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ZeroNet debug log

a guest
Oct 1st, 2019
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  1. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,921] DEBUG - Watchdog fs listener could not be loaded: No module named 'watchdog'
  2. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,922] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: AnnounceBitTorrent (builtin)
  3. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,942] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: SiteAnnouncer
  4. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,942] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: AnnounceLocal (builtin)
  5. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,956] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: SiteAnnouncer
  6. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,961] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: FileServer
  7. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,965] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: ConfigPlugin
  8. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,965] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: AnnounceShare (builtin)
  9. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,967] DEBUG TrackerStorage Loaded 12 shared trackers
  10. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,972] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: SiteAnnouncer
  11. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,976] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: FileRequest
  12. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,980] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: FileServer
  13. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,985] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: ConfigPlugin
  14. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,985] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: AnnounceZero (builtin)
  15. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,992] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: SiteAnnouncer
  16. [2019-10-01 22:14:12,992] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: Bigfile (builtin)
  17. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,002] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiRequest
  18. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,006] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiWebsocket
  19. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,010] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: ContentManager
  20. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,014] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: SiteStorage
  21. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,019] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: WorkerManager
  22. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,023] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: FileRequest
  23. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,027] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: Peer
  24. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,032] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: Site
  25. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,036] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: ConfigPlugin
  26. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,036] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: Chart (builtin)
  27. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,044] DEBUG Db:Chart Connected to ./data/chart.db in 0.001s (opened: 1, sqlite version: 2.6.0)...
  28. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,045] DEBUG Db:Chart Db check done in 0.002s, changed tables: []
  29. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,051] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: SiteManager
  30. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,055] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiWebsocket
  31. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,055] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: ContentFilter (builtin)
  32. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,061] DEBUG - Loaded translate file: D:\Users\filips\Downloads\ZeroNet\src\Translate/languages/sl.json (44 entries)
  33. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,062] DEBUG - Translate file not exists: D:\Users\filips\Downloads\ZeroNet\plugins\ContentFilter/languages/sl.json
  34. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,067] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: SiteManager
  35. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,072] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiWebsocket
  36. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,076] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: SiteStorage
  37. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,081] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiRequest
  38. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,081] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: Cors (builtin)
  39. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,083] DEBUG - Translate file not exists: D:\Users\filips\Downloads\ZeroNet\plugins\Cors/languages/sl.json
  40. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,088] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiWebsocket
  41. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,092] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiRequest
  42. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,093] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: CryptMessage (builtin)
  43. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,175] INFO - Libsecpk256k1 loaded: FFILibrary_D:\Users\filips\Downloads\ZeroNet\venv\lib\site-packages\coincurve\libsecp256k1.dll in 0.071s
  44. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,181] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiWebsocket
  45. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,187] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: User
  46. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,187] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: DNS (builtin)
  47. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,194] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: ConfigPlugin
  48. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,200] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiRequest
  49. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,206] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: SiteManager
  50. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,206] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: FilePack (builtin)
  51. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,213] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiRequest
  52. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,219] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: SiteStorage
  53. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,219] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: MergerSite (builtin)
  54. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,228] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: ContentDb
  55. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,234] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: ContentManager
  56. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,239] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: WorkerManager
  57. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,245] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiRequest
  58. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,250] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: FileRequest
  59. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,256] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: Site
  60. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,262] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: ConfigPlugin
  61. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,263] DEBUG - Translate file not exists: D:\Users\filips\Downloads\ZeroNet\plugins\OptionalManager/languages/sl.json
  62. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,268] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiWebsocket
  63. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,269] DEBUG - Translate file not exists: D:\Users\filips\Downloads\ZeroNet\plugins\MergerSite/languages/sl.json
  64. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,275] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiWebsocket
  65. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,280] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiRequest
  66. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,286] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: SiteStorage
  67. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,291] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: Site
  68. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,297] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: SiteManager
  69. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,297] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: Newsfeed (builtin)
  70. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,305] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiWebsocket
  71. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,311] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: User
  72. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,311] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: OptionalManager (builtin)
  73. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,311] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: PeerDb (builtin)
  74. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,319] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: ContentDb
  75. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,319] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: Sidebar (builtin)
  76. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,322] DEBUG - Translate file not exists: D:\Users\filips\Downloads\ZeroNet\plugins\Sidebar/languages/sl.json
  77. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,328] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiRequest
  78. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,333] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiWebsocket
  79. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,339] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiWebsocket
  80. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,340] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: Stats (builtin)
  81. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,347] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiRequest
  82. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,347] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: TranslateSite (builtin)
  83. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,354] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiRequest
  84. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,355] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: Trayicon (builtin)
  85. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,356] DEBUG - Translate file not exists: D:\Users\filips\Downloads\ZeroNet\plugins\Trayicon/languages/sl.json
  86. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,362] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: Actions
  87. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,363] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: UiConfig (builtin)
  88. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,364] DEBUG - Translate file not exists: D:\Users\filips\Downloads\ZeroNet\plugins\UiConfig/languages/sl.json
  89. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,370] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiRequest
  90. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,376] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiWebsocket
  91. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,376] DEBUG PluginManager Loading plugin: UiPluginManager (builtin)
  92. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,378] DEBUG - Translate file not exists: D:\Users\filips\Downloads\ZeroNet\plugins\UiPluginManager/languages/sl.json
  93. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,384] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiRequest
  94. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,390] DEBUG PluginManager New plugin registered to: UiWebsocket
  95. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,390] DEBUG PluginManager Plugins loaded in 0.468s
  96. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,392] DEBUG PluginManager New class accepts plugins: Peer (Loaded plugins: [<class 'Bigfile.BigfilePlugin.PeerPlugin'>, <class 'Peer.Peer.Peer'>])
  97. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,393] DEBUG PluginManager New class accepts plugins: SiteAnnouncer (Loaded plugins: [<class 'AnnounceZero.AnnounceZeroPlugin.SiteAnnouncerPlugin'>, <class 'AnnounceShare.AnnounceSharePlugin.SiteAnnouncerPlugin'>, <class 'AnnounceLocal.AnnounceLocalPlugin.SiteAnnouncerPlugin'>, <class 'AnnounceBitTorrent.AnnounceBitTorrentPlugin.SiteAnnouncerPlugin'>, <class 'Site.SiteAnnouncer.SiteAnnouncer'>])
  98. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,396] DEBUG PluginManager New class accepts plugins: ContentDb (Loaded plugins: [<class 'PeerDb.PeerDbPlugin.ContentDbPlugin'>, <class 'OptionalManager.ContentDbPlugin.ContentDbPlugin'>, <class 'Content.ContentDb.ContentDb'>])
  99. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,397] DEBUG Db:ContentDb Connected to ./data/content.db in 0.001s (opened: 2, sqlite version: 2.6.0)...
  100. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,397] DEBUG Db:ContentDb Db check done in 0.000s, changed tables: []
  101. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,398] DEBUG Db:ContentDb Checking foreign keys...
  102. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,401] DEBUG PluginManager New class accepts plugins: ContentManager (Loaded plugins: [<class 'OptionalManager.OptionalManagerPlugin.ContentManagerPlugin'>, <class 'Bigfile.BigfilePlugin.ContentManagerPlugin'>, <class 'Content.ContentManager.ContentManager'>])
  103. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,401] DEBUG PluginManager New class accepts plugins: ConfigPlugin (Loaded plugins: [<class 'OptionalManager.OptionalManagerPlugin.ConfigPlugin'>, <class 'DNS.ConfigPlugin.ConfigPlugin'>, <class 'Bigfile.BigfilePlugin.ConfigPlugin'>, <class 'AnnounceShare.AnnounceSharePlugin.ConfigPlugin'>, <class 'AnnounceLocal.AnnounceLocalPlugin.ConfigPlugin'>, <class 'Config.Config.loadPlugins.<locals>.ConfigPlugin'>])
  104. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,402] DEBUG - Config: Config(action='main', autodownload_bigfile_size_limit=10, batch=False, bigfile_size_limit=False, bind=None, broadcast_port=1544, coffeescript_compiler='type %s | tools\\coffee\\coffee.cmd', config_file='./zeronet.conf', connected_limit=8, console_log_level='default', data_dir='./data', db_mode='speed', debug=True, debug_socket=False, disable_db=False, disable_encryption=False, disable_sslcompression=True, disable_udp=False, dist_type='source', dns_configure=False, dns_nameservers=['', '', '', '', ''], download_optional='manual', end=True, file_size_limit=10, fileserver_ip='*', fileserver_ip_type='dual', fileserver_port=11287, fileserver_port_range='10000-40000', fix_float_decimals=False, force_encryption=False, global_connected_limit=512, homepage='1HeLLo4uzjaLetFx6NH3PMwFP3qbRbTf3D', ip_external=None, ip_local=['', '::1'], keep_ssl_cert=False, language='sl', log_dir='./log', log_level='DEBUG', log_rotate='daily', log_rotate_backup_count=5, max_files_opened=2048, merge_media=False, msgpack_purepython=False, offline=False, open_browser=None, optional_limit='10%', optional_limit_exclude_minsize=20, proxy=None, silent=False, size_limit=10, stack_size=None, stream_downloads=False, tor='always', tor_controller='', tor_hs_limit=10, tor_hs_port=15441, tor_password=None, tor_proxy='', tor_use_bridges=False, trackers=['zero://boot3rdez4rzn36x.onion:15441', 'zero://', 'udp://', 'udp://', 'udp://', '', '', '', 'zero://2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360:26312'], trackers_file=None, trackers_proxy='disable', ui_host=None, ui_ip='', ui_port=8081, ui_restrict=False, ui_trans_proxy=False, updatesite='1uPDaT3uSyWAPdCv1WkMb5hBQjWSNNACf', use_libsecp256k1=True, use_openssl=True, use_tempfiles=False, verbose=False, workers=5, working_shared_trackers_limit=5)
  105. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,419] DEBUG - Changed console encoding to utf8: Active code page: 65001
  106. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,420] INFO - Patching sockets to tor socks proxy:
  107. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,421] DEBUG PluginManager New class accepts plugins: Actions (Loaded plugins: [<class 'Trayicon.TrayiconPlugin.ActionsPlugin'>, <class 'main.Actions'>])
  108. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,421] INFO - Version: 0.7.1 r4221, Python 3.7.0 (v3.7.0:1bf9cc5093, Jun 27 2018, 04:59:51) [MSC v.1914 64 bit (AMD64)], Gevent: 1.4.0
  109. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,434] DEBUG PluginManager New class accepts plugins: FileRequest (Loaded plugins: [<class 'OptionalManager.OptionalManagerPlugin.FileRequestPlugin'>, <class 'Bigfile.BigfilePlugin.FileRequestPlugin'>, <class 'AnnounceShare.AnnounceSharePlugin.FileRequestPlugin'>, <class 'File.FileRequest.FileRequest'>])
  110. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,435] DEBUG PluginManager New class accepts plugins: SiteManager (Loaded plugins: [<class 'MergerSite.MergerSitePlugin.SiteManagerPlugin'>, <class 'DNS.SiteManagerPlugin.SiteManagerPlugin'>, <class 'ContentFilter.ContentFilterPlugin.SiteManagerPlugin'>, <class 'Chart.ChartPlugin.SiteManagerPlugin'>, <class 'Site.SiteManager.SiteManager'>])
  111. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,435] DEBUG SiteManager SiteManager created.
  112. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,438] DEBUG CryptConnectionManager Version: OpenSSL 1.1.0h 27 Mar 2018
  113. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,439] DEBUG PluginManager New class accepts plugins: FileServer (Loaded plugins: [<class 'AnnounceShare.AnnounceSharePlugin.FileServerPlugin'>, <class 'AnnounceLocal.AnnounceLocalPlugin.FileServerPlugin'>, <class 'File.FileServer.FileServer'>])
  114. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,451] DEBUG PluginManager New class accepts plugins: User (Loaded plugins: [<class 'Newsfeed.NewsfeedPlugin.UserPlugin'>, <class 'CryptMessage.CryptMessagePlugin.UserPlugin'>, <class 'User.User.User'>])
  115. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,452] DEBUG PluginManager New class accepts plugins: UiWebsocket (Loaded plugins: [<class 'UiPluginManager.UiPluginManagerPlugin.UiWebsocketPlugin'>, <class 'UiConfig.UiConfigPlugin.UiWebsocketPlugin'>, <class 'Sidebar.ConsolePlugin.UiWebsocketPlugin'>, <class 'Sidebar.SidebarPlugin.UiWebsocketPlugin'>, <class 'Newsfeed.NewsfeedPlugin.UiWebsocketPlugin'>, <class 'MergerSite.MergerSitePlugin.UiWebsocketPlugin'>, <class 'OptionalManager.UiWebsocketPlugin.UiWebsocketPlugin'>, <class 'CryptMessage.CryptMessagePlugin.UiWebsocketPlugin'>, <class 'Cors.CorsPlugin.UiWebsocketPlugin'>, <class 'ContentFilter.ContentFilterPlugin.UiWebsocketPlugin'>, <class 'Chart.ChartPlugin.UiWebsocketPlugin'>, <class 'Bigfile.BigfilePlugin.UiWebsocketPlugin'>, <class 'Ui.UiWebsocket.UiWebsocket'>])
  116. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,453] DEBUG PluginManager New class accepts plugins: UiRequest (Loaded plugins: [<class 'UiPluginManager.UiPluginManagerPlugin.UiRequestPlugin'>, <class 'UiConfig.UiConfigPlugin.UiRequestPlugin'>, <class 'TranslateSite.TranslateSitePlugin.UiRequestPlugin'>, <class 'Stats.StatsPlugin.UiRequestPlugin'>, <class 'Sidebar.SidebarPlugin.UiRequestPlugin'>, <class 'MergerSite.MergerSitePlugin.UiRequestPlugin'>, <class 'OptionalManager.OptionalManagerPlugin.UiRequestPlugin'>, <class 'FilePack.FilePackPlugin.UiRequestPlugin'>, <class 'DNS.UiRequestPlugin.UiRequestPlugin'>, <class 'Cors.CorsPlugin.UiRequestPlugin'>, <class 'ContentFilter.ContentFilterPlugin.UiRequestPlugin'>, <class 'Bigfile.BigfilePlugin.UiRequestPlugin'>, <class 'Ui.UiRequest.UiRequest'>])
  117. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,453] INFO - Creating FileServer....
  118. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,454] DEBUG ConnServer Supported IP types: ['ipv4', 'ipv6']
  119. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,454] INFO - Creating UiServer....
  120. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,455] DEBUG SiteManager Sites not loaded yet...
  121. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,455] DEBUG SiteManager Loading sites...
  122. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,457] DEBUG PluginManager New class accepts plugins: WorkerManager (Loaded plugins: [<class 'OptionalManager.OptionalManagerPlugin.WorkerManagerPlugin'>, <class 'Bigfile.BigfilePlugin.WorkerManagerPlugin'>, <class 'Worker.WorkerManager.WorkerManager'>])
  123. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,458] DEBUG PluginManager New class accepts plugins: SiteStorage (Loaded plugins: [<class 'MergerSite.MergerSitePlugin.SiteStoragePlugin'>, <class 'FilePack.FilePackPlugin.SiteStoragePlugin'>, <class 'ContentFilter.ContentFilterPlugin.SiteStoragePlugin'>, <class 'Bigfile.BigfilePlugin.SiteStoragePlugin'>, <class 'Site.SiteStorage.SiteStorage'>])
  124. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,461] DEBUG PluginManager New class accepts plugins: Site (Loaded plugins: [<class 'MergerSite.MergerSitePlugin.SitePlugin'>, <class 'OptionalManager.OptionalManagerPlugin.SitePlugin'>, <class 'Bigfile.BigfilePlugin.SitePlugin'>, <class 'Site.Site.Site'>])
  125. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,462] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 ContentDb init: 0.000s, found files: 2, sites: 9
  126. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,463] DEBUG SiteManager Loaded site 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7 in 0.001s
  127. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,463] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t ContentDb init: 0.000s, found files: 340, sites: 9
  128. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,464] DEBUG SiteManager Loaded site 1GitLiXB6t5r8vuU2zC6a8GYj9ME6HMQ4t in 0.001s
  129. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,464] DEBUG Site:1HJS6q..qC1H ContentDb init: 0.000s, found files: 2, sites: 9
  130. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,465] DEBUG SiteManager Loaded site 1HJS6quLaqNLYxHVM9nL2rfmAsRvumqC1H in 0.001s
  131. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,465] DEBUG Site:1HeLLo..Tf3D ContentDb init: 0.000s, found files: 1, sites: 9
  132. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,466] DEBUG SiteManager Loaded site 1HeLLo4uzjaLetFx6NH3PMwFP3qbRbTf3D in 0.001s
  133. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,468] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 ContentDb init: 0.002s, found files: 4827, sites: 9
  134. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,471] DEBUG SiteManager Loaded site 1MaiL5gfBM1cyb4a8e3iiL8L5gXmoAJu27 in 0.005s
  135. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,472] DEBUG Site:1Name2..hM9F ContentDb init: 0.000s, found files: 1, sites: 9
  136. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,476] DEBUG SiteManager Loaded site 1Name2NXVi1RDPDgf5617UoW7xA6YrhM9F in 0.004s
  137. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,477] DEBUG Site:1RepoX..HCc6 ContentDb init: 0.000s, found files: 1, sites: 9
  138. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,477] DEBUG SiteManager Loaded site 1RepoXU8bQE9m7ssNwL4nnxBnZVejHCc6 in 0.001s
  139. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,478] DEBUG Site:1iD5ZQ..duGz ContentDb init: 0.000s, found files: 1, sites: 9
  140. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,478] DEBUG SiteManager Loaded site 1iD5ZQJMNXu43w1qLB8sfdHVKppVMduGz in 0.001s
  141. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,479] DEBUG Site:1iNDEx..RPcL ContentDb init: 0.000s, found files: 290, sites: 9
  142. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,479] DEBUG SiteManager Loaded site 1iNDExENNBsfHc6SKmy1HaeasHhm3RPcL in 0.001s
  143. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,479] DEBUG SiteManager SiteManager added 9 sites
  144. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,480] DEBUG ContentFilterStorage Loaded 0 mutes, 0 blocked sites from 0 includes in 0.000s
  145. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,500] DEBUG SiteManager Updated merger sites in 0.000s
  146. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,500] INFO - Removing old SSL certs...
  147. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,502] INFO - Starting servers....
  148. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,502] DEBUG - Gevent block checker started
  149. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,504] INFO Ui.UiServer No module named 'werkzeug': For debugging please download Werkzeug (
  150. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,504] INFO Ui.UiServer --------------------------------------
  151. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,504] INFO Ui.UiServer Web interface:
  152. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,505] INFO Ui.UiServer --------------------------------------
  153. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,506] DEBUG - Current maxstdio: 512, changing to 2048...
  154. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,518] DEBUG CryptConnectionManager Generating RSA CAcert and CAkey PEM files...
  155. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,518] DEBUG CryptConnectionManager Running: "tools\openssl\openssl.exe" req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 3650 -nodes -x509 -config "src/lib/openssl/openssl.cnf" -subj "/C=GB/ST=Greater Manchester/L=Salford/O=COMODO CA Limited/CN=COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA" -keyout "./data/cakey-rsa.pem" -out "./data/cacert-rsa.pem" -batch
  156. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,814] DEBUG CryptConnectionManager Result: Generating a RSA private key
  157. ................................................................................+++++
  158. .............+++++
  159. writing new private key to './data/cakey-rsa.pem'
  160. -----
  161. [2019-10-01 22:14:13,815] DEBUG CryptConnectionManager Generating certificate key and signing request...
  162. [2019-10-01 22:14:14,080] DEBUG CryptConnectionManager Running: "tools\openssl\openssl.exe" req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout "./data/key-rsa.pem" -out "./data/cert-rsa.csr" -subj "/" -sha256 -nodes -batch -config "src/lib/openssl/openssl.cnf"
  163. Generating a RSA private key
  164. ................................................................+++++
  165. .+++++
  166. writing new private key to './data/key-rsa.pem'
  167. -----
  168. [2019-10-01 22:14:14,082] DEBUG CryptConnectionManager Generating RSA cert...
  169. [2019-10-01 22:14:14,297] DEBUG CryptConnectionManager Running: "tools\openssl\openssl.exe" x509 -req -in "./data/cert-rsa.csr" -CA "./data/cacert-rsa.pem" -CAkey "./data/cakey-rsa.pem" -set_serial 01 -out "./data/cert-rsa.pem" -days 730 -sha256 -extensions x509_ext -extfile "src/lib/openssl/openssl.cnf"
  170. Signature ok
  171. subject=/
  172. Getting CA Private Key
  173. [2019-10-01 22:14:14,300] DEBUG TorManager Starting (Tor: always)
  174. [2019-10-01 22:14:14,300] DEBUG TorManager Connecting to Tor Controller
  175. [2019-10-01 22:14:14,302] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 142 peers (0 with hashfield) loaded in 0.001s
  176. [2019-10-01 22:14:14,306] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t 617 peers (0 with hashfield) loaded in 0.004s
  177. [2019-10-01 22:14:14,307] DEBUG Site:1HJS6q..qC1H 63 peers (0 with hashfield) loaded in 0.001s
  178. [2019-10-01 22:14:14,324] DEBUG Site:1HeLLo..Tf3D 2612 peers (0 with hashfield) loaded in 0.016s
  179. [2019-10-01 22:14:14,331] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 1056 peers (19 with hashfield) loaded in 0.007s
  180. [2019-10-01 22:14:14,350] DEBUG Site:1Name2..hM9F 2768 peers (0 with hashfield) loaded in 0.019s
  181. [2019-10-01 22:14:14,352] DEBUG Site:1RepoX..HCc6 396 peers (0 with hashfield) loaded in 0.002s
  182. [2019-10-01 22:14:14,362] DEBUG Site:1iD5ZQ..duGz 1136 peers (25 with hashfield) loaded in 0.009s
  183. [2019-10-01 22:14:14,365] DEBUG Site:1iNDEx..RPcL 485 peers (0 with hashfield) loaded in 0.003s
  184. [2019-10-01 22:14:14,365] DEBUG Db:ContentDb Loaded 16 optional files: 15.10MB, downloaded: 0.84MB in 0.000s
  185. [2019-10-01 22:14:16,369] WARNING TorManager Tor controller connect error: ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 10061] [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. in line 149 > line 335
  186. [2019-10-01 22:14:16,369] INFO TorManager Starting self-bundled Tor, due to Tor proxy port check error: Error ([Errno 10061] [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)
  187. [2019-10-01 22:14:16,370] DEBUG TorManager Connecting to Tor Controller
  188. [2019-10-01 22:14:16,371] DEBUG TorManager > PROTOCOLINFO
  189. [2019-10-01 22:14:16,372] DEBUG TorManager < 250-PROTOCOLINFO 1
  191. 250-AUTH METHODS=COOKIE,SAFECOOKIE COOKIEFILE="C:\\Users\\filips\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\ZeroNet\\core\\tools\\tor\\data\\control_auth_cookie"
  193. 250-VERSION Tor=""
  195. 250 OK
  196. [2019-10-01 22:14:16,374] DEBUG TorManager > AUTHENTICATE 069ddcc0751cdfce0a50a044a547fc350feb1ba53ff912864ecdd6483f03609a
  197. [2019-10-01 22:14:16,374] DEBUG TorManager < 250 OK
  198. [2019-10-01 22:14:16,374] DEBUG TorManager > GETINFO version
  199. [2019-10-01 22:14:16,375] DEBUG TorManager < 250-version=
  201. 250 OK
  202. [2019-10-01 22:14:16,376] DEBUG ConnServer Binding to:, (msgpack: 0.6.1), supported crypt: ['tls-rsa']
  203. [2019-10-01 22:14:16,376] DEBUG ConnServer Checking sites...
  204. [2019-10-01 22:14:18,504] DEBUG Db:ContentDb Commited in 0.000s (reason: Interval)
  205. [2019-10-01 22:14:18,977] INFO PeerPortchecker Checking port 15441 (ipv4) using checkPortchecker result: {'ip': '', 'opened': False} in 2.601s
  206. [2019-10-01 22:14:19,990] INFO PeerPortchecker Checking port 15441 (ipv6) using checkMyaddr result: {'ip': '', 'opened': False} in 3.606s
  207. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,090] INFO ConnServer Server port opened ipv4: False, ipv6: False
  208. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,090] DEBUG TorManager Start onions
  209. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,091] DEBUG TorManager > ADD_ONION NEW:RSA1024 port=15441
  210. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,105] DEBUG TorManager < 250-ServiceID=7rq67dwbwdubfi35
  212. 250-PrivateKey=RSA1024: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
  214. 250 OK
  215. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,106] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for global: 7rq67dwbwdubfi35
  216. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,107] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  217. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,111] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Recent peers 0 of 0 (need: 25)
  218. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,112] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 1 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  219. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,112] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 2 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  220. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,113] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 3 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  221. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,113] DEBUG TorManager > ADD_ONION NEW:RSA1024 port=15441
  222. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,164] DEBUG TorManager < 250-ServiceID=oovjl35o2yluounq
  224. 250-PrivateKey=RSA1024: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
  226. 250 OK
  227. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,167] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7: oovjl35o2yluounq
  228. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,167] DEBUG TorManager > ADD_ONION NEW:RSA1024 port=15441
  229. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,190] DEBUG TorManager < 250-ServiceID=srtgrpf7zgaa3lux
  231. 250-PrivateKey=RSA1024: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
  233. 250 OK
  234. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,192] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 1GitLiXB6t5r8vuU2zC6a8GYj9ME6HMQ4t: srtgrpf7zgaa3lux
  235. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,193] DEBUG TorManager > ADD_ONION NEW:RSA1024 port=15441
  236. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,199] DEBUG TorManager < 250-ServiceID=wyf7bsulqedjvbpe
  238. 250-PrivateKey=RSA1024: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
  240. 250 OK
  241. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,200] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 1HJS6quLaqNLYxHVM9nL2rfmAsRvumqC1H: wyf7bsulqedjvbpe
  242. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,200] DEBUG TorManager > ADD_ONION NEW:RSA1024 port=15441
  243. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,243] DEBUG TorManager < 250-ServiceID=2pcsbmio3soji2rn
  245. 250-PrivateKey=RSA1024: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
  247. 250 OK
  248. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,245] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 1HeLLo4uzjaLetFx6NH3PMwFP3qbRbTf3D: 2pcsbmio3soji2rn
  249. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,245] DEBUG TorManager > ADD_ONION NEW:RSA1024 port=15441
  250. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,258] DEBUG TorManager < 250-ServiceID=puu5sbkqngvlva23
  252. 250-PrivateKey=RSA1024: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
  254. 250 OK
  255. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,259] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 1MaiL5gfBM1cyb4a8e3iiL8L5gXmoAJu27: puu5sbkqngvlva23
  256. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,260] DEBUG TorManager > ADD_ONION NEW:RSA1024 port=15441
  257. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,275] DEBUG TorManager < 250-ServiceID=ao76eoyxfig53r65
  259. 250-PrivateKey=RSA1024: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
  261. 250 OK
  262. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,277] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 1Name2NXVi1RDPDgf5617UoW7xA6YrhM9F: ao76eoyxfig53r65
  263. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,278] DEBUG TorManager > ADD_ONION NEW:RSA1024 port=15441
  264. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,285] DEBUG TorManager < 250-ServiceID=a6jivya7voamzdox
  266. 250-PrivateKey=RSA1024: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
  268. 250 OK
  269. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,286] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 1RepoXU8bQE9m7ssNwL4nnxBnZVejHCc6: a6jivya7voamzdox
  270. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,288] DEBUG TorManager > ADD_ONION NEW:RSA1024 port=15441
  271. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,302] DEBUG TorManager < 250-ServiceID=ourkcm7dqfocc224
  273. 250-PrivateKey=RSA1024: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
  275. 250 OK
  276. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,303] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 1iD5ZQJMNXu43w1qLB8sfdHVKppVMduGz: ourkcm7dqfocc224
  277. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,303] DEBUG TorManager > ADD_ONION NEW:RSA1024 port=15441
  278. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,345] DEBUG TorManager < 250-ServiceID=vi577fwsd5f6pklq
  280. 250-PrivateKey=RSA1024: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
  282. 250 OK
  283. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,347] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 1iNDExENNBsfHc6SKmy1HaeasHhm3RPcL: vi577fwsd5f6pklq
  284. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,348] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 4 boot3rdez4rzn36x.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  285. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,348] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to boot3rdez4rzn36x.onion:15441
  286. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,349] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7: srtgrpf7zgaa3lux
  287. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,349] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 5 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  288. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,349] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7: wyf7bsulqedjvbpe
  289. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,350] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 6 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  290. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,350] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7: ourkcm7dqfocc224
  291. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,351] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 7 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  292. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,351] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7: ao76eoyxfig53r65
  293. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,351] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 8 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  294. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,352] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7: vi577fwsd5f6pklq
  295. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,352] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 9 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  296. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,353] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7: ourkcm7dqfocc224
  297. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,353] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7: a6jivya7voamzdox
  298. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,354] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#10 2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  299. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,354] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7: 2pcsbmio3soji2rn
  300. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,354] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#11 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  301. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,355] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7: 2pcsbmio3soji2rn
  302. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,355] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#12 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  303. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,356] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7: wyf7bsulqedjvbpe
  304. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,359] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#13 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  305. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,359] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7: vi577fwsd5f6pklq
  306. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,359] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#14 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  307. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,360] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7: 2pcsbmio3soji2rn
  308. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,360] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#15 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  309. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,361] DEBUG TorManager Created new hidden service for 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7: vi577fwsd5f6pklq
  310. [2019-10-01 22:14:20,361] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#16 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  311. [2019-10-01 22:14:22,107] DEBUG Site:1iD5ZQ..duGz content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  312. [2019-10-01 22:14:22,107] DEBUG Site:1iD5ZQ..duGz Recent peers 0 of 0 (need: 25)
  313. [2019-10-01 22:14:22,109] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 1 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  314. [2019-10-01 22:14:22,109] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 2 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  315. [2019-10-01 22:14:22,110] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 3 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  316. [2019-10-01 22:14:22,187] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Signing 1569960899 for boot3rdez4rzn36x.onion:15441 to add 9 onions
  317. [2019-10-01 22:14:22,395] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 9 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  318. [2019-10-01 22:14:22,496] WARNING Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker zero://boot3rdez4rzn36x.onion:15441 announce failed: AnnounceError: Announce onion address to failed: {'cmd': 'response', 'to': 2, 'peers': [{'onion': [], 'ip4': []}, {'onion': [], 'ip4': []}, {'onion': [], 'ip4': []}, {'onion': [], 'ip4': []}, {'onion': [], 'ip4': []}, {'onion': [], 'ip4': []}, {'onion': [], 'ip4': []}, {'onion': [], 'ip4': []}, {'onion': [], 'ip4': []}], 'onion_sign_this': '1569960900'} in line 198 > AnnounceZero/ line 128 in mode startup
  319. [2019-10-01 22:14:22,663] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Signing 1569960863 for to add 9 onions
  320. [2019-10-01 22:14:22,704] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Signing 1569960863 for to add 9 onions
  321. [2019-10-01 22:14:22,905] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 9 [v2] > Closing connection: Removing, waiting_requests: 1, sites: 3, buff: 0...
  322. [2019-10-01 22:14:22,905] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 9, new peers: 12, add: ['onion']) in 2.791s
  323. [2019-10-01 22:14:22,966] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Signing 1569960863 for to add 9 onions
  324. [2019-10-01 22:14:23,017] DEBUG Site:1iD5ZQ..duGz Announced in mode startup to 3/18 trackers in 0.908s, errors: [], slow: []
  325. [2019-10-01 22:14:23,084] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Signing 1569960863 for 2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360:26312 to add 9 onions
  326. [2019-10-01 22:14:23,152] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 7 [v2] > Closing connection: Removing, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 2, buff: 0...
  327. [2019-10-01 22:14:23,153] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 9, new peers: 26, add: ['onion']) in 3.040s
  328. [2019-10-01 22:14:23,209] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 6 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  329. [2019-10-01 22:14:23,296] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#14 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  330. [2019-10-01 22:14:23,362] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#10 2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360 [v2] > Closing connection: Removing, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  331. [2019-10-01 22:14:23,364] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker announce result: zero://2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360:26312 (sites: 9, new peers: 14, add: ['onion']) in 3.250s
  332. [2019-10-01 22:14:23,688] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Signing 1569960864 for to add 9 onions
  333. [2019-10-01 22:14:23,761] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Signing 1569960864 for to add 9 onions
  334. [2019-10-01 22:14:23,908] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#17 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  335. [2019-10-01 22:14:24,107] DEBUG Site:1Name2..hM9F content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  336. [2019-10-01 22:14:24,107] DEBUG Site:1Name2..hM9F Recent peers 94 of 100 (need: 25)
  337. [2019-10-01 22:14:24,109] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 1 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  338. [2019-10-01 22:14:24,109] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 2 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  339. [2019-10-01 22:14:24,109] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 3 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  340. [2019-10-01 22:14:24,172] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 6 [v2] > Closing connection: Removing, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 3, buff: 0...
  341. [2019-10-01 22:14:24,172] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 9, new peers: 5, add: ['onion']) in 4.058s
  342. [2019-10-01 22:14:24,303] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#14 [v2] > Closing connection: Removing, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 3, buff: 0...
  343. [2019-10-01 22:14:24,303] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 9, new peers: 10, add: ['onion']) in 4.189s
  344. [2019-10-01 22:14:24,354] DEBUG Site:1Name2..hM9F Signing 1569960901 for boot3rdez4rzn36x.onion:15441 to add 9 onions
  345. [2019-10-01 22:14:24,634] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#17 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  346. [2019-10-01 22:14:24,661] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 4 boot3rdez4rzn36x.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Removing, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  347. [2019-10-01 22:14:24,662] DEBUG Site:1Name2..hM9F Tracker announce result: zero://boot3rdez4rzn36x.onion:15441 (sites: 9, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 0.552s
  348. [2019-10-01 22:14:24,874] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#17 [v2] > Closing connection: Removing, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  349. [2019-10-01 22:14:24,874] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 9, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 4.760s
  350. [2019-10-01 22:14:25,475] DEBUG Site:1Name2..hM9F Announced in mode startup to 4/18 trackers in 1.366s, errors: [], slow: ['1.36s']
  351. [2019-10-01 22:14:25,478] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#18 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1Name2..hM9F)
  352. [2019-10-01 22:14:26,108] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  353. [2019-10-01 22:14:26,109] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t Recent peers 76 of 100 (need: 25)
  354. [2019-10-01 22:14:26,110] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 1 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  355. [2019-10-01 22:14:26,111] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#11 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  356. [2019-10-01 22:14:26,111] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#19 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1GitLi..MQ4t)
  357. [2019-10-01 22:14:28,173] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t Announced in mode startup to 3/18 trackers in 2.064s, errors: [], slow: ['2.06s', '1.57s', '1.65s']
  358. [2019-10-01 22:14:28,847] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#19 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  359. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,271] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#20 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1GitLi..MQ4t)
  360. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,363] INFO Ui.UiServer Added as allowed host
  361. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,364] INFO DNSPlugin cache: py.zeroframe.oss -> 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7
  362. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,475] INFO DNSPlugin cache: py.zeroframe.oss -> 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7
  363. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,476] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Site requested, but not announced recently (last 26166014min ago). Updating...
  364. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,477] DEBUG UserManager Added 1 users in 0.000s
  365. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,478] DEBUG Ui.UiServer - - [2019-10-01 22:14:29] "GET /py.zeroframe.oss HTTP/1.1" 200 4939 0.115025
  366. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,478] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  367. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,478] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Recent peers 22 of 83 (need: 25)
  368. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,479] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Force reannounce in mode start
  369. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,479] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 1 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  370. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,479] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#11 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  371. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,480] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#21 boot3rdez4rzn36x.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  372. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,480] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to boot3rdez4rzn36x.onion:15441
  373. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,482] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#22 2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  374. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,483] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#23 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  375. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,483] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#24 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  376. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,483] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#25 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  377. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,484] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#26 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  378. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,529] DEBUG Ui.UiServer - - [2019-10-01 22:14:29] "GET /uimedia/all.css?rev=4221 HTTP/1.1" 200 44917 0.003002
  379. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,530] DEBUG Ui.UiServer - - [2019-10-01 22:14:29] "GET /uimedia/img/logo-white.png HTTP/1.1" 200 1649 0.001001
  380. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,567] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#27 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1GitLi..MQ4t)
  381. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,676] INFO DNSPlugin cache: py.zeroframe.oss -> 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7
  382. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,677] ERROR - UiWSGIHandler error: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'content_manager' in line 41 > line 924 > line 908 > TranslateSite/ line 47
  383. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,678] DEBUG Ui.UiServer - - [2019-10-01 22:14:29] "GET /py.zeroframe.oss/?wrapper_nonce=e1573c66a99981fbd8ad7c10fdacb299ae2c5eada7a884119bffd8f35da9476d HTTP/1.1" 200 - 0.002000
  384. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,686] DEBUG Ui.UiServer Patched /uimedia/all.js (214554 bytes) in 0.007s
  385. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,687] DEBUG Ui.UiServer - - [2019-10-01 22:14:29] "GET /uimedia/all.js?rev=4221&lang=sl HTTP/1.1" 200 214885 0.009002
  386. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,718] DEBUG Ui.UiServer - - [2019-10-01 22:14:29] "GET /apple-touch-icon.png HTTP/1.1" 200 8443 0.000000
  387. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,719] INFO DNSPlugin cache: py.zeroframe.oss -> 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7
  388. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,720] INFO DNSPlugin cache: py.zeroframe.oss -> 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7
  389. [2019-10-01 22:14:29,721] DEBUG Ui.UiServer - - [2019-10-01 22:14:29] "GET /py.zeroframe.oss/img/logo-red.svg HTTP/1.1" 200 1189 0.002001
  390. [2019-10-01 22:14:30,093] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#28 cjglsdr66asex43k.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 178UMr..NNH7)
  391. [2019-10-01 22:14:30,093] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to cjglsdr66asex43k.onion:15441
  392. [2019-10-01 22:14:30,301] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Signing 1569960907 for boot3rdez4rzn36x.onion:15441 to add 1 onions
  393. [2019-10-01 22:14:30,334] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#29 zlq2nwnk5lmfxx62.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1GitLi..MQ4t)
  394. [2019-10-01 22:14:30,334] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to zlq2nwnk5lmfxx62.onion:39519
  395. [2019-10-01 22:14:30,560] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Tracker announce result: zero://boot3rdez4rzn36x.onion:15441 (sites: 1, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 1.080s
  396. [2019-10-01 22:14:30,761] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Signing 1569960871 for to add 1 onions
  397. [2019-10-01 22:14:30,957] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 1, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 1.474s
  398. [2019-10-01 22:14:31,054] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#28 cjglsdr66asex43k.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  399. [2019-10-01 22:14:31,197] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Signing 1569960871 for 2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360:26312 to add 1 onions
  400. [2019-10-01 22:14:31,203] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Signing 1569960871 for 2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360:26312 to add 1 onions
  401. [2019-10-01 22:14:31,255] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#25 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  402. [2019-10-01 22:14:31,427] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Tracker announce result: zero://2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360:26312 (sites: 1, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 1.944s
  403. [2019-10-01 22:14:31,533] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#24 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  404. [2019-10-01 22:14:31,571] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#30 rtljigim3i43udq6.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 178UMr..NNH7)
  405. [2019-10-01 22:14:31,571] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to rtljigim3i43udq6.onion:15441
  406. [2019-10-01 22:14:31,581] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Tracker announce result: zero://2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360:26312 (sites: 1, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 2.099s
  407. [2019-10-01 22:14:31,712] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Signing 1569960872 for to add 1 onions
  408. [2019-10-01 22:14:31,981] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Signing 1569960872 for to add 1 onions
  409. [2019-10-01 22:14:32,169] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 1, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 2.687s
  410. [2019-10-01 22:14:32,412] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 1, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 2.930s
  411. [2019-10-01 22:14:32,589] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Signing 1569960873 for to add 1 onions
  412. [2019-10-01 22:14:32,771] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Signing 1569960873 for to add 9 onions
  413. [2019-10-01 22:14:32,829] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#26 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  414. [2019-10-01 22:14:32,885] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 1, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 3.402s
  415. [2019-10-01 22:14:33,037] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#12 [v2] > Closing connection: Removing, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 3, buff: 0...
  416. [2019-10-01 22:14:33,038] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 9, new peers: 10, add: ['onion']) in 12.924s
  417. [2019-10-01 22:14:33,065] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Signing 1569960873 for to add 1 onions
  418. [2019-10-01 22:14:33,108] DEBUG Site:1iNDEx..RPcL content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  419. [2019-10-01 22:14:33,109] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 1 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  420. [2019-10-01 22:14:33,109] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 5 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  421. [2019-10-01 22:14:33,110] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 8 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  422. [2019-10-01 22:14:33,137] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Signing 1569960873 for to add 1 onions
  423. [2019-10-01 22:14:33,274] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 1, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 3.790s
  424. [2019-10-01 22:14:33,379] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 1, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 3.896s
  425. [2019-10-01 22:14:34,010] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Signing 1569960874 for to add 9 onions
  426. [2019-10-01 22:14:34,050] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Signing 1569960874 for to add 1 onions
  427. [2019-10-01 22:14:34,528] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#29 zlq2nwnk5lmfxx62.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  428. [2019-10-01 22:14:34,631] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#15 [v2] > Closing connection: Removing, waiting_requests: 1, sites: 2, buff: 0...
  429. [2019-10-01 22:14:34,632] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 9, new peers: 2, add: ['onion']) in 14.520s
  430. [2019-10-01 22:14:35,636] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#31 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  431. [2019-10-01 22:14:36,110] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t Queried listModifications from: [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:zlq2nwnk5lmfxx62.onion>] in 10.002s since 1569419651
  432. [2019-10-01 22:14:36,211] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  433. [2019-10-01 22:14:36,211] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t Bad files: {'data/users/1CvyxRucf7BbDvGtFe5LayTS2qX88VN7Er/data.json': 20}
  434. [2019-10-01 22:14:36,212] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t Retry 1 bad files
  435. [2019-10-01 22:14:36,213] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t New downloadFile pool: len: 1, only if bad: True
  436. [2019-10-01 22:14:36,213] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t Ended downloadFile pool len: 1, skipped: 0
  437. [2019-10-01 22:14:36,214] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Starting workers (Added new task), tasks: 1, peers: 0, workers: 0
  438. [2019-10-01 22:14:36,214] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Added worker:, workers: 1/5
  439. [2019-10-01 22:14:36,215] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Added worker:, workers: 2/5
  440. [2019-10-01 22:14:36,215] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Added worker:, workers: 3/5
  441. [2019-10-01 22:14:36,216] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Added worker:, workers: 4/5
  442. [2019-10-01 22:14:36,216] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Added worker: zlq2nwnk5lmfxx62.onion:39519, workers: 5/5
  443. [2019-10-01 22:14:36,216] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Added worker:, workers: 6/5
  444. [2019-10-01 22:14:36,833] DEBUG Site:1iNDEx..RPcL Announced in mode startup to 3/18 trackers in 3.725s, errors: [], slow: ['3.72s']
  445. [2019-10-01 22:14:37,119] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 1 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  446. [2019-10-01 22:14:37,737] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Verify failed: data/users/1CvyxRucf7BbDvGtFe5LayTS2qX88VN7Er/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 0, workers: 5
  447. [2019-10-01 22:14:38,042] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Verify failed: data/users/1CvyxRucf7BbDvGtFe5LayTS2qX88VN7Er/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 1, workers: 4
  448. [2019-10-01 22:14:38,116] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Verify failed: data/users/1CvyxRucf7BbDvGtFe5LayTS2qX88VN7Er/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 2, workers: 3
  449. [2019-10-01 22:14:38,213] WARNING Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker announce failed: RemoteDisconnected: Remote end closed connection without response in line 198 > AnnounceBitTorrent/ line 126 > AnnounceBitTorrent/ line 91 > line 222 > line 525 > line 543 > line 503 > line 1345 > line 1320 > line 1321 > line 296 > line 265 in mode startup
  450. [2019-10-01 22:14:38,468] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t zlq2nwnk5lmfxx62.onion:39519: Verify failed: data/users/1CvyxRucf7BbDvGtFe5LayTS2qX88VN7Er/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 3, workers: 2
  451. [2019-10-01 22:14:38,838] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t No task found, stopping (downloaded files: 0, failed: 1)
  452. [2019-10-01 22:14:38,838] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Removed worker, workers: 5/5
  453. [2019-10-01 22:14:39,020] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 1, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 9.539s
  454. [2019-10-01 22:14:39,142] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t No task found, stopping (downloaded files: 0, failed: 1)
  455. [2019-10-01 22:14:39,142] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Removed worker, workers: 4/5
  456. [2019-10-01 22:14:39,216] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t No task found, stopping (downloaded files: 0, failed: 1)
  457. [2019-10-01 22:14:39,216] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Removed worker, workers: 3/5
  458. [2019-10-01 22:14:39,479] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Queried listModifications from: [<Peer:>, <Peer:cjglsdr66asex43k.onion>] in 10.001s since 1569063129
  459. [2019-10-01 22:14:39,568] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t zlq2nwnk5lmfxx62.onion:39519: No task found, stopping (downloaded files: 0, failed: 1)
  460. [2019-10-01 22:14:39,568] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Removed worker, workers: 2/5
  461. [2019-10-01 22:14:39,579] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  462. [2019-10-01 22:14:39,653] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Verify failed: data/users/1CvyxRucf7BbDvGtFe5LayTS2qX88VN7Er/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 4, workers: 1
  463. [2019-10-01 22:14:40,109] DEBUG Site:1HJS6q..qC1H content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  464. [2019-10-01 22:14:40,109] DEBUG Site:1HJS6q..qC1H Recent peers 14 of 87 (need: 25)
  465. [2019-10-01 22:14:40,111] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 1 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  466. [2019-10-01 22:14:40,111] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#11 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  467. [2019-10-01 22:14:40,122] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Announced in mode startup to 10/18 trackers in 20.011s, errors: ['zero://boot3rdez4rzn36x.onion:15441', ''], slow: ['14.52s zero://', '1.73s', '1.73s', '3.25s zero://2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360:26312', '3.04s zero://', '12.93s zero://', '4.19s zero://', '4.06s zero://', '2.79s zero://', '4.76s zero://']
  468. [2019-10-01 22:14:40,297] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#32 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  469. [2019-10-01 22:14:40,754] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t No task found, stopping (downloaded files: 0, failed: 1)
  470. [2019-10-01 22:14:40,754] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Removed worker, workers: 1/5
  471. [2019-10-01 22:14:42,490] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 5 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  472. [2019-10-01 22:14:43,503] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Tasks: 1, started: 1, bad files: 1, total started: 1
  473. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,301] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 1 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 24.190s, waiting_requests: 7, sites: 10, buff: 0...
  474. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,301] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 2 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 24.190s, waiting_requests: 2, sites: 5, buff: 0...
  475. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,302] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 3 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 24.190s, waiting_requests: 2, sites: 5, buff: 0...
  476. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,303] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 5 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 23.955s, waiting_requests: 2, sites: 5, buff: 0...
  477. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,303] DEBUG ConnServer Conn# 8 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 23.953s, waiting_requests: 1, sites: 3, buff: 0...
  478. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,304] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#13 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 23.945s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 0, buff: 0...
  479. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,304] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#16 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 23.944s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 0, buff: 0...
  480. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,306] WARNING Site:178UMr..NNH7 Tracker zero:// announce failed: AnnounceError: Invalid response: None in line 198 > AnnounceZero/ line 102 in mode start
  481. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,307] WARNING Site:178UMr..NNH7 Tracker zero:// announce failed: AnnounceError: Invalid response: None in line 198 > AnnounceZero/ line 102 in mode start
  482. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,307] WARNING Site:178UMr..NNH7 Tracker zero:// announce failed: AnnounceError: Invalid response: None in line 198 > AnnounceZero/ line 102 in mode start
  483. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,308] WARNING Site:178UMr..NNH7 Tracker zero:// announce failed: AnnounceError: Invalid response: None in line 198 > AnnounceZero/ line 102 in mode start
  484. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,309] WARNING Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker zero:// announce failed: AnnounceError: Invalid response: None in line 198 > AnnounceZero/ line 102 in mode startup
  485. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,311] WARNING Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker zero:// announce failed: AnnounceError: Invalid response: None in line 198 > AnnounceZero/ line 102 in mode startup
  486. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,314] WARNING Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker zero:// announce failed: AnnounceError: Invalid response: None in line 198 > AnnounceZero/ line 102 in mode startup
  487. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,315] WARNING Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker zero:// announce failed: AnnounceError: Invalid response: None in line 198 > AnnounceZero/ line 102 in mode startup
  488. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,336] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#33 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1Name2..hM9F)
  489. [2019-10-01 22:14:44,406] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#34 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1Name2..hM9F)
  490. [2019-10-01 22:14:45,057] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Pex result: from 2 peers got 3 new peers.
  491. [2019-10-01 22:14:45,164] DEBUG Site:1iD5ZQ..duGz Pex result: from 2 peers got 0 new peers.
  492. [2019-10-01 22:14:45,305] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#35 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1iNDEx..RPcL)
  493. [2019-10-01 22:14:45,308] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#36 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1iNDEx..RPcL)
  494. [2019-10-01 22:14:47,504] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Signing 1569960887 for to add 9 onions
  495. [2019-10-01 22:14:47,544] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Signing 1569960887 for to add 1 onions
  496. [2019-10-01 22:14:47,586] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t Pex result: from 2 peers got 0 new peers.
  497. [2019-10-01 22:14:47,842] DEBUG Site:1iNDEx..RPcL Pex result: from 2 peers got 0 new peers.
  498. [2019-10-01 22:14:48,034] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#11 [v2] > Closing connection: Removing, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 13, buff: 0...
  499. [2019-10-01 22:14:48,034] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 9, new peers: 18, add: ['onion']) in 27.920s
  500. [2019-10-01 22:14:48,035] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 1, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 18.552s
  501. [2019-10-01 22:14:48,036] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Announced in mode start to 14/18 trackers in 18.557s, errors: ['zero://', 'zero://', 'zero://', 'zero://'], slow: ['1.08s zero://boot3rdez4rzn36x.onion:15441', '9.54s zero://', '1.39s', '2.10s zero://2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360:26312', '18.55s zero://', '1.47s zero://', '3.40s zero://', '1.94s zero://2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360:26312', '2.93s zero://', '2.69s zero://', '3.79s zero://', '3.90s zero://']
  502. [2019-10-01 22:14:48,969] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#30 rtljigim3i43udq6.onion [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  503. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,054] DEBUG Site:1HJS6q..qC1H Announced in mode startup to 3/18 trackers in 9.943s, errors: [], slow: ['9.94s']
  504. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,111] DEBUG Site:1HJS6q..qC1H Queried listModifications from: [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:>] in 10.002s since 1569063214
  505. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,113] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Queried listModifications from: [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:>] in 30.002s since 1569873444
  506. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,212] DEBUG Site:1HJS6q..qC1H content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  507. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,213] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  508. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,213] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Recent peers 19 of 100 (need: 25)
  509. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,214] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  510. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,215] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Bad files: {'data/users/12ji2iq5jDMuSZPnFDMB2irAhRjtGDQR9d/content.json': 5, 'data/users/12soMmYXAYD6FKZ7cVxvECU8oiVMx7aaF5/data.json': 20, 'data/users/13nWT12swm7bcHPN7rNNCfUi8Bf5qycHSB/content.json': 5, 'data/users/13oRBYqNeUr6Tvgt4KkAT9FT4XRiKFBjnE/content.json': 5, 'data/users/14ahkzVn4Wqb8yNfiXwfPfWWnLRCsuCwWn/content.json': 5, 'data/users/15C1QHgbZtqgBQm8DY9MLkftgND9CZbbNY/data.json': 20, 'data/users/18CJovyaBQuumrr2Frb2TqZaysHqye6ecm/content.json': 5, 'data/users/19BML6vNWEK9bgmGKpoCJKBQMaYweiTt7B/data.json': 20, 'data/users/1BADUe8rinAm7nhbDtStNgyLahWSRbpkDV/data.json': 20, 'data/users/1BD7S2ZxEhxdUQnqq8m5MoYK2aTxJYsJnH/data.json': 20, 'data/users/1BH6kuEgVMqkr74ENf7xaJkHThadnGMUZZ/data.json': 20, 'data/users/1BW8U38xw9YUTWxJDQp6m5zKrehq83iQ3X/content.json': 5, 'data/users/1BvorsYW3utWJifWr9EhnM48zSWhNdETad/content.json': 5, 'data/users/1CURUEzG3RXRZXS9pRgpt3x9Fi4DsN2ZD1/content.json': 5, 'data/users/1CdtY73URv2K2YZU5EwKbN8Zu8jMWiQft6/data.json': 20, 'data/users/1ChGPBo6CGLmRmm9YkTmCXcLzAZsnuTY38/data.json': 20, 'data/users/1CuFETj5LtyEduzaoAcdv9sMAQtYRqjqDY/content.json': 5, 'data/users/1Cy3ntkN2GN9MH6EaW6eHpi4YoRS2nK5Di/content.json': 5, 'data/users/1DCRQBwSSM48mxvk24LkS8Y2gyE7TPeQ4y/content.json': 5, 'data/users/1DoVPxFrQCDb3grC8Nsn6aACed9o2oiumX/content.json': 5, 'data/users/1DrN5MYJZfD2jQN5p6MPE35GjyMNmHWCLH/data.json': 20, 'data/users/1E57Vo1oeu4cMqHP6AaWbMxhkg3XRF4hbi/content.json': 5, 'data/users/1FKeMLzux3QY4EGfJhBuSfQ8oi2Lr5bPNQ/content.json': 5, 'data/users/1Fy55GtoJuknPt2YWiDHH1GRtMZ9a5prGz/data.json': 20, 'data/users/1JvXXjBFcQQskvMx9c93btvk2Ma8gmfPGd/data.json': 20, 'data/users/1LfxJaYtVTGpD8yY43Pt6yXx2Z2Hy2LDAk/data.json': 20, 'data/users/1Lor5wJQKJNk45xfXPtvaZBJNU5yGSNAtH/content.json': 5, 'data/users/1M4EJp8HB2t1z6yUzsdjSerLthw28Vf5qZ/content.json': 5, 'data/users/1MHdmQEW2HS6sZNgfi3VmtegHc6fUEyVkW/content.json': 5, 'data/users/1NPqLYz98678wTNnwcscgEnSC2yKMFqZtR/data.json': 20, 'data/users/1P9TUYttDyZ6eRNRo1jPvbCMRV4a59JVt8/content.json': 5, 'data/users/1PGPfBRxUuL6RzYTaihX9WxBQLTN2edTFS/content.json': 5}
  511. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,218] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Retry 32 bad files
  512. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,218] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 New downloadContent pool: len: 19, only if bad: True
  513. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,219] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Ended downloadContent pool len: 19, skipped: 0
  514. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,219] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 New downloadFile pool: len: 13, only if bad: True
  515. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,219] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Ended downloadFile pool len: 13, skipped: 0
  516. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,220] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Starting workers (Added new task), tasks: 1, peers: 0, workers: 0
  517. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,220] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Added worker:, workers: 1/5
  518. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,220] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Added worker:, workers: 2/5
  519. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,221] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Added worker:, workers: 3/5
  520. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,221] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Added worker:, workers: 4/5
  521. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,225] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Added worker:, workers: 5/5
  522. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,231] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Added worker:, workers: 6/5
  523. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,237] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#32 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  524. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,288] DEBUG Site:1HJS6q..qC1H Pex result: from 2 peers got 0 new peers.
  525. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,425] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1BADUe8rinAm7nhbDtStNgyLahWSRbpkDV/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 0, workers: 0
  526. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,456] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/12ji2iq5jDMuSZPnFDMB2irAhRjtGDQR9d/content.json
  527. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,461] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 No database, waiting for dbschema.json...
  528. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,462] DEBUG Db:ZeroMail Connected to ./data/1MaiL5gfBM1cyb4a8e3iiL8L5gXmoAJu27/data/users/zeromail.db in 0.000s (opened: 3, sqlite version: 2.6.0)...
  529. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,463] DEBUG Db:ZeroMail Db check done in 0.002s, changed tables: []
  530. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,641] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/12soMmYXAYD6FKZ7cVxvECU8oiVMx7aaF5/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 0, workers: 0
  531. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,773] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1BH6kuEgVMqkr74ENf7xaJkHThadnGMUZZ/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 0, workers: 0
  532. [2019-10-01 22:14:50,838] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/19BML6vNWEK9bgmGKpoCJKBQMaYweiTt7B/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 0, workers: 0
  533. [2019-10-01 22:14:51,557] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1BH6kuEgVMqkr74ENf7xaJkHThadnGMUZZ/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 1, workers: 0
  534. [2019-10-01 22:14:51,920] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1CdtY73URv2K2YZU5EwKbN8Zu8jMWiQft6/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 0, workers: 0
  535. [2019-10-01 22:14:52,019] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1BH6kuEgVMqkr74ENf7xaJkHThadnGMUZZ/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 2, workers: 0
  536. [2019-10-01 22:14:52,110] DEBUG Site:1iD5ZQ..duGz Queried listModifications from: [<Peer:>, <Peer: >, <Peer:>, <Peer: >] in 30.003s since 1569873358.448275
  537. [2019-10-01 22:14:52,211] DEBUG Site:1iD5ZQ..duGz content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  538. [2019-10-01 22:14:52,215] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1ChGPBo6CGLmRmm9YkTmCXcLzAZsnuTY38/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 0, workers: 0
  539. [2019-10-01 22:14:52,390] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/15C1QHgbZtqgBQm8DY9MLkftgND9CZbbNY/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 0, workers: 0
  540. [2019-10-01 22:14:52,390] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#32 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  541. [2019-10-01 22:14:52,391] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Queried listModifications from: [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:>] in 2.179s since 1569063129
  542. [2019-10-01 22:14:52,494] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  543. [2019-10-01 22:14:52,495] DEBUG Site:1HeLLo..Tf3D content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  544. [2019-10-01 22:14:52,498] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#37 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  545. [2019-10-01 22:14:52,498] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#38 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  546. [2019-10-01 22:14:52,498] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#39 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  547. [2019-10-01 22:14:52,499] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#40 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  548. [2019-10-01 22:14:52,716] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1ChGPBo6CGLmRmm9YkTmCXcLzAZsnuTY38/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 1, workers: 0
  549. [2019-10-01 22:14:53,041] DEBUG Site:1HeLLo..Tf3D Queried listModifications from: [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360>, <Peer:>] in 0.544s since 1568833001
  550. [2019-10-01 22:14:53,110] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1ChGPBo6CGLmRmm9YkTmCXcLzAZsnuTY38/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 2, workers: 0
  551. [2019-10-01 22:14:53,141] DEBUG Site:1HeLLo..Tf3D content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  552. [2019-10-01 22:14:53,190] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#41 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1iD5ZQ..duGz)
  553. [2019-10-01 22:14:53,495] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1DrN5MYJZfD2jQN5p6MPE35GjyMNmHWCLH/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 0, workers: 0
  554. [2019-10-01 22:14:53,609] DEBUG Db:ContentDb Commited in 0.004s (reason: Interval)
  555. [2019-10-01 22:14:53,713] DEBUG Db:ZeroMail Commited in 0.004s (reason: Interval)
  556. [2019-10-01 22:14:53,860] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#19 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 8, buff: 0...
  557. [2019-10-01 22:14:53,860] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1Fy55GtoJuknPt2YWiDHH1GRtMZ9a5prGz/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 0, workers: 0
  558. [2019-10-01 22:14:54,109] DEBUG Site:1Name2..hM9F Queried listModifications from: [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360>, <Peer:>] in 30.002s since 1569790745
  559. [2019-10-01 22:14:54,137] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#42 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1iNDEx..RPcL)
  560. [2019-10-01 22:14:54,138] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1LfxJaYtVTGpD8yY43Pt6yXx2Z2Hy2LDAk/data.json, error: Invalid hash, failed peers: 0, workers: 0
  561. [2019-10-01 22:14:54,209] DEBUG Site:1Name2..hM9F content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  562. [2019-10-01 22:14:54,357] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#26 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 9, buff: 0...
  563. [2019-10-01 22:14:54,357] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1NPqLYz98678wTNnwcscgEnSC2yKMFqZtR/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 0, workers: 0
  564. [2019-10-01 22:14:54,495] DEBUG Site:1RepoX..HCc6 content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  565. [2019-10-01 22:14:55,064] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#25 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 1, sites: 7, buff: 0...
  566. [2019-10-01 22:14:55,065] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1NPqLYz98678wTNnwcscgEnSC2yKMFqZtR/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 1, workers: 0
  567. [2019-10-01 22:14:55,411] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/19BML6vNWEK9bgmGKpoCJKBQMaYweiTt7B/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 1, workers: 0
  568. [2019-10-01 22:14:55,578] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#41 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  569. [2019-10-01 22:14:55,688] DEBUG Site:1RepoX..HCc6 Announced in mode startup to 3/18 trackers in 1.193s, errors: [], slow: ['1.18s', '1.18s', '1.19s']
  570. [2019-10-01 22:14:56,059] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#41 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 2, sites: 3, buff: 0...
  571. [2019-10-01 22:14:56,059] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/12soMmYXAYD6FKZ7cVxvECU8oiVMx7aaF5/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 1, workers: 0
  572. [2019-10-01 22:14:56,066] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#43 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  573. [2019-10-01 22:14:56,346] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#42 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  574. [2019-10-01 22:14:56,723] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#42 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 1, sites: 2, buff: 0...
  575. [2019-10-01 22:14:56,724] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1BADUe8rinAm7nhbDtStNgyLahWSRbpkDV/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 1, workers: 0
  576. [2019-10-01 22:14:56,843] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/12soMmYXAYD6FKZ7cVxvECU8oiVMx7aaF5/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 2, workers: 0
  577. [2019-10-01 22:14:57,061] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#44 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  578. [2019-10-01 22:14:57,726] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#45 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  579. [2019-10-01 22:14:57,893] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#43 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  580. [2019-10-01 22:14:58,005] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#44 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  581. [2019-10-01 22:14:58,032] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#20 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 9, buff: 0...
  582. [2019-10-01 22:14:58,033] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1CdtY73URv2K2YZU5EwKbN8Zu8jMWiQft6/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 1, workers: 0
  583. [2019-10-01 22:14:58,211] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#44 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 2, sites: 3, buff: 0...
  584. [2019-10-01 22:14:58,211] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/15C1QHgbZtqgBQm8DY9MLkftgND9CZbbNY/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 1, workers: 0
  585. [2019-10-01 22:14:58,421] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/12ji2iq5jDMuSZPnFDMB2irAhRjtGDQR9d/data.json
  586. [2019-10-01 22:14:58,504] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Tasks: 1, started: 1, bad files: 1, total started: 1
  587. [2019-10-01 22:14:58,504] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Slow task: data/users/1CvyxRucf7BbDvGtFe5LayTS2qX88VN7Er/data.json, (workers: 1, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 5, asked: 0)
  588. [2019-10-01 22:14:58,505] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Starting workers (Task checker), tasks: 1, peers: 0, workers: 1
  589. [2019-10-01 22:14:58,506] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Added worker:, workers: 2/5
  590. [2019-10-01 22:14:58,506] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tasks: 31, started: 13, bad files: 31, total started: 33
  591. [2019-10-01 22:14:58,731] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t Tracker announce result: zero://2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360:26312 (sites: 1, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 0.224s
  592. [2019-10-01 22:14:58,731] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t Announced in mode more to zero://2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360:26312 in 0.224s, errors: [], slow: []
  593. [2019-10-01 22:14:58,814] DEBUG Db:ZeroMail Commited in 0.001s (reason: Interval)
  594. [2019-10-01 22:14:58,829] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1CdtY73URv2K2YZU5EwKbN8Zu8jMWiQft6/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 2, workers: 0
  595. [2019-10-01 22:14:59,035] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#46 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  596. [2019-10-01 22:14:59,213] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#47 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  597. [2019-10-01 22:14:59,305] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#21 boot3rdez4rzn36x.onion [v2] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Tracker connection, idle: 28.746s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  598. [2019-10-01 22:14:59,305] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#23 [v2] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Tracker connection, idle: 28.348s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  599. [2019-10-01 22:14:59,307] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#30 rtljigim3i43udq6.onion [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 27.737s, waiting_requests: 1, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  600. [2019-10-01 22:14:59,307] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#31 [v2] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Tracker connection, idle: 20.288s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  601. [2019-10-01 22:14:59,980] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#47 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  602. [2019-10-01 22:15:00,148] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#45 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  603. [2019-10-01 22:15:00,242] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#47 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 2, sites: 3, buff: 0...
  604. [2019-10-01 22:15:00,242] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1Fy55GtoJuknPt2YWiDHH1GRtMZ9a5prGz/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 1, workers: 0
  605. [2019-10-01 22:15:00,244] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#46 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  606. [2019-10-01 22:15:00,244] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1DrN5MYJZfD2jQN5p6MPE35GjyMNmHWCLH/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 1, workers: 0
  607. [2019-10-01 22:15:00,306] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1ChGPBo6CGLmRmm9YkTmCXcLzAZsnuTY38/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 3, workers: 0
  608. [2019-10-01 22:15:00,310] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#48 rtljigim3i43udq6.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 178UMr..NNH7)
  609. [2019-10-01 22:15:00,310] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to rtljigim3i43udq6.onion:15441
  610. [2019-10-01 22:15:00,559] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#45 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 1, sites: 2, buff: 0...
  611. [2019-10-01 22:15:00,560] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/12soMmYXAYD6FKZ7cVxvECU8oiVMx7aaF5/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 3, workers: 0
  612. [2019-10-01 22:15:01,245] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#49 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  613. [2019-10-01 22:15:01,245] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#50 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  614. [2019-10-01 22:15:01,495] DEBUG ConnServer Checksites done in 45.119s
  615. [2019-10-01 22:15:01,563] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#51 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  616. [2019-10-01 22:15:01,783] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#43 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 2, buff: 0...
  617. [2019-10-01 22:15:01,783] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/19BML6vNWEK9bgmGKpoCJKBQMaYweiTt7B/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 2, workers: 0
  618. [2019-10-01 22:15:02,091] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#49 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  619. [2019-10-01 22:15:02,381] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#49 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  620. [2019-10-01 22:15:02,381] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1LfxJaYtVTGpD8yY43Pt6yXx2Z2Hy2LDAk/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 1, workers: 0
  621. [2019-10-01 22:15:02,457] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#50 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  622. [2019-10-01 22:15:02,458] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1NPqLYz98678wTNnwcscgEnSC2yKMFqZtR/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 2, workers: 0
  623. [2019-10-01 22:15:02,785] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#52 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  624. [2019-10-01 22:15:03,109] DEBUG Site:1iNDEx..RPcL Queried listModifications from: [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:>] in 30.001s since 1569353431
  625. [2019-10-01 22:15:03,209] DEBUG Site:1iNDEx..RPcL content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  626. [2019-10-01 22:15:03,245] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#53 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1iD5ZQ..duGz)
  627. [2019-10-01 22:15:03,435] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#51 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  628. [2019-10-01 22:15:03,460] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#54 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  629. [2019-10-01 22:15:03,848] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#51 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 1, sites: 2, buff: 0...
  630. [2019-10-01 22:15:03,848] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1CdtY73URv2K2YZU5EwKbN8Zu8jMWiQft6/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 3, workers: 0
  631. [2019-10-01 22:15:04,496] DEBUG Site:1RepoX..HCc6 Queried listModifications from: [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer: >] in 10.001s since 1506891916
  632. [2019-10-01 22:15:04,534] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#52 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  633. [2019-10-01 22:15:04,597] DEBUG Site:1RepoX..HCc6 content.json loadContent same json file, skipping
  634. [2019-10-01 22:15:04,623] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#54 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  635. [2019-10-01 22:15:04,624] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/15C1QHgbZtqgBQm8DY9MLkftgND9CZbbNY/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 2, workers: 0
  636. [2019-10-01 22:15:04,850] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#55 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  637. [2019-10-01 22:15:04,952] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#52 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  638. [2019-10-01 22:15:04,952] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1BADUe8rinAm7nhbDtStNgyLahWSRbpkDV/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 2, workers: 0
  639. [2019-10-01 22:15:05,627] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#56 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  640. [2019-10-01 22:15:05,954] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#57 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  641. [2019-10-01 22:15:06,764] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#55 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  642. [2019-10-01 22:15:06,922] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#56 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  643. [2019-10-01 22:15:06,922] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1Fy55GtoJuknPt2YWiDHH1GRtMZ9a5prGz/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 2, workers: 0
  644. [2019-10-01 22:15:07,235] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#55 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 2, buff: 0...
  645. [2019-10-01 22:15:07,235] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1BH6kuEgVMqkr74ENf7xaJkHThadnGMUZZ/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 3, workers: 0
  646. [2019-10-01 22:15:07,776] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#57 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  647. [2019-10-01 22:15:07,923] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#58 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  648. [2019-10-01 22:15:08,211] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#57 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  649. [2019-10-01 22:15:08,211] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/15C1QHgbZtqgBQm8DY9MLkftgND9CZbbNY/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 3, workers: 0
  650. [2019-10-01 22:15:08,238] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#59 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  651. [2019-10-01 22:15:09,213] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#60 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  652. [2019-10-01 22:15:09,869] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/13nWT12swm7bcHPN7rNNCfUi8Bf5qycHSB/content.json
  653. [2019-10-01 22:15:10,194] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/13oRBYqNeUr6Tvgt4KkAT9FT4XRiKFBjnE/content.json
  654. [2019-10-01 22:15:10,509] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#59 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  655. [2019-10-01 22:15:10,642] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/13nWT12swm7bcHPN7rNNCfUi8Bf5qycHSB/data.json
  656. [2019-10-01 22:15:10,917] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#59 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  657. [2019-10-01 22:15:10,918] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1NPqLYz98678wTNnwcscgEnSC2yKMFqZtR/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 3, workers: 0
  658. [2019-10-01 22:15:11,027] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/13oRBYqNeUr6Tvgt4KkAT9FT4XRiKFBjnE/data.json
  659. [2019-10-01 22:15:11,223] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#60 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  660. [2019-10-01 22:15:11,394] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/14ahkzVn4Wqb8yNfiXwfPfWWnLRCsuCwWn/content.json
  661. [2019-10-01 22:15:11,640] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1LfxJaYtVTGpD8yY43Pt6yXx2Z2Hy2LDAk/data.json, error: Invalid hash, failed peers: 2, workers: 0
  662. [2019-10-01 22:15:11,769] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/18CJovyaBQuumrr2Frb2TqZaysHqye6ecm/content.json
  663. [2019-10-01 22:15:11,921] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#61 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  664. [2019-10-01 22:15:12,311] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/14ahkzVn4Wqb8yNfiXwfPfWWnLRCsuCwWn/data.json
  665. [2019-10-01 22:15:12,507] DEBUG Site:1HeLLo..Tf3D Announced in mode startup to 3/18 trackers in 20.010s, errors: [], slow: ['1.15s']
  666. [2019-10-01 22:15:12,680] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/18CJovyaBQuumrr2Frb2TqZaysHqye6ecm/data.json
  667. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,050] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1Fy55GtoJuknPt2YWiDHH1GRtMZ9a5prGz/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 3, workers: 0
  668. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,130] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1BW8U38xw9YUTWxJDQp6m5zKrehq83iQ3X/content.json
  669. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,453] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1BvorsYW3utWJifWr9EhnM48zSWhNdETad/content.json
  670. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,506] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Tasks: 1, started: 1, bad files: 1, total started: 1
  671. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,506] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Slow task: data/users/1CvyxRucf7BbDvGtFe5LayTS2qX88VN7Er/data.json, (workers: 2, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 5, asked: 0)
  672. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,507] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Starting workers (Task checker), tasks: 1, peers: 0, workers: 2
  673. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,510] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tasks: 27, started: 14, bad files: 27, total started: 39
  674. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,510] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1ChGPBo6CGLmRmm9YkTmCXcLzAZsnuTY38/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  675. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,510] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/12soMmYXAYD6FKZ7cVxvECU8oiVMx7aaF5/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  676. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,511] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/19BML6vNWEK9bgmGKpoCJKBQMaYweiTt7B/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 3, asked: 0)
  677. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,511] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1CdtY73URv2K2YZU5EwKbN8Zu8jMWiQft6/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  678. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,511] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1BADUe8rinAm7nhbDtStNgyLahWSRbpkDV/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 3, asked: 0)
  679. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,512] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1BH6kuEgVMqkr74ENf7xaJkHThadnGMUZZ/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  680. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,512] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1NPqLYz98678wTNnwcscgEnSC2yKMFqZtR/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  681. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,513] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1LfxJaYtVTGpD8yY43Pt6yXx2Z2Hy2LDAk/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 3, asked: 0)
  682. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,513] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1Fy55GtoJuknPt2YWiDHH1GRtMZ9a5prGz/data.json, (workers: 1, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  683. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,514] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/15C1QHgbZtqgBQm8DY9MLkftgND9CZbbNY/data.json, (workers: 1, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  684. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,514] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1DrN5MYJZfD2jQN5p6MPE35GjyMNmHWCLH/data.json, (workers: 1, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 2, asked: 0)
  685. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,515] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1JvXXjBFcQQskvMx9c93btvk2Ma8gmfPGd/data.json, (workers: 1, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 0, asked: 0)
  686. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,518] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1BD7S2ZxEhxdUQnqq8m5MoYK2aTxJYsJnH/data.json, (workers: 1, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 0, asked: 0)
  687. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,518] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#62 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  688. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,792] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#61 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  689. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,915] DEBUG Db:ContentDb Commited in 0.001s (reason: Interval)
  690. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,918] INFO DNSPlugin cache: py.zeroframe.oss -> 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7
  691. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,918] ERROR Ui.UiServer Error 403: Invalid Accept header to load wrapper: */*
  692. [2019-10-01 22:15:13,919] DEBUG Ui.UiServer - - [2019-10-01 22:15:13] "GET /py.zeroframe.oss HTTP/1.1" 403 7483 0.001000
  693. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,064] DEBUG Db:ZeroMail Commited in 0.048s (reason: Interval)
  694. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,194] DEBUG Site:1HeLLo..Tf3D Pex result: from 2 peers got 3 new peers.
  695. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,309] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#32 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 34.012s, waiting_requests: 2, sites: 3, buff: 0...
  696. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,309] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#33 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 29.972s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 3, buff: 0...
  697. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,310] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#34 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 29.903s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 3, buff: 0...
  698. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,311] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#35 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 29.006s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 8, buff: 0...
  699. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,311] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#36 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 29.003s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 2, buff: 0...
  700. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,312] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#37 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 21.813s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 0, buff: 0...
  701. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,312] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#38 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 21.813s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 0, buff: 0...
  702. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,312] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#39 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 21.813s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 0, buff: 0...
  703. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,313] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#40 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 21.813s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 0, buff: 0...
  704. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,315] WARNING Site:1HeLLo..Tf3D Tracker zero:// announce failed: AnnounceError: Invalid response: None in line 198 > AnnounceZero/ line 102 in mode startup
  705. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,316] WARNING Site:1HeLLo..Tf3D Tracker zero:// announce failed: AnnounceError: Invalid response: None in line 198 > AnnounceZero/ line 102 in mode startup
  706. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,317] WARNING Site:1HeLLo..Tf3D Tracker zero:// announce failed: AnnounceError: Invalid response: None in line 198 > AnnounceZero/ line 102 in mode startup
  707. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,317] WARNING Site:1HeLLo..Tf3D Tracker zero:// announce failed: AnnounceError: Invalid response: None in line 198 > AnnounceZero/ line 102 in mode startup
  708. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,414] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#63 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1Name2..hM9F)
  709. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,429] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#61 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 1, sites: 3, buff: 0...
  710. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,429] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/15C1QHgbZtqgBQm8DY9MLkftgND9CZbbNY/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 4, workers: 0
  711. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,523] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1BvorsYW3utWJifWr9EhnM48zSWhNdETad/data.json
  712. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,555] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1BW8U38xw9YUTWxJDQp6m5zKrehq83iQ3X/data.json
  713. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,689] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#53 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  714. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,690] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#27 [v2] > Closing connection: Request streamFile timeout: 15.281s, waiting_requests: 4, sites: 7, buff: 0...
  715. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,793] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#64 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1RepoX..HCc6)
  716. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,929] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#53 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 3, buff: 0...
  717. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,930] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1DrN5MYJZfD2jQN5p6MPE35GjyMNmHWCLH/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 2, workers: 0
  718. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,932] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1CuFETj5LtyEduzaoAcdv9sMAQtYRqjqDY/content.json
  719. [2019-10-01 22:15:14,956] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1CURUEzG3RXRZXS9pRgpt3x9Fi4DsN2ZD1/content.json
  720. [2019-10-01 22:15:15,313] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1Cy3ntkN2GN9MH6EaW6eHpi4YoRS2nK5Di/content.json
  721. [2019-10-01 22:15:15,320] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#65 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  722. [2019-10-01 22:15:15,430] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#66 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  723. [2019-10-01 22:15:15,686] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1CuFETj5LtyEduzaoAcdv9sMAQtYRqjqDY/data.json
  724. [2019-10-01 22:15:15,694] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#67 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1iD5ZQ..duGz)
  725. [2019-10-01 22:15:15,812] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1CURUEzG3RXRZXS9pRgpt3x9Fi4DsN2ZD1/data.json
  726. [2019-10-01 22:15:15,881] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 1, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 2.363s
  727. [2019-10-01 22:15:15,881] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Announced in mode more to zero:// in 2.363s, errors: [], slow: ['2.36s zero://']
  728. [2019-10-01 22:15:15,931] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#68 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  729. [2019-10-01 22:15:16,251] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1DCRQBwSSM48mxvk24LkS8Y2gyE7TPeQ4y/content.json
  730. [2019-10-01 22:15:16,610] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1DoVPxFrQCDb3grC8Nsn6aACed9o2oiumX/content.json
  731. [2019-10-01 22:15:16,636] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1Cy3ntkN2GN9MH6EaW6eHpi4YoRS2nK5Di/data.json
  732. [2019-10-01 22:15:17,088] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1DCRQBwSSM48mxvk24LkS8Y2gyE7TPeQ4y/data.json
  733. [2019-10-01 22:15:17,176] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1DoVPxFrQCDb3grC8Nsn6aACed9o2oiumX/data.json
  734. [2019-10-01 22:15:17,319] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#66 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  735. [2019-10-01 22:15:17,416] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1E57Vo1oeu4cMqHP6AaWbMxhkg3XRF4hbi/content.json
  736. [2019-10-01 22:15:17,421] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#68 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  737. [2019-10-01 22:15:17,607] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1FKeMLzux3QY4EGfJhBuSfQ8oi2Lr5bPNQ/content.json
  738. [2019-10-01 22:15:17,805] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1Lor5wJQKJNk45xfXPtvaZBJNU5yGSNAtH/content.json
  739. [2019-10-01 22:15:17,944] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#66 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 2, buff: 0...
  740. [2019-10-01 22:15:17,945] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/1LfxJaYtVTGpD8yY43Pt6yXx2Z2Hy2LDAk/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 3, workers: 0
  741. [2019-10-01 22:15:17,946] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t Pex result: from 2 peers got 0 new peers.
  742. [2019-10-01 22:15:18,055] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1E57Vo1oeu4cMqHP6AaWbMxhkg3XRF4hbi/data.json
  743. [2019-10-01 22:15:18,172] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1FKeMLzux3QY4EGfJhBuSfQ8oi2Lr5bPNQ/data.json
  744. [2019-10-01 22:15:18,460] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1Lor5wJQKJNk45xfXPtvaZBJNU5yGSNAtH/data.json
  745. [2019-10-01 22:15:18,598] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#68 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  746. [2019-10-01 22:15:18,598] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify failed: data/users/19BML6vNWEK9bgmGKpoCJKBQMaYweiTt7B/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 3, workers: 0
  747. [2019-10-01 22:15:18,773] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1M4EJp8HB2t1z6yUzsdjSerLthw28Vf5qZ/content.json
  748. [2019-10-01 22:15:18,885] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1MHdmQEW2HS6sZNgfi3VmtegHc6fUEyVkW/content.json
  749. [2019-10-01 22:15:18,948] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#69 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  750. [2019-10-01 22:15:19,159] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Verify correct: data/users/1P9TUYttDyZ6eRNRo1jPvbCMRV4a59JVt8/content.json
  751. [2019-10-01 22:15:19,192] DEBUG Db:ContentDb Commited in 0.027s (reason: Interval)
  752. [2019-10-01 22:15:19,334] DEBUG Db:ZeroMail Commited in 0.042s (reason: Interval)
  753. [2019-10-01 22:15:19,600] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#70 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  754. [2019-10-01 22:15:20,016] INFO DNSPlugin cache: py.zeroframe.oss -> 178UMrEt8vxf5Z6LPxkrcWFPXPfD9XNNH7
  755. [2019-10-01 22:15:20,017] ERROR Ui.UiServer Error 403: Invalid Accept header to load wrapper: */*
  756. [2019-10-01 22:15:20,018] DEBUG Ui.UiServer - - [2019-10-01 22:15:20] "GET /py.zeroframe.oss HTTP/1.1" 403 7483 0.002001
  757. [2019-10-01 22:15:21,021] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#69 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  758. [2019-10-01 22:15:21,523] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#69 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  759. [2019-10-01 22:15:21,523] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Removed worker, workers: 5/5
  760. [2019-10-01 22:15:23,862] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Removed worker, workers: 4/5
  761. [2019-10-01 22:15:23,862] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Removed worker, workers: 3/5
  762. [2019-10-01 22:15:24,436] DEBUG Db:ContentDb Commited in 0.000s (reason: Interval)
  763. [2019-10-01 22:15:24,627] DEBUG Db:ZeroMail Commited in 0.091s (reason: Interval)
  764. [2019-10-01 22:15:24,889] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#70 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  765. [2019-10-01 22:15:25,370] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#70 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  766. [2019-10-01 22:15:27,276] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#71 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  767. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,417] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#71 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  768. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,510] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Tasks: 1, started: 1, bad files: 1, total started: 1
  769. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,510] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Slow task: data/users/1CvyxRucf7BbDvGtFe5LayTS2qX88VN7Er/data.json, (workers: 2, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 5, asked: 0)
  770. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,511] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Starting workers (Task checker), tasks: 1, peers: 0, workers: 2
  771. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,512] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#72 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  772. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,520] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tasks: 13, started: 13, bad files: 13, total started: 51
  773. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,520] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1ChGPBo6CGLmRmm9YkTmCXcLzAZsnuTY38/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  774. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,520] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Starting workers (Task checker), tasks: 13, peers: 0, workers: 3
  775. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,521] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Recent peers 70 of 100 (need: 10)
  776. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,521] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Added worker:, workers: 4/5
  777. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,522] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Added worker: cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion:28177, workers: 5/5
  778. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,522] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Added worker: ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion:11839, workers: 6/5
  779. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,522] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/12soMmYXAYD6FKZ7cVxvECU8oiVMx7aaF5/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  780. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,523] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1CdtY73URv2K2YZU5EwKbN8Zu8jMWiQft6/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  781. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,523] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1BH6kuEgVMqkr74ENf7xaJkHThadnGMUZZ/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  782. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,524] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1NPqLYz98678wTNnwcscgEnSC2yKMFqZtR/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  783. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,524] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1Fy55GtoJuknPt2YWiDHH1GRtMZ9a5prGz/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  784. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,524] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/15C1QHgbZtqgBQm8DY9MLkftgND9CZbbNY/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 5, asked: 0)
  785. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,525] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1LfxJaYtVTGpD8yY43Pt6yXx2Z2Hy2LDAk/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  786. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,526] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/19BML6vNWEK9bgmGKpoCJKBQMaYweiTt7B/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  787. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,526] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1DrN5MYJZfD2jQN5p6MPE35GjyMNmHWCLH/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  788. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,527] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1BADUe8rinAm7nhbDtStNgyLahWSRbpkDV/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  789. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,527] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1JvXXjBFcQQskvMx9c93btvk2Ma8gmfPGd/data.json, (workers: 2, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 2, asked: 0)
  790. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,528] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1BD7S2ZxEhxdUQnqq8m5MoYK2aTxJYsJnH/data.json, (workers: 1, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 2, asked: 0)
  791. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,528] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#63 [?] > Wait for handshake before send request
  792. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,529] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#73 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  793. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,532] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion:28177
  794. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,533] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#74 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  795. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,533] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion:11839
  796. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,764] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#71 [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  797. [2019-10-01 22:15:28,764] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Removed worker, workers: 5/5
  798. [2019-10-01 22:15:29,313] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#48 rtljigim3i43udq6.onion [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 29.003s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 0, buff: 0...
  799. [2019-10-01 22:15:31,316] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#75 rtljigim3i43udq6.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 178UMr..NNH7)
  800. [2019-10-01 22:15:31,316] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to rtljigim3i43udq6.onion:15441
  801. [2019-10-01 22:15:31,359] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#74 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  802. [2019-10-01 22:15:34,517] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#74 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  803. [2019-10-01 22:15:34,811] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#73 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  804. [2019-10-01 22:15:35,519] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#76 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  805. [2019-10-01 22:15:35,519] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion:11839
  806. [2019-10-01 22:15:36,296] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#76 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  807. [2019-10-01 22:15:36,811] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#76 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  808. [2019-10-01 22:15:37,813] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#77 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  809. [2019-10-01 22:15:37,813] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion:11839
  810. [2019-10-01 22:15:37,895] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#73 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  811. [2019-10-01 22:15:38,529] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#77 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  812. [2019-10-01 22:15:38,890] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#77 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  813. [2019-10-01 22:15:38,896] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#78 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  814. [2019-10-01 22:15:38,896] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion:28177
  815. [2019-10-01 22:15:39,650] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#78 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  816. [2019-10-01 22:15:39,891] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#79 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  817. [2019-10-01 22:15:39,891] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion:11839
  818. [2019-10-01 22:15:39,966] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#78 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  819. [2019-10-01 22:15:40,628] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#79 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  820. [2019-10-01 22:15:40,966] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#80 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  821. [2019-10-01 22:15:40,966] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion:28177
  822. [2019-10-01 22:15:40,983] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#79 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  823. [2019-10-01 22:15:41,742] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#80 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  824. [2019-10-01 22:15:41,983] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#81 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  825. [2019-10-01 22:15:41,983] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion:11839
  826. [2019-10-01 22:15:42,073] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#80 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  827. [2019-10-01 22:15:42,744] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#81 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  828. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,073] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#82 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  829. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,073] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion:28177
  830. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,093] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#81 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  831. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,512] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Tasks: 1, started: 1, bad files: 1, total started: 1
  832. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,512] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Timeout, Skipping: {'evt': <gevent._event.AsyncResult object at 0x00000268D8EF4748>, 'workers_num': 2, 'site': <Site 1GitLi..MQ4t>, 'inner_path': 'data/users/1CvyxRucf7BbDvGtFe5LayTS2qX88VN7Er/data.json', 'done': False, 'optional_hash_id': None, 'time_added': 1569960876.214726, 'time_started': 1569960876.217726, 'time_action': None, 'peers': None, 'priority': 3, 'failed': [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer: >, <Peer:zlq2nwnk5lmfxx62.onion>, <Peer:>], 'size': 62}
  833. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,513] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Force skipping
  834. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,530] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tasks: 13, started: 13, bad files: 13, total started: 51
  835. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,530] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1CdtY73URv2K2YZU5EwKbN8Zu8jMWiQft6/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 6, asked: 0)
  836. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,530] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1DrN5MYJZfD2jQN5p6MPE35GjyMNmHWCLH/data.json, (workers: 1, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  837. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,532] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1BADUe8rinAm7nhbDtStNgyLahWSRbpkDV/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  838. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,532] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/12soMmYXAYD6FKZ7cVxvECU8oiVMx7aaF5/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 5, asked: 0)
  839. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,532] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1Fy55GtoJuknPt2YWiDHH1GRtMZ9a5prGz/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 5, asked: 0)
  840. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,533] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1BH6kuEgVMqkr74ENf7xaJkHThadnGMUZZ/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 6, asked: 0)
  841. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,533] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1NPqLYz98678wTNnwcscgEnSC2yKMFqZtR/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 6, asked: 0)
  842. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,534] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1LfxJaYtVTGpD8yY43Pt6yXx2Z2Hy2LDAk/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 5, asked: 0)
  843. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,534] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/15C1QHgbZtqgBQm8DY9MLkftgND9CZbbNY/data.json, (workers: 0, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 7, asked: 0)
  844. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,534] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/19BML6vNWEK9bgmGKpoCJKBQMaYweiTt7B/data.json, (workers: 1, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 5, asked: 0)
  845. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,535] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1ChGPBo6CGLmRmm9YkTmCXcLzAZsnuTY38/data.json, (workers: 1, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 4, asked: 0)
  846. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,535] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1BD7S2ZxEhxdUQnqq8m5MoYK2aTxJYsJnH/data.json, (workers: 1, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 2, asked: 0)
  847. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,536] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Slow task: data/users/1JvXXjBFcQQskvMx9c93btvk2Ma8gmfPGd/data.json, (workers: 1, optional_hash_id: None, peers: 0, failed: 3, asked: 0)
  848. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,536] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#83 [?] > Connecting... (site: None)
  849. [2019-10-01 22:15:43,768] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#82 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  850. [2019-10-01 22:15:44,094] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#84 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  851. [2019-10-01 22:15:44,094] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion:11839
  852. [2019-10-01 22:15:44,108] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#82 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  853. [2019-10-01 22:15:44,314] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#22 2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360 [v2] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Tracker connection, idle: 45.583s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 4, buff: 0...
  854. [2019-10-01 22:15:44,314] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#62 [v2] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Tracker connection, idle: 28.433s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  855. [2019-10-01 22:15:44,315] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#63 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 29.901s, waiting_requests: 1, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  856. [2019-10-01 22:15:44,316] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#64 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 29.523s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 0, buff: 0...
  857. [2019-10-01 22:15:44,316] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#65 [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 28.996s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 2, buff: 0...
  858. [2019-10-01 22:15:44,418] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#85 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  859. [2019-10-01 22:15:44,419] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#86 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1Name2..hM9F)
  860. [2019-10-01 22:15:44,875] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#84 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  861. [2019-10-01 22:15:45,110] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#87 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  862. [2019-10-01 22:15:45,110] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion:28177
  863. [2019-10-01 22:15:45,276] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#84 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  864. [2019-10-01 22:15:45,303] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tracker announce result: zero:// (sites: 1, new peers: 0, add: ['onion']) in 1.767s
  865. [2019-10-01 22:15:45,303] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Announced in mode more to zero:// in 1.767s, errors: [], slow: ['1.77s zero://']
  866. [2019-10-01 22:15:45,318] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#88 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  867. [2019-10-01 22:15:45,820] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#87 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  868. [2019-10-01 22:15:46,219] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#87 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  869. [2019-10-01 22:15:46,278] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#89 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  870. [2019-10-01 22:15:46,278] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion:11839
  871. [2019-10-01 22:15:47,212] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#89 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  872. [2019-10-01 22:15:47,221] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#90 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  873. [2019-10-01 22:15:47,221] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion:28177
  874. [2019-10-01 22:15:47,595] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#89 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  875. [2019-10-01 22:15:47,987] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#90 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  876. [2019-10-01 22:15:48,382] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#90 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  877. [2019-10-01 22:15:48,534] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t Announced in mode more to zero:// in 20.022s, errors: [], slow: []
  878. [2019-10-01 22:15:48,534] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#91 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1GitLi..MQ4t)
  879. [2019-10-01 22:15:48,595] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#92 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  880. [2019-10-01 22:15:48,595] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion:11839
  881. [2019-10-01 22:15:49,383] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#93 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  882. [2019-10-01 22:15:49,383] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion:28177
  883. [2019-10-01 22:15:49,387] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#92 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  884. [2019-10-01 22:15:49,910] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#92 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  885. [2019-10-01 22:15:50,126] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#93 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  886. [2019-10-01 22:15:50,342] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#91 [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  887. [2019-10-01 22:15:50,802] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#93 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  888. [2019-10-01 22:15:51,329] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Starting workers (More peers found), tasks: 1, peers: 0, workers: 2
  889. [2019-10-01 22:15:51,330] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t Pex result: from 2 peers got 6 new peers.
  890. [2019-10-01 22:15:51,803] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#94 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  891. [2019-10-01 22:15:51,804] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion:28177
  892. [2019-10-01 22:15:51,814] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#95 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  893. [2019-10-01 22:15:51,814] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion:11839
  894. [2019-10-01 22:15:52,487] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#94 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  895. [2019-10-01 22:15:52,645] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#95 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  896. [2019-10-01 22:15:52,820] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#94 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  897. [2019-10-01 22:15:53,001] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#95 ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  898. [2019-10-01 22:15:53,001] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Removed worker, workers: 4/5
  899. [2019-10-01 22:15:54,722] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#96 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  900. [2019-10-01 22:15:54,722] DEBUG TorManager Creating new Tor socket to cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion:28177
  901. [2019-10-01 22:15:55,682] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#96 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Changing unpacker to bin type (unprocessed bytes: 0)
  902. [2019-10-01 22:15:56,021] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#96 cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion [v2] > Closing connection: Peer connection: Response error, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 1, buff: 0...
  903. [2019-10-01 22:15:56,021] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Removed worker, workers: 3/5
  904. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,513] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#72 [?] > Closing connection: Connect error: GeneralProxyError: Socket error: timed out in line 214 > line 149 > line 47 > line 814, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 0, buff: 0...
  905. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,514] WARNING Site:1GitLi..MQ4t Tracker zero:// announce failed: AnnounceError: Invalid response: None in line 198 > AnnounceZero/ line 102 in mode more
  906. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,537] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Tasks: 13, started: 13, bad files: 13, total started: 51
  907. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,537] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Timeout, Skipping: {'evt': <gevent._event.AsyncResult object at 0x00000268D8E4DB38>, 'workers_num': 0, 'site': <Site 1MaiL5..Ju27>, 'inner_path': 'data/users/1CdtY73URv2K2YZU5EwKbN8Zu8jMWiQft6/data.json', 'done': False, 'optional_hash_id': None, 'time_added': 1569960890.2358024, 'time_started': 1569960891.773317, 'time_action': None, 'peers': None, 'priority': 2, 'failed': [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer: >, <Peer:>, <Peer:ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion>, <Peer:cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion>], 'size': 146}
  908. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,538] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Timeout, Skipping: {'evt': <gevent._event.AsyncResult object at 0x00000268D917D7B8>, 'workers_num': 0, 'site': <Site 1MaiL5..Ju27>, 'inner_path': 'data/users/1Fy55GtoJuknPt2YWiDHH1GRtMZ9a5prGz/data.json', 'done': False, 'optional_hash_id': None, 'time_added': 1569960890.2358024, 'time_started': 1569960893.216661, 'time_action': None, 'peers': None, 'priority': 2, 'failed': [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer: >, <Peer:ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion>, <Peer:cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion>], 'size': 146}
  909. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,539] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Timeout, Skipping: {'evt': <gevent._event.AsyncResult object at 0x00000268D903EC88>, 'workers_num': 0, 'site': <Site 1MaiL5..Ju27>, 'inner_path': 'data/users/1BH6kuEgVMqkr74ENf7xaJkHThadnGMUZZ/data.json', 'done': False, 'optional_hash_id': None, 'time_added': 1569960890.2358024, 'time_started': 1569960890.4644878, 'time_action': None, 'peers': None, 'priority': 2, 'failed': [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer: >, <Peer:>, <Peer:ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion>, <Peer:cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion>], 'size': 1466}
  910. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,539] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Timeout, Skipping: {'evt': <gevent._event.AsyncResult object at 0x00000268D917DC18>, 'workers_num': 0, 'site': <Site 1MaiL5..Ju27>, 'inner_path': 'data/users/1NPqLYz98678wTNnwcscgEnSC2yKMFqZtR/data.json', 'done': False, 'optional_hash_id': None, 'time_added': 1569960890.2368023, 'time_started': 1569960894.1103287, 'time_action': None, 'peers': None, 'priority': 2, 'failed': [<Peer:>, <Peer: >, <Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion>, <Peer:cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion>], 'size': 146}
  911. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,539] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Timeout, Skipping: {'evt': <gevent._event.AsyncResult object at 0x00000268D917DBA8>, 'workers_num': 0, 'site': <Site 1MaiL5..Ju27>, 'inner_path': 'data/users/1LfxJaYtVTGpD8yY43Pt6yXx2Z2Hy2LDAk/data.json', 'done': False, 'optional_hash_id': None, 'time_added': 1569960890.2368023, 'time_started': 1569960893.7176805, 'time_action': None, 'peers': None, 'priority': 2, 'failed': [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer: >, <Peer:>, <Peer:ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion>, <Peer:cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion>], 'size': 146}
  912. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,540] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Timeout, Skipping: {'evt': <gevent._event.AsyncResult object at 0x00000268D8E4D668>, 'workers_num': 0, 'site': <Site 1MaiL5..Ju27>, 'inner_path': 'data/users/15C1QHgbZtqgBQm8DY9MLkftgND9CZbbNY/data.json', 'done': False, 'optional_hash_id': None, 'time_added': 1569960890.2348022, 'time_started': 1569960890.2368023, 'time_action': None, 'peers': None, 'priority': 2, 'failed': [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer: >, <Peer:>, <Peer:ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion>, <Peer:cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion>], 'size': 1890}
  913. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,540] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Timeout, Skipping: {'evt': <gevent._event.AsyncResult object at 0x00000268D8E4D588>, 'workers_num': 0, 'site': <Site 1MaiL5..Ju27>, 'inner_path': 'data/users/19BML6vNWEK9bgmGKpoCJKBQMaYweiTt7B/data.json', 'done': False, 'optional_hash_id': None, 'time_added': 1569960890.2348022, 'time_started': 1569960890.2368023, 'time_action': None, 'peers': None, 'priority': 2, 'failed': [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer: >, <Peer:>, <Peer:ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion>, <Peer:cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion>], 'size': 146}
  914. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,541] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Timeout, Skipping: {'evt': <gevent._event.AsyncResult object at 0x00000268D8E4D828>, 'workers_num': 0, 'site': <Site 1MaiL5..Ju27>, 'inner_path': 'data/users/1BADUe8rinAm7nhbDtStNgyLahWSRbpkDV/data.json', 'done': False, 'optional_hash_id': None, 'time_added': 1569960890.2348022, 'time_started': 1569960890.2368023, 'time_action': None, 'peers': None, 'priority': 2, 'failed': [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer: >, <Peer:>, <Peer:ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion>, <Peer:cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion>], 'size': 146}
  915. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,541] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Timeout, Skipping: {'evt': <gevent._event.AsyncResult object at 0x00000268D8E4DAC8>, 'workers_num': 0, 'site': <Site 1MaiL5..Ju27>, 'inner_path': 'data/users/12soMmYXAYD6FKZ7cVxvECU8oiVMx7aaF5/data.json', 'done': False, 'optional_hash_id': None, 'time_added': 1569960890.2348022, 'time_started': 1569960890.2368023, 'time_action': None, 'peers': None, 'priority': 2, 'failed': [<Peer: >, <Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion>, <Peer:ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion>], 'size': 146}
  916. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,542] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Timeout, Skipping: {'evt': <gevent._event.AsyncResult object at 0x00000268D917D5F8>, 'workers_num': 0, 'site': <Site 1MaiL5..Ju27>, 'inner_path': 'data/users/1DrN5MYJZfD2jQN5p6MPE35GjyMNmHWCLH/data.json', 'done': False, 'optional_hash_id': None, 'time_added': 1569960890.2358024, 'time_started': 1569960893.0194676, 'time_action': None, 'peers': None, 'priority': 2, 'failed': [<Peer: >, <Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion>, <Peer:ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion>], 'size': 146}
  917. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,542] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Timeout, Skipping: {'evt': <gevent._event.AsyncResult object at 0x00000268D917D668>, 'workers_num': 1, 'site': <Site 1MaiL5..Ju27>, 'inner_path': 'data/users/1ChGPBo6CGLmRmm9YkTmCXcLzAZsnuTY38/data.json', 'done': False, 'optional_hash_id': None, 'time_added': 1569960890.2358024, 'time_started': 1569960891.8396728, 'time_action': None, 'peers': None, 'priority': 2, 'failed': [<Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer:>, <Peer: >, <Peer:ugke2zrcyoob7uox.onion>, <Peer:cl2idv6sthdb74wc.onion>], 'size': 146}
  918. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,543] DEBUG WorkerManager:1MaiL5..Ju27 Force skipping
  919. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,543] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#88 [?] > Closing connection: Connect error: Worker stopped, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 0, buff: 0...
  920. [2019-10-01 22:15:58,544] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Verify failed: data/users/1CvyxRucf7BbDvGtFe5LayTS2qX88VN7Er/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 5, workers: 1
  921. [2019-10-01 22:15:59,318] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#75 rtljigim3i43udq6.onion [?] > Closing connection: [Cleanup] Connect timeout: 28.002s, waiting_requests: 0, sites: 0, buff: 0...
  922. [2019-10-01 22:15:59,645] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t No task found, stopping (downloaded files: 0, failed: 1)
  923. [2019-10-01 22:15:59,645] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Removed worker, workers: 1/5
  924. [2019-10-01 22:15:59,646] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Force skipping
  925. [2019-10-01 22:15:59,647] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Verify failed: data/users/1CvyxRucf7BbDvGtFe5LayTS2qX88VN7Er/data.json, error: Download failed, failed peers: 6, workers: 0
  926. [2019-10-01 22:15:59,748] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t No task found, stopping (downloaded files: 0, failed: 1)
  927. [2019-10-01 22:16:00,545] DEBUG ConnServer Conn#97 [?] > Connecting... (site: Site 1MaiL5..Ju27)
  928. [2019-10-01 22:16:00,748] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t No task found, stopping (downloaded files: 0, failed: 1)
  929. [2019-10-01 22:16:00,748] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Removed worker, workers: 0/5
  930. [2019-10-01 22:16:00,749] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Starting new workers... (tasks: 1)
  931. [2019-10-01 22:16:00,750] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Starting workers (Removed worker), tasks: 1, peers: 0, workers: 0
  932. [2019-10-01 22:16:00,750] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Starting workers (Task checker (need more workers)), tasks: 1, peers: 0, workers: 0
  933. [2019-10-01 22:16:00,851] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t No task found, stopping (downloaded files: 0, failed: 1)
  934. [2019-10-01 22:16:00,851] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Starting new workers... (tasks: 1)
  935. [2019-10-01 22:16:00,852] DEBUG WorkerManager:1GitLi..MQ4t Starting workers (Removed worker), tasks: 1, peers: 0, workers: 0
  936. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,258] INFO - Shutting down (reason: Keyboard interrupt)...
  937. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,258] DEBUG ConnServer Stopping
  938. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,259] DEBUG Ui.UiServer Stopping...
  939. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,260] DEBUG Ui.UiServer Socket closed: 2
  940. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,261] DEBUG Ui.UiServer - - [2019-10-01 22:16:01] "GET /ZeroNet-Internal/Websocket?wrapper_key=eab2c99e4fde2ef421ca06f2062ecd46c76b14269759099475175bd8f3b3a7fd HTTP/1.1" 101 129 91.547179
  941. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,261] DEBUG ConnServer Stopped.
  942. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,360] DEBUG Ui.UiServer Stopped.
  943. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,360] INFO - All server stopped
  944. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,370] DEBUG SiteManager Saved sites in 0.01s (generate: 0.00s, write: 0.01s)
  945. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,370] DEBUG SiteManager Updated merger sites in 0.000s
  946. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,573] DEBUG Site:178UMr..NNH7 Peers saved in 0.001s
  947. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,576] DEBUG Site:1GitLi..MQ4t Peers saved in 0.003s
  948. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,577] DEBUG Site:1HJS6q..qC1H Peers saved in 0.001s
  949. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,590] DEBUG Site:1HeLLo..Tf3D Peers saved in 0.013s
  950. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,596] DEBUG Site:1MaiL5..Ju27 Peers saved in 0.006s
  951. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,610] DEBUG Site:1Name2..hM9F Peers saved in 0.014s
  952. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,612] DEBUG Site:1RepoX..HCc6 Peers saved in 0.002s
  953. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,618] DEBUG Site:1iD5ZQ..duGz Peers saved in 0.006s
  954. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,621] DEBUG Site:1iNDEx..RPcL Peers saved in 0.003s
  955. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,621] DEBUG Db:Chart Commited in 0.000s (reason: Closing)
  956. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,622] DEBUG Db:Chart ./data/chart.db closed in 0.001s, opened: 2
  957. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,690] DEBUG Db:ContentDb Commited in 0.069s (reason: Closing)
  958. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,803] DEBUG Db:ContentDb ./data/content.db closed in 0.181s, opened: 1
  959. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,803] DEBUG Db:ZeroMail Commited in 0.000s (reason: Closing)
  960. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,887] DEBUG Db:ZeroMail ./data/1MaiL5gfBM1cyb4a8e3iiL8L5gXmoAJu27/data/users/zeromail.db closed in 0.085s, opened: 0
  961. [2019-10-01 22:16:01,893] DEBUG TrackerStorage Saved in 0.006s
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