

Feb 1st, 2015
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  1. Once upon a time, deep in a forest, live a young girl, with the heart of gold, and would be regarded as an angel in human form. Although there is plenty of places she could of lived, her mother choose to live in a cabin, in the middle of the forest, all her life, she grew up in the forest, communicating with the fauna and flora alike, she was truly one with the nature inside, and even a few creatures, that even the darkness couldn't hide. One day, when she was talking to a tree, she heard a deathly scream and came running home, inside she found, the drained body of her mother, cold, pale and lifeless, lying on the floor. That night, was the first time the girl cried, and truly her life , that cold, storming night.
  3. Abit into the future, give or take 5 more years, she was in the prime of her life, 19 and married to the love of her life, he was a man, but he even fooled her. She was madly in love with him, in a way, that no matter what you said, she would be completely convince that he loved her too, but really he didn't, she was a fool in love, until one day he showed, what he was really capable of. He betray her trust, and used her to achieve, the secrets of the forest, and exploit them in greed, she cried and cried, and died inside. Fallen from heaven this angry had died. She'd fallen from the person she had once been, and turned into a creature of pure darkness , solitude and misery.
  5. [i]Sweet berries ready for two, Ghosts are no different than you, Ghosts are now waiting for you.[/i]
  6. They always told the children of this town not to play in the woods after dark, they would tell fables of evil spirits and even death, mindlessly ambling in the forest. Children would go missing all the time, it was a normal thing in this little town. People would take the forest as a shortcut, to get to their homes quicker than going around, ignoring any signs put up about the evils in the forest, eventually they would let their guard down, and the spirits would have their merry way with them, and they would become just another child of the darkness.
  8. Set alone from the rest of the mythical creatures in the forest, there is a lone spirit, a woman, mistreated her whole life and fell into darkness, when a man she trusted dearly with her life, betrayed her and let the darkness of his own greed swallow her whole. It's quite tragic when you really think about it, seeing as the once woman herself was an incredible kind hearted lady, some could even say she had a heart of gold, but her lovely, kind spirit was turned black with hatred, induced by anothers greed. She was no longer the person she used to be, sure, she can still turn into her originally form, but will never be the same, not now, not then, not never.
  10. Living away from everyone, in the deep forest, she's tucked away from the world, but people, they come out adventuring, curious as to what is really in the forest, they only want to hurt her though, they never want to just, talk, no they only want to hurt and hurt and hurt. Or hurt others, so she wails, in pain. A wail that from very far away can be mistaken as the wind, but up close, almost always fatal, countless humans fall victim to the banshee every moon cycle, leaving the poor, poor banshee, aching with a broken heart. Some of the people come looking for her. Not her now, but [i]her[/i]. Roxanne Lalonde, they say, but it hurts the poor things head, painful memories, and she wails, leaving the people trying to help to fall a victim to the ghostly death herself. She's so sick of hurting people.
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