
Ponypocalypse: Tribal Troubles

Aug 9th, 2017
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  1. This story contains: Unwilling to willing prey, teasing, Oral vore, implied digestion.
  3. If you'd like to skip the fluff and story just word search for <Pickle Barrel>
  5. Pinkie Pie had certainly gotten herself in trouble this time. The task was simple, go to Zecora’s, get some of those tasty spices and herbs and then go home and prepare her “Eating the Largest Human Ever” party; of course, Pinkie Pie had an invite to the party to give Zecora. Unfortunately Pinkie Pie was ambushed. A couple of humans refugees, had ambushed the mare, and delivered a blow to Pinkie Pie’s head; knocking her unconscious. When Pinkie came to next she was bound and trapped in a net being dragged on the ground behind two human males.
  7. Panic set in, looking around Pinkie could tell they were deep into Everfree Forest, deep enough that the foliage was confused on whether or not it wanted to be a forest or a jungle. Pinkie Pie struggled, finding her hind and fore hooves bound by a primitive rope made from what looked like woven plants and catching the attention of one of the humans; a blonde, athletically built man with some defined muscles his clothing thread-bare and shoes worn through, leaving toes exposed.
  9. “Oh shit! Mike, she’s alive,” The man yelled to the other, before dropping his hold on the net and backing away.
  11. The other man was thinner, his face was lightly dusted with a beard, topped with disheveled brown hair, wearing similar tatters and upon seeing Pinkie alive and well took the same precautions. The blonde one was quick to reach into a leather bag hanging off his side and pull out a small knife, the blade was chipped and had seen better days and wielding it at Pinkie Pie.
  13. “Hi! My name is Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie chirped, sitting up as best she could in her confines.
  15. “Chill Jarrad, shes tied up and caught in our net. She isn’t going anywhere,” Mike said, before slowly approaching the bound mare.
  17. Pinkie wasn’t surprised by their caution and fear; humans had long since lost a war it had started with Equestria and it was only after the fact that somepony had found out that humans were delicious, tasty and amazingly filling, if a little fatty. In any other circumstance the two humans before Pinkie would be sliding down her gullet and sharing a space in her belly until they digested away into nutrition and another layer of pony pudge on her hips but with all the fetters on her she was at their mercy.
  19. “We should kill her. Right here, right now,” Jarrad said.
  21. “You do that and you’ll be the one doing the field dressing,” Mike said, carefully picking up a handle attached to the net “I know how much you hate blood and guts and I sure as hell ain’t carrying around dead weight,”
  23. “Hi! Mike was it? How are you?” Pinkie asked, looking cutely up into the fear stricken eyes of her captor.
  25. Mike bulked for a moment before answering “F...Fine,”
  27. “Hey! Don’t talk to the food!” Jarrad exclaimed, putting his knife away and approaching the net.
  29. “Food? Ooh, thats what you captured me for, you want some o’ my flanks on a platter!” Pinkie teased, giving her cutiemark a firm smack “So why are we still here in Everfree and not on your home planet?”
  31. “Long story-” Mike began to answer before Jarrad punched him in the arm and pointed a finger at him in warning before directing the finger back at Pinkie.
  33. “Shut up, horse,” Jarrad commanded.
  35. Pinkie did as told and her captors each took a side of her net and began pulling her along again, dragging her along the ground. Pinkie took a deep breath, and assessed her situation; she examined the net and then re-examined her hoof bindings and reasoned that she could probably chew through them with enough time, though how much time she had was another question. Pinkie Pie got straight to her great escape, chewing away at her hoof bindings, wearing them down as she was pulled deeper into Everfree forest. Mike and Jarrad, as Pinkie knew them, were in high spirits, despite the scare earlier, and tossed little marching tunes back and forth while trekking across the forest floor.
  37. “Can you believe we snagged a pony? We get sent out to trade with Zebra and hunt a few cocktrices and we end up bagging a full grown pony,” Jarrad chuckled.
  39. “I can believe it, and I can almost taste it too. She’ll look good with a side of salted potatoes,” Mike replied.
  41. “So how long do you think the Pilsbury dough-horse is gonna keep the others fed?” Jarrad asked.
  43. “For a while at least. We got ourselves a big girl, and from the looks of it she has had more than her fair share of soylent greens,” Mike muttered grimly.
  45. “Well...waste not, want not,” Jarrad said.
  47. Suddenly the two humans stopped and Pinkie Pie gasped, certain one of them looked back at her and saw what she was doing; she looked at them and then ahead seeing that wasn’t the case, they had stopped at a dirt path that lead to a fork in the road just a little further up ahead. Pinkie Pie looked around and smiled, she knew exactly where they were in the forest, an advantage that she clearly had over her captors.
  49. “Hold up. This isn’t right, we need to backtrack the black bramble thicket was supposed to be near here,” Mike said, reaching into his own bag and pulling out a folded paper map.
  51. “Don’t tell me we’re lost Mike,” Jarrad said.
  53. “We aren’t lost...just overshot our destination a little, let’s turn around and get out of here before a pony catches us,” Mike said.
  55. Pinkie Pie breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed the forest was working against them. Pinkie Pie continued to chew through her bindings, watching as the two marched all through the morning, pulling her behind them every step of the way. With a small squabble between the two men they agreed to take a rest, eat, drink and get their bearings before doing anything else. Pinkie’s belly growled, the week of sustenance her last human provided had run it’s course and watching these two pull out bags of dried meats, fruits and nuts certainly didn’t help her appetite.
  57. “Hey, you guys. Mind giving me some?” Pinkie asked, fluttering her eyelids “Sharing is caring, right?”
  59. “Fuck you,” Jarrad replied, without hesitation
  61. “Rude,” Pinkie said before looking at Mike “Is sharing caring Mike?”
  63. Mike was busy, his rations sitting beside him untouched while he placed his compass at different spots on the map and drew invisible lines on it. Without a word said he tossed his bag to Pinkie.
  65. “Aww Mike, thank you! I just want a few bites, I swear,” Pinkie said before maneuvering herself just right to get her muzzle into the opening and getting herself a mouthful of the delicious mix of food stuffs inside.
  67. “You know their spit is toxic right? Might as well just let her drink from your canteen too, idiot,” Jarrad said
  69. “Horse spit is the least of my worries right now,” Mike said, looking up briefly at the sun.
  71. “Why? Whats wrong? Is the compass broke?”
  73. “I think so...Or the sun decided to rise in the south today,” Mike said getting up from his seat and holding the compass flat on his palm.
  75. “In Everfree Forest both of those are possible,” Pinkie Pie said through a mouthful of mix.
  77. “So we got the map right? Just use that,” Jarrad said.
  79. “That’s the next problem, you jackasses at the camp don’t know how to make maps so what we got is not a standard map, but a map with major landmarks on it to guide us,” Mike replied
  81. “Calm down, we just need to find one of those major landmarks that you’re talking about. Which one is the easiest to find?” Jarrad asked.
  83. Mike rolled his eyes, before picking up his bag of rations from Pinkie and getting a mouthful of the mix himself. It was decided that they would go back to the fork in the road and travel down one of the beaten paths risking a run in with a pony but hopefully finding one of the landmarks scrawled on the map. Mike searched for a rock with an edge so he could mark the trees as they went, to avoid walking in circles and in short time, Pinkie was being dragged along the ground once again by the two men. The bindings on Pinkie Pie’s front hooves fell away, freeing her forelimbs, though if these two found out she had managed some measure of freedom, Pinkie reasoned, they might do something to make it more difficult to escape their grasp.
  85. The afternoon wore on but the humans saw no sight of the dirt road, the seemingly endless expanse of trees and dense foliage giving no clues as to which way might lead them to success. Fatigue set in, their lively trek had devolved into a gentle trudge, sweat dripping from their brows and soaking their shirts but still they persisted all the while Pinkie gnawed at the ropes of the net surrounding her. The material was hardier and tougher on her teeth but Pinkie Pie knew that her teeth would be a small price to pay if it meant she wouldn’t be beef jerky. The bindings on her hind legs needed to be cut too, though she couldn’t just reach her head down and chew through them; at some point she could have but a human diet saw that flexibility traded in for plush huggable chub on her frame.
  87. “How much longer?” Jarrad asked.
  89. “I don’t’s like the road just up and vanished,” Mike grumbled, scowling at the scenery around him.
  91. Jarrad dropped his handle on the net suddenly, cracking his knuckles and whispering prayers to himself. Mike stopped and marked a tree with the sharp edge of his stone before pulling out the map and his canteen.
  93. “Mike, we need to get home before nightfall. It’s like a three hour journey to Zebra’s house, we’ve been walking for, what, eight hours now?” Jarrad said, worry clear in his voice “I’m tired, sore and if you are just fucking with me, I’d appreciate it if you’d stop,”
  95. “I’m not. I don’t want to be in this forest at night either. Place gives me the creeps.” Mike said, calmly looking around.
  97. Jarrad began to whisper prayers again, his voice shaking as he looked up and saw only the dark canopy above.
  98. “This is why I didn’t want you to join me on this hunt,” Jarrad said, spinning on his heels to face Mike “The captain said I should take you because you knew what you were doing but apparently he was full of shit!”
  100. “Jarrad, stop,” Mike said, looking around at the trees.
  102. “No! I won’t ‘stop’ cause it’s your fault we are lost! You are supposed to be the navigator and I’m supposed to be the hunter, right?” Jarrad exclaimed “So why am I still lost in this God forsaken forest ‘navigator’? Huh? Why?”
  104. The tension felt like it could boil over into a fight and even if they intended on butchering her Pinkie Pie couldn’t stand to see a fight, stopping her vigorous chewing she chimed in.
  106. “Hey, whoa there woeful. If you guys really want to get out I can lend you a hoof-” Pinkie started
  108. “Shut up horse!” Jarrad roared, silencing the mare.
  110. “Jarrad! Jesus dude, you aren’t making the situation any better! We can do this, now grab a handle and start pulling,” Mike yelled back “Deep breaths, just stay calm,”
  112. “No! I’ve had it with you, you fucking Youtube failure. They should have just left you back on earth to be processed like everyone else, maybe fighting for your survival would instill some damn work ethic in you,” Jarrad yelled, walking towards Mike.
  114. “Hey now, there’s need to be hurtful,” Pinkie Pie called to deaf ears
  116. “Big words coming from the bible thumping warmonger! If you redneck retards hadn’t started a war with magical monsters from another dimension our race wouldn’t be their fucking side dish! You talk a lot of trash about fighting for survival and ‘doing what’s right for the human race’ but all I see you doing at camps is sneaking off with rations from the stores and trying to fuck every girl with low self esteem and even lower standards instead of learning how to make a basic campfire!” Mike shot back
  118. “Hey, is that any way to talk to a friend?” Pinkie Pie interjected again, but her words were ignored “Also, I am not a monsters!”
  120. “Don’t even pretend like you give a damn about our race, you were bitching about doing your duties the moment you were brought here! Now if you don’t want to me to make you her last meal I suggest you get your shit together Mike, ‘cause I swear to God above I will not spend a single night in this God forsaken forest without the protection of the salt walls!” Jarrad bellowed, inches away from Mike’s face, his threat echoing in the distance.
  122. “Oh really? Tell me Jarrad, when a proud member of the human race is in trouble does he pray to imaginary Gods or does he sacrifice one of his kids to the Zebra for help?” Mike seethed through grit teeth
  124. Jarrad screamed. Balling his hand into a fist he planted a vicious strike right into Mike’s cheek and dropped him to the ground. Pinkie gasped, covering her eyes, unable to stop any of it. Mike fell, his head bouncing off a tree root before coming to rest. Jarrad wasn’t done, he began kicking Mike over and over, all the while Mike put his hands up to defend but stopping few if any of the kicks.
  126. “Stop! Stop it now! You’re hurting him, really badly even!” Pinkie yelled but to no avail.
  128. Jarrad’s finally pulled away and scoured the area before picking up a stick and continued his assault using the stick as a makeshift truncheon, battering Mike until a well placed strike snapped the wooden weapon in two.. Breathing heavy from the assault, Jarrad reached down and forcefully pulled Mike’s leather bag from him before looking at Pinkie Pie. The mare scowled, doing her best growl to intimidate him but that didn’t stop Jarrad from approaching her net. Leaning down, Jarrad untied the knot and collar before stepping back and drawing his pocket knife.
  130. “Have fun being horse shit Mike,” Jarrad said, turning tail and beating a hasty retreat.
  132. Pinkie Pie watched Jarrad disappear into the forest, frequently looking over his shoulder until he was out of sight, her scowl only softening when she heard a sob from the other man in her presence. Mike coughed, holding his side and openly wept from the pain; he rolled to his side, attempting to get up. Pinkie Pie had to look away again when he spat red from his swelling cheek; carefully she crawled out of the net, her hind hooves still bound but after some trouble she approached Mike, almost amazed at how small he looked curled up on the ground. Mike noticed her, crying out in fear and scooting backwards, he held his hand out in defense.
  134. “P-please...Please don’t eat me. Mercy, I beg you,” Mike cried
  136. “Hey hey, calm down. I’m not gonna eat you, Mikey,” Pinkie cooed in a sing-song voice but could tell he wasn’t convinced.
  138. Pinkie Pie sighed and thought for a moment before looking down at her bound hooves. Helping would be easier with all her hooves free; Wasting no time Pinkie Pie found the sharp rock Mike had used and with some vigorous sawing she was soon free of her fetters. Mike scooted a little further away as she cantered about in celebration, hoping to find a space where she couldn’t reach that he could hide in until she went away but while he had his tearful gaze fixed on her he felt something behind him. Looking slowly up he came face to face with Pinkie Pie’s wide baby blue eyes looking down at him.
  140. “So, Mike. How about we get you somewhere comfy!” Pinkie said
  142. Mike teared up again, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth he prepared for the worst. Pinkie Pie hoisted her new friend into the air and set him on her back, much to Mike's surprise, and started her way through the forest.
  144. “Comfy? I’m not jostling you around too much am I?” Pinkie asked, looking back at her passenger and seeing the look of shock on his face “Mike? You need a minute, buddy?”
  146. “I...I thought by ‘somewhere comfy’ meant…” Mike sputtered.
  148. “My belly? I dunno if I’d call that ‘comfy’, let alone for your kind but if you want to find out…” Pinkie Pie said, trailing her suggestion and arching a brow.
  150. “No! No, please don’t. You said you wouldn’t,” Mike rambled quickly.
  152. “I know, I’m a mare of my word I’ll have you know, and to make that point I want to offer you a special, certified, Pinkie Promise,” Pinkie offered “I promise to help you get back to camp without eating you, when we get to that point you and I go our separate ways, sound good?”
  154. Mike was silent, his voice lost as his mind tried to comprehend the bizarre scenario he was in. His own kind, his wingman, Jarrad had beaten him bloody and left him for food in a world filled with man eating ponies and here he was...riding one.
  156. “Did Jarrad beat me to death?” Mike asked
  158. “I’ll take that as a yes! For now though...we should probably find a place for you to rest and I know just the spot,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed and picked up her pace to a canter.
  160. The ride was soft, leisurely, and even though the canter bounced Mike around he was always met with the plush flesh and soft coat of the plump mare he was riding; in the back of his mind he knew he should be ashamed for finding comfort on her haunches but the aches and pains dulled any care for his consumed kind. Jaded as he was he couldn’t help but feel a rise of anger well in his chest when Pinkie Pie located that dirt path he had spent all afternoon looking for and he could see the sky for the first time since the morning. The sun was out of sight, hidden behind the tree line and leaving behind splashes of yellow and orange signalling the end of the day, the forest was still but teemed with the noises of the fauna, some he was able to pick out.
  162. “What the hell, how did you find it so easily?” Mike asked weakly
  164. “My Pinkie sense,” Pinkie answered
  166. Even at the pace Pinkie Pie had set it wasn’t until the first few stars twinkled in the sky till the ruins came into view. Crossing the dark chasm, Mike shivered with fear, no one had stepped foot into this building, there were scout reports that one of the leaders of the Equestrian forces occasionally visited here. The thought of Pinkie Pie taking him to her leader made him nervous, he had heard stories about the four Pegacorn.
  168. “, are you sure this place” Mike sputtered, looking overhead at the crumbling gargoyles.
  170. “Sure as sugar! As long as you stay out of the hall of hooves...and away from any of the paintings...and walls, windows, tapestries, chairs, tables and bookshelves,” Pinkie answered.
  172. “Oh, that's all? The floor isn’t lava?” Mike said, his sarcasm lost on his company.
  174. “Nope! It can be though if you’re feeling up for a game! Oh please say you are!” Pinkie pie exclaimed, pronking forward before remembering her hurt ward, “Whoops...sorry,”
  176. <Pickle Barrel>
  178. The ruins were deathly quiet, save the tapping of hooves on stone as Pinkie walked about, finding refuge in a room, barely lit by the vestiges of sunlight outside. Pinkie lifted Mike off her back and laid him down on a tattered seat cushion before leaving. Mike laid there, the pounding in his head overlaying with the thumping sound of his heart in his ears, tenderly he poked a few of the aches on his body, wincing slightly before he lolled his head back resting his eyes while he waited. Soon gentle candle light filled the room when Pinkie came back with a lit candelabra that she positioned on a flat stone obviously fallen from somewhere.
  180. “Thank you,” Mike said “For helping me, that is,”
  182. “Hey, no problem! I take care of two adorable little foals so helping the helpless is kinda my thang,” Pinkie replied, adding an odd affectation to her words.
  184. “’re a mom then?” Mike asked
  186. “Nope! Babysitter,” Pinkie answered pulling another cushion with her teeth up behind Mike’s cushion and fussing with it.
  188. “Oh...Well, I really appreciate your could have just eaten me right there and been on your way like it was another day…” MIke said
  190. “I could have! You guys are soooo delicious but I can’t stand to see anyone sad” Pinkie chirped, plopping down on her cushion “Lift your head for a moment, please”
  192. Mike did as told and Pinkie positioned herself so his head would come to rest right on her soft belly “Comfy?” Pinkie asked.
  194. Mike looked at the mare as she laid her head down near his side “ what’s so delicious about us?” Mike asked, unsure if he wanted the answer.
  196. “It’s different for everypony, all around you guys are the perfect meal supplement for us. Eating just one of you leaves us full for days! The happy ones are the tastiest,” Pinkie said, her belly growling in agreement.
  198. “...thats fucked. So what do the ones who go down fighting taste like? Spicey?” Mike asked, his morbid curiosity driving him forward.
  200. “Nah, there's no actual flavoring, you guys just have an all around savoriness to you that goes good with just about everything,” Pinkie answered.
  202. “ you…” Mike started but his jaw felt like it had suddenly rusted over “So asking you...what I...taste like is...?” the shame of the question flushed his face red.
  204. “Oooh, does someone want me to break a promise?” Pinkie teased, nudging the human trying to hide his face.
  206. “No! No, you said-” Mike was cut short when goosebumps ran over his body just as Pinkie began gently nibbling at his skin with her soft lips.
  208. Pinkie Pie locked eyes with Mike and started at his wrist, her lips working over his skin as she trailed up his forearm, her lips opening a little wider and turning her playful nibbling into gentle nips, a whole new wave of shivers broke over Mike and fear clutched hi chest; certain he had just doomed himself with his morbid curiosity. Pinkie Pie took little sections of his bicep between her lips, getting little tastes of salt before she gradually moved to Mike’s shoulder and began kissing her way to the human’s neck. Slowly, tenderly Pinkie closed in on his ear, savoring each moment of him pulling away until she suddenly started making obnoxious licking and sucking sounds.
  210. Mike pushed the horse away and Pinkie Pie burst into a fit of laughter; Mike failed to see what was so funny. In only a few moments though, the laughter died down and Mike saw the playfulness in the pony’s eyes gone, replaced by something that made him feel smaller than he already was compared to Ponykind. Lifting his hand up to her lips Mike watched as Pinkie Pie opened her maw wide and then wider still, the warm strings of drool at the back of her throat, the slick, soft muscles, the shiny white teeth and the pale pink tongue that hung just over her lips, inviting his hand in; the sight left no doubt in his mind that if the pony wanted to she could take him, whole and alive. Mike wasn’t sure if his hand was guided by the pony or if he did it himself but his hand stretched out and met that soft, warm, tongue palm first and Pinkie Pie’s lips sealed tightly around his appendage. Mike was beet red, his heart was thundering in his chest and it only got worse as Pinkie cupped his arm at the elbow and with another soft gesture, Mike saw his forearm engulfed, pulled past her lips with ease, his elbow resting on her front teeth.
  212. Mike flexed his fingers, feeling Pinkie Pie’s spit stick and flow between each digit, the warmth of her mouth and the way her tongue licked and rolled around his hand and forearm was hard to describe, though from the broad smile, the short groans of pleasure and little bit of spittle seeping from the side of her mouth Mike felt sickly honored that she enjoyed tasting just his arm. Without warning, Pinkie pulled back sucking and slurping her drool and spit off Mike’s arm and leaving it wet and now cold but unharmed. Pinkie Pie then placed her fore hooves around his upper body, giggling a little when he jumped from the sudden embrace and got close to his ear.
  214. “Just like salted caramel...My favorite,” Pinkie whispered, kissing the spot right under his ear before giving Mike another soft lick up the back of his neck.
  216. Mike shivered, his body curling up and though he could have pulled away from the horse taste testing him he did nothing as Pinkie Pie basted his shoulder and his tricep with her tongue and licked her lips before sucking on his skin, leaving behind a light hickey.
  218. “H-hey, remember your...Pinkie Promise,” Mike said, willingly leaning his head to the side and letting Pinkie get a nice long tasting lap at his neck and chest.
  220. “You’re right, I should stop,” Pinkie said, “So much for toxic pony spit though, huh?”
  222. Pinkie didn’t stop and Mike did nothing to stop her.
  224. “Yeah...Jarrad believes anything he hears when it comes to what he doesn’t like,” Mike said, gasping as Pinkie was swiftly leaving his exposed skin covered in her spit.
  226. “Speaking of that jerk, is the only other one in your camp? It sounded like you guys had a little gaggle of humans in Everfree,” Pinkie asked before beginning her taste testing on Mike’s other arm.
  228. “Gaggle? No, it’s called a tribe. There’s twenty-two of us…” Mike answered
  230. “Oh! Ponies shy away from the Everfree so all you guys have to worry about are the beasts in the forest,” Pinkie said, yawning and taking a few more licks of her human.
  232. “Uh...yeah, actually. That’s the plan but the people at camp tend to be superstitious and think the forest is haunted,” Mike explained, returning Pinkie’s yawn “So we set up an area around the camp called the “Salt Wall”. The idea is that salt is a purifier and it purifies all spirits that wander into camp,”
  234. “That’s ridiculous!” Pinkie exclaimed through her giggling “All the evil spirits in Everfree exist in this castle!”
  236. Mike balked, shifting to meet Pinkie’s eyes, “Seriously?” he asked
  238. “Nah, I’m just pulling your leg,” Pinkie said pulling her tongue back into her mouth
  240. Silence filled the room for a while, Mike laid on his back his head resting on Pinkie’s belly; his mind restless but he still swapped a few jokes with Pinkie Pie. A soft snoring sound signaled that Pinkie Pie had fallen asleep, leaving Mike alone with his thoughts and the candle light. Mike looked at the candelabra, the four prongs each held a candle. nearly melted and one looked like it was just about done for; the candle fire flickering and sputtering, trying it’s hardest to keep lit.
  242. Mike wondered if the ponies lit their homes by candlelight or if they lit their homes with electricity like humans did. Questions began to fill his mind, each one making him realize that he knew nothing about Pony society, just a truck load of propaganda spewed to him; the imagination of him finding common ground with Pony kind and Humans danced in his thoughts, ending the racial savagery and bringing peace between two worlds. The candle light dimmed, the little flicker of flame had lost it’s battle, leaving the room a little darker.
  244. “Flights of fancy are fun, but I’d be pony chow before I even stepped foot onto their streets,” Mike muttered,
  246. Thinking again, Mike considered the possibility of tricking Pinkie Pie to make a Pinkie Promise to protect him while he lived amongst them; the mare he was using as a pillow was certainly a big girl, though that was probably because humans were all she eats. Mike looked at Pinkie, the image of her just tossing her head back and watching a pair of feet disappear down her gullet intruded into his thoughts. Pinkie was kind enough to help him but she was still a pony and a Pinkie Promise born from pity and a peace treaty were two completely different things.
  248. “It’s not like humans always had the top spot in the food chain, it’s probably not so bad,” Mike whispered to himself as another candle left the room.
  250. Mike turned onto his side, gently, tenderly, the aches and pains from his beating resurfaced before laying back down and placing his head back on Pinkie Pie’s soft, belly; his ear picking up on the inner workings of the gut many of his kind had ended up in. ‘It’s not so bad’ the words bounced for a few moments in Mike’s thoughts, it was what the others had told him when they first arrived here about a year ago. Officials said it, his parents had said it, his camp leaders said it, everyone said it and from what Mike gathered it was lies; this life sucked. Everyday at camp he bled and sweat ‘for humanity’ from dawn to dusk gathering resources, risking his life hunting and going on fire watch for the pony threat all the while getting yelled at by the camp leaders. A neighbor that lived in camp once described the situation as “never ending boot camp”.
  252. “Maybe C.J. had the right idea when he left…” Mike muttered, dreading the thought of returning to camp, without Jarrad and without food; his heart sank with the candle light as another flame burned itself out.
  254. Mike’s eyes shifted to the barely lit coat of the snoring mare next to him. The burbling of her belly had been nearly constant in his ear, the occasional gurgle interrupting; he had to admit, his kind did make rather nice and soft belly fat on these creatures. Mike pressed his face a little into the paunch and he picked up the light scent of powdered sugar along with the earthy tones ground in her coat; more than likely from being drug on the ground all day. Mike placed a his hand on Pinkie Pie’s belly and began stroking it, feeling the warmth and softness and smiling when he heard her snores change to soft giggles. Mike spent some time rubbing the mare’s belly, his heart racing and his mind replaying the sensations of her tongue on his skin; he hadn’t realized that the last candle had given in and left him in the dark.
  256. Mike didn’t sleep, his senses seemed to meld together as he stroked, smelled, listened and even kissed Pinkie Pie’s belly while colors swirled in the darkness before his eyes, the vague, colorful shapes engulfing each other and the implication of these impish lights in the dark charmed Mike, planting thoughts in his head profane and self-destructive.
  258. “The only problem I would have to worry about ever again is nourishing her…” Mike whispered to himself, his voice feeling like it wasn’t even his.
  260. Pinkie Pie snapped awake as soon as the sun filtering through the cracked windows touched her face. Lifting her head she looked down and saw tired eyes staring back up at her. Mikes eyes were bloodshot and his hand was patting her belly softly, and Pinkie spotted a light in them that she had seen before, a shine that was hard to mistake.
  262. “Someone had a rough night,” Pinkie said, her smile turning impish “You okay Mike?”
  264. Mike nodded in response.
  266. “Well then...I suppose we should hit the road,” Pinkie said standing up from her cushion and stretching “We want to get you home, right?” Pinkie continued walking in front of her potential meal “ found a different home?”
  268. Mike’s breath quickened as Pinkie Pie drew close and laid down on top of him pinning his legs.
  270. “Mike? You okay buddy?” Pinkie asked, knowing full well what the answer was “Come on, tell Pinkie Pie what's up, use your words,”
  272. “Uh...I...I was...thinking about...stuff,” Mike muttered, his voice straining as Pinkie Pie licked her lips “I don’t... go back,”
  274. “Awww, but why? Did you find a new home?” Pinkie Pie asked, fluttering her eyelashes
  276. Mike nodded and the silence after prompted him further “It’s..It’s in,” Mike stuttered as Pinkie drew closer and closer “Your stomach,”
  278. “Eh, I would have said belly, but close enough,” Pinkie replied before grabbing Mike’s tattered shirt and ripping it off, exposing his midriff and chest “I wonder what this change of heart is all about but I know better than to look a gift human in the mouth,”
  280. Mike yelped as Pinkie Pie dragged her tongue across his belly, over his chest and up his neck, the long, thick, appendage leaving a thick trail of drool in it’s wake and making him feel marked, making him feel owned. Pinkie opened wide, and Mike was no less amazed with the second look down the mares gullet, and leaned in to do his duty as a human and feed the pony proper when she suddenly snapped her jaws shut, playfully nipping at him with a husky growl. Mike chuckled, scratching under her chin and getting her to open wide,
  282. Pinkie’s tongue cupped Mike’s chin softly and guided him to her open mouth, Mike’s face was plastered with a dumb smile as his head slipped past her lips before she closed him in, wrapping her lips around his neck and humming in approval while she licked, tasted and sucked on Mike like a piece of hard candy. The last thing Mike saw was the back of Pinkie’s throat before all sight and sound was replaced with darkness and her humming of pleasure, his chin sat on the bottom row of teeth, while her tongue, lips and mouth gently tasted him from all angles.
  284. Pinkie Pie lowered her head further, bringing the human’s shoulders in past her lips and smiled when her she heard him moan in pleasure in her mouth. Mike was certain he was progressing but it was hard to tell when everything was dark, humid, wet and stifling until he felt a sudden lurch that slid him backwards and pressed his face against what was unmistakably Pinkie Pie’s gullet. Face to face with it, Mike felt calm and loosened up, getting comfortable for his one way trip down until Pinkie Pie pulled Mike from between her jaws, letting her lips slide over him and ending the excursion in her mouth with a wet kiss before lifting the drool soaked morsel up and placing him on her back.
  286. “Alright! Off we go!” Pinkie chirped, licking her lips.
  288. “Wait. What?” Mike said in a daze as everything came back together, “What the fuck? Why?” Mike exclaimed.
  290. “The Pinkie Promise was to get you back to your camp and like I said Mike, I never break a Pinkie Promise,” Pinkie replied
  292. Mike was stunned but couldn’t find the will to be angry with her. Mike provided directions, without the map or compass available Mike remembered the way home from the ruins well enough as they started through the forest. After a little cooling down Mike couldn’t be more amazed with Pinkie Pie; she had an easy meal right in her jaws, she could have a full belly and be walking home right now but instead she kept her promise to him; being devoured by her felt a little more like an honor to Mike.. As they came to the Crystal Tree Gorge Pinkie mentioned something about the tree being actually called The Tree of Harmony but that didn’t matter to Mike, he rested his face in Pinkie’s curly mane and continued to give directions.
  294. The hike through the woods took all morning and Pinkie seemed to have forgotten her teasing that morning with the way she swapped jokes and shared stories of her friends. When the sun hung overhead Mike saw the Black Bramble wall and his heart skipped a beat.
  296. “Pinkie, stop. We’re here,” Mike said.
  298. “Oh! Is your camp just ahead of the black vines?” Pinkie asked,
  300. “Yeah...If you keep going you’ll find us...them,” Mike said.
  302. “Welp! This is close enough, right? You can get there by yourself right?” Pinkie Pie asked, bucking Mike off and catching him in her fore hooves.
  304. “Yeah...Pinkie Promise complete…right?” Mike asked and Pinkie nodded to confirm.
  306. Mike stood there, looking up at the mare’s soft, bright blue eyes hoping she would make the first move but when she just sat there watching him with a warm smile he slowly turned and began walking to the camp. Pinkie Pie waved, whispering goodbye to him so as not alarm the camp and Mike was more confused than ever that a pony was letting a free, willing meal walk away. Mike wanted her to just scoop him up and gobble him down but then a thought occurred to Mike; turning around he dashed back to the mare.
  308. “You brought me back to my camp, just as you promised,” Mike sputtered hurriedly and Pinkie smiled “Can I go home now Pinkie?”
  310. “I love this part!” Pinkie exclaimed, jumping and hefting all her soft pudge into the air with her.
  312. Pinkie opened wide, and drool seemed to run from her mouth and steam from her warm breath washed over Mike; he could tell she was hungry. Pinkie lifted her meal into the air, wanting him to watch as she enjoyed every moment of him sliding into her belly and Mike quickly kicked his worn shoes and socks off before his feet slipped into Pinkie Pie’s jaws, followed by his calves and knees. The feeling of her tongue and teeth gently working his flavor and taste out of him made him moan and a smile formed on his lips when he saw that happy smile on the mare’s face before his feet were engulfed in a tight, wet embrace, when she swallowed his his feet and ankles.
  314. “There you go,” Mike moaned, his face flushing red as another swallow claimed his shins and calves “Easy now, one swallow at a time,”
  316. Pinkie Pie heard him but didn’t respond, enjoying the juicy, never ending savory taste. She couldn’t help but swallow quickly, her belly eagerly tightened, pleasure fired off in her brain, her tastebuds were in complete bliss, Pinkie Pie was thankful that humans existed, especially the willing ones. Mike noticed his shorts and worked feverishly to tear them off while Pinkie’s lips approached his thighs, sending scraps of cloth to the ground, he wouldn’t need clothing where he was going. The rolling gulps that continually sealed his fate as food felt amazing, and the constant assault on his body by the mares tongue had left him shivering with need, his body reacting shamelessly to the perverse act of being devoured.
  318. Pinkie’s rolling swallow continually rippled across her meals body, dragging his hips down her throat and adding to the nice bulge he made in her neck. Mike felt the wet swallow roll over his body, claiming everything about his lower half and leaving only half of him outside. Mike huffed, the pressure of her throat claiming his belly and constricting it.
  320. “That’s the stuff, a hungry mare needs her food...Am I filling enough?” Mike asked
  322. Pinkie giggled and rolled her eyes. Rocking her head back and forth Pinkie Pie swallowed down mouthfuls of his tasty flesh, packing him away into her throat, his chest sliding into her throat. Mike reached up and cupped Pinkie Pies stuffed cheeks before he kissed her on the nose a wordless thank you to her. Mike maneuvered his arms to his sides and wriggled them in so that his arms could join the rest of him in the pony’s gullet. Pinkie Pie put her head back, giving him a straight shot down to her gurgling belly and swallowed heavy to finish off her meal.
  324. Mike saw the that wide maw frame his view of the sky and resting his head on Pinkie’s tongue he watched her jaws close and her lips seal, plunging him into darkness before a resounding glrk sent him down to his home. The slide into her belly felt like it took a few more gulps before he felt the wet flesh press in around him. Mike could hardly breathe, he was squeezed from all angles and slime covered every inch of his skin as the stomach got to work processing him. A part of Mike wondered how much this was going to hurt, another part worried about the camp but after a minute he found it hard to care about anything other than sleeping, the shapes that danced in his sight last night returned assuring him of his choice. The warmth in her core was soothing, the internal workings he was going to fuel were welcoming and the the gentle motions of a satisfied mare rocked Mike to sleep.
  326. Pinkie Pie traced Mike’s descent with her hoof and sighed happily as he made his presence known in her belly, distending it and filling it out nicely, dragging it a few inches to the forest floor. Pinkie Pie patted her gut and smacked her lips before cleaning them with her tongue and searching her mouth for any stray tastes of him. Pinkie Pie then noticed movement right ahead of her, a little human girl standing right outside the Black Bramble wall.
  328. “Hi there!” Pinkie exclaimed, waving happily
  330. Pinkie Pie let out a dejected groan when the child ran screaming away from her, she kinda wondered what their young tasted like but supposed that it would have to wait until another day. Pinkie Pie began sniffing the ground, picking up scents and trails, back peddling the way she had come with her meal before her lock of hair suddenly went rigid in one direction. Pinkie smiled and took off at a canter in that direction, her swollen belly swinging gently underneath, eager to tell Twilight about the human tribe in Everfree.
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