot tempbanned by &6[senderDisplayName]
  2892. &efor: &6[time] &ereason: &6[reason]'
  2893. banedSilent: '&7[&8Silent&7]&6[playerDisplayName] &egot tempbanned by &6[senderDisplayName]
  2894. &efor: &6[time] &ereason: &6[reason]'
  2895. time: '&eYou will be unbanned after &6[time]'
  2896. badTime: '&cTime is defined incorrectly'
  2897. badTimeRange: '&cYou can''t ban for longer than &6[seconds]'
  2898. tempipban:
  2899. help:
  2900. info: '&eTemp ban ip'
  2901. args: '[ip/playerName] [time] (reason) (-s)'
  2902. explanation:
  2903. - cmi.command.banip.bypass - to bypass ban
  2904. info:
  2905. message: '&cThe Ban Hammer has spoken!'
  2906. reason: '&6Reason: &e[reason]'
  2907. defaultReason: '&eViolated server rules'
  2908. messageToAll: '&6[playerDisplayName] &7got temp ip banned for &7[time]&7by &6[senderDisplayName]&7:
  2909. &6[reason]'
  2910. banedSilent: '&7[&8Silent&7]&6[playerDisplayName] &7got temp ip banned for &7[time]&7:
  2911. &6[reason]'
  2912. tfly:
  2913. help:
  2914. info: '&eSet temporary players fly mode until relog or until time ends'
  2915. args: '[playerName] (timeInSec) (-s)'
  2916. explanation:
  2917. - 'Examples:'
  2918. - tfly Zrips 30 - fly mode for next 30 sec
  2919. - tfly Zrips +30 - adds fly mode for an additional 30 sec
  2920. - tfly Zrips 0 - fly mode until relog
  2921. - tfly Zrips - check if player have tfly mode enabled and until when
  2922. info:
  2923. setTimedFly: '&eYou have set &6[playerDisplayName]&e temporary fly for the next
  2924. [time]'
  2925. addTimedFly: '&eYou have added an additional [addTime] ([time]) for &6[playerDisplayName]&e'
  2926. setUntilRelogFly: '&eYou have set &6[playerDisplayName]&e temporary fly until
  2927. relog.'
  2928. targetTimedEnabled: '&eYour flight was enabled by &3[senderDisplayName]&e for
  2929. the next [time].'
  2930. targetTimedEnabledAdd: '&eYour flight time was increased by [addTime] ([time]).'
  2931. targetUntilRelogEnabled: '&eYour flight was enabled by &3[senderDisplayName]&e
  2932. until you relog.'
  2933. setFor: '&eTemporary fly mode enabled for next [time]'
  2934. setForRelog: '&eTemporary fly mode enabled until relog'
  2935. notSet: '&eTemporary fly mode is not enabled for player'
  2936. willBeDisabled: '&eFly mode will be disabled in [time]'
  2937. disabled: '&eTemporarly fly mode is disabled!'
  2938. tgod:
  2939. help:
  2940. info: '&eSet players temporarily god mode until relog or time end'
  2941. args: '[playerName] &3(timeInSec) (-s)'
  2942. explanation:
  2943. - 'Examples:'
  2944. - tgod Zrips 30 - god mode for next 30 sec
  2945. - tgod Zrips 0 - god mode until relog
  2946. - tgod Zrips - check how long a player has tgod for, if at all.
  2947. info:
  2948. setTimedGod: '&eYou have set &6[playerDisplayName]&e temporary god for the next
  2949. [time]'
  2950. setUntilRelogGod: '&eYou have set &6[playerDisplayName]&e temporary god until
  2951. relog.'
  2952. targetTimedEnabled: '&eYou got temporary god mode enabled by &3[senderDisplayName]&e
  2953. for the next [time].'
  2954. targetUntilRelogEnabled: '&eYou got temporary god mode enabled by &3[senderDisplayName]&e
  2955. until you relog'
  2956. setFor: '&eTemporary god mode enabled for the ext [time]'
  2957. setForRelog: '&eTemporary god mode enabled until relog'
  2958. notSet: '&eTemporary god mode is not enabled for player'
  2959. willBeDisabled: '&eGod mode will be disabled in [time]'
  2960. disabled: '&eTemporary god mode is disabled!'
  2961. time:
  2962. help:
  2963. info: '&eControls server time'
  2964. args: (time) (world) (alter [value]) (-smooth)
  2965. explanation:
  2966. - 'Example:'
  2967. - /day
  2968. - /night
  2969. - /time 13:00:00
  2970. - /time 1pm
  2971. - /time 13
  2972. - /time 7000ticks
  2973. - /time 1pm Lt_Craft
  2974. - /time 1pm all
  2975. - /time add 0:30
  2976. - /time take 0:30
  2977. - /time freeze
  2978. - /time unfreeze
  2979. - /time realtime
  2980. - /time autorealtime start/stop
  2981. info:
  2982. check: '&eTime: &6[24h] &eor &6[12h] &eor &6[ticks]ticks &ein &6[world]'
  2983. frozen: ' &c(-)'
  2984. frozenTime: '&eFrozen time'
  2985. real: ' &6(+)'
  2986. realTime: '&eAutomatic real time'
  2987. autorealstart: '&eAutomatic time adjustment for &6[world] &estarted'
  2988. autorealstop: '&eAutomatic time adjustment for &6[world] &estopped'
  2989. gotfrozen: '&6[world] &etime have has been frozen'
  2990. gotunfrozen: '&6[world] &etime have has been unfrozen'
  2991. cantset: '&eCan''t set time to this value'
  2992. setto: '&eTime set to &6[24h] &eor &6[12h] &eor &6[ticks]ticks &efor &6[world]'
  2993. am: '&eAM'
  2994. pm: '&ePM'
  2995. titlemsg:
  2996. help:
  2997. info: '&eSends title message to player'
  2998. args: "[playerName/all] [title \n subtitle] (-in:[ticks]) (-out:[ticks]) (-keep:[ticks])"
  2999. info:
  3000. message: '&f[messsage]'
  3001. toast:
  3002. help:
  3003. info: '&eSends toast message to player'
  3004. args: '[playerName/all] (-t:[advType]) (-icon:[material]) [message]'
  3005. info:
  3006. message: '&f[messsage]'
  3007. togglecompass:
  3008. help:
  3009. info: '&eShow or hide compass bossbar'
  3010. args: ''
  3011. info:
  3012. ToggleOff: '&eBoss bar compass got disabled'
  3013. ToggleOn: '&6Boss bar compass got enabled'
  3014. toggleshiftedit:
  3015. help:
  3016. info: '&eToggles sign shift editing'
  3017. args: ''
  3018. info:
  3019. feedbackDisabled: '&eDisabled shift sign editing'
  3020. feedbackEnabled: '&eEnabled shift sign editing'
  3021. toggletotem:
  3022. help:
  3023. info: '&eShow or hide totem cooldown bar'
  3024. args: ''
  3025. info:
  3026. notActive: '&eTotem cooldown is not active'
  3027. top:
  3028. help:
  3029. info: '&eTeleport to highest point at your location'
  3030. args: '[playerName] (-s)'
  3031. tp:
  3032. help:
  3033. info: '&eTeleports to player''s location'
  3034. args: '[playerName] (playerName)'
  3035. info:
  3036. feedback: '&eYou have been teleported to &3[sourceDisplayName] &elocation (&3[offon]&e).'
  3037. bad:
  3038. msg: '&cTeleport location is unsafe. [reason]'
  3039. extraMsg: '&eUse &6/tpbypass &eto bypass this. You have [time]'
  3040. lava: '&cLava'
  3041. void: '&cVoid'
  3042. suffocation: '&cSuffocation'
  3043. unknown: '&cUnknown'
  3044. plugin: '&c3rd party plugin'
  3045. notAllowed: '&cCan''t teleport to this player'
  3046. prevented: '&cTeleportation has been prevented by another plugin'
  3047. tpa:
  3048. help:
  3049. info: '&eAsk the player if you can teleport to them'
  3050. args: '[playerName] (playerName) (-c)'
  3051. info:
  3052. requestSent: '&eRequest sent to &6[playerDisplayName]'
  3053. gotRequest: '&6[senderDisplayName] &erequests teleportation to you!'
  3054. time: '&eYou have &6[time]&eto accept this request'
  3055. alreadyRequesting: '&eYou are already requesting that &6[playerDisplayName]
  3056. &eaccepts your teleportation request'
  3057. banned: '&eYou can''t send a teleportation request to &6[playerDisplayName]
  3058. &efor the next &6[time]'
  3059. tpaall:
  3060. help:
  3061. info: '&eAsk all online players to teleport to your location'
  3062. args: ''
  3063. info:
  3064. requestSent: '&eRequest sent to all players'
  3065. tpaccept:
  3066. help:
  3067. info: '&eAccept teleport request'
  3068. args: (playerName)
  3069. info:
  3070. noRequest: '&eThere is no teleport requests'
  3071. NotOnline: '&ePlayer is no longer online'
  3072. accepted: '&6[playerDisplayName] &eaccepted request'
  3073. youAccepted: '&eTeleportation accepted'
  3074. tpahere:
  3075. help:
  3076. info: '&eAsks player to accept teleportation to your location'
  3077. args: '[playerName] (playerName) (-c)'
  3078. info:
  3079. gotRequest: '&6[senderDisplayName] &erequests teleportation to them!'
  3080. tpall:
  3081. help:
  3082. info: '&eTeleports all online players to location'
  3083. args: (playerName)
  3084. info:
  3085. feedback: '&eYou have been teleported ([world],[x],[y],[z]) to &3[playerDisplayName]
  3086. &elocation.'
  3087. tpallworld:
  3088. help:
  3089. info: '&eTeleports ALL players from specific world'
  3090. args: '[worldName] (worldName;x;y;z(;yaw;pitch))'
  3091. info:
  3092. started: '&eTeleportations started!'
  3093. current: '&eCurrently teleported &3[amount] &eand &3[files] &echecked files'
  3094. total: '&eTotaly teleported &3[amount] &efrom possible &3[files] &echecked users'
  3095. WorldNotFound: '&eWorld by given &7[name] &ename is not loaded. Make sure its
  3096. correct one. We will use as it is.'
  3097. tpbypass:
  3098. help:
  3099. info: '&eBypass teleportation to unsafe location'
  3100. args: (playername)
  3101. info:
  3102. noSavedTp: '&cThere is no saved bad teleport locations'
  3103. feedback: '&eTeleported to unsafe location'
  3104. tpdeny:
  3105. help:
  3106. info: '&eDeny teleport request'
  3107. args: (playerName)
  3108. info:
  3109. noRequest: '&eYou have no active teleportation requests!'
  3110. youDenied: '&eYour teleportation request was denied!'
  3111. denied: '&e[senderDisplayName] &edenied your request.'
  3112. tphere:
  3113. help:
  3114. info: '&eTeleports player to your location'
  3115. args: '[playerName] (playerName)'
  3116. info:
  3117. feedback:
  3118. offline: '&eYou have set ([world],[x],[y],[z]) spawn location for &3[playerDisplayName]&e
  3119. (&3[offon]&e).'
  3120. online: '&eYou have teleported &6[playerDisplayName] &eto your location'
  3121. player: '&eYou got teleported to &6[sourceDisplayName] &elocation'
  3122. notAllowed: '&eCan''t teleport this player'
  3123. tpo:
  3124. help:
  3125. info: '&eTeleports to player''s location by force'
  3126. args: '[playerName] (playerName)'
  3127. tpohere:
  3128. help:
  3129. info: '&eTeleports player to your location by force'
  3130. args: '[playerName] (playerName)'
  3131. tpopos:
  3132. help:
  3133. info: '&eTeleports to location by force'
  3134. args: (-p:playerName) [x] [y] [z] (world) (pitch) (yaw) (-rng:[range])
  3135. info:
  3136. feedback: '&eYou have been teleported ([world],[x],[y],[z]).'
  3137. feedbackOther: '&e[playerDisplayName] have been teleported ([world],[x],[y],[z]).'
  3138. tppos:
  3139. help:
  3140. info: '&eTeleports to location'
  3141. args: (-p:playerName) [x] [y] [z] (world) (pitch) (yaw) (-rng:[range])
  3142. info:
  3143. feedback: '&eYou have been teleported ([world],[x],[y],[z]).'
  3144. feedbackOther: '&e[playerDisplayName] have been teleported ([world],[x],[y],[z]).'
  3145. tps:
  3146. help:
  3147. info: '&eCheck servers tps status'
  3148. args: ''
  3149. info:
  3150. Tps: '&eTPS: &6[tps]'
  3151. tptoggle:
  3152. help:
  3153. info: '&eToggle teleportation access to player'
  3154. args: (playerName)
  3155. info:
  3156. feedbackNoTp: '&ePrevented teleportation'
  3157. feedbackTp: '&eAllowed teleportation'
  3158. tree:
  3159. help:
  3160. info: '&eSpawn tree where you are looking'
  3161. args: (TreeType) (-p:[playerName])
  3162. info:
  3163. feedback: '&6[tree] &espawned.'
  3164. cantSpawn: '&cCant spawn (&e[tree]&c) on this block.'
  3165. unban:
  3166. help:
  3167. info: '&eUnban player or ip'
  3168. args: '[playerName/ip] (-s)'
  3169. info:
  3170. unBaned: '!broadcast!&6[playerDisplayName] &eunbanned'
  3171. unBanedSilent: '&7[&8Silent&7]&6[playerDisplayName] &eunbanned'
  3172. notBanned: '&6[playerDisplayName] &enot banned'
  3173. unbreakable:
  3174. help:
  3175. info: '&eMakes item unbreakable'
  3176. args: (playerName) (true/false)
  3177. info:
  3178. feedback: '&eYou made item [state] &efor &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  3179. breakable: '&6breakable'
  3180. unbreakable: '&6unbreakable'
  3181. uncondense:
  3182. help:
  3183. info: '&eUncondense items into smaller parts'
  3184. args: (itemName)
  3185. info:
  3186. converted: '&eConverted &7[blocks] &eblocks into &7[items] &eitems'
  3187. nothing: '&cThere is nothing in your inventory that can be uncondensed.'
  3188. unjail:
  3189. help:
  3190. info: '&eRelease player from jail'
  3191. args: '[playerName]'
  3192. info:
  3193. notInJail: '&cTarget player is not in jail'
  3194. unjailed: '&eYou have released &6[playerDisplayName] &efrom jail'
  3195. unjailedTarget: '&eYou have been released from jail!'
  3196. unloadchunks:
  3197. help:
  3198. info: '&eUnloads chunks from server memory'
  3199. args: (-f)
  3200. explanation:
  3201. - -f variable will force for all chunks to be unloaded in one go.
  3202. info:
  3203. removed: '&eRemoved -[list]'
  3204. startScanning: '&eFound &6[amount] &echunks to unload. Starting!'
  3205. InfoShow: '&6TPS: &3[tps] &6Left &e[left] &6(&e[min]m:[sec]s&6) &6Speed: &e[speed]
  3206. &6Unloaded: &e[found]'
  3207. Finished: '&eFinished!!! Unloaded: &6[amount] &echunks! In &6[minutes] &emin
  3208. &6[seconds] &esec.'
  3209. unmute:
  3210. help:
  3211. info: '&eUnmute player'
  3212. args: '[playerName] (-s)'
  3213. info:
  3214. notMuted: '&ePlayer is not muted'
  3215. unmuted: '&ePlayer can talk now'
  3216. unmutedTarget: '&eYou can talk now'
  3217. usermeta:
  3218. help:
  3219. info: '&eManage players meta data'
  3220. args: '[playerName] [add/remove/clear/list/increment] (key) (value) (-s)'
  3221. explanation:
  3222. - Any set meta can be displayed with %cmi_user_meta_[key]% placeholder around
  3223. plugin
  3224. info:
  3225. added: '&eAdded meta for &6[playerDisplayName] &ewith key as &6[key] &eand value
  3226. as &6[value]'
  3227. cleared: '&eCleared meta from &6[playerDisplayName]'
  3228. removed: '&eRemoved &6[key] &emeta from &6[playerDisplayName]'
  3229. changed: '&eChanged &6[key] &emeta from &6[oldValue] &eto new value of &6[newValue]'
  3230. list: '&e[place]. &6[key]&e: [value] '
  3231. util:
  3232. help:
  3233. info: '&Administration tools'
  3234. args: (removeseats/testtarget)
  3235. info:
  3236. removedSits: '&eRemoved &6[count] &eempty sits from all worlds.'
  3237. vanish:
  3238. help:
  3239. info: '&eVanish player'
  3240. args: (playerName/list) (on/off)
  3241. info:
  3242. vanished: '&eYou have vanished'
  3243. unvanish: '&eYou became visible'
  3244. targetVanished: '&6[playerDisplayName] &ehave vanished'
  3245. targetUnvanish: '&6[playerDisplayName] &ebecame visible'
  3246. list: '&e[place]. &6[playerDisplayName] &e(&6[offon]&e)'
  3247. noVanished: '&eThere are no vanished players'
  3248. vanishedit:
  3249. help:
  3250. info: '&eEdit vanish mode for player'
  3251. args: (playerName)
  3252. info:
  3253. isVanished: '&eVanished'
  3254. damageToEntity: '&eCan deal damage to others'
  3255. playerDamage: '&eCan take damage'
  3256. itemPickup: '&eCan pickup items'
  3257. mobAggro: '&eMobs can target'
  3258. interaction: '&eCan physically interact'
  3259. silentChest: '&eNoisy chest''s'
  3260. informOnLeave: '&eShows leave message'
  3261. informOnJoin: '&eShows join message'
  3262. PrivateMessages: '&ePrivate messages'
  3263. nightVision: '&eApply night vision'
  3264. bossbar: '&eShow bossBar when vanished'
  3265. afkcommands: '&eTrigger afk when vanished'
  3266. bossbarTitle: '&fVanished'
  3267. version:
  3268. help:
  3269. info: '&eShow plugin version'
  3270. args: ''
  3271. info:
  3272. cmiVersion: '&eCMI plugin version: &6[version]'
  3273. cmiVersionNew: '&e-> [newVersion]'
  3274. Server: '&eServer version: &6[version]'
  3275. Vault: '&eVault version: &6[version]'
  3276. viewrange:
  3277. help:
  3278. info: '&eChange view range'
  3279. args: '[range] (playerName)'
  3280. info:
  3281. changed: '&eView range changed to &6[range]'
  3282. NoProtocolLib: '&cThis function requires ProtocolLib!'
  3283. NoMore: '&eRange can''t be more than 32 chunks. Changed to 32.'
  3284. voteedit:
  3285. help:
  3286. info: '&eManage players votes'
  3287. args: (playerName) [add/set/take/clear] [amount] (-s)
  3288. explanation:
  3289. - 'Example:'
  3290. - /voteedit Zrips
  3291. - /voteedit add 10
  3292. - /voteedit take 10
  3293. - /voteedit Zrips clear
  3294. - /voteedit Zrips add 10
  3295. info:
  3296. currentVotes: '&e[playerDisplayName] &ehas &6[votes] &evotes'
  3297. selfFeedback: '&eVotes was set to &3[votes] &efor &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  3298. targetFeedback: '&eYour vote count was set to &3[votes]&e by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  3299. votes:
  3300. help:
  3301. info: '&eCheck players vote count'
  3302. args: (playerName)
  3303. info:
  3304. currentVoteSelf: '&eYou made &6[votes] &evotes'
  3305. currentVotes: '&e[playerDisplayName] &ehas &6[votes] &evotes'
  3306. voteCooldown: '&eYou will need to wait &6[time]&eto vote again'
  3307. voteLimit: '&eYou have reached vote count limit for today. You will need to
  3308. wait &6[time]&eto vote again'
  3309. votetop:
  3310. help:
  3311. info: '&eCheck top vote list'
  3312. args: (playerName)
  3313. info:
  3314. topLine: '&e----- TopVotes &e-----'
  3315. list: '&e[place]. &6[playerDisplayName]: &e[votes]'
  3316. ownLine: '&2[place]. &2[playerDisplayName]: &2[votes]'
  3317. walkspeed:
  3318. help:
  3319. info: '&eSet players walk speed from 0 to 10'
  3320. args: '[playerName] [amount]'
  3321. info:
  3322. feedback: '&eYou have set &3[amount]&e walk speed for &3[playerDisplayName]&e
  3323. (&3[offon]&e).'
  3324. targetfeedback: '&eYour walkspeed set to &3[amount]&e by &3[senderDisplayName]&e.'
  3325. max: '&eMax allowed walk speed for you is &6[max]&e.'
  3326. warn:
  3327. help:
  3328. info: '&eWarn player'
  3329. args: '[playerName] (category) (reason) (-s)'
  3330. info:
  3331. noSelfWarning: '&cYou can''t warn yourself'
  3332. cantBan: '&cCan''t warn this player'
  3333. messageToAll: '&6[playerDisplayName] &cgot warned by &6[senderDisplayName] &cfor:
  3334. &6[reason]'
  3335. banedSilent: '&7[&8Silent&7]&6[playerDisplayName] &cgot warned by &6[senderDisplayName]
  3336. &cfor: &6[reason]'
  3337. warnings:
  3338. help:
  3339. info: '&eCheck player warnings'
  3340. args: (playerName)
  3341. info:
  3342. totalPoints: '&7---- &e[playerDisplayName] &etotal violation points: &6[totalPoints]
  3343. &7----'
  3344. noWarnings: '&ePlayer doesn''t have any warnings'
  3345. list: '&7[place]. &e[time] &6by [warnedBy] &cfor: &7[warnedFor]'
  3346. hover:
  3347. - '&7Expires in: &e[time]'
  3348. - '&7Violation points: &e[points]'
  3349. warp:
  3350. help:
  3351. info: '&eTeleports to warp location'
  3352. args: (warpName) (playerName) (-s)
  3353. info:
  3354. list: '&eWarps: &6'
  3355. click: '&eClick to teleport to &6[warp]'
  3356. teleported: '&eTeleported to warp: &6[warp]'
  3357. noWarps: '&cThere is no saved warps'
  3358. noWarpByName: '&cThere is no warps by this name'
  3359. noAccess: '&cNo access to this warp'
  3360. guiTitle: '&6Warps'
  3361. creator: '&eCreator: &6[creator]'
  3362. weather:
  3363. help:
  3364. info: '&eControls server weather'
  3365. args: (sun/rain/storm) (lock/duration) (worldName/all)
  3366. explanation:
  3367. - 'Extra time formats can have: s/m/h/d/w/M/Y'
  3368. - 'Example:'
  3369. - /sun
  3370. - /rain
  3371. - /storm
  3372. - /sun lock
  3373. - /sun 120
  3374. - /sun Lt_Craft
  3375. - /sun 1h
  3376. - /sun 10m
  3377. info:
  3378. currentState: '&6[world] &e-> &6[weather] &efor next &6[time]'
  3379. sunny: sunny
  3380. rainy: rainy
  3381. thundering: thundering
  3382. whowas:
  3383. help:
  3384. info: '&eShows players previous names'
  3385. args: '[playerName]'
  3386. info:
  3387. list: ' &e[place]. &6[name] - &e[date]'
  3388. original: '&eOriginal name'
  3389. workbench:
  3390. help:
  3391. info: '&eOpen workbench'
  3392. args: (playerName)
  3393. info:
  3394. feedback: '&eYou have opened workbench for &3[playerDisplayName]&e (&3[offon]&e).'
  3395. targetfeedback: '&3[senderDisplayName]&e opened workbench for you.'
  3396. world:
  3397. help:
  3398. info: '&eTeleports to different world'
  3399. args: (normal/nether/end/1/2/3...) (playerName) (-s)
  3400. explanation:
  3401. - Requires[worldName] in addition to base permission node
  3402. info:
  3403. here: '&eAlready here'
  3404. worth:
  3405. help:
  3406. info: '&eCheck item worth'
  3407. args: (all/blocks/hand)
  3408. info:
  3409. worthless: '&eWorthless'
  3410. basePrice: '&6[itemName]&e(&7[amount]&e) -> &f[price]'
  3411. fullPrice: '&7[price]'
  3412. total: '&eTotal worth: &7[total]'
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