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Nov 23rd, 2017
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  1. eric@dione:~/arduino-1.8.5$ find . -iname '*.h' -o -name '*.c*' -type f -exec grep "include\s*<" \{} \; | awk -F "[<>]" '{ for (i=2; i<NF; i+=2) print $i }' | sort | uniq
  2. /Value
  3. Adafruit_CPlay_LIS3DH.h
  4. Adafruit_Circuit_Playground.h
  5. Arduino.h
  6. ArduinoRobot.h
  7. ArduinoRobotMotorBoard.h
  8. BridgeClient.h
  9. BridgeSSLClient.h
  10. BridgeServer.h
  11. Client.h
  12. Console.h
  13. Fat16.h
  14. Fat16Config.h
  15. FileIO.h
  16. GSM3CircularBuffer.h
  17. GSM3MobileAccessProvider.h
  18. GSM3MobileCellManagement.h
  19. GSM3MobileClientProvider.h
  20. GSM3MobileClientService.h
  21. GSM3MobileDataNetworkProvider.h
  22. GSM3MobileMockupProvider.h
  23. GSM3MobileNetworkProvider.h
  24. GSM3MobileNetworkRegistry.h
  25. GSM3MobileSMSProvider.h
  26. GSM3MobileServerProvider.h
  27. GSM3MobileServerService.h
  28. GSM3MobileVoiceProvider.h
  29. GSM3SMSService.h
  30. GSM3ShieldV1.h
  31. GSM3ShieldV1AccessProvider.h
  32. GSM3ShieldV1BandManagement.h
  33. GSM3ShieldV1BaseProvider.h
  34. GSM3ShieldV1CellManagement.h
  35. GSM3ShieldV1ClientProvider.h
  36. GSM3ShieldV1DataNetworkProvider.h
  37. GSM3ShieldV1DirectModemProvider.h
  38. GSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.h
  39. GSM3ShieldV1ModemVerification.h
  40. GSM3ShieldV1MultiClientProvider.h
  41. GSM3ShieldV1MultiServerProvider.h
  42. GSM3ShieldV1PinManagement.h
  43. GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider.h
  44. GSM3ShieldV1ScanNetworks.h
  45. GSM3ShieldV1ServerProvider.h
  46. GSM3ShieldV1VoiceProvider.h
  47. GSM3VoiceCallService.h
  48. HardwareSerial.h
  49. IPAddress.h
  50. Mailbox.h
  51. Process.h
  52. Reset.h
  53. SD.h
  54. SPI.h
  55. SdCard.h
  56. Servo.h
  57. SoftwareSerial.h
  58. SquawkSD.h
  59. Temboo.h
  60. TembooSSL.h
  61. Value
  62. WProgram.h
  63. Wire.h
  64. avr/boot.h
  65. avr/common.h
  66. avr/eeprom.h
  67. avr/interrupt.h
  68. avr/io.h
  69. avr/pgmspace.h
  70. avr/sfr_defs.h
  71. avr/wdt.h
  72. avr32/io.h
  73. board.h
  74. board_init.h
  75. cmd_wl.h
  76. compat/twi.h
  77. compiler.h
  78. console.h
  79. cstring
  80. ctype.h
  81. errno.h
  82. flashc.h
  83. fw_download.h
  84. gpio.h
  85. intc.h
  86. inttypes.h
  87. ipv4/lwip/ip_frag.h
  88. limits.h
  89. lwip/dhcp.h
  90. lwip/init.h
  91. lwip/tcp.h
  92. lwip_setup.h
  93. math.h
  94. netif/etharp.h
  95. netif/wlif.h
  96. nvram.h
  97. pm.h
  98. printf-stdarg.h
  99. rtc.h
  100. sdramc.h
  101. spi.h
  102. stdarg.h
  103. stddef.h
  104. stdint.h
  105. stdio.h
  106. stdlib.h
  107. string.h
  108. sys/reent.h
  109. timer.h
  110. top_defs.h
  111. usart.h
  112. util.h
  113. util/atomic.h
  114. util/crc16.h
  115. util/delay.h
  116. util/delay_basic.h
  117. wl_api.h
  118. wl_cm.h
  119. wl_os.h
  120. wl_spi.h
  121. wlap_api.h
  122. eric@dione:~/arduino-1.8.5$
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