
[ esprit / applyfic ]

Jul 27th, 2016
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  1. name:
  2. - kwon ayoung (kor)
  3. - iris kwon (eng)
  5. nickname: dory
  7. birthday + age: november 5, 1998 + 17
  9. birthplace: auckland, new zealand
  11. hometown: seoul, new zealand
  13. nationality: korean
  15. ethnicity: korean - new zealander
  17. height: 172cm
  19. weight: 49kg
  21. background: lived in new zealand her whole life. due to the fact her parents were always busy, they never had the time to teach iris the korean language or culture. iris knew the basics but was fluent. she was actually introduced to kpop through one of her middle school friends and has ever since wanted to be a kpop idol. during her high school life she was known as the sports freak for her un human abilities and knowledge on various sports. she did science as well, wanting to be an astronomer one day. but that all changed when she auditioned for the bighit worldwide auditions that once came to new zealand. she was accept, though her family would be able to moved to korea because of the parents job. so during her trainee life, she's lived with her young single aunty and has never seen her family in the flesh. only on the computer screen.
  23. personality: iris has an outrageous personality. she is very adaptable and determined. shows resilience in the things she does. she can be serious and persistent with what she what's and sometimes won't take a no for an answer. because of her sassy, foul mouth, iris often gets in trouble with her elders. very energetic and intense to look after. she really can't stay still and has literally no self control when alone. though loud and courageous, inside she's clam, gentle and a bit sensitive.
  26. - sports
  27. - shinee / exo
  28. - family time
  29. - amusement parks
  30. - thai food
  31. - photography
  32. - astronomy
  33. - horror films
  35. dislikes:
  36. - spiders
  37. - child / animal abuse
  38. - coffee
  39. - dolls
  40. - romantic films
  41. - being too vulnerable
  42. - red bean paste
  43. - bubble tea
  45. trivia:
  46. - instagram (irisk.xo)
  47. - known as the next yoon mirae
  48. - iris does the morning run daily and tries to encourage her members
  49. - although she's one of the youngest, she has the dirtiest mind
  50. - best friends with ikon's chanwoo
  51. - currently learning thai
  52. - her high school friends still speak with her
  53. - she had once choked on bubble tea, reasoning to why she hates the drink
  54. - in new zealand she has twin huski puppies (keri + charli /females/)
  56. stage name: iris
  58. stage behaviour: she put on a very intimidating and firm image but is quirky and awkward at the same time.
  60. what kind of fanservice do you do?: photos, vapp, charity work
  62. face claim: pinky (ioi)
  64. backup face claim: yeri (red velvet)
  66. love interest: sehun (exo)
  68. backup love interest: jaehyun (nct)
  70. his personality: cocky and selfish. even though he may seem quiet, he has a wild side that can burst in any moment. he's adaptable and spontaneous. has a soft side for children and animals. gullible and easily manipulated. strong hearted and displays a charismatic portray.
  72. how does he acts around you?: quick remarks and loves to tease her. likes to have her around.
  74. password: dahyun - my lil eagle is so talented and i love her so much. and plus i ship her with jaebum (a bias) hahah
  76. [please note that iris is a rapper. i don't know how she was put as a main dancer when she was an underground rapper and had that as her strong point.]
  78. thankyou anyways β™‘
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