

Jul 18th, 2019
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  1. on join:
  2. if {firstjoin.%player%} is not set:
  3. set the join message to "&f&l[&b&lFirst Join&f&l]&f%player%さんが初めてログインしました!"
  4. execute console command "money set %player% 2000"
  5. execute console command "menu grab %player% 082"
  6. execute console command "spawnpoint %player% 1000 5 1000"
  7. execute console command "tp %player% 1000 5 1000"
  8. set {firstjoin.%player%} to 1
  9. stop
  10. if {firstjoin.%player%} is set:
  11. set the join message to "&f&l[&b&lJoin&f&l]&f%player%さんがログインしました"
  12. execute console command "mvtp %player% world"
  13. execute console command "spawnpoint %player% 1000 5 1000"
  14. execute console command "tp %player% 1000 4 1000"
  15. on quit:
  16. set the quit message to "&f&l[&b&lQuit&f&l]&f%player%さんがログアウトしました"
  17. command /rename [<text>]:
  18. permission: rename.admin
  19. trigger:
  20. if arg-1 is not set:
  21. send "&c使用法:&7/rename newname"
  22. else:
  23. set the name of the player's tool to "%coloured arg-1%"
  24. send "&f&l[&b&lRename&f&l]&bアイテムの名前を%coloured arg-1%&bに設定しました"
  25. command /lore [<number>] [<text>]:
  26. permission: lore.admin
  27. trigger:
  28. if arg-1 is set:
  29. if arg-2 is set:
  30. set line number arg of lore of player's tool to "%colored arg-2%"
  31. send "&f&l[&b&lLore&f&l]&bアイテムの説明文の%arg-1%列目を%coloured arg-2%&bに設定しました"
  32. stop
  33. else if arg-1 is not set:
  34. send "&c使用法:&7/lore line newlore"
  35. else if arg-2 is not set:
  36. send "&c使用法:&7/lore line newlore"
  37. command /unmute [<player>]:
  38. permission: mute.admin
  39. trigger:
  40. {Mute.%arg%} is set
  41. delete {Mute.%arg%}
  42. broadcast "&f&l[&b&lMUTE&f&l]&e&l%arg% &b&lさんの&c&l&nMute&b&lを解除しました"
  43. command /mute [<player>]:
  44. permission: mute.admin
  45. trigger:
  46. {Mute.%arg%} is not set
  47. set {Mute.%arg%} to 1
  48. broadcast "&f&l[&b&lMUTE&f&l]&e&l%arg% &dさんを&c&l&nMute&dしました"
  49. on chat:
  50. {Mute.%player%} is set
  51. cancel event
  52. message "&f&l[&b&lMUTE&f&l]&cあなたはMuteされています"
  53. on left click:
  54. if name of held item contains "1G":
  55. add 1 to player's money
  56. remove 1 of held item from player
  57. if name of held item contains "10G":
  58. add 10 to player's money
  59. remove 1 of held item from player
  60. if name of held item contains "100G":
  61. add 100 to player's money
  62. remove 1 of held item from player
  63. if name of held item contains "1000G":
  64. add 1000 to player's money
  65. remove 1 of held item from player
  66. if name of held item contains "10000G":
  67. add 10000 to player's money
  68. remove 1 of held item from player
  69. command /gomi:
  70. trigger:
  71. open chest with 6 rows named "&cゴミ箱&7(間違えて大事なもの入れるなよ)" to player
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