
This is why we should Clone Neg

Jun 7th, 2012
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  1. I really should have started coming down hard on sreservoir with infractions a long time ago; he's always been a poisonous individual, but he's also been very careful not to do anything quite bad enough to be against the rules (that I can prove was him), so it's harder to justify doing anything overt. But well-kept gardens die by pacifism and all that, and I think the general consensus is that he's a pretty awful person.
  3. That being said, while I can kick him out of ASB, I don't know what authority I have over him outside of that. Buttefree has made it pretty clear in the past that when it comes to on-forum discipline, she wants to consider only on-forum infractions. So if sreservoir is bothering you off-site but at least appears to be leaving you alone on the forums, then I think she would say it's on you to block him from wherever else he's showing up and just put him on your ignore list here or something. It's your mafia game; it's totally within your right to deny him entry or kick him out or whatever if he's being a problem.
  5. If you really feel like he's harassing you and your friends, like if you don't have the ability to block him/can't get rid of him and he keeps going after you off-site, I can ask Butterfree and the other mods what can be done--but ultimately since what he's doing isn't on the forums, then about all we can do is say "stop it or we'll kick you out of here," and even if he were banned that would have no effect on his ability to go after you elsewhere.
  7. You mentioned name-calling here on the forums; anything like that you can and should report, even if it's in a visitor or private message. That at least can be acted upon. As far as mafia goes, like I said, you don't need to let him join your games if you don't want to; if you've told him to get out and he keeps posting in a game thread, that would be infractable. On the other hand, if he's just joining all the games and that's preventing you from enjoying them, then about all you can do is get together with your friends and make your own games that exclude him. Things that happen off-site I can't really help you with, but if it's become a serious issue, then if you present instances where he's harassed your friends outside of TCoD I can take them to the rest of the mod team and see what they think of the matter. Like I said, though, I don't think there's a lot we can do regarding things off-forum.
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