

Oct 20th, 2015
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  1. Cilixia whispers: What were you gonna say..
  2. Nuclar > Cilixia: nothing.
  3. Cilixia whispers: Just say it Nuc, be honest with me..
  4. Nuclar > Cilixia: I dont see why your having a problem with people wanting sex from you, since you basically are all about it most the time. Was just either earlier today or Yesterday night you were talking bout mounting someone if you and onna fail , -shrugs- i dont see what you have to complain about in all honesty,
  5. Cilixia whispers: ...sighs.
  6. Cilixia whispers: I think I'm gonna leave..
  7. Nuclar > Cilixia: you asked me to be hoenst -w-
  8. Nuclar > Cilixia: dont ask if you dont wanna hear it
  9. Nuclar > Cilixia: next time i wont be hoenst
  10. Cilixia whispers: I'm just trying to prove I can be loyal...
  11. Cilixia whispers: Since many doubt it.
  12. Cilixia whispers: Maybe I should just leave imvu.
  13. Nuclar > Cilixia: You saying your going to mount someonf ifyou and onna fail isnt being loyal
  14. Cilixia whispers: Most of the people here are just sex fiends anyway
  15. Cilixia whispers: ...
  16. Cilixia whispers: I'll just stop talking
  17. Cilixia whispers: Have a good night.
  18. Nuclar > Cilixia: -w- ...
  19. Nuclar > Cilixia: and liek that im done.
  20. Cilixia has left the chat
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