Guest User


a guest
Dec 22nd, 2018
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  1. # Made by RandomHashTags
  2. # Backups up the player data every X minutes.
  3. backup: 15
  5. mySQL:
  6. enabled: false
  7. url: "jdbc:mysql://"
  8. username: "YOUR DB USERNAME"
  9. password: "YOUR DB PASSWORD"
  10. #
  11. # true = enabled
  12. # false = disabled
  13. #
  14. items:
  15. mcmmo-credit-voucher: true
  16. mcmmo-level-voucher: true
  17. mcmmo-xp-voucher: true
  18. white-scroll: true
  19. #
  20. #
  21. chat-cmds:
  22. # {F_TAG}
  23. ## = If the player is in a faction --> The player's relation color to recipient + The player's faction role + The player's faction tag + a space
  24. ## = Player isn't in a faction --> nothing
  25. # {DISPLAYNAME} = The player's display name
  26. # {MESSAGE} = The sent message
  27. # {TITLE} = The player's formatted active title. If one is active, a space is added before it.
  28. format: "{F_TAG}{DISPLAYNAME}{TITLE}&r: {MESSAGE}"
  29. brag:
  30. enabled: true
  31. cmd-perm: ""
  32. hover-message: "&7Click to view &n{PLAYER}&r&7's inventory!"
  33. display: "&6&o{PLAYER}'s Inventory&r"
  34. invalid:
  35. - "&cInvalid!"
  36. no-perm:
  37. - "&cYou do not have permission to link items in chat with [BRAG]!"
  38. - "&7Purchase a rank at & &7and try again!"
  39. item:
  40. enabled: true
  41. cmd-perm: ""
  42. display: "\u00BB &r{ITEM_NAME} &7({ITEM_AMOUNT}x) &f\u00AB&r "
  43. no-perm:
  44. - "&cYou do not have permission to link items in chat with [ITEM]!"
  45. - "&7Purchase a rank at & &7and try again!"
  46. #
  47. alchemist:
  48. enabled: true
  49. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.alchemist"
  50. #
  51. auction-house:
  52. enabled: true
  53. # If true, this makes the Auction House auction off items to the highest bidder.
  54. # If false, this makes the Auction House sell items to the first buyer.
  55. bidding: true
  56. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.ah.view"
  57. sell-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.ah.add"
  58. bid-perm: ""
  59. help-perm: ""
  60. stfu-perm: "RandomPacakge.commands.ah.stfu"
  61. listed-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.ah.listed"
  62. expired-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.ah.expired"
  63. outbid-notify-perm: ""
  64. aliases:
  65. - "auction"
  66. - "ah"
  67. #
  68. balance:
  69. enabled: true
  70. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.balance"
  71. other-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.balance.other"
  72. aliases:
  73. - "bal"
  74. - "money"
  75. #
  76. view-self:
  77. - "&e&lYour Balance: &f${INT}&7{DECIMALS}"
  78. - "&7Use /withdraw or /pay to transfer funds"
  79. view-other:
  80. - "&e&l{TARGET}'s Balance: &f${INT}&7{DECIMALS}"
  81. - "&7Use /withdraw or /pay to transfer funds"
  82. - "{RICHER}"
  83. #
  84. richer-than-self: "&7They're richer than you!"
  85. richer-than-other: "&7You're richer than them!"
  86. #
  87. bless:
  88. enabled: true
  89. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.bless"
  90. other-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.bless.other"
  91. #
  92. bump:
  93. enabled: true
  94. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.bump"
  95. aliases:
  96. - "b"
  97. #
  98. challenge:
  99. enabled: true
  100. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.challenge"
  101. aliases:
  102. - "challenges"
  103. #
  104. coinflip:
  105. enabled: true
  106. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.coinflip"
  107. cancel-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.coinflip.cancel"
  108. help-perm: ""
  109. start-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.coinflip.start"
  110. stats-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.coinflip.stats"
  111. toggle-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.coinflip.toggle"
  112. aliases:
  113. - "cf"
  114. #
  115. combine:
  116. enabled: true
  117. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.combine"
  118. combine-items:
  119. - "COAL"
  120. - "DIAMOND"
  121. - "EMERALD"
  122. - "GOLD_INGOT"
  123. - "IRON_INGOT"
  124. - "QUARTZ"
  125. - "REDSTONE"
  126. #
  127. format: "&e&l*&r &c{AMOUNT_ITEM}x {ITEM_ORE} &e&l>&r&e=&l<&r &a{AMOUNT_BLOCK}x {ITEM_BLOCK}"
  128. success:
  129. - "{SUCCESS}"
  130. - "&e&l(!)&r &eSuccessfully combined and organized inventory."
  131. #
  132. confirm:
  133. enabled: true
  134. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.confirm"
  135. #
  136. title: "Your Unclaimed Purchases"
  137. self-no-unclaimed-items:
  138. - "&cYou have no unclaimed packages at this time."
  139. other-no-unclaimed-items:
  140. - "&cYou have no unclaimed packages at this time."
  141. #
  142. collection-filter:
  143. enabled: true
  144. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.collectionfilter"
  145. #
  146. conquest:
  147. enabled: false
  148. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.conquest"
  149. #
  150. custom-armor:
  151. enabled: true
  152. #
  153. custom-bosses:
  154. enabled: true
  155. #
  156. custom-enchants:
  157. enabled: true
  158. #
  159. custom-tnt:
  160. enabled: true
  161. #
  162. disabledenchants:
  163. enabled: true
  164. #
  165. disguise:
  166. enabled: true
  167. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.disguise"
  168. # RandomPackage.disguises.<EntityType> is the permission for certain mobs (only if they don't already have access to the disguise)
  169. aliases:
  170. - "dis"
  171. - "disguises"
  172. #
  173. undisguise:
  174. enabled: true
  175. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.undisguise"
  176. aliases:
  177. - "undis"
  178. #
  179. duel:
  180. enabled: true
  181. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.duel"
  182. stakecollect-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.duel.stake-collect"
  183. godset-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.duel.godset"
  184. help-perm: ""
  185. toggle-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.duel.toggle"
  186. aliases:
  187. - "duels"
  188. #
  189. dungeon:
  190. enabled: false
  191. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.dungeon"
  192. aliases:
  193. - "dungeons"
  194. #
  195. enchanter:
  196. enabled: true
  197. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.enchanter"
  198. #
  199. envoy:
  200. enabled: true
  201. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.envoy"
  202. edit-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.envoy.edit"
  203. help-perm: ""
  204. start-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.envoy.start"
  205. stop-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.envoy.stop"
  206. view-next-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.envoy.viewnext"
  207. #
  208. help:
  209. - " "
  210. - "&b&lSERVER ENVOY HELP"
  211. - "&7Server Envoys occur every &n25-40 minutes.&r &7Chests filled with random tier loot spawn at &b50-100 random locations &7throughout the planet's warzone and warps. More chests spawn wherever there is a higher density of players."
  212. - "&b* &oServer Envoys are a great way for new players to get some starting loot."
  213. - " "
  214. #
  215. faction-additions:
  216. enabled: true
  217. #
  218. filter:
  219. enabled: true
  220. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.filter"
  221. edit-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.filter.edit"
  222. toggle-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.filter.toggle"
  223. #
  224. command:
  225. - " "
  226. - "&b&lItem Filter Commands"
  227. - "&f/filter toggle"
  228. - "&7Toggle item pickup filter."
  229. - " "
  230. - "&f/filter edit"
  231. - "&7Edit items you pickup while the item filter is enabled."
  232. - " "
  233. #
  234. enable:
  235. - "&a&l(!) Item Filter &nEnabled"
  236. - "&7Use &n/filter edit&r &7to edit the items you will pickup."
  237. disable:
  238. - "&c&l(!) Item Filter &nDisabled"
  239. #
  240. fund:
  241. enabled: true
  242. cmd-perm: ""
  243. bypass-perm: ""
  244. deposit-perm: ""
  245. help-perm: ""
  246. reset-perm: ""
  247. top-perm: ""
  248. #
  249. gkit:
  250. enabled: true
  251. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.gkit"
  252. reset-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.gkit.reset"
  253. # RandomPackage.gkits.<# slot in gui> = Specific Gkit permission
  254. ## RandomPackage.gkits.0 = The first gkit
  255. ## RandomPackage.gkits.1 = The second gkit
  256. tiers: false
  257. aliases:
  258. - "globalkit"
  259. - "globalkits"
  260. - "gkits"
  261. #
  262. givedp:
  263. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.givedp"
  264. #
  265. home:
  266. enabled: true
  267. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.home"
  268. delete:
  269. - "&6Home &c{HOME_NAME} &6has been removed."
  270. save-icon:
  271. - "&a&l(!)&r &aSaved home {HOME_NAME} icon to &n{ICON}"
  272. #
  273. aliases:
  274. - "homes"
  275. #
  276. jackpot:
  277. enabled: true
  278. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.jackpot"
  279. help-perm: ""
  280. stats-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.jackpot.stats"
  281. notifications-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.jackpot.notifications"
  282. pick-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.jackpot.pick"
  283. start-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.jackpot.start"
  284. stop-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.jackpot.stop"
  285. buy-perm: ""
  286. #
  287. kingofthehill:
  288. enabled: true
  289. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.koth"
  290. edit-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.koth.edit"
  291. loot-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.koth.loot"
  292. start-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.koth.start"
  293. stop-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.koth.stop"
  294. teleport-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.teleport"
  295. aliases:
  296. - "koth"
  297. #
  298. monthlycrate:
  299. enabled: true
  300. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.monthlycrate"
  301. reset-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.monthlycrate.reset"
  302. # RandomPackage.monthlycrates.<# slot in gui> = Specific Monthly Crate permissions
  303. ## RandomPackage.monthlycrates.0 = The first monthly crate
  304. ## RandomPackage.monthlycrates.1 = The second monthly crate
  305. aliases:
  306. - "monthlycrates"
  307. - "mc"
  308. - "cc"
  309. #
  310. outpost:
  311. enabled: false
  312. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.outpost"
  313. aliases:
  314. - "outposts"
  315. #
  316. randompackage:
  317. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.randompackage"
  318. reload-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.randompackage.reload"
  319. backup-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.randompackage.backup"
  320. get-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.randompackage.get"
  321. aliases:
  322. - "rp"
  323. #
  324. roll:
  325. enabled: true
  326. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.roll"
  327. block-radius: 50.00
  328. # {PLAYER} = The player's name that executed the command
  329. # {ROLLED} = The number the player that rolled got
  330. # {MAX_ROLL} = The max number you can roll
  331. message:
  332. - "&7&l **&r &7{PLAYER} has rolled a &l&n{ROLLED}&r &7out of &l&n{MAX_ROLL}."
  333. nobody-heard-roll:
  334. - "&7&l ** &c&lNobody is around to hear you roll!"
  335. #
  336. server-crates:
  337. enabled: true
  338. #
  339. sethome:
  340. enabled: true
  341. default-max: 1
  342. default-name: "Home"
  343. default-item: "grass:0"
  344. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.sethome"
  345. # RandomPackage.commands.sethome.# = Amount of homes the player is allowed to have
  346. cannot-set-more-than:
  347. - "&cError: &4You cannot set more than {MAX} &chomes."
  348. set-home:
  349. - "&6Home &b{HOME_NAME} &6set to current location."
  350. #
  351. shop:
  352. enabled: true
  353. cmd-perm: ""
  354. #
  355. showcase:
  356. enabled: true
  357. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.showcase"
  358. add-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.showcase.add"
  359. #
  360. splitsouls:
  361. enabled: true
  362. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.splitsouls"
  363. #
  364. tinkerer:
  365. enabled: true
  366. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.tinkerer"
  367. #
  368. title:
  369. enabled: true
  370. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.titles"
  371. view-all-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.titles.view.all"
  372. view-other-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.titles.view.other"
  373. aliases:
  374. - "titles"
  375. #
  376. trade:
  377. enabled: true
  378. cmd-perm: ""
  379. #
  380. vkit:
  381. enabled: true
  382. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.vkit"
  383. reset-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.vkit.reset"
  384. # RandomPackage.vkits.<# slot in gui> = Specific Vkit permission
  385. ## RandomPackage.vkits.0 = The first vkit
  386. ## RandomPackage.vkits.1 = The second vkit
  387. aliases:
  388. - "vkits"
  389. #
  390. withdraw:
  391. enabled: true
  392. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.withdraw"
  393. #
  394. argument-0:
  395. - "&c/withdraw <$>"
  396. - "&7This will create a bank note with the equivalent value of <$>."
  397. - "&7You can use keywords 'million', billion', 'trillion' for withdrawls."
  398. invalid:
  399. - "&cYou specified an invalid withdrawl amount."
  400. cannot-withdraw-zero:
  401. - "&cYou must /withdraw atleast $1 at a time."
  402. cannot-withdraw-more-than-balance:
  403. - "&cYou do not have enough $ to sign a bank note that large!"
  404. - "&e&lYour Balance:&r &f${BALANCE}"
  405. - "&7Use /withdraw or /pay to transfer funds."
  406. cannot-withdraw-decimals:
  407. - "&cYou cannot sign decimal amounts on bank notes."
  408. success:
  409. - "&c&l-${AMOUNT}"
  410. - "&aYou have signed a bank note for ${AMOUNT}"
  411. deposit:
  412. - "&a&l+${AMOUNT}"
  413. #
  414. xpbottle:
  415. enabled: true
  416. cmd-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.xpbottle"
  417. bypass-teleport-delay-perm: "RandomPackage.teleport.bypass"
  418. bypass-xpbottle-exhaustion-perm: "RandomPackage.commands.xpbottle.bypass"
  419. #
  420. delayed-commands:
  421. - "/spawn"
  422. - "/warp"
  423. - "/tpaccept"
  424. - "/home"
  425. #
  426. min-bottle: 25
  427. # Measured in minutes. Set to -1 to disable.
  428. exp-exhaustion: 17
  429. # Measured in seconds. Set teleport-default-delay to -1 to disable.
  430. teleportation-default-delay: 7.000
  431. teleportation-min-delay: 3.000
  432. teleportation-variable: 25000
  433. ## Teleport delay = teleportation-default-delay - (player xp / teleportation-variable)
  434. # EXP Exhaustion works when the player is teleported from these causes. CaSe SeNsiTiVe!!
  435. # Causes can be found at
  436. teleport-causes:
  437. - "COMMAND"
  438. - "PLUGIN"
  439. # Messages
  440. withdraw-at-least:
  441. - "&cYou must withdraw at least {MIN}XP points per bottle."
  442. pending-teleport:
  443. - "&e&l(!)&r &eYou will be teleported in &n{SECS}s&r&e... DON'T MOVE!"
  444. - "&7Decrease this wait time by increasing your enchanting level."
  445. teleport-cancelled:
  446. - "&4&l(!)&r &4Pending teleport request cancelled due to movement."
  447. cannot-teleport:
  448. - "&c&l(!)&r &cYou cannot teleport for &c{TIME} due to EXP exhaustion."
  449. - "&7Upgrade your rank at & &7to decrease this delay."
  450. cannot-xpbottle:
  451. - "&c&l(!)&r &cYou cannot create another XP Bottle for {TIME}"
  452. - "&7Complete a Rank Quest from to decrease this delay."
  453. afflict:
  454. - "&eYou are now afflicted with &nEXP Exhaustion&r &efor {MIN} minute(s)."
  455. - "&eYou &ncannot&r &euse /xpbottle or teleport while EXP Exhausted."
  456. #
  457. ##Taken directly from the | Beast-XpWithdraw | plugin##
  458. argument-0:
  459. - "&e/xpbottle <amount>"
  460. - "&7Convert <amount> xp into bottle form."
  461. - "&7Use &e/xp &7to view your current exp points."
  462. ########################################################
  463. invalid-amount:
  464. - '&c&l(!)&r &cInvalid xpbottle amount: "{AMOUNT}"'
  465. not-enough-to-bottle:
  466. - "&c&l(!)&r &cYou do not have enough experience to bottle this much!"
  467. withdraw:
  468. - "&c&l-{AMOUNT} xp"
  469. deposit:
  470. - "&a&l+ {AMOUNT} xp"
  471. #
  472. # Player doesn't have permission to execute the RandomPackage command
  473. no-permission:
  474. - "&cI'm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrators if you believe that this is an error."
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