
Love Hearts for Lovebutt [AiE one-shot, WIP]

Aug 31st, 2013
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  1. (WIP 31/08/2013, lemme know if this is sounding like what you had in mind.)
  3. "Here we are."
  4. >Princess Celestia's alabaster horn lights up again, and the elaborately embellished oaken door swings open
  5. >...That's gonna take a lot of getting used to
  6. "After you."
  7. >With a nod, you step into your new room...
  8. >...And stop
  9. "Wow."
  10. >Royal purples and cobalt blues, gold and silver trim, a four-post bed, enormous windows, fancy everything everywhere
  11. >"I trust you find everything to your liking?"
  12. "Wow -- I mean, yes! Definitely, Princess! This looks great!"
  13. >You break from gawking and turn to see a genuine smile on the winged unicorn's face
  14. >"Splendid! Now, if you have no more questions, I'll leave you to get settled in. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask any maid or butler in the hall."
  15. >Servants! You have servants!
  16. >You bow in gratitude, trying to muster some dignity
  17. "Thank you, Princess."
  18. >"Just Celestia is fine, Mr. Anonymous."
  19. "Right, right. Celestia. And please call me Anon."
  20. >"Very good, Anon. I'll see you for dinner?"
  21. "Yes! Er, yes, that would be lovely."
  22. >"Excellent. Until then, Anon."
  23. >With another heart-warming smile and a nod of farewell, the SUBLIME QUEEN OF ALL THE MAGIC PONIES leaves
  24. >After a few moments of slack-jawed musing on how awesome and great magical horse people are, you set about your assigned task of "settling in"
  25. >Shrugging off your backpack -- your lone Earthly companion, apart from your clothes and the meager contents of your pockets -- brings the reality of your situation back into stark focus
  26. >You're trapped in a land of hypercolor horses...
  27. >...But all it takes is a glance around your luxurious new digs to get smiling again
  28. >It could be a /lot/ worse
  29. >You unzip all the pouches and dump your backpack onto the velvety bed
  30. >Apart from a couple of books, all you have is random odds 'n ends: an empty mechanical pencil, a few dry pens, miscellaneous paper scraps, a candy wrapper...
  31. >...And an old box of candy hearts
  32. "Heh"
  33. >Regardless of how long it has probably been in there, you can't quite bring yourself to throw it out, so you set it on the nightstand
  34. >You interrupt your tidying when you hear the clip-clop of an extra set of hooves from somewhere down the hall, followed shortly by voices
  35. >"Auntie!"
  36. >"Cadence, dear! You're back so soon! How did the negota..."
  37. >Drat, they walked out of earshot
  38. >...Not that you were eavesdropping or anything
  39. "Oh well."
  40. >You go back to looking for a trash can, but are quickly distracted by all the shiny
  41. >After a few minutes of ADD, the faint voices and clip-clop of hooves return
  42. >"--es, he's just down this hall."
  43. >"How exciting!"
  44. >Wait a minute...
  45. >"He's quite the gentlecolt; I'm sure you'll like him."
  46. >They're coming back this way!
  47. >You sweep the bits of detritus off the bed and back into your backpack just in time for--
  48. [knock knock]
  49. "Come in!"
  50. >In walks Celestia, with a shorter and more colorful winged unicorn in tow
  51. >"Anon, allow me to present my niece and head of the Crystal Empire, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza."
  52. >The eye-rapingly pink pony curtsies
  53. >"Please call me Cadence."
  54. "It's an honor to meet you, Princess Cadence."
  55. >You bow politely in turn, and she giggles
  56. >"Oh, just Cadence is fine."
  57. >These royal ponies and their lack of formality... What's the point of being royal?
  58. >"Aunt Celestia has told me about the magic accident. I'm so sorry you were caught up in that mess. I can only imagine what you're going through."
  59. "Well, it /was/ quite surprising -- still is! But considering the hospitality I've been shown, to say nothing of the fine company I'm enjoying, I can't hardly say I'm inconvenienced."
  60. >Your praise sets the princesses aglow
  61. >"I'm very happy to hear that! I'd also be very happy to hear about your world, if you would so indulge us."
  62. >"Why don't we let let our guest get settled in, first, dear?"
  63. "Oh, no, that's quite alright! Turns out I don't have much to unpack."
  64. >You shake your nearly-empty backpack for emphasis
  65. "Would you both be amenable to walking while we talk? I'd like to see more of this beautiful castle, if I could."
  66. >"That sounds great!"
  67. >The younger princess eagerly looks to her aunt
  68. >"I'm afraid I won't be able to join you, but do please go ahead without me."
  69. >"Are you sure, auntie?"
  70. >Celestia nods to her niece, and winks playfully at you
  71. >"Just save a few stories for the rest of us at dinner, Anon."
  72. "Right."
  73. >With another warm smile -- or is that enigmatic? -- Celestia leaves again
  74. >You open your mouth to speak to Cadence but her mouth is already open...
  75. >...And she's not speaking...
  76. >...She's staring
  77. >Following her gaze, you trace it to the box of candy hearts you left on the nightstand
  78. >Looking back to her with a raised eyebrow, your eyes pass the mark on her flank: a blue gem in the shape of a heart
  79. >...Makes sense, sorta
  80. >Heh
  81. "See something you like?"
  82. >She shakes her head lightly, snapping out of her reverie
  83. >"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me!"
  84. >She takes a tentative step forward, and you turn back slightly to invite her closer to the nightstand
  85. >Approaching with reverence, her eyes widen with delight as she takes a closer look at your candy
  86. >"This is... something from your world?"
  87. "Mmhmm. Candy."
  88. >"How... sweet!"
  89. >You chuckle
  90. >"May I...?
  91. >You're perplexed for a moment before you remember that according to what you were told, you can both eat pretty much the same things
  92. >Of course she'd like candy
  93. "Help yourself."
  94. >A light blue glow envelops the box, and the enamored princess slowly levitates and rotates it in her magical grasp
  95. >You chuckle again when she jumps at the rattle the candy makes as it shifts inside
  96. >After an awkwardly long inspection, she begins to levitate it gently back to the nightstand
  97. "Oh, you can have them"
  98. >You're met with a stunned look
  99. "Er, if you want them...?"
  100. >"But... a relic from your world..."
  101. "Haha, true, but I saw how you were looking at 'em."
  102. >"No, I'm sorry. I--I couldn't."
  103. >Your smile widens as you take the box and present it to her
  104. "Please, they're yours. Take them."
  105. >Her lip trembles, and you think you see tears well up in her eyes
  106. >"Th...Thank you. Thank you so much!"
  107. >Again, she takes the box in her magic
  108. >Looking you deeply in the eyes, she nuzzles her cheek into your abdomen before looking again into your eyes and whispering
  109. >"Thank you."
  110. >And then she turns and flees the room
  111. >...
  112. >So much for that tour
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