
Neon Crescent [1]

Mar 6th, 2016
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  1. 15:22 ShadowyFigure In Neon City it was often said that it didn't matter who you were, someday something is going to find you. With how many metahumans lived there the saying carried a lot of truth, but the average person brushed that off. Tonight, walking down the street in the night, Diamond would be coming face to face with destiny.
  2. 15:28 Diamond- was alone, hands full of textbooks and other school supplies. He came here for college but seemed to lose his way, hoping to god he didn't miss the chance to get it. He paid good money to get here and nothing was going to stop him. Well, nothing that big...or strong...ok a lot of things could stop him. He wasn't that strong of a guy, and pretty short...
  3. 15:30 Diamond- In fact he was shivering in fear, he heard tales about this city, but the college was somewhat cheap [if you got scholarships and weren't a skinny Mongolian girl :^)] "I-Its ok...Everything is fine...
  4. 15:30 Diamond- "
  5. 15:30 Diamond- He decided he should take a short cut. The ally way he found was dark, but it could work. Whats the worse that can happen?
  6. 15:36 ShadowyFigure Little did he know, he was not walking these streets alone tonight. Just out of sight, anytime he would look around, he could just barely spot somebody far off behind him. Far enough away to be passed off as just a coincidence but consistent enough to arouse doubt.
  7. 15:37 ShadowyFigure The air felt especially brisk, and for the life of him Diamond couldn't see anybody else around this part of the city. A few drifters here and there but for the moment it seemed like he was all alone.
  8. 15:42 Diamond- was shivering in fear even more "W-Why am I acting like this?" He couldn't shack the feeling off, the boy was already the nervous type but now he felt fear from nothing
  9. 15:52 ShadowyFigure The presence that Diamond could feel from behind him was gone, the distant unease and uncertainty. That was soon replaced by the feeling of hairs standing on end up the back of his neck as if someone had rubbed static against him.
  10. 15:53 ShadowyFigure From around a corner in that dark alleyway, a man whose features were just barely able to be made out appeared. Only a pair of sinister red-gold eyes could be made out in the night's cover.
  11. 15:55 ShadowyFigure Whomever this was it made the poor young man's instincts freeze up as if any wrong move could mean immediate and extreme danger.
  12. 16:00 Diamond- couldn't move. Breathing harder and harder, he feared for his life. "I-I dont have m-much. B-b-but I can give you what I can. J-just please dont hurt me!"
  13. 16:00 *** Werruzo quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  14. 16:03 ShadowyFigure The eyes peered down into Diamond as if they were making out every detail of his internal organs with no care for what lay on the surface. In the moonlight more and more of this figure came into view. Tall, slim, and menacing in stature with hair that curled between two different shades of brown. Who IS this?
  15. 16:05 ShadowyFigure "I'm not here for that..." That's when he began advancing, step after step, making his way towards the innocent youth.
  16. 16:05 ShadowyFigure - ใ‚ดใ‚ดใ‚ดใ‚ด-
  17. 16:06 Diamond- "W-What do you want then?"
  18. 16:08 ShadowyFigure "...You should hope you are a lucky one."
  19. 16:09 ShadowyFigure Under the moon, for just a moment, Diamond could see another figure behind the one before him. It was shaped like a man but everything about it was unnatural, a muscular blur barely illuminated by the lunar rays behind it.
  20. 16:10 ShadowyFigure One of the figure's hands stretched out and pressed into the victim's chest. That feeling of static turned into electric shock that branched out through his body, making him /feel/ every vein and nerve inside of him at once. Something very deep inside of him clicked.
  21. 16:11 Diamond- convulsed in pain, unable to scream for help
  22. 16:11 ShadowyFigure Even if the feeling was of electrocution he didn't burn or fry. His body wouldn't give in and pass out to save him from feeling this unique pain and sensation, and seemingly no damage was done. When the hand pulled back it lessened but lingered on for minutes more.
  23. 16:12 ShadowyFigure The man simply watched.
  24. 16:22 Diamond- nearly fell back, reordering himself he laid on the wall, something next to him blinking in and out, too fast for the strange man to see clearly. Diamond breathed hard "W-What did you do to me?" He slipped off the wall and onto the floor
  25. 16:25 ShadowyFigure The man's work was clearly done there. He didn't give Diamond any hint as to what was about to befall him, instead turning away once it was certain that the 'mark' had been made. As it turned out he was in fact a lucky one...
  26. 16:26 ShadowyFigure Back around the corner he went, leaving his victim to his fate.
  27. 16:30 ShadowyFigure That's when the convulsions would start. Diamond might have never felt as sickly as this with his insides stirring and the tingles of the shock phasing in and out in every nerve.
  28. 16:38 Diamond- laid on the ground, unable to get back due to the pain. His vision was blurred. He never felt pain like this before in his entire life. All he could do was call for help...Maybe it arrived? He saw someone walking towards him "H-Help Me..."
  29. 16:39 Random-Punk kicked his stomach
  30. 16:45 Random-Punk "Whats wrong, overdose? Well, mama always said to take advantage when you can" The punk looked through his pockets, taking out his wallet, opening it up "Danny Diamonds? What kinda shit name is that? You barely got anydin in here!"
  31. 16:48 Random-Punk "I think I gotta take out some anger, and I know just who to use" He brought up his leg to kick Diamond again
  32. 16:52 Diamond- Before the leg could connect, a fist faster then the normal eye could see punched it, a small light glows from the Punks leg, spiting in half and going in opposite directions slowly
  33. 16:54 Random-Punk "Ow!" he jumps on one leg "You think you can hurt me!?" He goes for another kick, but the lights connect on the other side of his leg
  34. 16:54 Random-Punk It pops off like it was fake when he went for the kik
  35. 16:55 Diamond- watched in fear and confusion
  36. 16:58 Random-Punk fell to the ground "W-WHAT THE HELL?!" He looked back at his leg, then to Diamond
  37. 16:59 Random-Punk And the figure floating above
  38. 17:00 Diamond- Something was floating above Diamond, blinking in and out every few seconds.
  39. 17:00 Random-Punk "What is that!?! What are you?!?"
  40. 17:00 Diamond- was just as confused, and even more terrified
  41. 17:02 ShadowyFigure While Diamond wouldn't be able to feel it, the same eyes as before kept watch over them. Observing...
  42. 17:03 Diamond- The being raised its, right hand, forming into a fist, giving the punk a flurry of single are punching
  43. 17:06 Random-Punk flew back, hitting the wall. Then, as if he was a weak toy, he fell apart. No even cuts, random places with no pattern. But always cut the same way, no symmetrical cuts. No blood, or even look into the inside of the human, as if a hand was cut off and skin covered the wrist
  44. 17:06 Random-Punk Each part was squirming, he was alive
  45. 17:08 Diamond- stared in fear, he was sitting upright now, still feeling horrible, but the body, the strange being that floated over him
  46. 17:15 Diamond- could only scream
  47. 17:19 ShadowyFigure From behind, Diamond would feel the strange man's presence again.
  48. 17:20 ShadowyFigure From the wall? There was nothing but brick and concrete behind him.
  49. 17:22 ShadowyFigure ...The same brick and concrete went soft and seemed to shift around, the man stepping out one foot at a time.
  50. 17:22 ShadowyFigure "You took to it quicker than most. You are /quite/ the lucky one."
  51. 17:23 Diamond- "W-Who are you...D-Did you do this to me?"
  52. 17:23 *** Random-Punk quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  53. 17:23 ShadowyFigure Squatting down and resting his elbows on his knees, a sinister smile spread out over his face.
  54. 17:24 ShadowyFigure "I only took away the limit that held it back. The rest..." Pointing to the pile of body that had been made. "That is all you."
  55. 17:26 Diamond- "T-This was inside me? I did that?" He stared at the poor punk
  56. 17:27 ShadowyFigure "Yes... It isn't always that it comes out so nicely. You didn't destroy yourself."
  57. 17:27 ShadowyFigure "Quite some potential."
  58. 17:31 Diamond- "D-Destroy me self? Potential?!" He placed his hands on his head. bringing his knees close to him, he was actually crying "W-Why did this happen?! I-I just wanted to go to College!"
  59. 17:33 ShadowyFigure "Shhhhhh..." In a tone that carried a strange amount of assurance, he leaned in closer. "I saved you. At your fingertips you have the power to get ahead in this world, and I can show you how."
  60. 17:36 Diamond- grabbed him, almost in a hug "P-Please, teach me to control this, this Thing!"
  61. 17:39 ShadowyFigure This is exactly the kind of reaction he was looking for. "That's what I'm here for. I'm here to help... Call me Cinna."
  62. 17:42 Diamond- "C-Cinna, thank you"
  63. 19:14 Diamond- <---TO BE CONTINUED----
  64. 19:14 Diamond-
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