
Car Model NRPCPD - Rahil

Dec 12th, 2019
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  1. set @startdate1 = '2019-11-01';
  2. set @startdate2 = '2019-11-30';
  3. use socar_malaysia;
  4. Select I.month as month, I.car_name as car_name, Round(I.net_rev,2) as Net_rev, ROUND(I.Total_reservations/,2) as RESPCPD, ROUND(I.net_rev/,2) as RevPCPD, Round(I.Dur/,2) as DURPCPD from
  5. (select Month(A.return_date) as month, A.car_name as car_name, count(A.rid2) as Total_reservations, count(distinct A.mid) as Total_Unique_Members, sum(A.distance) as distance, sum(A.dur) as dur, sum(A.ad_sdur) as ad_sdur,
  6. IFNULL(Sum(E.charges),0) as gross_rev,
  7. IFNULL(sum(F.coupon_Spent),0) as Coupon_Spent,
  8. round((IFNULL(sum(E.charges),0) - IFNULL(sum(F.coupon_Spent),0)),2) as net_rev from
  9. (select
  10. distinct as rid2, r.member_id as mid, r.way as way, cc.car_name as car_name,
  11. IFNULL(sum(ra.mileage),0) as distance,
  12. round(sum(timestampdiff(minute, r.start_at, r.end_at)/60),2) as dur,
  13. round(sum(floor(timestampdiff(minute, r.start_at, r.end_at)/60/24)*12+if(mod(timestampdiff(hour, r.start_at, r.end_at),24)>=12,12,mod(timestampdiff(minute, r.start_at, r.end_at)/60,24))),2) as ad_sdur,
  14. Date(r.return_at + interval '8' hour) as return_Date,
  15. month(r.return_at + interval '8' hour) as month
  16. from reservations r left join members m on r.member_id =
  17. left join reservation_appendixes ra on ra.reservation_id =
  18. left join cars cr on = r.car_id
  19. left join car_classes cc on = cr.car_class_id
  20. where r.state in ('completed')
  21. and r.return_at + interval 8 hour >= @startdate1
  22. and r.return_at + interval 8 hour <= @startdate2
  23. and m.imaginary in ('sofam', 'normal')
  24. and r.member_id not in ('125', '127')
  25. and (YEAR(r.start_at) - YEAR(m.birthday)) < 100
  26. group by rid2) A
  27. left join
  28. (select c.reservation_id as rid, sum(c.amount) as charges from charges c
  29. where c.state='normal' and c.kind in ('rent','oneway','d2d','mileage','insurance')
  30. group by rid) E on A.rid2 = E.rid
  31. left join
  32. (select p.reservation_id as rid, month(p.created_at + interval '8' hour) as month,Year(p.created_at + interval '8' hour) as year, IFNULL(p.amount,0) as coupon_Spent from payments p
  33. where p.state = 'normal' and p.paid_type = 'coupon'
  34. group by p.reservation_id) F on A.rid2 = F.rid
  35. group by 1,2 ) I
  36. left join
  37. (select month(czl.log_date + interval 8 hour ) as month, cc.car_name as car_name, count( as cars from car_zone_logs czl left join cars cr on = czl.car_id
  38. left join car_classes cc on = cr.car_class_id where czl.zone_state='normal'
  39. and czl.log_date + interval 8 hour >= @startdate1
  40. and czl.log_date + interval 8 hour <= @startdate2
  41. group by 1,2
  42. order by 1,2 desc) Q
  43. on Q.month = I.month and Q.car_name = I.car_name
  44. where I.month < '12'
  45. group by 1,2
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