
Forever Binding: Rainbow Dash Pt. 1

Nov 8th, 2015
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  2. >"You wanna go?"
  3. "Bring it, bitch."
  4. >A rainbow blur tackles you to the ground.
  5. >Dash loved to wrestle with you.
  6. >It was a weekly thing for you two.
  7. >She had pushed for more, but you needed time to heal the various bumps and bruises.
  8. >You don't mind; anytime with her is a good time.
  9. >You attempt to pry her off; She grabs your arm and yanks it behind your back.
  10. >"This is getting way too ea--hurk!"
  11. >You roll over, effectively placing her under you and rendering her immobile.
  12. "I'm sorry, Dashie, what was that?"
  13. >She mumbles something unintelligible and punches your shoulder blade.
  14. >You quickly roll off; She seizes the opportunity and hops on top of you.
  15. >She's fast.
  16. >But predictable.
  17. >You slam your legs shut around her waist and hook your arms around her forehooves.
  18. >She struggles, but to no avail.
  19. >Suddenly, you feel a set of teeth sink into your wrist.
  20. >Honestly, you should have seen that coming.
  21. >Whenever Dash starts to lose, she resorts to cheating.
  22. "Ah--what the hell? That fucking hurts!"
  23. >You swore you saw her grin.
  24. >Fine, you wanna play it that way?
  25. >You twist your body for leverage and get a mouth full of her ear.
  26. >She releases your wrist almost immediately.
  27. >As the sensitive appendage twitches between your teeth, you get an idea.
  28. >"Let go!"
  29. >It was a long shot, but worth a try.
  30. >You spit out her ear and let her go.
  31. "Oh my god, Dash. I fucked up. I'm so sorry."
  32. >She gently rubs her ear.
  33. >"It's alright, Anon. Don't wimp out on me now!"
  34. >She latches onto your leg and starts pulling.
  35. >You push her off.
  36. "No, Dash. I really fucked up."
  37. >"What? How?"
  38. >You bite your lip and turn away from her.
  39. >"Anon?"
  40. >She leans over your shoulder.
  41. "I swear, I wasn't even aiming for your ear!"
  42. >"What did you do?
  43. "Dash...I just bonded us together for life."
  44. >You hear her pause.
  45. >"What do you mean, 'bonded for life'?"
  46. >You let out a shaky sigh.
  47. "Back on Earth, human males have to claim a mate...normally by biting another person on the ear."
  48. >There was no way she was buying this.
  49. >You turn towards her.
  50. >She looked more worried than anything.
  51. >If she knew you were bullshitting, she hid it well.
  52. "Once that happens, they stay together."
  53. >" they have to?"
  54. ", but staying apart could have some...adverse emotional effects on the male."
  55. >She starting to look really nervous.
  56. >Maybe you should tell her it's a joke now.
  57. >...nah.
  58. >She's pranked you worse.
  59. >Like the time she convinced you that unicorns used their horns for procreation.
  60. >That was an awkward conversation with Rarity.
  61. >"Cant you mark someone else?"
  62. "Not unless you die anytime soon. And even then, it would take years to be able to do it successfully."
  63. >You hear a nervous chuckle from her.
  64. "It's ok, Dash. You don't have to--"
  65. >WHOOSH
  66. >Well...shit.
  67. >An hour later and you still can't find her.
  68. >You've checked her house, her friends's houses, and all of her favorite spots.
  69. >She isn't at any of them, and nopony's seen her lately.
  70. >You're starting to get worried.
  71. >What if--
  72. >No. No 'what ifs'.
  73. >Rainbow Dash is fine.
  74. >Maybe she's just hiding.
  75. >Maybe she knew all along and is just making you sweat.
  76. >Yeah, that's it.
  77. >You shuffle back to your home.
  78. >It's a decent little place out near Fluttershy.
  79. >AJ and Rainbow Dash were kind enough to help you build it, and Fluttershy helped you decorate.
  80. >You open the door.
  81. >"Hey, Anon."
  82. >You jump back, startled.
  83. "Rainbow Dash!? How'd you get into my hou--"
  84. >You catch sight of a broken window.
  85. >"It was like that when I got here. Also, there's some food missing from your pantry. I think some animals may have broken in. "
  86. >Yeah, sure.
  87. "Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you! Listen, I was--"
  88. >She damn near shoves her entire hoof into your mouth.
  89. >"Listen up, Anon. I've been thinking."
  90. >You remove her hoof.
  91. "Doubtful."
  92. >"Shut up. I've decided...I'll...we..."
  93. "Spit it out."
  94. >"Shut up! You need to take me out on a date."
  95. "I...wait, what?"
  96. >"If you're a totally horrible date, I'm not going to help you and you can just be miserable by yourself."
  97. "I don't understand...."
  98. >She huffs.
  99. >"Look, just come get me tomorrow and take me out."
  100. >With that said, she shoots out the door without another word.
  101. >The next day, you make your way to her house.
  102. >Well, the gaping space under her house.
  103. "Hey, Dash!"
  104. >No answer.
  105. >Of course that's to be expected.
  106. >She never answers anyone on the first try unless she's waiting for something.
  107. "Oh, Dashiiiiiieeeeee!"
  108. >She pokes her head out and glares at you.
  109. >That struck a nerve.
  110. >"Dont call me that!"
  111. >One mighty flap of her wings, and she's in the air.
  112. "You let Pinkie call you that."
  113. >She floats down and hovers in front of you.
  114. >"Because she's my best friend."
  115. "And what am i?"
  116. >"You're a creep."
  117. >You hold your hand to your chest and hunch over.
  118. "That really hurts, Dash."
  119. >She rolls her eyes and inspects you.
  120. >"I see you're not wearing the that crumbly old suit anymore."
  121. >You've changed into a tee shirt and jeans for this particular day.
  122. "Crumby? I'll have you know that I had that suit made for 500 bits."
  123. >"Money wasted!"
  124. >She frowns.
  125. >"You're still wearing that stupid mask and gloves, though."
  126. "And you still have that rat's nest of a mane, but you don't see me complaining."
  127. >"My mane is amazing, thank you very much."
  128. >You lean in close, closer than she probably would have liked.
  129. >She narrows her eyes and a cherry red tints her cheeks.
  130. >You grab her mane.
  131. >"What are you--?"
  132. >You pull a band from your wrist and tie her mane into a high ponytail.
  133. "Now it looks even better."
  135. >The two of you walk in silence.
  136. >Well, you walk.
  137. >She's decided to fly.
  138. >"So, where are we going? Remember what I said. If it's not totally awesome--"
  139. "We're going to the SuperBowl."
  140. >She stops in her tracks and falls to the ground.
  141. >"The SuperBowl?"
  142. >She's suddenly zipping around your head like a fly.
  143. >"You mean The Colts vs The Brocos SuperBowl, right? The 'Three Days Graze playing in the half-time show' SuperBowl!!?"
  144. "Is there any other?"
  145. >She squeals.
  146. >"How did you get tickets? They're sold out!"
  147. "Well..."
  148. -----
  149. Yesterday...
  150. >"Hi! Welcome to Sugar Cube Cor--*gasp* NONNY!"
  151. >You're nearly knocked off your feet by a flying ball of pink.
  152. "Hey...Pinkie...I cant...breathe..."
  153. >"Oopsies!"
  154. >She releases your midsection from her bone-crushing grip.
  155. >"What brings you to Sugar Cube Corner? I've missed you sooooo much!"
  156. "You saw me two days ago."
  157. >"Two days too long ago!"
  158. "....anyways, I came to see if you could help me, I--"
  159. >"Of course I can help you!"
  160. "...ok, great, thanks, I--"
  161. >"You're welcome!"
  162. "Wha--Pinkie, no. Listen to me. I need to know a good place to take someone on a first date."
  163. >She brings her hoof to her chin and sticks her tongue out.
  164. "Hmm...well, anypony would like to be taken out to eat for the first date...but if it'd Rainbow Dash were talking about, she'd want to be taken to the Superbowl!"
  165. "Wait, how--"
  166. >"OF COURSE, all the tickets are sold out. So that leaves anypony or human who'd want to go out of luck! Including me! I bought these hoofball tickets for tomorrow, turns out I can't even go! I have a huge order tomorrow. Two-hundred and fourty seven cakes! Can you believe it?" Here you go!"
  167. >She shoves two tickets into your hands.
  168. >Did...did She just have an entire conversation with you...but without you?
  169. "Uh...thank you?"
  170. >"You're welcome!"
  171. >You turn to leave.
  172. >"Ooh! One more thing! Nopony likes lies! You gotta tell the truth sooner or later!"
  173. >You whip around to face her, but she's nowhere in sight.
  174. ----
  175. "A friend gave them to me."
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