
Mafia server Night 3

Apr 7th, 2017
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  1. Shroom - 03/31/2017 Mega asks me to claim
  2. and I can't claim a special role because else I should have claimed way earlier
  3. maybe claim Miller? or the role DPVM claimed?
  4. since I was away for the whole night
  5. and now I'll head to an exam which starts in 15 minutes so see you in an hour or so
  6. TDK - 03/31/2017 Called it.
  7. We won.
  8. TDK - 03/31/2017 @Shroom Who you're going to paint? I'm thinking that thg1 should be painted, he's probably the most likely to get lynched.
  9. Ugh gg, mafia won.
  10. Sanct - 03/31/2017 fuck off
  11. Shroom - 03/31/2017 we haven't won yet
  12. but yeah paint helmetguy
  13. and I should claim miller?
  14. I've come back right this moment so I'll glance through all of the posts whenever I can
  15. Sanct - 03/31/2017 Also megar said that the blues are being moronic
  16. and I believe that zeldamaster isn't a blue at this point
  17. Shroom - 03/31/2017 TP being down is both good and bad
  18. @Sanct can you quickly answer if someone counterclaimed DPWM's original townie claim?
  19. Shroom - 03/31/2017 apparently that didn't happen
  20. so taking his first claim stays an option
  21. also if thg1 claims Bartender
  22. @TDK did you already take notice of that? You can only counterclaim him if you didn't
  23. @Sanct Mega is getting impatient, I need a decision
  24. Sanct - 03/31/2017 well
  25. uh
  26. you definitely could claim
  27. your role is explode-man right?
  28. I say you should risk it
  29. we can retaliate
  30. Shroom - 03/31/2017 Miller or Timmy?
  31. Sanct - 03/31/2017 Miller could work
  32. try miller
  33. I'm gonna eavesdrop
  34. megar
  35. Shroom - 03/31/2017 to Mega: "well I can't help you in terms of blue alliance, I'm the miller"
  36. Sanct - 03/31/2017 that should work
  37. Shroom - 03/31/2017 response: "that's still good to know, just in case anyone tries claiming it"
  38. doesn't sound bad at all
  39. Sanct - 03/31/2017 good
  40. alright
  41. Shroom - 03/31/2017 also killing suggestion, I'd aim for Ness-Wednesday
  42. probably Mega will keep being protected and ZM doesn't look like a threat
  43. Shroom - 03/31/2017 and if TDK can't counterclaim helmetguy then I gotta rethink my painting
  44. because then, thg1 is also confirmed innocent
  45. TDK - 03/31/2017 Who is Timmy anyway?
  46. And why didn't he counterclaim?
  47. Shroom - 03/31/2017 Timmy is another townie role
  48. and DPVM tried to claim it first
  49. before he threw it all just minutes later so a counterclaim wasn't necessary(edited)
  50. anyway my question
  51. did you acknowledge that thg1 claimed Eric a while ago (funnily I can't find that myself)
  52. if you already knew it from the very beginning or you even said something about it then you can't challenge it afterwards
  53. but if you didn't it's worth considering
  54. (also sorry for not being online)
  55. o_O
  56. TDK - 03/31/2017 Assuming that the doctor claim to Megar recently, the doctor is likely to be either Zeldamaster12 or glitch4.
  57. Shroom - 03/31/2017 "view who's online" stuff?
  58. also I now found out that you didn't respond anything to thg1's claim
  59. so counterclaiming is still possible
  60. despite being late with it
  61. Shroom - 03/31/2017 @Waddle Derp what's your two cents
  62. Waddle Derp - 03/31/2017 Ness doesn't seem competent enough
  63. Shroom - 03/31/2017 in terms of what?
  64. should we switch to ZM?
  65. Pseudo - 03/31/2017 ok, as of now, painting helmetguy and killing ness-wednesday
  66. Shroom - 03/31/2017 emphasis lying on "as of now"
  67. as long as we don't come up with a better idea I put a safety bomb on Waddle Derp should he die
  68. Pseudo - 03/31/2017 ok
  69. Shroom - 03/31/2017 he in fact makes up for the entirety of the mafia's power
  70. Pseudo - 03/31/2017 painting waddle then
  71. Shroom - 03/31/2017 @everyone consult about who to kill
  72. TDK, what do you know about ZM and glitch4?
  73. Pseudo - 03/31/2017 i also need sanct's eavesdrop target
  74. Shroom - 03/31/2017 Mega
  75. Waddle Derp - 03/31/2017 Yeah that sounds good
  76. TDK - 03/31/2017 They were the most recently active when Megar said he got the claim from the doctor.
  77. Shroom - 03/31/2017 in terms of being online?
  78. TDK - 03/31/2017 Yes.
  79. Pseudo - 03/31/2017 ok
  80. Shroom - 03/31/2017 well, what happened was that I advised Mega to PM the least active people, aka glitch4 and RSuper
  81. Pseudo - 03/31/2017 sanct must confirm eavesdropping first
  82. since he's mr skull not you
  83. Shroom - 03/31/2017 so killing glitch4 would be a straight giveaway
  84. I'm for killing ZM
  85. Pseudo - 03/31/2017 so
  86. killing zeldamaster?
  87. Shroom - 03/31/2017 if noone disagrees then yes
  88. Pseudo - 03/31/2017 ok
  89. Shroom - 03/31/2017 well let's consider again
  90. ZM being online may just been have a coincidence
  91. if we have two kills for Night 4 then we can probably kill glitch4
  92. I take a look at Ness-Wednesday
  93. also things may start looking grim
  94. dinner time
  95. Waddle Derp - 03/31/2017 I'm in favor
  96. Shroom - 03/31/2017 well now it's defense time
  97. and by Day 4 I'm probably gonna be dead
  98. and at this point I'm sure the horse will protect Doc Fesstival
  99. we gotta purge the killing decision
  100. just by ZM's skill he would have claimed long ago already
  101. should have thought of that earlier
  102. him being online was just coincidence
  103. since I'm under pressure you can also consider killing glitch4
  104. also look at how I made the 17000th post :3
  105. anyway team pls help
  106. Sanct - 03/31/2017 I just came back
  107. Who should I eavesdrop
  108. Shroom - 03/31/2017 dunno, your role is underpowered anyway
  109. we'd rather focus on the killing target
  110. because there could be evidence of glitch4 being the doc
  111. being inactive at first and not claiming, and then claiming when being prompted; TDK saw him online
  112. as for now I stand for killing glitch4
  113. Sanct - 03/31/2017 let's do that
  114. I'll just go and eavesdrop Megar again I guess
  115. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  116. Pseudo - 03/31/2017 ok
  117. killing glitch4, painting helmetguy, eavesdropping megar
  118. yeah?
  119. Sanct - 03/31/2017 yes shit
  120. Shroom - 03/31/2017 can I paint myself?
  121. Pseudo - 03/31/2017 sure why not
  122. Shroom - 03/31/2017 then that's probably best
  123. Pseudo - 03/31/2017 rules don't say you can't
  124. ok
  125. Sanct - 03/31/2017 Smart
  126. Shroom - 03/31/2017 wait, gotta think again
  127. I'd say it's safe to assume that the vig will kill one of us
  128. the question is who
  129. I gotta hope to paint the person who the vigi is more likely to kill
  130. I'll switch to KoE
  131. Pseudo - 03/31/2017 ok
  132. Shroom - 03/31/2017 since I hope the vigi believes me for the moment
  133. Sanct - 03/31/2017 but then
  134. you'll be more suspicious
  135. Shroom - 03/31/2017 because he's been painted?
  136. Sanct - 03/31/2017 yeah
  137. Shroom - 03/31/2017 maybe the town can be convinced that the mafia painted KoE since I've been pro-town all along?
  138. TDK - 03/31/2017 @Pseudo You said the lore shouldn't be taken in account to find the killer. Pixel Pest's death message does imply that the vig killed him.
  139. Pseudo - 03/31/2017 PixelPest was also found dead, his head stuck on a pike outside the sheriff's office, perhaps as a threat or a symbol of vigilante justice...
  140. made it ambiguous on purpose
  141. though it may have unintentionally implicated the vigi a little
  142. Shroom - 03/31/2017 remember how Waddle wrote "an image of a solar eclipse was cut into his chest" on your death message XD
  143. Pseudo - 03/31/2017 oh yeah
  144. some hosts might reveal killers
  145. i don't though
  146. that's not my style
  147. Sanct - 03/31/2017 Honestlyt
  148. I do it depending on town difficulty
  149. Pseudo - 03/31/2017 thats real
  150. TDK - 03/31/2017 What you mean by "town difficulty" ?
  151. Sanct - 03/31/2017 how difficult it is for the town
  152. Shroom - 03/31/2017 it can be assumed a lot that both RSuper and glitch4 are Horse and Vigilante
  153. just depends on who you want to kill first
  154. both are a threat
  155. so see ya tomorrow and let's hope for the best(edited)
  156. TDK - 03/31/2017 If RSuper is the vigilante, then it would be likely for her to kill King of Eterity first. Considering he looks more suspicious than Shroom.
  157. TDK - 03/31/2017 I'm going to assume that glitch4 is the doc.
  158. Going to vote for him.
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