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a guest
Dec 5th, 2019
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  1. VVVVV Sample Ini FIle
  3. [0] Item interacting with(The item you placed the script on)
  4. [1] Room For Item(Not used for anything more than reference, but needs at least some place holder for script)
  5. [2] Item required to be in player inventory
  6. [3] Function used to complete that task. Example: RepairPower = public void RepairPower()
  7. ! = Start Of Room Column
  8. @ = Start Of Required Item Column
  9. # = Start Of Completion Function(Completion Function must be in a script that is also on this item
  11. [0] ![1] @[2] #[3]
  12. Fuel Cell Slot 1!Power@Fuel Cell 1#RepairPower
  13. Fuel Cell Slot 2!Power@Fuel Cell 2#RepairPower
  14. Fuel Cell Slot 3!Power@Fuel Cell 3#RepairPower
  15. Coolant Leak!Cargo@Thermal Padding#RepairPower
  16. Terminal!BioDome@GrowLight#CreateLazerus
  17. Terminal!BioDome@HabitatControlModule#CreateLazerus
  18. Hull Breach!Barracks@Arc Welder#RepairHull
  19. Hongry!MessHall@Rations#RepairStomach
  20. Locked Door!ControlRoom@EngineeringCard#UnlockDoor
  21. Security Override Keypad!Barracks@SecurityCode#RepairSOS
  22. SOSPlacement!ExperimentalTesting@SOSSignal#RepairSOS
  23. SpaceAirlock!ExperimentalTesting@EVASuit#UnlockSpace
  24. BoomTable!Offices@UnexplodedShell#CreateIED
  25. ManifestTable!Cargo@Manifest#SignalHelp
  26. Life Support!MessHall@LazerusSerum#RepairHull
  27. BoomTable!Offices@SpareElectronics#CreateIED
  28. CaptainQuartersLocked!ControlRoom@IED#UnlockCaptainOffice
  29. SignalHelp!ControlRoom@CaptainsID#SignalHelp
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