
Fruitanon/JT's Joint Green.

Aug 29th, 2015
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  1. It started with an Innocent jest directed at Fruitanon
  3. >The elevator doors slide shut, and it zooms up the shaft.
  4. >It stops on floor 3
  5. >The doors open, and I step out into the hallway
  6. >As I walk I look at each of the doors
  7. >Each has a special name plate on it
  8. >Calvin, Drew Carey, Newfag, Manhorse, Freddy, Spring Trap, Fruitanon, and my own door.
  9. >While I walk past Fruitanon's door, I think I hear something.
  10. >I go back and lean into the door.
  11. >”Come on, ten 15 minutes?”
  12. >That's Fruit's voice
  13. >”No!”
  14. >That sounds an awful lot like…
  15. >”Come on Twiley, 10 minutes?”
  16. >Holy fucking shit.
  17. >He's trying to rape her.
  18. >”No means no! I don't want to!”
  19. >I grab the door handle and twist.
  20. >It's not locked.
  21. >”Twilight you're going to, and you're gonna fucking like it.”
  22. >I open the door, with a scowl on my face.
  23. >”Oh hey JT! I was just trying to get Twiggy Piggy here to play Uno with me. Wanna join?”
  24. “Uhh, no. thanks.”
  25. >I close the door and hear Fruitanon address Twilight again.
  26. >”What a weird guy. Now about that sex…”
  27. >You know what? Fuck it.
  28. >I'm not gonna even bother.
  29. >Chances are she'll turn him down because he's a fucking nerd anyways :^)
  31. Fruitanon took it personally.
  33. Now, cause this faggot made me look bad, I Have to make the other side to the story.
  34. Delivering shortly.
  36. And so it began...
  40. >Be FruityMcTooty.
  42. >And an 80’s well dressed man in a desk, with a bowl full of Pineapples in front of him, Just made you fear for the first time since High School.
  43. ‘Lawsman….’
  44. >’Good to see you too, Fruity.’
  45. >He gets up and out of his chair, Slowly walking over to you, circling you with the eyes of a Predator.
  46. >’And I see you brought one back with you….’
  47. ‘I Like this one, and it is mine now.’
  48. >He chuckles to himself, adjusting his Leather Jacket.
  49. >’I Have no problem with that. But you might have like one of mine better.
  50. >You open your bowl to say something, but think otherwise a second later.
  51. >Don’t want to offend her, right?
  52. >’Now, you and your buddies have Finished my….Last Beautiful creation. So until /mlp/ Dungeon is complete, You will be staying in Hotel Hell, *The Hottest Hotspot in the Afterlife*
  53. ‘Wait, Hell? We’re in hell!?’
  54. >’Of cores. Know how many Innocent Skeletons you killed in that tower? they only wanted to say Hi.
  55. >You slouch a bit, an Orange falling out of your head.
  56. >’But don’t look down on the Place! They’re good! You'll find it on floor…..69. Don’t ask me why. Now off with you!’
  57. >You and Twilight turn towards the elevator, only for him to stumble around a bit, and shove a Yellowish Card into your hand.
  58. >’And keep that, you might need it.’
  59. >He shoves you into the Elevator, Pressing the 69th floor button, and sends you off with a wave.
  60. >Twilight speaks up again.
  61. >’Now about your chemical Composition….’
  64. ‘And the Fruit themselves Are a replacement for- Oh, We’re here.’
  65. >Be Fruit
  66. >The Elevator Finally got to the floor 69, after about an hour.
  67. >Jesus, how deep does this place go?
  68. >Anyway, you and Twilight step out, and onto the….Waiting room...Of the floor.
  69. >In the front, there is some kind of Receptionist, Face glued to a Monitor.
  70. >And sitting around the room are a variety of dead, bloated corpses, altered to look like Men.
  71. >And they did, just...Cubical Worker men.
  72. >You and Twilight step up to the counter, and wait for the attendant to notice you.
  73. >She looks up at you, and rolls her eyes.
  74. >’Oh god, the Horsefuckers are here….Name, And Waifu.’
  75. ‘What? Why the hell do i need to tell you my Wa?-’
  76. >’Hell rules, Fruitbasket.’
  77. >JOHN CEN-
  78. ‘Fruitanon, And the purple Hoers beside me. Now, I Was told to come to this floor for waiting arrangements?
  79. >’Yeah, Looks like you got friends in high places, Fruit salad. you and a couple otha guys got the penthouse. Now, ya got your card?’
  80. >You hand her the golden card, which she swipes across the screen, and a Beeping noise is emitted.
  81. >’Alright. Now, ya can take the elevator, or you can climb the Stairs, to the top floor. Your choice.’
  82. ‘I’ll take the Elevator, I’m not one for Exercise.’
  83. >’Ya sure look like it, Could cut back on the Fruit Loops as well.’
  84. ‘I’ll keep my Breakfast to myself, Cucklord.’
  85. >’I Like you kid, ya got fire. See you around, the other lobby members got a year of Damnation to recover.’
  86. >You and Twilight wave goodbye, and head into the elevator one last time.
  88. >You step out of the elevator, and out into a Wide hallway.
  89. >You see a number of doors, and Screens above them.
  90. >The Screens Power on, and display the faces of all your friends, and you.
  92. >Be Fruity
  93. >And this Place is fucking HUUUUUUUGE
  94. >And it was packed to the brim with everything you could ever fucking want.
  95. >A Kitchen, full of fucking fruit to the brim.
  96. >A Gamers dream set-up, with Built in Hell Equivalent of Wi-Fi
  97. >A Bedroom, Filled with Kinky shit.
  98. >And a Little Library, that must be the whole *Waifu* Shit.
  99. >But there's one thing you notice, Laying in a little lump on the couch.
  100. ‘T...Ti'
  101. >You slowly approach the Couch, watching as the Chihuahua
  102. uncurls from its ball, and stares at you.
  103. >You make the highest pitched adorable sound you can make and scoop it up
  104. ‘Fucking Tinkerbell! Oh I missed you, you fucking cute little rat!’
  105. >Twilight turns around, and looks at the object of your affections.
  106. >Apparently, she had the same idea, and went to pet her.
  107. >’You named your Dog Tinkerbell? What kind of name is that?
  108. ‘I Didn’t M-My sister did. But she passed away in my old life, right B-before the tower. This is her. I Fucking Love Satan….’
  109. >Okay...She is cute….’
  110. >You bury your bowl into the dog's fur, Crying manly Grape Juice tears.
  111. >’So….What did you want to do~’
  112. >You spot a cupboard with...Game Boards in it?
  113. >You walk over to it, and grab a Squarish box, and walk back to Twilight.
  114. >’....No.’
  115. ‘Come on Twilight….Please?’
  116. >’No! I Wanna do something Else!’
  117. ‘Come on, Just 10, 15 Minutes?’
  118. >’No!’
  119. ‘Come on Twiley, 10 Minutes?’
  120. >’No means no! I Don’t want to!’
  121. >You’re Interrupted by the door suddenly being flung open, and seeing JT standing there, with a Scowl on his face.
  122. ‘Oh hey JT! I was just trying to get Twiggy Piggy here to play Uno with me. Wanna join?”
  123. >He Looks at the scene, and backs away slowly, as you shake the box.
  124. >’Uhh….No thanks man..’
  125. >He stares at you again, Slowly closing the door.
  126. >Twilight starts talking again the second the door closes.
  127. >”What a weird guy. Now about that sex…”
  128. ‘No.’
  130. [JT]
  132. >Be JT
  133. >Be finished acquiring shit for Rarara.
  134. >She's happily sewing away, humming to a song you don't recognize.
  135. >QT3.14
  136. >All of the sudden you hear a knock at your door.
  137. >Rarity looks up from her workspace and glances at the door.
  138. “I'll get it, don't worry.”
  139. >You stand up and walk across the room to open the door.
  140. >Behind it is Fruitanon, and behind him is Twiggy Piggy.
  141. >”Hi JT! Just been wondering how you and...”
  142. >He leans to the side to look in behind you.
  143. >”Rares are doing?”
  144. >You look him in the eye.
  145. >You know he's a crafty one, so you keep your guard up.
  146. “Good. Now what are you really here for?”
  147. >”Touchy… Anyways, Twi and I were bored and we decided to come over and see our favorite man! And to challenge you and Rarity to a contest.”
  148. >”A contest? Absolutely not.”
  149. >Rarity pokes her head through the doorway beside your thigh.
  150. >You move over to give her room and address Fruits.
  151. “Gimme a minute.”
  152. >He winks at you and you close the door.
  153. >”Whyever would you want to demean yourself and participate in a contest! So barbaric.
  154. “Rarity, we don't even know what it's a contest about.
  155. >”Well… It's still probably barbaric.”
  157. “Just hear them out. What if it's a...”
  158. >Your eyes dart to the sewing machines.
  159. “Sewing competition!”
  160. >”Darling please. I doubt Twilight would participate in a sewing competition.”
  161. “I guess so. But Fruitanon is the biggest loser in the Tower! You can't let him show me up!”
  162. >”No.”
  163. “Please? For me?”
  164. >”I remain unmoved!”
  165. “I'll… I'll pose for you!”
  166. >You regret it immediately.
  167. >”Oh Darling! That would be wonderful! I'll do it, I suppose.”
  168. >Noice.
  169. >You open the door back up.
  170. “You're on, Crabapples! What shall we do battle in? Could it perhaps be a sewing contest?”
  171. >You wink at Rarity.
  172. >”Not this time,” replies Fruitanon.
  173. >”Something more epic. More daring. JT, I hereby challenge you to… PARCHEESI!”
  174. >He holds a red box out with white lettering on it spelling out “Parcheesi”.
  175. “I… I see! We'll wipe the floor with you two!”
  176. >You pick Rarity up by her abdomen and hold her out to Fruitanon.
  177. “En Guard!”
  178. >Fruitanon does likewise with Twilight.
  179. >The unicorns just look at eachother with annoyed faces.
  180. >Twilight finally speaks.
  181. >”Put us down.”
  182. >”Okay…”
  183. >We both put our impromtu weapons down and sit around the coffee table set in the middle of the room.
  184. >Now a battle would pursue for minstrels to sing about for generations!
  186. “Goddamnit Fruits! I just got that one out!”
  187. >He shoots you an evil grin as he sends your pawn back to start.
  188. >He takes his extra 20 spaces and laughs maniacally.
  189. >You simply point to the pawn on your start space.
  190. “I'm going to fucking rek you.”
  191. >”Language!” Rarity corrects from the couch where she and Twilight are sitting.
  192. “Oops, sorry Rares.”
  193. >You gather the dice into the cup.
  194. >You cover the top with your hand
  195. >Fruitanon is trying to play it off, but those beads of sweat on his forehead don't lie.
  196. >He's nervous.
  197. >You grin at him.
  198. >You shake the cup
  199. >You uncover the cup, letting the dice tumble out.
  200. >Time seems to slow down as the dice tumble across the board.
  202. >The dice slowly tumble to a halt.
  203. >You never broke eye contact with fruitanon.
  204. >He never broke eye contact with you.
  205. >You both look down at the very same time.
  206. >”No!”
  207. “Yes!”
  208. >A 3, and a 2.
  209. >5
  210. >Move a pawn from start.
  211. >You move your last pawn from start, capturing Fruitanon's pawn.
  212. >You take your 20 bonus steps, only to land on another one.
  213. >Fruitanon groans as you bound across the board. At the end you are stuck 4 away from home, and all of Fruitanon's pawns are back in start.
  214. >All you need to do is roll a 4.
  215. >Fruitanon takes his roll.
  216. >It's a 6.
  217. >He hands the cup back to you.
  218. >6
  219. >The rolls continue for ages, until one of your rolls.
  220. >You roll, and one of the dice settles as a two.
  221. >The other falls off the table
  222. “Damn!” You shout as you struggle to see.
  223. >If it rolls a two you win.
  224. >You prove once and for all that fruitanon is a nerd and you're the greatest.
  225. >It tumbles down the table, and through the door way.
  226. >You both jump up and follow it out.
  227. >The die settles by a man's shoe.
  228. >You look up into the face of mikrokek, unlocking his door.
  229. >He glances down at the die and speaks.
  230. >”What the fuck?”
  231. >He kicks the die away and you both chase it.
  232. >Right under the door of one…
  233. >”Manhorse”
  234. “Manhorse.”
  235. >You hear manhorse through the door.
  236. >”What the fuck… WHO THREW THIS DIE?!”
  237. >You and Fruitanon look at eachother and panic.
  238. >You had to know what it landed on.
  239. >Your fate depends on it.
  241. >You swallow your fear and prepare to run, Fruitanon already in a runner's position behind you.
  242. >You open your mouth
  243. “WHAT DID IT LAND ON?!”
  244. >”FUCKING TWO”
  246. >”COME HERE YOU TWO!”
  247. >The door bursts open and the towering figure of manhorse looms above you.
  248. >You and Fruitanon bolt for your place.
  249. >Luckily you make it back in one piece and lock the door.
  250. >”So. What was the roll?” Asks Twilight.
  251. >”Fucking… two.” Says Fruitanon shamefully.
  252. >”Marvelous! Congratulations, JT, darling.”
  253. >”Yeah, we've kind of got bigger problems.”
  254. >”Like what?” Questions Twilight.
  256. >”How rude!” Exclaims rarity.
  257. >”He sounds mad.” Notes Twilight.
  258. >Fruitanon and yourself cower in the corner.
  259. >”I'm sure we can just talk to him.” Says Twilight
  260. >”NO!”
  261. “NO!”
  262. >It was too late. She unlocks the door, and in barges Manhorse.
  263. >You and Fruitanon let out manly, manly tears.
  264. >This was it.
  265. >”You two...”
  266. >He stomps towards you.
  267. >And hands you the die.
  268. >”Just try to make sure you don't lose it again, silly goose!”
  269. >He smiles and walks out.
  270. >”See, that wasn't so ba-MMPH.”
  271. >She's cut off by Fruitanon hugging her tightly.
  272. >”Save me Twiley… Save me...”
  274. >”And that, is why I, Fruitanon, am the biggest faggot this side of Elton John.”
  275. >You snicker as Fruitanon finishes his punishment for being such a huge loser.
  276. >I guess you could say that this competition was…
  277. >Par-Easy
  279. [FRUITANON]
  280. >Be Fruitanon.
  281. ‘- am the biggest faggot this side of Elton John.”
  282. >Eh, You’ve been forced to say worse.
  283. >Like that one time in grade school you had to explain you were a fruit.
  284. >Horrifying times.
  285. >’Suck a Pineapple, Fruitfaggot!’
  286. >JT Exclaims, Prancing around with joy.
  287. ‘Yeah Yeah, eat it all up. But remember, you still gotta pose for your horse wife over there.’
  288. >He freezes mid-Victory cheer, and stares at you with the fury of a thousand burning suns.
  289. >Rarity’s eyes noticeably widen with giddiness, and she levitates JT Up and toward her.
  290. >’Oh! Thank you for Reminding me Darling!’
  291. >’FRUITY YOU FUC-’
  292. ‘Ah Ahh ah…..Language.’
  293. >You pull off the best smug look you can achieve with your not-face, staring at him.
  294. >Twilight tugs your Sleeve with her magic, attempting to get your attention.
  295. >’Don’t forget about OUR deal….~’
  296. >......Fuck.
  297. ‘On a second thought, you win this time. Fine Twilight, Let’s g-’
  298. >You can’t finish your sentence, as you are dragged off by Twilight, back to the room.
  299. >You grab onto the nearest object, attempting to pull yourself away.
  300. >JT Stares at you Mid Levitation again, a confused expression on his face.
  301. >’What fucking deal?’
  302. >You lose your grip, and desperately claw the floor.
  303. ‘Remember Me!!!’
  304. >His door is taken over my Twilights magical grasp, and violently slammed shut.
  306. >Be back in your room.
  307. >Also be tied to the bed, by Twilight.
  308. >It’s always the quiet ones, into the weirdest shit.
  309. >’You know, you could've just decimated him….’
  310. ‘It was his luck.’
  311. >’You had me put a spell on the Dice.’
  312. ‘So?’
  313. >’You could’ve denied me more, Fruity~’
  314. >You struggle in your bonds, seeing Twilight pass, Wearing Linguine, a-
  315. >I’m going to stop you right there, Brain.
  316. >Don’t let her get any fun from this.
  317. >She Slowly Crawls atop you, something in her Magical grasp.
  318. ‘JT! FUCKING HE-’
  319. >Your voice is silenced by Twilight zipping your mouth closed.
  320. >‘I Thought we agreed to no screaming?’
  321. ‘Mmm Mmm, Mmph Mmm!’
  322. >She puts a Soft hoof to your mouth, raising your fears.
  323. >’It’s just you…..Me….’
  324. >He head draws closer with every word.
  325. >’And this Fascinating book on the History Of Vegetables!’
  326. >You bang your head on the wall, trying to get someone, Anyone's help!
  327. >But your cries go unanswered
  328. >’And that is how Douglas the Dragon invented the corn product that ended World Hunger!”.
  329. ‘Please kill me…..’
  330. >’Oh stop being such a baby, it wasn’t that bad!'
  331. ‘This really IS hell...’
  332. >’Oh fine….’
  334. >She undoes your bonds, as you fall to the bed with a *Plop*
  335. >’NOW can we get onto the Kinky stuff?’
  336. ‘If it stops you from reading that….Cursed book…..Then fine.’
  337. >She lays down ontop of you, staring directly into your ey- Bowl.
  338. >You take one of your free hands and lightly brush your fingers against her horn.
  339. > Twilight lets out a low moan.
  340. >Does that really...?
  341. >You lightly grip her horn in your hand.
  342. >Her eyes go wide as saucers.
  343. >"Fruity, what are you-"
  344. >You begin you stroke her horn softly.
  345. >She gasps again, followed by more moaning.
  346. >Her body begins to writhe and squirm above you, as your hand continues its assault on her belly.
  347. ‘This erotic enough for you, Twiggles?’
  348. >She settles, going limp ontop of you.
  349. >’Just don’t stop….’
  350. >You happily oblige, and continue to steadily moving your hand along her horn, feeling the Intricate spiral design of it, and It’s warmth.
  351. >Your other hand continues rubbing her belly, but starts a slow journey downwards.
  352. >’T-That's not fair….’
  353. ‘Neither was being cheated, Sparkles.’
  354. >Your hand continues to go lower, and lower, until finally it finds it’s prize.
  355. >Jesus, she was really getting off to this.
  356. >Your hand was already soaked, and you had barely touched her.
  357. >You slowly take your hand, slipping your index finger inside her.
  358. >She rewards you with another loud moan, and a sloppy, Intimate kiss.
  359. >Congratulations fucker, you're fingering a horse.
  361. >’More….’
  362. ‘I’m sorry, speak up, I Can't hear you...’
  364. ‘Rather Forward are we? And a Tad racist….’
  365. >You slowly add your middle finger to the collection, Pumping them In and out of her.
  366. >You feel something, Rough, and circular brush past your fingers every now and then.
  367. >The next time it comes by, you trap it in between your fingers, and Rub it with your Thumb.
  368. >This action causes Twilight to take the Pillow next to you, and scream into it.
  369. >You feel her insides start to convulse, producing a Thick, Viscous liquid onto your shirt.
  370. >At the same time, your hand is forced away, and her horn produces what looks like some kind of condensed Glitter.
  371. >That lands directly on your face.
  372. >’G-Gah!’
  373. >You take your hand and wipe your face of the Glitter.
  374. ‘Did I Do good?’
  375. >’I….Can’t move….’
  376. >The door is suddenly Opened, JT and Rarity Bursting through, JT using a Statue as a blunt force weapon.
  377. >’What’s Wrong!? We Heard Sc-’
  378. >His eyes settle upon you and Twilight, through the Bedroom door, left wide open.
  379. >And of course, you and Twilight, But mostly you, Covered in Assorted Liquids.
  380. >He slowly backs away, pushing Rarity with him.
  381. >’What's happening JT? I want to see as we!-’
  382. >The door Closes.
  384. [JT]
  386. >”What's happening JT? I want to see as wel!-”
  387. >You close the door.
  388. >Was he just… Fucking Twilight?!
  389. >Maybe he's less of a faggot than you thought
  390. >One thing gnaws at you though.
  391. >Why was she wearing linguine :^)
  392. “Listen to me Rarity… Do you know about, uh, the birds and the bees and all that?”
  393. >”Why of course darling, why would that-”
  394. “Well now it's the horses and the monkeys. Let's leave it at that.”
  395. >She looks down and thinks for a bit.
  396. >Her eyes widen as she understands.
  397. >”Y-you mean… Twilight was… oh my.”
  398. “Mmhm. Now I'm going to go bleach my eyes.”
  399. >You make it back to your room and open the door
  400. >Rarity and Yourself step inside, and the door clicks shut.
  401. >You look at Rarities workspace, now cluttered with sketches of you in different poses.
  402. >You replace the statue on the nightstand, and sit at her chair.
  403. “These are pretty good, Rares.”
  404. >”Oh why thank you darling. Now, I'd like you to do one of me...”
  405. >You grab one of the sketchpads and a pencil.
  406. “Okay, but I'm not very good at draw.-”
  407. >You look up and she's positioned sideways on the bed and giving you a bretty gud look at her marehood.
  408. >L-lewd.
  409. “Uhh, Rares, your, um… I can… uh…”
  410. >She bats her eyelids at you.
  411. >Hngg
  413. >Fuck. To hell with being gentle.
  414. >”Oh darling, I know.”
  415. “Wait you… what?”
  416. >”Hearing what twilight was doing, well I wonder what those magic fingers of yours can do...”
  418. Oh. Oh wow.”
  419. >You wanted it. You wanted it so bad
  420. >But you don't want it. You really don't want it.
  421. >Gibe de pussi!
  422. >But it's horse pussy!
  423. >Still Pussy.
  424. >Eh good point brain.
  425. “I, Okay, how do you want to start.”
  426. >”I want you to draw me! Draw me like one of your french mares!”
  427. >Okay. You guess it's alright if it turns her on.”
  428. >You finish, and take a couple of looks to the paper and to Rarity.
  429. >Pic Related
  430. >Holy shit, that's the best you could do?
  431. >”Let me see it darling!”
  432. >She cringes.
  433. >Fucking hard.
  434. >”Well… that was a bust, then. How about we just jump into it?”
  435. “Sounds like a better plan.
  436. >She pats the bed next to you and you sit down.
  437. >”Just one minute darling, I have to freshen up.”
  438. >More eyelid batting.
  439. >HNNNNG
  441. >Be JT still
  442. >You've been sitting on your ass for about 20 minutes, browsing 4chan.
  443. >Rarity still hasn't come out of the bathroom, but you've been hearing noises in there.
  444. >What could possibly be happening?
  445. >You tried to be romantic for her, you know, with the rose petals, and slow music, But quickly realized neither of those would work.
  446. >All the roses in hell are on fire, and you only have Metallica and shit like that on your phone.
  447. >Somehow, you don't think blaring Seek and Destroy would make turn Rarity on.
  448. >Suddenly you hear the door click open.
  449. >You turn to the bathroom door, and are surprised to see it still closed.
  450. >”Over here, 'tard.” A familiar voice calls out to you.
  451. >It's Fruitanon.
  452. “Hey...”
  453. >It was still kind of awkward seeing him now after you saw him like he was with Twilight.
  454. >Good thing he couldn't see what Rarity was doing now.
  455. >”Just wanted to apologize about earlier. After you walked in, Springtrap walked in and-”
  456. “I know about that part. He fucking plowed my waifu”
  457. >”What?”
  458. “Oh, he ran into Rarity and blacked out. Did a number on her side though. She was complaining about how she “might have a bruise” and how she couldn't “ruin her perfect coat”.
  459. >”Kek. That's why I chose a waifu who's not needy.”
  460. “She seemed pretty needy when you were fuc-”
  461. >”JT, darling, I'm ready!”
  462. >You hear Rarity call out from the bathroom.
  463. >Initiate Emergency Fruitanon Evacuation Protocol.
  464. >You grab Fruits and toss him outside your room.
  465. >Just before you close the door, he manages to ask you “Ready for what?!”
  466. “Nothing! Fuck off!”
  467. >You close the door and lock it.
  468. >You look towards where Rarity was calling from.
  469. >Unf.
  471. >She stands in the doorway to the bathroom, and you can see what she was doing.
  472. >She is dressed in full lingerie.
  473. >Needless to say it's hawt.
  474. >On her back is a saddle, and in her magical grasp is a whip.
  475. >Kinky, but I'll allow it.
  476. >She was looking at you, and you were looking back.
  477. >There was a feeling there.
  478. >Could it be love?
  479. >”Oh dear, I get all dressed up, and you're still in your suit?! No, no, no, this simply will not do! I've left some garments in the restroom, please help yourself.”
  480. >Well there goes that feeling.
  481. >Right out the damn window.
  482. >You trudge over to the bathroom, and enter
  484. >You open the door, walk into the bathroom, and shut the door behind you.
  485. >You turn around, and find your “Garments” waiting for you.
  486. >You are upset as you inspect the outfit.
  487. >It looks exactly like what you were wearing now.
  488. >Well, whatever gets you the pussy.
  489. >you start pulling the pants on, and hear a knocking at the door.
  490. >O shit.
  491. >Well, Rarity probably knows better than to open the door while dressed like she is.
  492. >The door clicks open
  493. >Oh shit!
  494. >Well it's probably are just a maid, and they'll think you're away!
  495. >”Oh, hello Fruitanonymous!”
  496. >Fruitanon speaks but he's muffled.
  497. >OH SHIT!
  498. >”Why, yes he is here!”
  500. >”He's just in the bathroom, getting dressed.”
  501. >Bleach. There's gotta be some bleach in here somewhere.
  502. >”Oh yes. Yes I think he does like this outfit, thank you! You are such a gentleman. I can't understand why JT is so intimidated by you.”
  503. >”Why, yes I suppose your fruit is bigger than any he possesses.
  505. >You pull on the pants, and button up the jacket.
  506. >There's a rose underneath the clothes, which you tuck into your lapel.
  507. >Now you can just wait for Fruitanon to leave. Surely he won't stay that long.
  508. >”Oh, I'd be delighted to host you here until JT is finished in the restroom.”
  509. >Why.
  511. [FRUITANON]
  513. >Be Fuitanon
  514. >Also still have a bit of glitter inside your bowl.
  515. >Twilight has….recovered from earlier.
  516. >And you had to wash your suit.
  517. >Who knew the Alicorn body could contain so much cum?
  518. >Anyways, you set aside Twilights offer to *Finish her side of the job*
  519. at least for NOW anyway…
  520. and have went to see JT.
  521. >That fuckers probably still half creeped the fuck out of his wits.
  522. >Better go make some kind of Amin.
  523. >You locate his door, and open it.
  524. >Fucker forgot to lock it again, Like you.
  525. >You see him standing there, staring at the bathroom door like some fucking Scootaloo.
  526. ‘Over here, Retard.’
  527. >His head swivels around, and he walks toward you.
  528. ‘Just wanted to apologize for earlier. But if it makes you feel better, after you left, Springtrap came by an-’
  529. >’Oh, I Know about that part. He came by and Plowed my Waifu.’
  530. >Wut.
  531. ‘What?’
  532. >’Oh. He ran into Rarity and blacked out. Did a number on her side though. She was complaining about how she *Might have a Bruise* and how she couldn't *Ruin her Perfect coat*.
  533. ‘Kek, that’s why you don’t choose a needy Waifu.
  534. >’Well, Twilight over there seemed pretty needy when you were f-’
  535. >You hear another voice, originating from the bathroom, and stopping him dead in his tracks.
  536. >’JT darling, I’m ready~’
  537. >JT Suddenly grabs you, violently shoving you out the door, And making your Banana spill out of your bowl.
  538. ‘Ready for what?’
  539. >He responds with nervousness and paranoia.
  540. >’Nothing! Fuck off!’
  541. >He Slams the door shut, locking it behind him..
  543. >You pick yourself up, dusting off your suit.
  544. >You know EXACTLY what the fuck is going on.
  545. >Bateman forsaken Hypocrite, he is.
  546. >But he’s your best friend, in this world of shit.
  547. >You walk back to your room, maybe to take up Twilight on her….Offer.
  548. >When you realize something.
  549. >You have no control of your pelvis.
  550. >Fucking hell, you dropped one.
  551. >You knock on JTs door, Hoping he hadn't begun yet.
  552. >So it was to your pleasant little surprise, When his fashion horse open the door for you.
  553. >’Oh! Fruitanonymous!’
  554. ‘Just Fruity is fine. I Kinda dropped something back here, and came back to grab it. Hey, JT still here?’
  555. >’Why, yes! he is here!’
  556. ‘You know where he is, by chance?’
  557. ‘He’s just in the bathroom, getting dressed.’
  558. >Dressed for what? HMMM I HAVE NO IDEA!
  559. ‘Oh, alright then. And i was just coming back for that banana on the floor there. Nice dress, by the way, Sure he loves it.’
  560. >’Oh, Yes. Yes I do think he just Loves it, Thank you! I have no idea why he’s so Intimidated by you, you’re such a Gentleman.
  561. >He's Intimidated by you? Wouldn’t have guessed.
  562. >She picks up the banana, Inspecting it for a moment.
  563. ‘I Actually grew that myself, Bigger then the fruit he grows, I’m gonna guess.’
  564. >’Why, yes, I do suppose your fruit is bigger than any he possesses.
  565. >You hear fumbling from inside the bathroom.
  566. ‘Oh, and there's something I have to tell JT. Mind if I stay here for a bit?
  567. >’Oh, I’d be delighted to host you here until JT is done inside the restroom.
  568. ‘Excellent, thank you Rarity.’
  569. >’But in return, I do have a question to ask. Why DO you wear that ungodly thing on your head? and keep assorted fruits inside it as well?’
  571. >You point to your bowl.
  572. ‘Oh the bowl? It IS my head.’
  573. >She places the banana back inside the bowl, and you feel the control of your hips return.
  574. >’But….How in Celestia’s name does THAT Work? You don’t have eyes?’
  575. ‘Oh, Silly pony. No, I Like to think magic is to blame, but everything works fine. Its like wearing a mask.’
  576. >’Ah, I see. But why must you keep Fruit inside it?’
  577. >Oh, this becomes more autistic every time you tell it.
  578. ‘Well, you know how a bowl is hollow?’
  579. >’Yes?’
  580. ‘Well, That's the case here, but Fruit, that's the key. Something corresponds into something. An apple goes to the Head, Grapes to the eyes, Banana to the….You know. Etcetera.’
  581. >’That's….a unique way to live, Fruitanon. But what happens if it falls out? like it just did?
  582. ‘Fruity is fine again. And I Usually keep these things down with superglue. But, if something happens to come lose, I Lose control of that body part. Can't use it. Kerpoof!’
  583. >’Oh...So that’s why you admire Fruit so much?
  584. ‘Honey Please. I Am fruit.’
  585. >Just as you finish your explanation, the door unlocks, a very sloppy looking and pissed off JT marches out of the bathroom.
  586. >You turn to face him, as he slaps you across the bowl.
  587. >’Why in the name of Bateman are you still here, Fruity?!’
  588. ‘Hey! Hold your horses! Just needed to tell you something.’
  589. >He stares at you, Picking up Rarity and holding her under his arm
  590. >’JT Darling, Could you put me down?’
  591. >’No.Make it short and sweet, I’m in the middle of something.'
  592. ‘IT is here.’
  593. >’No….’
  594. ‘Also…..Hell has an Educational System I Think will work out. 23 Hours a day. And hell hours are slightly shorter.
  595. >’....I Fucking love you sometimes.’
  596. ‘Don’t go homo on me.’
  597. >You push back from him, and walk towards the door.
  598. ‘Oh! and….Good luck with Rarity.’
  599. >You give him the best shit eating grin you can muster with no face, and walk out, closing the door behind you.
  600. >You hear muffled screaming from behinds the door.
  603. At this point Fruitanon has figured out what we're doing
  605. "Like some kinda shitty 2 person COYA.
  606. Except some people actually enjoy our work." -Fruitanon 2015
  608. [JT]
  610. >Be JT
  611. >Be pissed and embarassed.
  612. >Fruitanon walks out the door and shuts it behind him, with an everpresent shit eating grin.
  614. >He knows what you were going to do.
  615. >He knows what you were doing.
  616. >”Dear, I know this was an unexpected visit, but do try to look presentable.”
  617. >You feel her magic envelop your body and your suit realigns itself.
  618. >Even the rose in your lapel seems to become more lively.
  619. >“Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to continue where we left off...”
  620. “The fact that Fruits knows what we are about to do doesn't turn you off?”
  621. >”Not at all darling.”
  622. “But… How? Is the dickwad cucking me now?!”
  623. >”I… Don't know what that means, but just lie down. Let Mama Rarity take care of you.”
  624. >She puts her forehooves on your chest and forces you to your back.
  626. >She straddles you and plants her lips on yours.
  627. >Pic related
  628. >Her lips feel soft and warm, and surprisingly not furry.
  629. >One quarter mast achieved.
  630. >Her deep blue eyes look into yours, and you find yourself lost for a bit.
  631. >Half mast!
  632. >Then, she unzips the fly on your pants, and slowly pulls them off.
  633. >Three quarter mast… almost there…
  634. >Her tongue plunges into your mouth, and you start a battle for dominance.
  636. >You win the battle, and she pulls her mouth off of yours.
  637. >At this point you can feel fluids dripping onto your stomach, and can tell that she's ready.
  638. >She wiggles down your body and grabs your underwear with her teeth.
  639. >She slowly pulls them down, maintaining eye contact the whole time.
  640. >You're fully exposed now, and ready to go.
  641. >She positioned herself over you, and looked at you for reassurance.
  642. >You smiled warmly and nodded and she bounced down on you.
  643. >You're hilted immediately, and both of you gasp.
  644. >Her eyes widen.
  645. >“Oooh~!”
  646. >Sounds like she's enjoying it so far.
  648. >She starts thrusting her hips.
  649. >She moves her hips masterfully, every action bringing you to a new level of pleasure.
  650. >She moans, and locks lips with you again.
  651. >You can feel her walls pump up and down, and it sends electricity up and down your spine.
  652. >Your tongues restart the battle for supremacy, and this time she wins.
  653. >”Nyaa~!”
  654. “Gahh!”
  655. >She starts to bounce faster and you can feel her walls convulsing.
  656. >You know she's close.
  657. >You know you're close.
  658. >She bounces down one final time, and you both finish.
  659. >She collapses on top of you, and breaks the kiss.
  660. >You hug her tight, and she hugs you tight.
  661. >What a perfect way to end a perfect night.
  662. >She rolls over to the other side of you.
  663. >She's tired.
  664. >She hugs you and falls asleep in your arms, even as you fall asleep in hers.
  666. [Fruitanon]
  668. >You walk back into your room, opening and closing the door behind you, this time remembering to fucking LOCK it.
  669. >You plop your ass down on the couch, and stare at the T.V In Front of you.
  670. >You become vaguely aware of the Purple unicorn sitting next to you, attempting to dissect the remote..
  671. >You take the remote from her, flicking the TV on, and started playing the guessing game.
  672. >Whatever just came on, it just started.
  673. >Lets see what this is.
  674. >[YouTube] Springtime for Hitler - The Musical (embed)
  675. >Oh….god.
  676. >You’re...Conflicted by this.
  677. >It’s like /pol/ was told to make a Musical.
  678. >Twilight is Unfazed by it.
  679. >Then again, Ponies don’t know about Hitler.
  680. >’Ohh! A Musical! Can we watch Fruity?!’
  681. ‘Sure, I’m fine with it? I’m just gonna…. Sit here.’
  682. >You reach into your bowl and Pull a vine of Grapes out, your vision pleasantly dimming your Vision.
  683. >’Hey Fruity, Who is *Hitler*?’
  684. ‘Nobody important, Twilight, just watch the movie.’
  685. >You tune out the noises, slowly falling asleep beside Twilight.
  686. >You wake up again to Twilight, shouting excitedly.
  687. >’That was Amazing Fruity! They covered every single detail about the creation and even the live time drying speed of Paint!’
  688. ‘Wha….How long has it been?’
  689. >’Oh, Only a few hours...’
  690. >You plop the vine of Grapes back in your bowl, and stare at Twilight.
  691. ‘That really was hell programing, wasn’t it?’
  692. >’It wasn’t THAT bad….’
  693. ‘You watched paint dry for 3 hours, Twi. You are something Special.’
  694. >’But don’t you like that?’
  695. ‘Corse I do Twiggy. Now come on, let’s go to bed.
  696. >’But you just slept for 3 hours..’
  697. ‘You clearly don’t know how much I value sleep after the tower, do you?’
  698. >’No….’
  699. >You get up, grabbing the Purple Pony Princess, and walk into the bedroom.
  701. >You think about throwing her on the bed, after saying about how she should fly to the Castle, but you think otherwise.
  702. >’Are we gonna do Things on the be~’
  703. ‘Later.’
  704. >You throw yourself down onto the bed, Twilight having to pull the covers over you, mainly because of a lack of will power.
  705. >’When is *Later?*
  706. ‘Some time tomorrow. Now go to sleep.’
  707. >’But I wanna do it nooow….’
  708. ‘I will throw you back out onto that tower field unless you stop the shit.’
  709. >That got her to stop.
  710. >She snuggles into your arms, meeting no resistance from you.
  711. >You hug her tightly, and let sleep take you into the void.
  712. >Wait, you’re already in the void.
  713. >Whatever.
  715. >You are Fruity.
  716. >You just woke up from your sleep,Twilight still bundled in your arms, the cutest little smile on her face.
  717. >You D’aww internally, and have the split second thought of getting up.
  718. >You look back at Twilights sleeping form, and mentally slap yourself for even thinking of that.
  719. >Twilight stirs in her sleep and lets out a cute little yawn.
  720. >Heart status: Muh muh.
  721. >Your thoughts drift back into the deepest pits of your mind.
  722. >What did you do to end up here, In a hotel in hell, waiting for the Ride to start back up again?
  723. >Oh yeah, you became a fruit.
  724. >Good times.
  725. >You slowly take one of your arms away from her, and use it to rub her belly again.
  726. >Pony fur had the texture of baby lion fur, you thought.
  727. >You think back to that wave.
  728. >You have a mutual hatred for hybrids now, that little fucker.
  729. >Another stir from Twilight.
  730. >Well, all good things must come to an end...
  731. >”Mhhmmhh”
  732. >She slowly opens her eyes, fluffing out her wings and tickling you a bit in the process.
  733. >Looks like she's awake.
  734. >”Mhh.. ...Fruity?”
  735. “Morning sleepyhoers. Slept well?”
  736. >You ruffle her fur a bit more, her rewarding you with a giggle.
  737. >’Sure did. You really are comfy, you know?’
  738. ‘I try, Twilight.’
  739. >She stretches, turning to face you and snuggling closer.
  740. >’Hey, what time is it?’
  742. Half past Eternal Flame, why do you ask?’
  743. >’Oh no reason. Just wanted to know when we could get to the more…*Intresting* things again.
  744. ‘Fine….once I wake up. but don’t ask me why it tastes like fruit.’
  745. >’Why does what taste like fruit?’
  746. ‘Gee, what do you think?’
  747. >You roll your eye- he- Bowl at her, watching the Imaginary gears click in her head.
  748. >’Oh…..Right. Well, How about we go say hi to...Jay Tee, Then we come back?’
  749. ‘For once, I can agree Sparkles, I’m sure he wouldn't mind a friendly morning visit.
  750. >You take a minute to get your shit together, pull your suit back on, and walk out your door, Twilight in toe.
  751. >’Wouldn’t we be...Intruding?’
  752. ‘Nah, it’s an Earth custom to see your friend the morning after. Besides, I’m sure he’s do-’
  753. >You open the door to JT’s room, unlocked again, probably because of you, and his complete lack of giving a fuck.
  754. >What you saw, will never be erased from the back of your mind again.
  755. >There was Rarity, laying down ontop of him, whilst he was still inside her.
  756. >And the bed…..well, long story short, you felt sorry for the janitor.
  757. >Twilight gets a peek inside, but then immediately pulls her head back, her wings fully expanded with a *POMF*
  758. >You think you see JT’s head jerk around to face you, and you slam the door shut.
  759. >Probably not the smartest idea, but you can’t have him see you.
  761. ‘I think we should go back to our room. Now.’
  762. >’Oh you just read my mind...’
  763. >You hightail it the fuck back to your room, locking the door behind you.
  764. >You look over at Twilight, her sharing a similar fate, only….Her wings are still erect, and….You’re becoming aware of a smell.
  765. >Originating from her.
  766. ‘You….Alright?’
  767. >’Just Peachy, Fruit.’
  768. ‘You’re...Dripping a bit down there. You get off to watching ponies do it?’
  769. >’What!? no! It’s a biological reaction to seeing a mating display! It sends other mated mares into a state of Heat, which in turn-’
  770. ‘Yeah Yeah yeah, I Get it. Is now *The time?*
  771. >’YES! Er I mean..yes.’
  772. ‘Alright, Come on then.’
  773. >You pick her up, holding her in the cradle position, and walk toward the bedroom.
  774. >’You don’t seem quite as conflicted by this anymore...’
  775. ‘Times change, Sweety.’
  776. >You lightly toss her onto the bed, then start to take off your suit. Can't have it ruined this time.
  777. >Twilight sits there in anticipation, as you finally take off your left sock, and plop down on the bed next to her.
  779. >You take a moment to just stare into those beautiful Amethyst orbs of hers, she apparently not having the same idea.
  780. >The second you show weakness, she lunges for you, wrapping herself around you, and setting her lips against yours.
  781. >You didn't put up any fight, and played right in along with her.
  782. >Where you would usually expect fur in the area, there was none. Matter of fact, she was softer then fur, but without it.
  783. >To say this was turning you on would be a slight understatement, as you were already half erect.
  784. >You and Twilight continue this tongue wrestling for a bit longer, right up until she notices your Fruitsicle in it’s chains.
  785. >She uses her magic to rip off your boxers, and turns around completely, leaving you exposed to her, and vice versa.
  786. ‘Ya know, I Always wondered what pony tasted like….’
  787. >Twilight plunges down on you, emitting a slight moan.
  788. >As much as you would think otherwise, she knew what she was doing.
  789. >Her maw wraps around you, like a warm, Velvety mace.
  790. >And motherfucker, does it feel good.
  791. >She starts to coil her tongue around you, sending pleasure up and down your spine.
  792. >You move your hands to the top of her head, and start to force her head up and down.
  793. >Not shortly after, Twilight has adjusted to you, her soft lips move painfully slow on your shaft.
  794. >Your eyes are bulging, your breath is hot and heavy
  795. >Pretty much panting
  796. >Your close to your edge.
  797. >But you sharpen your resolve
  798. >You want to see Twilight lying on the ground,
  799. >Staring at you with eyes full of lust,
  800. >Moaning in pleasure as you slam into her over and over
  801. >The mental picture helps, as you get the idea.
  802. >You give Twilight a long, tender lick across her second lips.
  804. >She moans while you’re still inside her, sending the vibrations across you.
  805. >It nearly sends you over the edge, but you know better.
  806. >You’re not some 5 line Chump, no sir!
  807. >You slowly dig your tongue inside her, feeling every bump, Crevice, and soaked area of the inners of Twilight.
  808. >Surprisingly enough, She tasted like some kind of berry, if no a Mix of them.
  809. >Raspberry and Blackberry, One of those.
  810. >You’re interrupted by Twilight, Magically levitating you up, and forcing you back down on the bed.
  811. >’No more Foreplay! Just Do it!’
  812. >You take a moment to realise whats going on, as she presents herself to you.
  813. >Oooh. Well, guess you do as well.
  814. >You have no hesitation as you lift Twilight's lower body slightly up and slide into her rapidly winking marehood.
  815. >Its feeling is indescribable, aside from pleasure.
  816. >You feel her milking you, Like a sucking motion on Anon Jr.
  817. >It’s almost too much.
  818. >Almost.
  819. >You start to slowly thrust in and out of her, Each time forcing yourself in faster.
  820. >You hear Twilight mumble your name every time you hilt.
  821. >Her liquids are seeping out of her, and onto the bed, and you in turn.
  822. >All this at once, and a familiar Tingle starts to build up, as you’re unable to deny it again.
  823. ‘T...Twilight, Giving you a He-’
  824. >’Inside! Do it Inside!’
  825. ‘If you-say-so!’
  826. >You grab her by the Hips, Pushing and Pulling in and out, as forceful as you could.
  827. >You can contain yourself no longer, as you Push yourself inside her, Painting her insides white.
  828. >She screams in pleasure, coming to a same conclusion, giving in under you.
  829. >You pull out of her, and gently lay down next to the….Already fast asleep again Pony.
  830. >Fuckers must have a lot taken out of them during that.
  831. >You stare at the ceiling, basking in the afterglow.
  832. >Man, the staff here are going to hate you and JT for a while.
  834. [JT]
  836. >Be JT.
  837. >Be happily asleep.
  838. >Still inside that sweet dress horse.
  839. >All of a sudden you're jolted from your sleep.
  840. >*POMF*
  842. >Your head snaps to the door just as it slams shut.
  843. >Oh Fuck.
  844. >Rarity jumps up, separating the two of you.
  845. >”Oh my!”
  846. >Who was that.
  847. >Was it Satan?
  848. >Couldn't be.
  849. >Probably wasn't Lawsman either.
  850. >Maybe it was a kinky skeleton with a camera?
  851. >Most likely not.
  852. >You get up, pull on some pants, and go to the door.
  853. >You open it up, and look around.
  854. >Nothing is out of place.
  855. >Aside from one thing.
  856. >You look down at your feet and find stains.
  857. >Crouching down, you drag a finger through the dark spots on the carpet, and taste.
  858. >Grape juice.
  859. >This could mean only one thing.
  860. >Fucking
  861. >Fruitanon.
  863. >You look back at Rarity.
  864. >Her eyes are watering, and her bottom lip is quivering.
  865. “Hey, hey, it's alright. It was only Fruitanon. He won't tell anyone.”
  866. >”I… I suppose so… I need some time...”
  867. >She lets her head drop, and walks to the bathroom.
  868. >Muh heart.
  869. >Muh Feelz.
  870. >I have to avenge her.
  871. >I will not stop until fruitanon's waifu is driven to tears.
  872. >Or suicide…
  873. >No, tears will do.
  874. “I swear, I will have my REVENGE!” You cry out to the heavens.
  875. >Now… How to start…
  877. >You have your position. This shit sure is strange.
  878. “Thanks Lyra! I think I can handle it from here.”
  879. >”No problemo, Jay. Just don't forget our deal!”
  880. “Yeah, yeah. 10 minutes belly rub. Hey, you're sure that isn't like, cheating?”
  881. >”Uhh, Yep! Absolutely!”
  882. >Good 'nuff.
  883. >She walks back into the hotel and out of your sight.
  884. >You raise the camera up to your eye.
  885. >Lucky one of the corpses in the extra rooms used to be a photographer.
  886. >You zoom in and find exactly what you're looking for.
  887. >Fruitanon lying naked next to Twilight. Perfect.
  888. >You snap a picture and use the incantation Lyra told you to bring you down.
  889. >You must have said something wrong though, because instead of going down, you go forwards. straight into Fruitanon's window.
  890. >SHIT
  891. >You quickly recite it again, and do it right this time, stopping just an inch or two from Fruit's window.
  892. >You slowly levitate down, and touch the ground.
  893. >That was close.
  894. >Now you go onto phase 2 of your plan.
  896. ”Excuse me, miss?”
  897. >You wave down a passing mare.
  898. >”Yes?”
  899. >She has a cream colored coat, and a double colored mane.
  900. >One side is blue, the other pink.
  901. “I was just wondering if I could get your picture? I'm making a… calendar of sorts.”
  902. >Her eyes widen in surprise.
  903. >”Me? Modeling for a calendar? Why… Sure!”
  904. “Perfect! Come with me.”
  905. >You head to one of the unused rooms and instruct her to lie down on the bed, like she was sleeping.
  906. >”Huh, that's odd. But I'm not one to judge!”
  907. >She lies down on the bed, and you snap the picture.
  908. >Everything is coming together indeed!
  909. >You head back to your room, this time remembering to lock the door.
  910. >You sit down at your computer and start working.
  911. >30 minutes later you're done.
  912. >This is glorious.
  914. >A perfectly spliced picture of Fruitanon and Bon-Bon.
  915. >Twilight will think he's been sleeping around.
  916. >As soon as he Fruit leaves for an extended period of time, you can talk to Twilight and show her this picture.
  917. >You'll tell her the truth later, but you want that FruitFag to know what it feels like to see his horse wife in tears.
  918. >All of the sudden you notice something off.
  919. >You haven't seen nor heard Rarity.
  920. >And that's certainly not right for Rarity.
  921. >You look around, and notice a note outside the bathroom.
  923. >This note is to Mr JT,
  924. >Large amounts of alcohol have been ordered and delivered to this room, and your current arangements do not cover such expenses. Please see management in order to pay off the full price of these beverages.
  926. >You certainly didn't order any, and you don't think Rarity is much of a drinker.
  927. >Then everything clicks.
  928. >The paper falls out of your hand and you knock violently on the bathroom door.
  929. “RARITY!”
  930. >No answer.
  931. “Fuck!”
  932. >You decide you need to get in there. Now.
  933. >You back up, and brace your shoulder.
  934. >You ram into the door, breaking the lock out, and enter the bathroom
  935. >There you find Rarity on the floor.
  936. >Along with several empty beer bottles.
  937. >And Prescription pill bottles
  938. “No… No no NO!”
  939. >You scream to anyone listening.
  940. >This just so happened to be Fruitanon, roused by your screaming.
  941. >He knocks on the door in the front room.
  942. >”You alright? JT?!”
  943. “Is Twilight out there?”
  944. >”Yeah why does it-”
  945. “Tell her to go back to your apartment. Now.
  946. >”Twilight…”
  947. >”I have a right to know!”
  949. >You've never roared like you just did.
  950. >But you had to.
  951. >There's a pause, and Twilight walks away.
  952. >You can hear her close the door.
  953. >”JT, tell me everything is alright.”
  954. >You run to the door, unlock it, and open it.
  955. >You can tell he's mad that you yelled at Twilight like you did, but knows you had to have done it for a reason.
  956. >”Man… you need to calm down. You look like you've seen a ghost. Or 20 of them. Where's Rarity?
  957. She always seems to calm you down.
  958. >You can't hold it in anymore.
  959. >Tears now flow freely, and Fruitanon is shaken.
  960. “I… I need your help. Now.”
  961. >You lead him to the bathroom and let him inside.
  962. >His usually stoic demeanor changes in an instant.
  963. >He gasps and grabs the doorway for support.
  964. >”Oh my fucking god.
  965. “Call the Emergency Services. Whatever you can find. Quickly! I… Need to stay here. With her.”
  966. >He nods, and runs out the door.
  968. [FRUITANON]
  970. >Be Fruitanon
  971. >Also be running back into your room, violently opening the door, and picking up the dial phone.
  972. >Your hands are so shaky that it takes a few re-dials to punch in the number, but you get it.
  973. >The phone line rings a few times, before a male voice picks up, Sounding calm as so they would’ve been trained.
  974. >’Hello, this is 119, What’s your emergency?
  975. ‘W...We have an Attempted Suicide! Well, Im not sure if it is but, She's unconscious, On the floor!’
  976. >’Sir, do you have any hints as to what may have happened?’
  977. ‘Umm….There was bottles of Alcohol on the floor, and Non-prescription medication. We’re in Hell resorts, Floor 69, the Penthouse!’
  978. >’An Emergency team has responded and is In-Route Sir, 5 minutes.’
  979. >Twilight rushes into the room, right as you hang up the phone.
  980. >’What happened!?’
  981. ‘It’s Rarity, She’s hurt.’
  982. >’Well call for help!’
  983. ‘I Just did, We gotta hold out for a bit though.’
  984. >’Well, is there anything we can do!?’
  985. ‘Afraid not. Something with Chemicals that when combined, makes something deadly. Like when they tried to convince me how to make crystals.’
  986. >So you and Twilight wait, in constant worry.
  987. >The Sirens didn’t really help, nor the crunching of boots, nor the sobbing JTs.
  988. >You follow closely behind, but simply stay in the Hotel with Twilight once JT Leaves with the Team.
  989. >From what you hear, Hell has a diverse spices acceptance, so you think you made the right choice calling 911 over the vet.
  990. >And suicide must be a common occurrence in hell….Right?
  991. >Right?
  992. >Well, all you can do is hope.
  993. >You fall back into the couch, Twilight hopping into your lap, and fall asleep.
  994. >You can only Imagine the shit Jt’s going through right now.
  996. >You wake up again to the Hotel room, aggressively ringing at you.
  997. >You take a moment to think about answering it, but then hear who's calling.
  998. >You get Twilight off of you in the most peaceful way possible, and sprint like shit to the Phone, picking it up on the third ring.
  999. ‘Hello?’
  1000. >’Yes, is this room 83, Hell Hotels?’
  1001. ‘That's the number.’
  1002. >’This is Hell ER Administration. We’ve called to tell you that your friend and her Human have made a complete recovery.’
  1003. >You’re filled with relief at the statement.
  1004. >’Oh, and no worries of the payment. It’s a rare opportunity that Satan himself comes to check upon a patient, especially a case so common as Attempted suicide.’
  1005. >Satan visited JT and Rarity? Odd…
  1006. >’Oh, and one other thing. One mister Lews...Man…. requested to see you, JT, And *those horses the fuckers had* on floor 15. Somethin bout a…..Promotion.’
  1007. ‘Ok and thanks for everything.’
  1008. >’No problem sir, Good day.’
  1009. >Click.
  1010. ‘Well Twilight, looks like we got a few stops to make...’
  1012. >Be the Banana Phone.
  1013. >Also be standing directly outside the door to Rarity's room with Twilight.
  1014. >Neglecting the warning of the nurse, you step inside, Seeing JT Hugging a bedridden Rarity.
  1015. >Everyone in the room was deathly silent, except for Rarity's quiet sobs.
  1016. >’It’s just that...I Miss her...So much….’
  1017. >You cough, getting their attention.
  1018. >’Fruity! Glad you came for us!’
  1019. >JT Emerges from his pile, walking up toward you, and giving you a Broly hug.
  1020. >’Now, what can I do for my main man and second main horse?’
  1021. ‘Well, we got a call from Lawman, and he needs to see us all. Something *Urgent*. Can you come with us?’
  1022. >’We Can’t exactly ignore Lawsman, can we?.....Fine, I Guess I’ll carry Rarity.’
  1023. >’I’m perfectly able to walk myself, JT...’
  1024. >He ignores her, Picking up his Rarara, much to her own displeasement.
  1025. >’So, where we headed?’
  1027. >Be Fruity And Co.
  1028. >As the elevator doors open, you're met with the sight you’re all too familiar with.
  1029. >’The Horsefuckers….You’ve caused quite the scene here in hell already….And I gotta say, We’re loving it!’
  1030. >Lawsman turns around to face you, sitting in a spinny chair.
  1031. ‘What did you call us here for, Lawsie?’
  1032. >’Well, I’ll make it short and sweet for you, Fruitbasket.’
  1033. >He leans down onto the table.
  1034. >’Hells become a bit….Too hectic for Satan with you all here, and with recent events, Me and him have come to a better….Agreement for you.’
  1035. >He Rummages around through his desk, Eventually coming up with a few papers.
  1036. >’Tell me, when you said you wanted to go to Equestria, did you ever think you would actually get there?’
  1037. >JT Speaks up.
  1038. >’Wait, are you actually saying that...’
  1039. >’Yes Sir. You sign these papers, you boys go to magical horse land. BUT, no system is without its...Kinks.’
  1040. ‘What...Kinks?’
  1041. >’Well Fruity, we have Two options for you. You keep your memories from here at Hell resort, but every moment of your lives there will be Televised to the citizens of Hell.
  1042. >You’re not a fan of being watched….
  1043. >’Option B, You forget all about your horse friends, but you and your Drink related friend there get sent to the Everfree, With the Anti Climactic chase scene from every AIE story. After that, we leave you alone until Dungeon starts.’
  1044. >You take a moment to look at JT and think.
  1045. >You could actually go to Horseland?
  1046. >You look around the room, At Twilight, then back to Lawsman.
  1047. >’Well Fruit Tart, Jay Tea, what's it gonna be?’
  1049. [JT]
  1051. >Be heartbroken.
  1052. >Rarity just tried to kill herself, and you're sitting on the floor, hugging her limp body close.
  1053. >There are still faint wisps of air leaving her open mouth.
  1054. “Why… why...”
  1055. >You can hear heavy boots running down the hallway.
  1056. >The paramedics enter the room, pick her up, put her on their stretcher, and run back the way they came.
  1057. >You run after them, not caring at this point whether or not it's against the rules.
  1058. >Fruitanon follows for the while you're in the hotel, but breaks off after you and the team leave via ambulance.
  1059. >You get to the hospital about 3 minutes later, and they roll her into the emergency room.
  1060. >You're denied entry to wherever they head after wards.
  1061. >You sit in the chair, and cry silently into your hands.
  1062. >You haven't cried like this since…
  1063. >Well, since your past life, when your grandfather died.
  1064. >Not when the muscle man killed Freddy and you had to stay with him to hear his last words.
  1065. >Not when half of the party got one hit on floor 25.
  1066. >Not even when you almost killed 2 people and yourself on the first action since entering the tower.
  1067. >You end up falling asleep in between tears and memories.
  1068. >You're woken up by a doctor.
  1069. >”Are you… JT? Caretaker of one Rarity?
  1070. “Y-yes. Is she alright?”
  1071. >”Well...”
  1072. >No
  1073. >She can't be…
  1074. >”She's… made a full recovery!”
  1075. >Fuck this bitch.
  1076. “Well, can I see her then?”
  1077. >”Of course! Right this way.”
  1080. [FRUITANON]
  1082. >You and JT Exchange nervous glances.
  1083. >And you make your decision.
  1084. ‘What happens to our friends, We choose B?’
  1085. >’Well….They get sent to their own personal Heavens. Or, as you like to call them *Equestrian Worlds*. After a point in time, I throw in a way to communicate with them, but...I Get to use that to beta test all my Great new creatures to use in the dungeon. Oh! and you get your memories back, over time.’
  1086. >Our friends get to go as well? Well, that settles it. We’ll take-
  1087. ‘B. Option B.’
  1088. >Lawsman slides the papers toward to you, and after carefully reading it, you sign your name at the bottom, along with JT.’
  1089. >’Marvelous Gentlemen! the effect shall take effect the next time you fall asleep. Now, I’ll see you all in He- Oh, silly me...We’re already in hell!’
  1090. >With his ranting over, you, Twilight, JT and his Rarity step into the Elevator, for the last time.
  1091. >’I Hope you enjoyed your stay in New Jersey!’
  1092. >You all return to JT’s room, his being the most recently cleaned.
  1093. ‘So….Let this be our last Supper.’
  1094. >JT Elbows you in the side
  1095. >’Oh, don’t say it like that. You make it sound like we’re never seeing them again!’
  1096. >’JT is right, darling, you make it sound so grave. We’ll see each other in Equestria! Just like how I’ll see my little Sister again….’
  1097. >Twilight nuzzled against you affectionately, and you Da’wwd internally.
  1098. >’And you get to meet my BBBBFF!’’
  1099. ‘Oh, the Family...Right.’
  1100. >’What? Something wrong Fruity?’
  1101. ‘No, It's fine...I’m just gonna miss you.’
  1102. >You pick up Twilight and hug her, Manly grape juice dripping down your face.’
  1103. >As you let go of Twilight, You start to hear what sounds like...cups, being hit to a Rhythm.
  1104. ‘You’re singing aren't you?’
  1105. [YouTube] (Cups) You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone - Lyrics (embed)
  1106. ‘Fuck...’
  1109. >Twilight grabs your attention, while grabbing a picture of you and her, ever so conveniently left by JT after his failed blackmail attempt.
  1110. >’I got my ticket for the short way 'round’
  1111. >She points to Rarity.
  1112. >And my best friend to lead the way!’
  1113. >She walks back over to you, hoofs beating to the rhythm.
  1114. >’And I sure would like some sweet company’
  1115. >She leans on you, staring you in the eyes.
  1116. >’Guaranteed from my Arrival on that day!’
  1117. ‘Where did you even hear this song from?’
  1118. >’When We’re gone…. When we’re gone...’
  1119. >’You’re gonna miss us when we’re gone!’
  1120. >’You’re gonna miss me by mane, You’re gonna miss me by this face oh, You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone...’
  1122. >As uch as you hate the song, she has made a point in it, and with a great voice to boot.
  1123. >She signals a hoof to you, wanting you to take up the song.
  1124. ‘Ugh fine….’
  1125. >You shamble over to the center of the room.
  1126. ‘I've got my ticket for the long way 'round’
  1127. ‘The one with the best of all the views!’
  1128. ‘It's got mountains, it's got rivers,’
  1129. >You whisper into her ear
  1130. ‘It's got sights to give you shivers’
  1131. >You back away again, continuing in your normal voice.
  1132. ‘But It’d sure as Hell be prettier with you!’
  1133. >You force JT to stand up again, and sing with you.
  1134. ‘When We’re gone’
  1135. >JT Punches you in the side
  1136. ‘When We’re gone’
  1137. >You stare at him, with a look that screams *Shut up I know…*
  1138. ‘You're gonna miss us when We’re gone’
  1139. ‘You're gonna miss us by our hair’
  1140. >You shove JT Back over to Rarity.
  1141. ‘You're gonna miss us by our stare, oh’
  1142. ‘You're gonna miss us when We’re gone’
  1143. >You sit back down, next to Twilight.
  1144. ‘Never...Make me sing in Hell….Again.’
  1146. >’So Equestria is fine?’
  1147. ‘We’ll see.’
  1148. >Twilight Hops up, as if she had just remembered something important.
  1149. >She leaves the room, coming back a moment later, holding something with her magic.
  1150. >‘I...Want you to have this...Something to remember me by.’
  1151. >She placed the object in your hand, and just from looking at it, you had no idea what it was.
  1152. ‘I’ll miss you….Twilight.’
  1153. >You noticed that JT and Rarity were no longer in the same room, most likely off doing something else.
  1154. >You hug her one last time, taking her in your arms, and carrying her back into your room.
  1155. >You both fall down onto the bed, and simply hold each other, fighting off sleep until you can no longer, as the last day in Hell comes to an end.
  1157. >Be...You don’t remember your name.
  1158. >You think it had something to do with…
  1159. >Oh, right.
  1160. >Be Fruitanon.
  1161. >You just woke up, alongside some other guy….
  1162. >JT. His name is JT.
  1163. >On some Wide open Field.
  1164. >You get up, and take in the scenery around you
  1165. >It looked….Peaceful, And kinda Cartoonish.
  1166. >Like…..
  1167. ‘No.Fucking.Way…..
  1168. >You gently shake JT awake, and watch him come to the same realization moments later.
  1169. >’Fruity….That you?’
  1170. ‘Dude, We’re in…...I Can’t even fucking begin here.’
  1171. >’Horseland?’
  1172. ‘YOU KNOW IT!’
  1173. >He springs up and hugs you, laughing like a madman.
  1174. >’How the fuck are we here!?’
  1175. >Ihavenoidea.jpg.
  1177. >Be JT
  1178. >Be in motherfucking horseland!
  1179. >You don't know how but you are, and Fruity is with you.
  1180. >Now, how to go about your horsefucking escapades.
  1181. >”Oh my lord...” You hear a voice to your right.
  1182. >Looks like your answer found you itself.
  1183. >A mint green pony looks at you two in horror.
  1184. >”It's okay, we're friends!” Says Fruitanon quickly.
  1185. >She shakes her head and her horn flares up.
  1186. >Her magic envelops your leg.
  1187. >Oshit.jpg
  1188. >All of the sudden your leg snaps in an awkward direction.
  1190. >Your leg is broken. No, your leg is fucking obliterated.
  1191. >You let manly tears slide down your face as you glare at the pone.
  1192. >Fukkin' bitch.
  1193. >Her magic envelops both of you, and you float off the ground.
  1194. >She takes you with her for about 10 minutes of running, until you see ponyville on the horizon.
  1195. >Oh good. Twilight will see you mean no harm and let you go free!
  1196. >Mint Hoers takes you into the massive castle at the center of the town, and lets you in.
  1197. >She brings you through the castle, until she races through a massive doorway.
  1198. >Through it are your prime targets.
  1199. >Dress horse.
  1200. >Book horse.
  1201. >Animal horse.
  1202. >Sport horse.
  1203. >Party horse.
  1204. >Appul horse.
  1206. >”Princess! I found these things …. lurking just outside the town!”
  1207. >Book horse looks up at you and her eyes widen with terror.
  1208. >”Holy Celestia, what are those things? Enlarged monkeys?”
  1209. “Ya know, you could just ask us.”
  1210. >”They talk!” Shouts Twilight, jumping back in her throne.
  1211. >Fruitanon looks unimpressed.
  1212. >”You never thought to try asking us?”
  1213. >”I'm sorry it's just… Wow. New species haven't been discovered in Equestria for ages, much less ones that understand Equestrian. Let them down, Lyra.”
  1214. “NO! PLEASE!”
  1215. >Your calls go unheeded as they drop you directly on your newly broken leg.
  1217. >They're shocked by your language, particularly Rarity.
  1218. >”Oh my...”
  1219. >Twilight addresses you.
  1220. >”Wow. That's some… Colorful language. What's wrong?”
  1221. “She broke my leg when she saw me, and then the bitch just DROPPED me on it!”
  1222. >Lyra snorts.
  1223. >”No need to be rude.”
  1225. >She looks away.
  1226. >Twilight takes control of your leg with her magic and repositions all your bones.
  1227. >”Better?”
  1228. “M-much better. Sorry about all the… Y'know.”
  1229. >Everyone accepts the apology.
  1230. >Except Rarity.
  1231. >She just looks down at the floor and says nothing.
  1233. >Twilight perks up.
  1234. >”Now, I'd love to speak with you two about your species, but I think your friend might need a little bit of rest. So for now, just you, with the Fruit on his head, you come with me.”
  1235. >Fruitanon looks at you and winks.
  1236. >Well, as best as he can with no eyes.
  1237. >He nods at Twilight.
  1238. >”Excellent! And I'll have a room in the castle set aside for you two. Hope you don't mind sharing a bed...”
  1239. >Fruitanon leans down to you and whispers in your ear.
  1240. >”It's not gay if the dicks don't touch.”
  1241. “Agreed. Do we accept her rooming agreements?”
  1242. >”We don't have much of a choice now, do we?”
  1243. “Good point. We accept your offer, princess.”
  1244. >”Great! Now if you'll just follow Mary, she'll show you to your room.”
  1245. “Alrighty then. See ya, Fruits.”
  1246. >”See ya.”
  1247. >With that you follow the maid Twilight pointed out to you to your room and collapse on your bed.
  1249. [FRUITANON]
  1251. >Be Fruitanon.
  1252. >You’re following Best Ho- Sorry. Bookhorse.
  1253. >Down a hallway, into something that looks like a crossover between an Interrogation room and a Library.
  1254. >’Please, take a seat….Fruitanonymous was it?’
  1255. ‘Just Fruity, Fruitanon, or any pun relating to fruit.’
  1256. >She chuckles a bit, and you take a seat in the chair before you.
  1257. >’So….what exactly ARE you?’
  1258. >She sits in the chair opposite to you, Levitating a notepad and quill up.
  1259. ‘Well, It’s a bit of a long story, but we’re called Humans.’
  1260. >’I’ve got time.’
  1261. >You go full Wikipedia mode.
  1262. ‘Modern humans (Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens sapiens) are the only extant members of the hominin clade (or human clade), a branch of the great apes; they are characterized by erect posture and bipedal locomotion, manual dexterity and increased tool use, and a general trend toward larger, more complex brains and societies.’
  1263. >She starts furiously scribbling things down’
  1264. ‘Early hominins—particularly the australopithecines, whose brains and anatomy are in many ways more similar to ancestral non-human apes—are less often referred to as "human" than hominins of the genus Homo. Some of the latter used fire, and gave rise to anatomically modern Homo sapiens in Africa about 200,000 years ago. They began to exhibit evidence of behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago, and migrated in successive waves to occupy all but the smallest, driest, and coldest lands.
  1266. In the last 100 years, this has extended to permanently manned bases in Antarctica, offshore platforms, and to orbiting the Earth.
  1267. The spread of humans and their large and increasing population has had a profound impact on large areas of the environment and millions of native species worldwide. Advantages that explain this evolutionary success include a relatively larger brain with a particularly well-developed neocortex, prefrontal cortex and temporal lobes, which enable high levels of abstract reasoning, language, problem solving, sociality, and culture through social learning. Humans use tools to a much higher degree than any other animal, are the only extant species known to build fires and cook their food, as well as the only extant species to clothe themselves and create and use numerous other technologies and arts.’
  1268. >She becomes entranced by your words, forgetting the notebook completely.
  1269. >You take a deep breath.
  1270. ‘Humans are uniquely adept at utilizing systems of symbolic communication (such as language and art) for self-expression and the exchange of ideas, and for organizing themselves into purposeful groups. Humans create complex social structures composed of many cooperating and competing groups, from families and kinship networks to political states. Social interactions between humans have established an extremely wide variety of values,social norms, and rituals, which together form the basis of human society. Curiosity and the human desire to understand and influence the environment and to explain and manipulate phenomena (or events) has provided the foundation for developing science, philosophy, mythology, religion, anthropology, and numerous other fields of knowledge.’
  1271. There. You all earned something today.
  1274. >She pulls the notebook back up, scribbling down, breaking more than one quill in the process.
  1275. ‘Anything else?’
  1276. >’Nothing that I can take right now...Unless you have personal habits we can adre-’
  1277. ‘Two Humans of the same gender sleeping together is a taboo in our culture, Especially Males.’
  1278. >’Well, there’s not much I can do about that…. we kinda accidentally flooded out the entire guest wing last week...’
  1279. >She shies back down into her chair.
  1280. ‘What do you mean, *Flooded out?*’
  1281. >’Discord kinda…..Filled the guest rooms with Monkey hair. we didn’t know what he meant, but he was running around screaming *We have some new Friends*...’
  1282. ‘Oh well….Ok. I Guess me and JT will be alright.’
  1283. >’But you could always….Actually, no. You probably wouldn’t agree to it.’
  1284. ‘Oh, I can be rather agreeing. Go ahead.’
  1285. >She avoids eye contact with you, looking anywhere in the room but at you.
  1286. >’You could sleep in my room….Not on the Bed though! We have Sleeping bags!’
  1287. ‘Oh….Alright then. I’ve had worse.’
  1288. >’O….key? What do you mean by that?’
  1289. ‘Another story for another time. But it involves standing under a waterfall.’
  1290. >’That sounds Interesting! Did you-!?’
  1291. ‘Waking up in the middle of a field in the afternoon, Watching a talking horse breaking your best friends leg, and telling a Unicorn your Species story sounds like a bit much for one day, don’t you think?’
  1292. >She looks disappointed, but nods anyway.
  1293. ‘So do I just follow you or?’
  1294. >’Yeah. But I would tell your...Tea friend that you’re with me. He wouldn’t want to be worried!’
  1295. ‘Oh, JT’s a Hard little one, He’ll be fine.’
  1296. >’If you say so!’
  1297. >She gets up out of the chair, Grabbing you in a Magical Grasp, Much to your dismay.
  1298. ‘Hey! What's the idea!?’
  1299. >’This is the most productive way take you around, seeing as you have no memory of the Castle.’
  1300. ‘But it’s degrading….’
  1301. >’Don’t Care!’
  1303. >You eventually end up in a room, being lightly set down on the floor, next to a pile of bundle of blankets and a Pillow.’
  1304. >‘It’s going to be just like my book on opposite sex Slumber Parties!’
  1305. >She walks out of the main room, into something you assume is a Wardrobe.
  1306. ‘Not everything is just like the book, Tw-’
  1307. >You’re stopped mid-sentence, as Twilight comes back into the room, Wearing socks, carrying a worn out looking horse doll.
  1308. >’I’m back. Sorry, I Just always put these on before Be- Why does everypony look at my Like that when I Go to bed?! Is it Mr. Smartypants?!’
  1309. ‘No No! You look fine Twilight, Not the doll either. You just...If you don’t mind me saying so, You look good.’
  1310. >She blushes, looking away from you.
  1311. >’Well….Don’t say that to anypony else...’
  1312. ‘Sure Twilight, Sure.’
  1313. >’What about all the other stuff the Sleepover guide says to do? Like telling ghost stories, Or making S'mores? O-!’
  1314. ‘Maybe some other time, I’m just...Tired.’
  1315. >’Fine….but you’re going to tell me more about Hooman history in the morning to make up for that!’
  1316. ‘Human* and sure.’
  1317. >She hops into her bed, as you cover yourself in your little pillow nest.
  1318. >’Goodnight, Fruitanon….’
  1319. ‘Goodnight, Twilight.’
  1320. >As you try to get to sleep, you become aware of something inside your pocket.
  1321. >You pull it out and see….A Pocket book?
  1322. >Looks like it has Writing inside it as well.
  1323. >Something to look into in the Morning, you suppose.
  1324. >You set it to your side, and fall asleep.
  1325. >Unaware of the title of the book, *My Time with Fruity*.
  1327. >Be Fruity.
  1328. >Also be….Warm.
  1329. >Like something soft and fuzzy was squeezing you in it's comforting grasp.
  1330. >Wait….
  1331. >You open your eyes, and as your senses start to realize what's happened, You’re already mid-confusion.
  1332. >Somehow, you weren’t in your blanket pile on the floor, and you were in Twilight’s bed, being used by her as some kinda...body pillow.
  1333. ‘What the...’
  1334. >You attempt to get up, only to realise that doing so would awake the sleeping Alicorn grasping onto you, as such for dear life.
  1335. >Welp, guess your ass ain’t going nowhere.
  1336. >You hear the door open, and your body is paralyzed with fear. and hope.
  1337. >But mostly fear.
  1338. >So it was your pleasant surprise when the door opened to show JT’s shitfaced ass, expression one of surprise.
  1339. >’How the HELL have you gotten this far already?’
  1340. >You shush him, Pointing to the sleeping Twilight.
  1341. >You shout/whisper *Help Me!*
  1342. >’Eh, dude I’m looking for the bathroom, you’re on your own.’
  1343. >He laughs, and closes the door again, leaving you to your imprisonment.
  1344. >That little shit….
  1345. >You wait there for what seems like hours, but in reality, ends out only being a few Minutes, before she starts to stir.
  1346. >’Eh...Wha... ‘
  1347. ‘Hey, Horsey. Wanna explain why you’re holding onto me like a pillow?’
  1349. >Twilight’s eyes open faster than you could say *Magic*.
  1350. >She immediately turns her back to you, letting go and sitting on the opposite edge of the bed in the process.
  1351. >’Oh Celestia…..Fruity, I am so so so so sorry! It’s just tha-’
  1352. ‘Not to get you thinking like that, but I’m sure you had your reasons, all is well.’
  1353. >She calms down a bit at hearing you say this.
  1354. ‘But on the other ha- er, hoof in this case, Why AM I up here?’
  1355. >’Well, it’s a bit of a story, actually….’
  1356. ‘I’m sure we have time.’
  1357. >’Okay….Well, ‘
  1358. >She turns around, staring you in the eyes.
  1359. >Or Wh- know what? Fuck it, you have eyes.
  1360. >’There I was, awake in the dead of night, when I heard you shuffling around, like you were having a Nightmare. You were muttering something about *Getting Dubs* and *Putting your boot up Lawsman's saggy ass* Whatever that meant.’
  1361. >Strange, You didn’t remember your dream, nor ever acting violently toward Lawsman.
  1362. >I Mean sure, he did make you fight against your own Waifu with a reddit user atop her, but all was in the past.
  1363. ‘Go on...’
  1364. >’It was cold in the room and...I couldn’t just leave you like that. So I levitated you up into my bed, I Hugged you, and in your sub conscious state, you accepted it, and Hugged me back.’
  1365. >That’s….actually plausible.
  1366. >’I Thought it was just your mind reacting, not you. I didn’t mean anything like...that. Anyways, I was going to put you back, Honest! You were just so much warmed then Mr.Smartypants, so I….kept you up here, and used you as a body pillow’
  1367. >You smile to yourself, as Twilight cowers slightly.
  1368. >’Please don’t hate me! I’m not a creep!’
  1370. ‘I Know you aren’t, Silly.’
  1371. >She looks genuinely confused by your acceptance.
  1372. >’Huh? but I-’
  1373. ‘One usually responds with Kindness to kindness, Twilight. You did it in good mind, and I have a nasty problem with trustworthiness. In the reverse.’
  1374. >She breathes a sigh of relief, seeming to come a bit closer to you.
  1375. ‘Matter of fact, because you did that, I’ll let you have a request. Anything within my Opposable thumbs power.’
  1376. >’Can we….Hug each other like we were just a bit ago? I Don’t know why, but I like it…..’
  1377. >You can see the faintest trace of a blush on her cheeks.
  1378. >Must be a Pony thing.
  1379. >’A Bit too personal? I understan-’
  1380. >You interrupt her again.
  1381. ‘Not at all. Where I come from, you can’t deny a host’s request.’
  1382. >She happily squees, as she takes no hesitation to Pick you up in a Magical grasp, and attach herself to you.
  1383. ‘Bit more gentle next time...’
  1384. >You roll your eyes, and hug her back, her comforting aura and warmth soaking into you.
  1386. >You and Twilight stay like that for longer than you cared to remember.
  1387. >Like you cared, you were just enjoying the company of another person.
  1388. >Er, pony.
  1389. >And it seemed she felt exactly the same way.
  1390. >Well, more so, You presume.
  1391. >Must’ve been a while since she had the ability to be close to someone like this, her being so willing to take a fruit based stranger into her own bed.
  1392. >Reminded you of yourself kind of. Back in the Tower, everyone mistook you for a shit-eating rotten banana.
  1393. >And they had every right. Until you learned otherwise, all you cared about was being the hero.
  1394. >You train of thought stops, and you look down to the relaxed form of Twilight Sparkle.
  1395. >She nuzzles against you, and you silently *D’aww* to yourself.
  1396. >Your fuzzy enticement is interrupted, by a loud knocking on the door.
  1397. >Twilight becomes startled, and quickly pulls herself above the covers, grabbing a book and shoving you underneath the covers.
  1398. >Twilight responds, her voice sounding irritated, and rushed.
  1399. >’Yes, Who is it?’
  1400. >You hear the door open, and two familiar voices enter.
  1401. >’Darling! We were wondering why you were locked up in this room for hours on end! Honestly we were beginning to worry that the Fruit individual did something to you.’
  1402. >’Hey, Fruity wouldn’t do anything rash to Twilight! Unless she asked him to anyway...’
  1403. >’I’m not going to ask, JT…..’
  1404. >’Oh, I was just catching up on a Novel! Sorry, I lost track of time!
  1406. >’Twilight, you just HAVE to get your head out of those books sometime! Become Social! Meet new Ponies! Maybe even meet a charming young stallion, who would confess his feelings for you under a romantic Candlelit dinner, and take you back to his residence for….*Desert~*’
  1407. >Twilight tenses, Offended,(and from what you can guess, embarrassed) by her statement.
  1408. >’Rarity, the buck?’
  1409. >Rarity gasps, and from what you can guess, fake faints.
  1410. >’Language Twlight!’
  1411. >JT Responds to Rarity.
  1412. >’Nah, Purplesmart’s right on this one, that was a bit creepy.’
  1413. >’Oh, Fine….Just….Finish that there* Novel* Twilight. The rest of the world is waiting for you out here!’
  1414. >You hear the footsteps retreat back into the doorway.
  1415. >’Oh! And if you see Fruity, tell him he has my Congratulations!’
  1416. >The door slams behind them, leaving you and Twilight in the dark again.
  1418. >You feel yourself being magically tugged back above the covers.
  1419. ‘What was THAT?’
  1420. >She sighs, staring you directly in the eyes.
  1421. >’Sorry, Rarity and the other just Play that card every now and then. You get used to it.’
  1422. >You shrug, feeling yourself freed from the megic.
  1423. ‘What was the book you pulled out of thin air to use for an Excuse, anyway?’
  1424. >’Oh, that one you had by your bed. Don’t know how that got there.’
  1425. >Something inside told you that She COULDN’T be allowed to see the title of that book.
  1426. >’What’s this called an- Hey! I was reading that!’
  1427. >You snatch the book from her, shoving it into your pocket.
  1428. ‘Some things are best left unknown. For now.’
  1429. >’Fine….Well, whatever was happening before-
  1430. ‘Cuddletime.’
  1431. >’-Is ruined for now. Come on, they’re expecting us.’
  1432. >You slip out of the bed cover, Tie your shoes back on, and walk out the door with Twilight.
  1433. >Twilight looks back at you, and her eyes widen in...fear?
  1434. >She pushes you back into a seemingly vacant room, and begins to furiously brush you.
  1435. ‘Hey! what are you doing!?’
  1436. >’My fur is stuck all over your suit thing! If you went out there like that, everypony would know that we-’
  1437. >She stops mid-sentence, and stares behind you.
  1438. >You stop arguing for a moment, and turn around to see exactly what frightened her so.
  1439. >The sight causes you the same reaction.
  1440. >Since when the fuck does JT read the Equestrian Neighly on the Toilet?
  1441. >Wait….JT just heard that….
  1442. >You internally Panic.
  1444. [JT]
  1446. >Be JT.
  1447. >Be walking down the halls with Rares.
  1448. >You ran into her while trying to find the bathroom.
  1449. >You have to dump really fucking bad.
  1450. >Luckily, Rarity informed you there was a bathroom in Twilight's room, and that she'd let you use it.
  1451. >Nice.
  1452. >She leads you back to Twi's room and you knock on the door.
  1453. >Because what is JT if not a gentleman?
  1454. >You hear some rustling on the other side of the door, and Twilight calls out to you.
  1455. >”Yes, who is it?”
  1456. >You open the door and step inside, Rarity close behind you.
  1457. >’Darling! We were wondering why you were locked up in this room for hours on end! Honestly we were beginning to worry that the Fruit individual did something to you.’
  1458. >’Hey, Fruity wouldn’t do anything rash to Twilight! Unless she asked him to anyway...’
  1459. >’I’m not going to ask, JT…..’
  1460. >So maybe you made a move or two.
  1461. >’Oh, I was just catching up on a Novel! Sorry, I lost track of time!'
  1462. >’Twilight, you just HAVE to get your head out of those books sometime! Become Social! Meet new Ponies! Maybe even meet a charming young stallion, who would confess his feelings for you under a romantic Candlelit dinner, and take you back to his residence for….*Desert~*’
  1463. >Holy shit.
  1464. >Rarity, you dirty girl…
  1465. >But then Twilight surprises you even further.
  1466. >”Rarity, the buck?”
  1467. >Hory shet she swore!
  1468. >Rarity's eyes widen and she gasps and pretend faints. You catch her lightly, and bounce her back upright.
  1469. >”Language Twilight!”
  1470. “Nah, Purplesmart's right on this one, that was a bit creepy.”
  1471. >”Oh, Fine… Just… Finish that there *Novel*. The rest of the world is waiting for you out here!”
  1472. >Rarity backs out the door and winks at you while you slip into the bathroom.
  1473. >Hey look, the Equestrian Neighly, Could catch up on some current events.
  1475. >”What was THAT?”
  1476. >Was that Fruity? Didn't see him earlier.
  1477. >’Sorry, Rarity and the other just Play that card every now and then. You get used to it.’
  1478. >So it was some sort of joke. Makes sense.
  1479. ‘What was the book you pulled out of thin air to use for an Excuse, anyway?’
  1480. >’Oh, that one you had by your bed. Don’t know how that got there.’
  1481. >’What’s this called an- Hey! I was reading that!’
  1482. ‘Some things are best left unknown. For now.’
  1483. >’Fine….Well, whatever was happening before-
  1484. ‘Cuddletime.’
  1485. >’-Is ruined for now. Come on, they’re expecting us.’
  1486. >Cuddletime? Oh this shit is gold.
  1487. >You hear one of them get up, and Fruitanon opens the door.
  1488. >All of the sudden there's a pause, and the door bursts open and Twilight starts brushing Fruits.
  1489. >Fucking brushing him.
  1490. >‘Hey! what are you doing!?’
  1491. >’My fur is stuck all over your suit thing! If you went out there like that, everypony would know that we-’
  1492. >She locks eyes with you and internally screams.
  1493. >Your pants are still down.
  1494. >Fuck.
  1495. >Fruitanon turns around and sees you and has much the same reaction.
  1497. [FRUITANON]
  1499. >Be Fruitanon.
  1500. >Be relatively clean, and staring at a JT slowly reaching for a pair of pants.
  1501. >JT Speaks up.
  1502. >’We shall never speak of this again. Agreed?’
  1503. ‘Agreed.’
  1504. >’Agreed.’
  1505. >You and Twilight bolt the fuck out of the bathroom, and back into her room.
  1506. >Twilight brushes the last of her fur off of you, as you rerun what the fuck just happened.
  1507. >JT Wouldn’t be a bitch, right?
  1508. >It’s a 50/50. now that you think about it.
  1509. >All you can do is wait, and hope for the best.
  1510. >Oh, and head downstairs, you suppose.
  1511. >Twilight kept saying about how you and JT were supposed to be meeting with *Royal Officials*, two really tall horses, a similar body structure to hers.
  1512. >Celestia and Luna, from what you can guess.
  1513. >You retie your shoes, Adjust your non existent glasses, and step out of the room with Twilight.
  1514. >You walk down the hall, the staircase, and second staircase.
  1515. >Jesus, did this place need to be so big and overcomplicated?
  1516. >I Mean, where the hell even is the D-
  1517. >You find yourself standing in the doorway of the Dining Room, all Twilights friends, and JT waiting for you.
  1518. >You turn and look at JT.
  1519. ‘How the hell did you get here so fast?’
  1520. >’I Took the Elevator….’
  1521. >You slap your hand against your face.
  1522. ‘Important thing is that we’re here, and on relative time.’
  1523. >Rarity corrects you.
  1524. ‘You took about 20 minutes to get here after we began eating, Fruitanonymous.
  1525. >If JT wasn’t standing right there, you would slap that miserable little Time Nazi.
  1526. >You sit down beside JT, Twilight taking a seat next to you.
  1527. >Leaving her only a few 5 seats away from her friends.
  1528. >Didn’t know you could leave an Impression.
  1529. >Twilight grabs something you could compare to a cheeseburger, only with hay replacing the meat, While you take your few modest Fruits.
  1530. >’So…..About this *Rome* place….
  1531. >Here we go again…..
  1533. ‘-And in all Similarities,it’s in relation to the Tower.’
  1534. >Jt’s head snaps to attention at the mention of the word Tower.
  1535. >’What’s the Tower?’
  1536. ‘Well, it wa-’
  1537. >You’re stopped by JT spalling you upside the face.
  1538. >’We promised never to speak of that place again.’
  1539. ‘Since when?’
  1540. >’Since now. At least…..’
  1541. >He Leans over and whispers into your ear.
  1542. >’Not in the presence of the Country's rulers…’
  1543. >You were about to question him, when a deafening trumpet blasted straight outta nowhere.
  1544. >’INTRODUCING THE MONARCHS, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!’
  1545. >You turn to the doors just in time to see two towering figures of horses step through the doorway,being flanked by ponies clad in golden armor.
  1546. >You and JT are magically levitated into the air, and set down directly in front of the Princesses.
  1547. >The taller of the two, Celestia, stares you, then JT in the eyes.
  1548. >’And what exactly is it my little ponies have found?’
  1549. >You continue to remain dead silent, and JT speaks up.
  1550. >’Ello.’
  1551. >Celestia turns too JT, And stares him down.
  1552. >’You had not reported that these creatures were Intelligent, My dear Student.’
  1553. ‘Humans.’
  1554. >Celestia turns to you, eyes locked onto ey- Bowl.
  1555. >’Excuse me?’
  1556. ‘Humans. We’re called Humans.’
  1557. >’Funny, you look quite unique from your associate.’
  1558. ‘Put in the simplest, and most punny terms, It's a Fruity situation, Mamm.’’
  1559. >She grins at you, whispering at a level in which only you could’ve heard her.
  1560. >’It’s been too long since I’ve had humor from a native…’
  1561. >You become confused, as she addresses Twilight and her friends.
  1562. >’Now, as to see if our guests have Violent intentions, have they attempted any act of harm to anypony in the room?’
  1564. >Everyone in the room progressively shakes their head no, ending in Twilight who did the same, with a slightly noticeable blush.
  1565. >’Then I Take it that our newfound guests have earned their trust. For the given moment.’
  1566. >She looks down at you and JT again.
  1567. >’And what shall I address you both as?’
  1568. >JT speaks for the both of you.
  1569. >’You can call me JT. As for the Fruitbasket, It’s a bit self explanatory, but Fruitanon works.’
  1570. >Celestia Speaks again.
  1571. >’Well, rest assured that you are both completely welcome under the name of Equestria., JT and Fruitanon.’
  1572. >’But before you can Celebrate, she says one last thing.
  1573. >’But under the law of the Endangered Species act, you’re on level 5. Which of course means you can never be let out of an Official sight…’
  1574. >’So, I Leave your care and well being to the Element bearers. If such an arrangement could be made.’
  1575. >You look back at Twilight, who just smiles and waves.
  1576. ‘I think They’ll be just fine with that.
  1577. >’Then I Bid you all a farewell, now, I have important documents to attend to.’
  1578. >As she leaves, is a hurry you might add, you hear her mumble something.
  1579. >’Oh the paperwork I have to do…
  1581. [JT]
  1583. >”Oh the paperwork I have to do...”
  1584. >With that the princesses walk out of the hall and the doors close.
  1585. >”Hurrah!” Shouts Rarity and the others as they come over and hug both of you.
  1586. >”Yay!”
  1587. >”Awesome!”
  1588. >”Excellent!”
  1589. >”Darn Tootin'” (Or something else. I don't speak redneck)
  1590. >”PARTY!”
  1591. >Cool. Penk's gonna throw you two a party.
  1592. “Haha, thanks guys. Can't wait for that party Pinks.”
  1593. >”Who said anything about waiting?!”
  1594. >Wat
  1595. >All of the sudden cannons blast and confetti drops from… well from everywhere.
  1596. “Wow. How did you even get those here.”
  1597. >”We redecorated the castle a while ago. I forgot where I hid some of the cannons.”
  1598. “So how do you make them go off if you don't know where they are?”
  1599. >”Dunno.” And with that, she skips into the middle of the room, blares music somehow, and starts dancing.
  1600. >”Kek,” says Fruitanon.
  1601. “Kek indeed. I'm not one for dancing really. How about you and I just go get something to drink?”
  1602. >He shrugs his shoulders.
  1603. >”Sure.”
  1605. >You walk over to the bar that inexplicably appeared on the far side of the room and sit down.
  1606. >After a couple seconds, pinkie with a mustache pops up over the counter.
  1607. >”What can I getcha?”
  1608. >You look back at the impromptu dance floor, and see Pinkie on it.
  1609. >At this point she's just showing off.
  1610. “How the fu… Nevermind. I'll just take something light. Wanna have a clear head for later.”
  1611. >”Alrighty, and for you?” She turns to Fruits.
  1612. >”I'll have a Fresh Mint Mojitos.”
  1613. >”A what now?”
  1614. “Yeah, the fuck is that?”
  1615. >”Oh well it's only made with 5 ingredients, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding them. mint leaves, sugar, lime juice, white rum and soda to top it all off. It's one of the most refreshing lime-based cocktails!”
  1616. “Whatever, faggot.”
  1617. >”Shuddup, nerd.”
  1618. >Pinkie breaks her concentration and snaps to attention.
  1619. >”Coming right up!”
  1620. >While she prepares the drinks, you look over to your comrade.
  1621. “So you're sure you don't want to not get drunk in case we have to handle a situation?”
  1622. >”Pssh, nah. That's what I've got you for!”
  1623. >Ponk hands you your drinks and smiles.
  1624. “Thank you.” You say as your drop a dollar or two in the tip jar.
  1625. >She eyes it oddly, and drops back under the counter.
  1626. >Oh yeah, they don't use dollars here. You'll have to talk to Twilight about that.
  1628. >You both start sipping on your drinks, and It seems to quickly do a number on Fruitanon.
  1629. >Fukkin' lightweight.
  1630. >You decide not to give him too much slack, because it's probably something about being made of fruit.
  1631. >At some point Fluttershy comes over to the bar and takes a seat next to you, Rainbow doing much the same on Fruitanon's side.
  1632. >Ponk pops back up over the counter and takes their orders.
  1633. >”So Fruitanon,” Rainbow starts. “How fast can you go on only two legs?”
  1634. >”Pretty fast, the tow-”
  1635. >You slap him.
  1636. >”Err, What I mean is, I got some pretty good exercise before coming here. Both of us did, really.”
  1637. >Much better.
  1638. >Fluttershy turns to you.
  1639. >Holy shit she's already downed three quarters of her drink
  1640. >”Did you meet any animals where you came from?”
  1641. >You think about it.
  1642. “Yeah, I suppose I did. I knew this bear, and a rabbit as well. We were good friends.”
  1643. >”Oh you like bears?! I have one you might like at my home!”
  1644. “I don't know, He was… special I guess.”
  1645. >”Oh.”
  1646. >She looks down dejectedly
  1647. >D'awww
  1649. “Okay, I'll come see your animals some time. Besides, don't I have to be with one of you at all times? 'Cuz of that endangered species thing?”
  1650. >”Yeah, but I think Apple Jack was hoping you two would stay with her for the most part. She's been ranting and raving about how your height would be a huge advantage at the orchard.”
  1651. >Eww, Appul hoers.
  1652. “Hah, I don't know. We'll see.”
  1653. >”Okay.”
  1654. >She returns to her drink, downs it in one swig, and returns to the dance floor.
  1655. >Rainbow does likewise.
  1656. >”How's the leg?”
  1657. “Better but it still hurts like hell. Shit like that doesn't heal completely overnight. Even with magic 'n' shit.”
  1658. >”Ah. So what do you think about living arrangements?”
  1659. “Is that even a question? I already know you're gonna stay here with Twi in the castle. You already know I'll bunk with Rares for the most part. It's odd really. I can't help but feel… Protective around her. Like something really bad happened and I can't let it happen again...”
  1660. >”Probably nothing. Let's just have fun!”
  1661. >There's the Alcohol.
  1662. “Don't worry about me. You can go ahead and dance.”
  1663. >”Suit yourself!”
  1664. >He get's up and starts grinding on one of the ponies.
  1665. >And I don't mean any of the Elements.
  1666. >He's grinding on a guard.
  1668. >You decide you'd better get up and save him
  1669. >Or the guard. You're not really sure who needs saving.
  1670. >You get up to the guard and rip Fruits off him
  1671. “Sorry.”
  1672. >The guard's face is flushed and he's trembling.
  1673. >”I-it's fine”
  1674. >That dude's gonna need the hard stuff. You make a mental note to buy him a drink soon.
  1675. >You drag Fruitanon back to the dance floor and let him go free.
  1676. >He's having the time of his life.
  1677. >He shouldn't be this drunk. He only had one of the fucking things…
  1678. >You look over to his seat at the bar.
  1679. >There's at least ten empty glasses at the seat.
  1680. >Jesus christ.
  1681. >For the next hour or two you play Fruitanon's babysitter, chatting to any of the ponies who come to talk to you.
  1682. >It's a good party though, and even though you didn't dance you had fun.
  1683. >You look at your watch and realize it's 3:00 AM.
  1684. >Wow, didn't feel that long.
  1685. >You drag Fruitanon back to your room and put him down on the bed.
  1686. >Now where are you going to sleep?
  1687. >You look over to the desk.
  1688. >Bitch better kiss the ground you fucking walk.
  1689. >You sit in the chair and get to sleep eventually.
  1691. [FRUITANON]
  1694. >Be Fruitanon
  1695. >Be awake at 4 in the morning, still slightly fermented.
  1696. >Heh….you made a fruit pun……
  1697. >Now, to get up and use the bathroom in your drunken state.
  1698. >You roll out of bed with the majesties of a dead gazelle, Somehow not waking JT, And leaving the room.
  1699. >Now, where is the bathroom…..
  1700. >You stumble around for a bit, opening and closing doors.
  1701. >Well, the ones that weren't screaming or locked.
  1702. >Eventually, you come across a big room, marked with some kind of Pointy note.
  1703. >That must mean bathroom, right?
  1704. >You walk in, and turn on what you guess is a light.
  1705. >This is not a restroom, to your displeasure.
  1706. >It is a Music Room of some sorts.
  1707. >Various instruments are positioned around the floor, but in your drunken state, you can pick out nothing but the Piano, which you immediately set your eyes on.
  1708. >You rush over to it, like a gamer finding a 100$ steam gift card on the floor.
  1709. >You always loved these things, so you took a few lessons.
  1710. >It ended out with Success, and much random key mashing.
  1711. >You think for a moment.
  1712. >Should you play?
  1713. >Eh, who cares? You’re the only one up.
  1714. >You somehow remember the keys, as a tune begins to play in your head.
  1715. >Oh...this might get a bit emotional.
  1718. >Your fingers begin to dance across the Keys.
  1719. >You’re...not that half bad.
  1720. >It reminds you a bit of the Tower, in some sad, delusional Way.
  1721. >Then, Words just seem to flow from you, at the remembrance of your old friends.
  1722. ‘*So Many Threads….’*
  1723. ‘*So many, Great, Memories…*’
  1724. ‘*So many Skeletons put, to ease.*’
  1725. ‘*Our pain made us do things we never, thought we, Could do..*’
  1726. ‘*Was it all worth it?*’
  1727. ‘*Well fuck yeah that’s True…..*’
  1728. >You pause to take a breath, and continue.
  1729. >You don’t exactly know why, but your eyes begin to Water.
  1730. ‘*But now the Threads are over….*’
  1731. ‘*The Anons came and gone…..*’
  1732. ‘*It’s already half past Midnight…*’
  1733. ‘*It’s already half-Assed Dawn…’
  1734. >You keep your tone of voice, and put more force into the keys.
  1735. “*Just like the Manhorse, we all fly away!*’
  1736. ‘*Finally free from our pain and Dismay..*’
  1737. ‘*And just like our Sanity, come once again.*’
  1738. ‘*We crawl right on right back, the ride never ends…*”
  1739. >Ok, really, is the floor dripping or something? You’re trying to be creative here.
  1740. >And regardless of the shuffling behind you, you continue to play.
  1741. “*Just innocent men….*”
  1742. “*Not at all Strange…*’
  1743. ‘* Until the thread went up..*”
  1744. ‘*And everything changed…*’
  1745. “*Running through his maze, for Oh, so long…*’
  1746. ‘*Wondering what, did we do Wrong?’
  1747. >You hear what sounds like sniffling behind you, but you dismiss it.
  1749. “* Cause now the thread is over…*”
  1750. “*And ev-rey-one is dead…*”
  1751. “*I Feel sick to my stomach…*”
  1752. “*Or is Fruitbowl just sick in the head?*”
  1753. >Ok, you just heard the door open and close, Something’s up.
  1754. >But like Hell, if that’s going to stop you.
  1755. “*Just like the Lawsman, we Slither away!’
  1756. “*We might just be free from his pain and dismay!*”
  1757. “*But fret not dear Anons, He’ll come back again.*”
  1758. “*Because we all know, the ride never ends….*”
  1759. >You mumble to yourself again, Keeping on the keys.
  1760. >Right, the ending.
  1761. “*All of the Threads..*”
  1762. >Pause.
  1763. “*So far in the past…*”
  1764. >Pause.
  1765. “*But Echos of our Laughter…*”
  1766. >Pause.
  1767. “*Forever won’t e-e-end!’
  1768. >Ok, there is someone behind you, or Multiple someones.
  1769. >But sucks to be them, you’re finishing.
  1770. “*Just like our Friends, Through Hell and again!’
  1771. “*Just for amusement, his ride never ends!*”
  1772. “*But fret not my Friends, Our time will still come!*”
  1773. “*To be free from the hell..*”
  1774. “*That no….One….Knowns….*”
  1775. >You drop Your hands from the Keys, and sit there for a moment.
  1777. >’That was….Oh god….’
  1778. >You hear JT’s voice from behind you, and muffled Emotional crying.
  1779. >You turn around, and something fuzzy and purple hugs you tightly.
  1780. >’Fruity, Why didn’t you tell us about….that?’
  1781. >You can tell she’s crying, but not out of pain.
  1782. >Out of Emotion.
  1783. ‘Sorry I just...Saw a Piano.’
  1784. >JT Speaks again.
  1785. >’And THAT came out of it? Dear god man, You actually made the hollow husk of a man Cry!’
  1786. ‘I Was looking for the bathroom…’
  1787. >Twilight grabs you with magic.
  1788. >’Just...Stay in my room, There’s a bathroom and I’m sad..’
  1789. >Without your agreement, she pulls you away from JT, While giving him a Death glare.
  1790. >She needlessly teleports back to her room, shoving you in the bathroom, and going to lay on her bed.
  1791. >You sit, shit, and take a moment to think about what you just did, that will never happen again.
  1792. >You made something Beautiful, Emotional, And heartbreaking to someone who gets the reference or no.
  1793. >That’s never happening again.
  1794. >You sit there for a good few Minutes, before joining Twilight in the bed.
  1795. >She snuggles up to you again, you uncaring in the slightest.
  1796. >She's still dripping a bit onto you.
  1797. >Not like that, you fucking pervert.
  1798. >You embrace her, and allow her to fall asleep.
  1799. >Her steady, reassuring Breathing and Heartbeat are your Midnight lullaby, as you fall asleep with Twilight Sparkle again.
  1801. [JT]
  1803. >Be JT.
  1804. >Your neck fucking hurts.
  1805. >These chairs suck.
  1806. >You look at the reason your in the chair in the first place.
  1807. >Except you don't
  1808. >He's gone.
  1809. “Shit!”
  1810. >You jump out of bed… err, chair, and burst through the door.
  1811. >Who knows what that drunk fuck is getting up to.
  1812. >You walk down hallways at random, hoping to run into any sign of your fruit based friend.
  1813. >Suddenly you hear the keys of a piano ring out through the hallways
  1814. >No…
  1815. >He can't play the piano can he?
  1816. >And then he sings.
  1817. >He sings with years of sadness
  1818. >Threads after threads of watching comrades die at the hands of muscle men, skeletons, and Toms.
  1819. >All pouring out into the mournful singing of the sad fruitman
  1820. >A tear slips down your face.
  1822. >A minute or two later you locate the room Fruitanon is in.
  1823. >Go figure, the music room.
  1824. >You open the door lightly and step inside.
  1825. >You stand behind him and sniff slightly.
  1826. >He keeps playing and singing, and you slowly lose control.
  1827. >Tears flow freely down your face.
  1828. >All control leaves you and you sob a bit.
  1829. >Suddenly, Twilight jerks the door open less subtly than you did.
  1830. >This time Fruitanon notices and turns to face you and Twi.
  1831. >He looks surprised to see you, which surprises you. You thought you made enough noise for him to notice.
  1832. ’That was….Oh god….’
  1833. >His precious Twilight quickly leaps to him and grips him in an inescapable hug.
  1834. >’Fruity, Why didn’t you tell us about….that?’
  1835. >She's crying, you can tell.
  1836. >Fruitanon's song was so powerful, she didn't even know what he was talking about and it still made her cry.
  1837. >‘Sorry I just...Saw a Piano.’
  1838. ’And THAT came out of it? Dear god man, You actually made the hollow husk of a man Cry!’
  1839. >‘I Was looking for the bathroom…’
  1840. >Twilight grabs him with magic.
  1841. >’Just...Stay in my room, There’s a bathroom and I’m sad..’
  1842. >She rips him away from you, glares heavily at you, and poofs off to her room.
  1844. >You're left with a solemn walk to your room.
  1845. >You really weren't prepared for that.
  1846. >You open the door, walk through, and click it shut.
  1847. >Well, at least you get your bed back.
  1848. >You sit down on the bed and sigh.
  1849. >Funny, you think, how easily you became unhinged.
  1850. >Silently, you swear to toughen up in the future.
  1851. >You glance over at your suit, hung up on the closet.
  1852. >Smiling slightly, you get up and walk to the article of clothing.
  1853. >You reach into the lapel pocket and pull out the item inside.
  1854. >A rose, lovely as the day it was picked.
  1855. >You reach to the back pocket and pull out your wallet.
  1856. >Flipping it open you reveal what's inside.
  1857. >Several paper bills, an ID, and a picture.
  1858. >You pull out the picture and examine it closely.
  1859. >You beside a hospital bed, smiling up to the camera while the patient smiles meekly.
  1860. >Rarity.
  1861. >Your favorite horse, your best friend, but most of all, your love.
  1862. >You flip the picture open and read what's printed on the other side.
  1863. “To my darling, JT.”
  1864. >You don't know why you started reading it out loud, it just seemed right.
  1867. “I know that these are our final hours being together here in hell, and I want to make sure you remember it, or at least a little bit of it. For me, this has been quite the journey. From incredible highs to incredible lows, you've been there for me through it all, and though we've only known eachother a few days and nights, I can say with utmost certainty, that I love you with all my heart. You stayed with me in the hospital, refused to eat when I was unconscious, and fed me tenderly when I wasn't. You kept me entertained all throughout the ordeal, and listened to me when I felt I needed to speak. You make hell a heaven, and no matter what happens in the future, I want you to know that I love you.”
  1868. >You sniff, and whisper the final words.
  1869. “Yours forever, Rarity.”
  1870. >You gingerly slide the picture back into your wallet, and return it to your pocket.
  1871. >Slowly, you turn around.
  1872. >Only to be stopped dead in your tracks by someone hovering in your doorway.
  1873. >A certain yellow horse.
  1874. >A certain shy yellow horse.
  1875. >A certain shocked, shy, yellow horse.
  1877. >You dive at the door, and catch her in your grasp.
  1878. >If that were dash, you'd be fucked.
  1879. >Fluttershy squirms and struggles in your arms, and kicks you in the nose.
  1880. >You clearly hear bone snap, and pain flares through your nose.
  1881. “Fluttershy Calm down! I can explain everything!”
  1882. >She doesn't seem to hear your words and continues squirming, finally you hoist her up, place her on your bed, and look her in the eyes.
  1883. “Fluttershy I'm going to talk to you. Please, do not scream...”
  1884. >You're thrown off your train of thought.
  1885. >She's not moving, just staring into your eyes.
  1886. “I… I… uh...”
  1887. >You can't seem to make a coherent sentence.
  1888. >Slowly you lose focus on the world, and are plunged into your own subconscious.
  1889. >By the time you regain your wits, it's dark. Very dark.
  1890. >Your nose still throbs, but it's covered with some sort of bandage.
  1891. >You realize you're laying down and sit up.
  1892. “Oh fuck...” You mutter as you see the bars posted across the threshold.
  1893. >”Hey asshole, you awake?”
  1894. >That sounded like fruitanon in the cell next to yours.
  1895. “Uhh, yeah, what happened?”
  1896. >”Your retarded ass got us busted, dickwad.”
  1897. >He's pissed, Jesus.
  1898. “What?”
  1899. >”Fluttershy called the fucking guards after you abducted her and now look at the shit we're in. They didn't even care that I had nothing to do with it. That's gotta be like, Racist or something.”
  1901. [FRUITANON]
  1903. >Be Fruitanon.
  1904. >Oh, the Little Shit’s waking up now.
  1905. ‘Hey Asshole, you up?’
  1906. >’Ugh…..Yeah. What happened?
  1907. ‘Your retarded ass got us thrown into a castle jail cell, that’s what.’
  1908. >’What?’
  1909. ‘Fluttershy called the fucking guards after you abducted her and now look at the shit we're in. They didn't even care that I had nothing to do with it. That's gotta be like, Racist or something.’
  1910. >They literally Stormed into Twilight’s room, and took you by force.
  1911. ‘Hope you like prison food, Faggot…’
  1912. >’Shut up, It’s halfway your fau-’
  1913. >He realises what he just tried to say, and sits the fuck back down.
  1914. >You fiddle around in your pockets, coming up with the harmonica you accidently grabbed from the music room.
  1915. >Probably just Unicorn thing, but works out great if you have opposable thumbs.
  1916. [YouTube] America's Army 3 - Jail Harmonica Blues (embed)
  1917. >’Dude, where the fuck did you Get the Harmonica?’
  1918. ‘I Found it.’
  1919. >’How do yo- Know what, Nevermind.’
  1920. >You return back to your Music.
  1921. >A bit later on, you hear the door clanking open, and hoofsteps shortly following.
  1922. >An unknown Voice speaks to you.
  1923. >’You guys Really fucked up, you know that?’
  1924. ‘But I didn’t do anything!’
  1925. >’Guilt by association…’
  1926. ‘That’s bullshit, you’re all horse racists….’
  1927. >’I’ll Ignore that one, Fruitface. Anyway, Lucky you. Princess Twilight wishes to have a word with you. You alone, however. Your Jay Tea friends stayed here.’
  1928. >JT snaps to attention.
  1929. >’Why am I staying here!?’
  1930. >’Well, for one, you got 2 Elements to explain your actions to….’
  1931. >You silently laugh at JT’s despair.
  1932. >’Secondly, The Princess has seemed to form some kind of bond with Fruitbowl. Personal Preferences, I Suppose.’
  1933. >You hear the door clank open, and become violently grabbed in a magical Grasp, being levitated back up.
  1935. >You give one last middle finger to JT, Before leaving the room, and seeing...Rarity and Fluttershy enter in your place.
  1936. >Oh, the shitstorm he’s in for….
  1937. >Oh right, you.
  1938. >The Unicorn guard carries you back to Twilight’s room, and carelessly drops you onto the hallway floor.
  1939. >’And one other thing, Monkey.’
  1940. >You turn your face to him, to tell him Exactly how racist he’s being. When you get a good look at who was talking to you.
  1941. >’Endangered Species or not, you Hurt my Sister or her Friends, and I will hunt you down to the ends of Equestria. Do I Make myself Clear!?’
  1942. >You respond to Shining Armor in a shaky, Terrified out of your wits voice.
  1943. ‘C...Crystal.’
  1944. >He Perks up directly after you say it.
  1945. >’Great! Well, Good Luck with regaining your freedom, or whatever the heck it is!’
  1946. >He trots away, leaving you confused as to what the fuck just happened.
  1948. >You Open the door, quickly closing it behind you.
  1949. >And being presented with the sight of….Twilight, reading the book you had with you.
  1950. >Ohfuck.jpg
  1951. >’Hey Fruitanon, Come here for a second and explain this to me…’
  1952. >You stand petrified for a moment, before impatience simply takes her over, as she Levitates you up, and throws you back down on the bed next to her.
  1953. >She continues to hold your head and upper body in a magical grasp.
  1954. >’This book is written in my Penmanship….My Emotion...My...Secrets.’
  1955. >With every word, her magical Grasp tightens.
  1956. >’Now, I’ve taken into consideration magical soundproofing of this room’s walls, so we shouldn’t have a problem.’
  1957. >You start to fear, as she stares at you, with an Unbreakable gaze.
  1958. >Like someone on the verge of finding the cure for cancer, but Was insane to the point of thinking cancer was not a harmful Disease.
  1959. >’Where did you get this?’
  1960. ‘I…..I D-Don’t-’
  1961. >’I Never wrote any of this. I’m sure I Would remember something if it was this drastic, but nothing. So tell me, Where. Did. You. Get. This?
  1962. ‘I Don’t remember I swear!’
  1963. >She Sighs, throwing the book against the wall.
  1964. >’I Wanted to do this the easy way, but….you leave me no choice.
  1965. >Out of nowhere, ropes push you down onto the bed, four tendrils tying to your limbs, restraining you.
  1966. ‘I’m not losing my horse Virginity like this!’
  1967. >’What!? No! I’m just going into your mind and finding your deepest and darkest secrets!’
  1968. ‘That’s no better whatsoever!’
  1969. >Twilight stands atop you, her horn starting to glow.
  1970. >You struggle with all of your might, but it’s useless.
  1971. >Besides, you don’t want to hurt her or anything.
  1972. >You see a bright burning light, as her horn touches her forehead.
  1973. >And you remember.
  1975. >Be Fruitanon.
  1976. >And the events of Hell just came rushing back into your mind.
  1977. >And Apparently, Twilight feels just the same, being sprawled out on top of you.
  1978. >Oh yeah, maybe you should ask her about taking the fucking ropes off.
  1979. >You turn to look at her, but she’s in her own little world.
  1980. >’But….And we…...But I’m still…’
  1981. ‘Ay, Twilight…..want to maybe...Take the ropes off?’
  1982. >’Yeah just….Give me a second to process this..’
  1983. >Unknowing to the both of you, the door’s open.
  1984. >’So, back there we...You know….
  1985. ‘Discovery Channel? Yep.’
  1986. >JT’s voice breaks your focus.
  1987. >You lean your head up, to see…...JT and Rarity….Being Flanked by…..Twilight’s Brother.
  1988. >You internally slow clap.
  1989. >Well done, Twilight.
  1990. >You could physically cut the tension with a knife.
  1991. >’Aaaaaanyways….I Explained to Rarity how I’m not just a creepy two legged Rapist, Out to ruin her perfect coat. Hopefully, you get around the same pase with yours!’
  1992. >Rarity Gives a *I know Everything* Glare to Twilight, before being Pushed out of the room by JT….With a broom.
  1993. >’Glad to see you’re taking my advice, Darling~’
  1994. >Shining Armor looks at the both of you with a look….That even you can’t read.
  1995. >’We’ll be Talking about this, Twiley…’
  1996. >He leaves behind JT.
  1997. >You leave the mortified Twilight there for a moment, before she silently undoes your bonds.
  1998. ‘So…. I’m sure they need you out there, I’m just gonna….Crawl into a corner and Thi-’
  1999. >Twilight stops you.
  2000. >’No. You’re staying right here. With me. And Explaining this…..Tower.’
  2001. >’And...Maybe some of that *Snuggling* afterwards.
  2002. >Oh….shit.
  2003. >Welp, better get to it.
  2004. ‘It was the Summer of 014…..’
  2006. [JT]
  2008. >Be JT
  2009. >Be watching Fruits get levitated out while flipping you off.
  2010. >Eh, fuck that guy.
  2011. >The real problem is what are you gonna tell Fluttershy, who probably thinks you're a two legged rapist, and Rarity, who probably thinks you're a creep, out to ruin her perfect coat.
  2012. >Yes, those are the real questions.
  2013. >Fruitanon and Shining walk out the door while Rarity and Flutters take their place.
  2014. >Rarity looks sick to herself at the sight of you, while Fluttershy is angry.
  2015. >Fluttershy, angry. Imagine that.
  2016. “How are you two? Slept well I assume? I didn't. I'm in fucking prison”
  2017. >Rarity glares at you.
  2018. >”How dare you act sarcastic to us after you write sick fantasies about me, and assault her.”
  2019. “Oh for Christ's sake. First of all, I don't write sick fantasies about you, so you can chill. And second, she's not the one with a broken nose, is she.”
  2020. >You reach up and rub your nose, which throbs a bit at your touch.
  2021. >Rarity simply scoffs.
  2022. >”Well I know I didn't write that! So that really only leaves one explanation, now doesn't it?
  2023. “Yep!”
  2024. >She's surprised at your answer.
  2025. “Clearly you've written it and forgot about it.”
  2026. >She grunts and flips her mane in annoyance.
  2027. “Oh come on, you're a magical horse, don't you have some way to figure out for yourself that I didn't write it? Probe my memories or something?”
  2028. >”Well, I could, but I don't think I wish to connect minds with a Stalking Monkey.”
  2029. “HEY HEY WOAH! Let's not play the race card. Besides, I'm not a stalker yet. Innocent until proven guilty, right?”
  2030. >She chews her lip in thought.
  2031. >”I suppose… But only for a minute! If I see any… Perverted things in there, I'll make sure there's no mercy from the princesses for you!”
  2032. “Well… Maybe just a bit. I can't help having a healthy sex drive.”
  2033. >She's taken aback, and starts towards the door.
  2035. >You act quickly. She's your only ticket to freedom again.
  2036. “Hey, Hey! Joking!”
  2037. >She scoffs, but gives in and turns back around.
  2038. >”Okay, but one more sarcastic comment and that's it!”
  2039. “You got it.”
  2040. >She warily walks up to you and connects her horn to her forehead.
  2041. >Instantly your memories return, and you sit back on your haunches.
  2042. “Wow. Do you believe me now?”
  2043. >Rarity looks up at you, panting heavily.
  2044. >”Yes… We'll talk about this later. GUARDS!”
  2045. >You panic.
  2046. >What did you do?
  2047. >The guards rush into the room.
  2048. >Rarity addresses them quickly.
  2049. >”I'd like to drop all charges please.”
  2050. >The guards look dumbfounded.
  2051. >Fluttershy finally speaks.
  2052. >She looks warily at Rarity before muttering “I suppose I do too.”
  2053. >The guards snap out of their stupor.
  2054. >”As you wish, Ma'ams. Just… Watch him…”
  2055. >One of them unlocks your door and opens it.
  2056. >”Come on out then. Lucky bastard.”
  2057. >You Leo strut out of the cell and go down the castle with Rarity.
  2058. “I think first stop is Twilight's room. I gotta talk to Fruitanon and tell him about all this!”
  2059. >”If you wish.” Rarity responds.
  2060. >You walk for a minute or two before Fluttershy speaks up.
  2061. >”What the buck did he show you!?”
  2063. >”Some… Intimate things. Things I wasn't supposed to know. Horrible, terrible things. This man bears inside himself a deep sorrow that, under the same stances to you or I, would be impossible to live with. He had his reasons for doing what he did, and they were very good reasons indeed.”
  2064. >Holy shit that got deep for a second.
  2065. >Fluttershy looks at you, then down at the floor.
  2066. >”Okay, I believe you. Just… Please don't let it happen again. It was very hard for me to ask the guards for help...”
  2067. >You chuckle at the thought of yellowshy trying to talk to a massive, stoic guard.
  2068. “I'll do my best.”
  2069. >You continue walking towards Twilight's room, unaware of how close you really were to it. In reality, you were just following the girls.
  2070. “So Flutters, what happened to me in my room? I seemed to just… black out or something.”
  2071. >She brightens up, apparently proud of shutting you down.
  2072. >”Oh! That was one of my special talents! I call it The Stare. It works on all my animal friends, but I wasn't sure it would work on you.”
  2073. “Yeah, well it did. Try not to do it too much though, I've got a massive headache now.”
  2074. >She retreats into her hair.
  2075. >”Oh… Sorry.”
  2076. >You chuckle again and continue walking.
  2077. >Sooner or later you reach the big double doors emblazoned with twilight's cutie mark.
  2078. >Not a very subtle hint.
  2079. >You decide that this time, knocking is for faggots and just straight up open the door.
  2080. >You make a mental note that knocking is not for faggots.
  2081. >They seem to be in the middle of a conversation, but you only catch a bit of it.
  2082. >”Discovery channel? Yep.”
  2083. >Fruitanon you dog you.
  2084. >You clear your throat to get his attention.
  2085. >They both jump out of their skin and look at your party in the doorway.
  2086. “Aaaaaanyways….I Explained to Rarity how I’m not just a creepy two legged Rapist, Out to ruin her perfect coat. Hopefully, you get around the same phase with yours!”
  2087. >Rarity seems to glare at twilight and then shoos you out… with a fucking broom.
  2088. >’Glad to see you’re taking my advice, Darling~’
  2090. >’We’ll be Talking about this, Twiley…’
  2091. >Holy shit was that Shining?
  2092. >You turn and confirm that at some point you lost yellowquiet and gained Mr. Armor.
  2093. >Shining closes the door and addresses you directly.
  2094. >”Now you listen here. I don't like you, in fact, I despise you. But I have to put up with you or my sister will slaughter me. But make one more wrong move and I'll gut you. Got it?”
  2095. >You nod your head.
  2096. >This faggot thinks he's scary huh?
  2097. >You make a note to challenge this guy to a fight later.
  2098. >”Good. I'm watching you, ape.”
  2099. >What's with all the monkey slurs today?
  2100. >Goddamn.
  2101. >Rarity looks up to you.
  2102. >”So all that stuff happened? You and I, in hell?”
  2103. “Guess so.”
  2104. >She looks back to the ground.
  2105. >”I suppose that means… Are we… Together now?”
  2106. >You stop, and she follows suit.
  2107. “Jeez, I… I think so?”
  2108. >”Well, I wouldn't mind it one bit.”
  2109. >She nuzzles your leg and you have a small heart attack.
  2111. “Oh, come on you!”
  2112. >You bend down and scoop her up in your arms, holding her tight as you progress through the hallways.
  2113. >She seems content to just snuggle up in your arms for a bit, but after a while asks you a question.
  2114. >”You're lost, aren't you?”
  2115. “Cut me some slack, I've only been here a few days.”
  2116. >She giggles and starts pointing out how to get to your room
  2117. >You step inside and drop her gingerly on your bed.
  2118. >You climb onto it and get comfortable.
  2119. >”Goodnight, JT”
  2120. “Good night, Rarity.”
  2121. >And just like that, you surrender to sleep in each others arms.
  2123. [FRUITANON]
  2125. >Be Fruitanon.
  2126. >Also just be finished explaining the inner workings of the mind of a madman to the best Pone.
  2127. >And she’s….Baffled.
  2128. >’But….How did you even Get out? You must’ve gone through hell and back!’
  2129. >Somewhere in the world, someone played that one DUN DUN CHHH sound on a drum.
  2130. ‘The Most creative minds are the most Insane, Twilight.’
  2131. >She tries to argue, but you intercept.
  2132. ‘Besides, we like the Tower. It was a change from our normal Lives.
  2133. >’Normal Lives?’
  2134. ‘I’ll explain later. Now, about what you saw, In….Hell.’
  2135. >’What about it?’
  2136. ‘Well, I overhead JT and Rarity talking...They’re jumping right into things. Usually, that ends out poorly.’
  2137. >You pause for a moment, before continuing.
  2138. ‘I Was thinking we take it slow. Start as friends, ya know? I Mean, if this happened on my world, and just after a few days? Oh, the media would be all over that like flies on a piece of shit..’
  2139. >’Language!’
  2140. ‘You’re one to talk…’
  2141. ‘Anyways, if you feel the same, does that sound like a good idea?’
  2142. >She stares beyond you for a bit, deep in thought.
  2143. >’I Guess it would be considered strange if something happened on such a rapid pace….You’re right.’
  2144. ‘So, Hatchets buried? For now?’
  2145. >You raise your hand, in what you can think of as a shaking gesture for ponies.
  2146. >’For Now…’
  2147. >She raises her hoof, and you shake.
  2148. ’So, about your brother…’
  2149. >’I’ll go take care of that right now…’
  2150. >She hops off of the bed, Opening the door to the stone cold face of her brother, and slamming it back shut, her disclosed from it.
  2152. >You sit there and hear the outskirts of conversation for what seems like an hour.
  2153. >You make out a few derogatory terms from both sides ; *Filthy good for nothing Ape* *Pampered little Colt* *Mom’s Favorite…* and the list goes on.
  2154. >But, you don’t especially care to recite them.
  2155. >As you think of a way to satiate your boredom, Shining Armor opens the door, steps inside, and locks it behind him*
  2156. >You immediately stand up, And stare him in the eyes.
  2157. >Something told you this was not to be a friendly meeting.
  2158. >’I Don’t Understand….It’s been DAYS. And It’s like she’s In love with you or some shit! Why!? Why has my Twiley fallen victim to your Harless Monkey black magic!?’
  2159. >His face Takes on an expression of something near hatred, but only just.
  2160. >’Fruitbowl and Little friend, Sent down to survive in a world doing Just fine without them! You and your little Tower! Hell, I Bet Jay Tea’s just here to be a Fucking Annoyance to ev!-’
  2161. >You Interrupt him, Anger and bitterness in your voice.
  2162. ‘Only I can insult my friends…’
  2163. >’Oh just shut up! You know nothing of the Equine Hardships!’
  2164. ‘Hardships?’
  2165. >That was fucking it.
  2166. ‘HARDSHIPS!?’
  2167. >You start to wonder around the room, keeping the same aggravated voice on your voice.
  2168. >Time to go full Autism.
  2170. ‘You Know NOTHING. Of hardships.’
  2171. >’Oh!? Well fucking Enlighten me, Fruitbowl!’
  2172. ‘Back where I came from, you killed, or you were Killed.’
  2173. >’Oh, that’s Pr-!’
  2174. ‘I’ve Been forced to watch friends die, Leave my Family, Kill the innocent, and on one account, Even have to watch my Friends Kill Each Other.’
  2175. >This….shut him up a bit.
  2176. ‘And what do you have to deal with? You got a bit of Bubblegum in your mane? You misplaced your favorite book!?’
  2177. ‘Now, you done being a fucking racist? Cause I have a something to tell you.’
  2178. >You stare him in the eyes, all the anger gone, replaced with something….unreadable.
  2179. ‘Humans are a Bitter...Violent race. We fed off of our own Blood, Figuratively and Literally. We even found out how to split the atom, JUST to kill each other.’
  2180. >You lean down, getting in his face.
  2181. ‘And Guess exactly what the *Monkeys* are as well. Now, I’ve tried to remain calm, but if you make me do something we both regret...Well, Twilight won't be having much fun with her *BBBFF* anymore.’
  2182. >He keeps the same unreadable expression, but, there’s something in his eyes. Fear?
  2183. ‘Do I fucking make Myself clear, You God forsaken horse?’
  2184. >Then, the most least expected thing happens.
  2185. >He starts breaking into laughter, and Pats you on the back.
  2186. >’Well, I think you cut it then! You actually have a fucking backbone!’
  2187. ‘What?’
  2188. >You’re confused as fuck.
  2189. >’Did you REALLY think Equines could be that unacceptable? It was a test, Fruitbowl.’
  2190. ‘Test for what, Shitnugget?’
  2191. >’Well, Gotta make sure my sister has a good stallion to keep her company, right?’
  2192. >Wha-? Ooooh….
  2193. >’I Think I’m gonna like you, Kid.’
  2194. ‘One Question Though, Shining Armor.’
  2195. >’Eh, Shiny is fine.’
  2196. ‘Why all the Hostility at first? I Honestly thought you were a racist sick fucker.’
  2198. >’Lemme put it this way Fruity. If an Alien came into your home, your sister took affections to her, and it got imprisoned, would you want to check with it?’
  2199. ‘.....Good Point…’
  2200. >He rushes out the door, pokes his head out, and tells something to Twilight.
  2201. >’What did I tell you?’
  2202. >.....What?
  2204. >Be a few hours later, staring out the balcony, Sipping on a Classic Sangria.
  2205. >Life is good.
  2206. >Soon after however, your peaceful time is brought to a halt by JT, Joining you on the deck.
  2207. >’So, how did it go with Book Horse and her *Family issues?*
  2208. ‘Interesting story behind that, actually. Shiny was being a dick to test us. Equines are nice, but you would want to make sure your sister wasn’t falling in love with an Alien and a registered Criminal.’
  2209. >You chuckle at this, staring out the window.
  2210. >’Well, Same story over here, except less yelling, and more laying in bed.’
  2211. ‘Don’t tell me you already…-’
  2212. >’No! not yet! That spoils the fun.’
  2213. ‘Says the fucker who rushes into a relationship faster than he can say Bestiality.’
  2214. >He punches you in the rib.
  2215. ‘Yeah yeah, I’m a faggot…. It’s peaceful out tonight.’
  2216. >You stare into the setting sun, only to look away, realizing you can’t stare at the sun.
  2217. >’Sure is, Fruitbasket. but it makes me Miss them.’
  2218. ‘Who?’
  2219. >’The fuckers that saved our sorry asses over and over again?’
  2220. 'Oh, the Tower…’
  2221. >’Yeah...Wonder where they are now….’
  2222. ‘They’re off in the midst of their own Horseworld, fighting stupid shit. Or fighting for their lives in hell. Maybe both.’
  2223. >’I Just hope it’s the first one. For all of us.’
  2224. ‘Me too, faggot. Me too…’
  2226. [JT]
  2228. >Be JT.
  2229. >Just finished having a night to you and Fruitanon.
  2230. >You went out, got a drink, went to a party, met a few ponies, and got back to the castle in one piece.
  2231. >At that point you and Fruitanon part ways and both stumble around the castle, hoping to run into your rooms.
  2232. >A while later, you make it to your room and enter.
  2233. >You find a very pissed looking Rarity sitting on your bed.
  2234. >O shit.
  2235. >”Where in the world have you been!?”
  2236. “I was just, out with Fruit-”
  2237. >”Ugh, you reek of alcohol! Go take a shower immediately!”
  2238. >Fruitanon, apparently still looking for his room, walks past your room and makes a whip noise.
  2239. “Hey, Fuck you Fruitananananon”
  2240. >”I cannot, believe you! Out! Out!”
  2241. >You stumble out of the room and look around.
  2242. >You see a bench down the hall and collapse onto it.
  2243. >You fall asleep, thinking about the headache you'll have tomorrow
  2245. >You wake up, and, unsurprisingly, have a headache.
  2246. >Your neck also hurts.
  2247. >These fucking impromptu beds are really doing a number on your neck.
  2248. >You sit up wearily, and try to remember what happened last night.
  2249. >You partied, came back to the castle, wandered around for an hour, got back to your room, and…
  2250. >Oh yeah.
  2251. >Rarity is fucking pissed.
  2252. >You decide you have to work on that before anything else.
  2253. >Well, maybe get some asprin or something first.
  2254. >After a while, your headache has cleared and you feel somewhat yourself.
  2255. >You stand in front of your room, or what was your room that Rarity has commandeered.
  2256. >You go over your lines once more and knock.
  2257. >Rarity opens the door with a smile, and once she see's it's you, loses it immediately.
  2258. >”I don't want to talk to you right now. I'm very cross with you.”
  2259. >Cross. Who the fuck says cross anymore?
  2260. “Listen, Rarity, I'm sorry! I wasn't in my right mind last night, and I-”
  2261. >”Ah ah ah! I do not wish to speak to you anymore. So just go!”
  2262. “But Rarity… This is my room.”
  2263. >”I don't care.”
  2264. >And with that, she closes your door and condemns you to what you can assume is going to be another night on the bench.
  2266. >You look around and try to think of something to do while Rarity simmers down.
  2267. >After thinking on it for a bit, you can't see anything of interest, and settle for just taking a walk around the castle, so you get to know the layout.
  2268. >Sooner or later, you find a sleeping Fruit man, laying down on a bench.
  2269. >Either he couldn't find Twilight's room, or he's in the same situation as you.
  2270. >You chuckle and move on.
  2271. >You stumble upon several rooms of interest such as the throne room, dining hall, and Personal bedrooms of 3 of the mane 6.
  2272. >Neat-o!
  2273. >After a while more of aimlessly wandering, you bump into a certain leg-breaking mint whorse.
  2274. >”Oh… hi...” She says as she sees you.
  2275. “Are we just gonna act like you didn't snap my leg into sixths the first time we met? 'Cuz that'd be nice.”
  2276. >”Okay...”
  2277. “Hey, don't worry about it. If I found an alien in my backyard, I'd probably break its legs too.”
  2278. >”Sure...”
  2279. “How about this. Wanna go catch a movie? If you pay, I'll call it even.”
  2280. >”You'd do that? That would be great! Let's go!”
  2281. >She drags you through the castle and out the door.
  2282. >Unbeknownst to you, Rarity sat watching through the window as you left the castle.
  2283. >”I didn't mean to drive you away...”
  2284. >She sheds a single tear and moves away from the window.
  2286. [FRUITANON]
  2288. >Be Fruitanon.
  2289. >It's been about a month or so since that night you sat on the balcony, pouring one out for your undead rabbit and other assorted Homies.
  2290. >Aaaand accidently poured it onto a passing by pony.
  2291. >You’re cool now, and got some place to go to on Saturdays
  2292. >Back to the Point, you’re waiting outside the bathroom door, where Twilight has been taking up all the hot water for the past 15 minutes.
  2293. >You and Twilight were going to be meeting up with JT and Rarity, In the Equestrian equivalent of a Double Date.
  2294. >Well, that implies that both sides are both beyond base two.
  2295. >Ok, this is Taking too long, You have to shower as well, and for some Reason, There’s only one room for showers in a gigantic fucking crystal Castle.
  2296. >You open the door, It surprisingly being unlocked, and step inside.
  2297. >The mist that was inside the bathroom greets you without hesitation, and bellows out of the room.
  2298. >Then, you and Twilight see each other.
  2299. >She gives you a Smug look and...Something else.
  2300. >Like she was happy to see you, but in a surly way..
  2301. ‘You mind hurrying up? Other people have to shower t-’
  2302. >You’re stopped mid sentence, mostly out of Embarrassment, when she turns around, presses her flank against the showers screen door, revealing...Everything to you.
  2303. >She then backs up, Turns around and smiles at you, and continues on like nothing happened.
  2304. >The outline of her stays there for a few moments, before fading back into the steam.
  2305. >You turn around, walking the fuck out, Your face a shade of red that would Make Strawberries go to shame.
  2306. >You close the door behind you, Hearing Giggling from the other side.
  2307. >What?
  2308. >You wait for a bit, before the shower turns off, and she hums, while presumably drying her mane.
  2309. >The door finally unclicks, and she walks out.
  2310. >’All yours, Stud…’
  2312. >Her tail brushes you as she walks by you.
  2313. >You can only stare, as she slowly leaves your line of sight, a sway in her hips.
  2314. >You take the opportunity to step into the bathroom, and hesitate to lock the door behind you
  2315. >Twilight’s been acting...Odd these last few days, saying the least.
  2316. >And you have No idea why.
  2317. >But you feel like it's an answer just smacking you in the face.
  2318. >Or maybe it was the Books Twilight kept giving you.
  2319. >Really, how does she even have so many copies of *Pony Biology?*
  2320. >But, regardless of your ignorant mind, you step into the shower, and commence your ritual.
  2321. >Wonder how JT is holding up right about now.
  2323. >About an Hour Later, both you and Twilight are dressed, and ready to go.
  2324. >Hopefully, JT and Rarity were already at the specified restaurant.
  2325. >You assume he’s already there because of how he kept saying she *Needed to be at least an hour Early to make sure everypony is wearing the most Formal of Attire!*
  2326. >You really wonder why he Likes her so much.
  2327. >Eh, all men may be created equally, but sure as hell not mentally.
  2328. >You call to Twilight, waiting by the door.
  2329. >She eventually comes down, still staring at you with that look.
  2330. >Why is she like that?
  2331. >You open the door for Twilight, passing through after her.
  2332. ‘Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you. What’s with your...What to call it… Emotions in recent check? You seem a bit off.’
  2333. >’Oh, that’s Simple! You see, when a pony find herself with a likely candidate during the season, a bond in made between them, the opposing gender seeing it or not.’
  2334. ‘Season? What season?’
  2335. >’Well duh, E-!’
  2337. >She’s interrupted by JT, rushing over and slapping you upside the head.
  2338. >’Fruitcase! It’s been too long!’
  2339. ‘We literally saw each other at the market three hours ago.’
  2340. >’It feels longer when you’re with the Miss. Speaking of which, she’s been a real god darn handful.’
  2341. >He snickers and elbows you in the side
  2342. >’If ya know what I mean…’
  2343. ‘No, not really…’
  2344. >’You know! *The most wonderful time of the Year? Spring Heat? The Reckoning?*’
  2345. ‘Not ringing any bells….’
  2346. >’You’re kidding me? We’ve read how many stories on this topic, and you have no idea?’
  2347. >He starts to laugh.
  2348. ‘What the fuck are you talking about? What’s so funny!?’
  2349. >’Oh, this is too good… I’ll let you and Twilight figure this one out…’
  2350. >He takes the lead, still laughing to himself, over whatever the hell it was that you were so oblivious about.
  2351. >What you were so clueless about apparently left Twilight kinda bummed out.
  2352. >Once you find out what this was, you were going to strangle his scrawny neck, that’s for sure.
  2354. [JT]
  2356. >Be JT
  2357. >Be in the castle with dress horse.
  2358. >She's talking about formalities, and how to compose yourself during “an evening out”.
  2359. >You zone out and your eyes wander.
  2360. >They don't wander for long, however, as they settle almost instantly on That Ass.
  2361. >She's wearing a navy blue dress, and it's got you hot and fucking bothered.
  2362. >Suddenly you become aware that there's a conscious mind attached to the ass you're staring at.
  2363. >You re-zone just as she's finishing up her speech.
  2364. >”And no matter what, what we have done in this room, stays in this room. Do not, and I cannot overstate this, DO NOT bring up sex at any point tonight.
  2365. “Got it.”
  2366. >”Good! Now, let's get to the restaurant! We must be early!”
  2367. >Oh god. We “must” be early to everything.
  2368. >You look down at your watch and check the time.
  2369. >3 fucking hours early.
  2370. “Alright, whatever you say...”
  2371. >She walks out the room and you follow suit.
  2372. >As you pass through the door, she runs her tail across your chest, and once she's past you, lowers it down to its normal position.
  2373. >There it is again.
  2374. >What with all this “Estrus Season” She's been all over that dick of yours.
  2375. >Which was amazing, considering she never has really been into the more intimate aspects of the relationship.
  2377. >You see Fruitanon walking in the door, talking to twilight.
  2378. >Finally Jesus Christ.
  2379. >Rarity made you entertain you all the while you've been waiting, and you can only take so much fucking I-Spy.
  2380. >You run up to them and smack Fruits upside the head lightly
  2381. ’Fruitcase! It’s been too long!’
  2382. >‘We literally saw each other at the market three hours ago.’
  2383. ’It feels longer when you’re with the Miss. Speaking of which, she’s been a real god darn handful.’
  2384. >You give a chuckle and elbow him in the ribs lightly.
  2385. ’If ya know what I mean…’
  2386. ‘No, not really…’
  2387. >What?
  2388. ’You know! *The most wonderful time of the Year? Spring Heat? The Reckoning?*’
  2389. ‘Not ringing any bells….’
  2390. >He really doesn't know?
  2391. >’You’re kidding me? We’ve read how many stories on this topic, and you have no idea?’
  2392. >You burst out laughing.
  2393. >‘What the fuck are you talking about? What’s so funny!?’
  2394. ’Oh, this is too good… I’ll let you and Twilight figure this one out…’
  2395. >No doubt he'll enjoy this learning experience.
  2396. >Without further delay, you turn and walk into the restaurant.
  2397. >Fruitanon follows you, and looks confused and angry at the same time.
  2399. >Rarity waits for you in front of the reserved table.
  2400. >”Twilight! How are you darling?”
  2401. >Rarity hugs Twilight and they part quickly.
  2402. >”Good, Rarity. It's nice to see you too!”
  2403. >You move over to the table and pull out a chair for Rarity.
  2404. >”Oh my JT, always the gentleman.”
  2405. >You chuckle and sit down next to her.
  2406. >You now sit directly in front of fruitanon, and Twilight sits facing Rarity.
  2407. >Though it's been about a month since your arrival, not all the ponies have had time to acclimate to your presence.
  2408. >Especially the fact that one of you is dating an element, and the other both an element and a monarch.
  2409. >Usually it's nothing more than an odd glance or two, but you do have those radicals.
  2410. >The people who glare at you down the street, some vendors who refuse to sell to you, even a couple of threat letters.
  2411. >You don't let that get to you though. You're gonna have a good time here, dammit!
  2412. >While making idle chit-chat with the couple opposite you, you pick up the menu and look through it.
  2413. >Goddamn if there's one thing about Earth you miss it's the fucking meat.
  2414. >You lean over to Rarity and ask for her help.
  2415. >She smiles and picks out a meal she thinks you'd like.
  2416. >You thank her and return to your mindless cross-couple chatter.
  2418. >The evening goes smoothly, the food is surprisingly good, and you all have fun.
  2419. >The four of you stand up and push in the chairs you each occupied, and leave the restaurant.
  2420. >There is surprisingly little talk on the walk back, a sort of air of uneasiness that you can't seem to find a reason for.
  2421. >All of the sudden a pony bursts out of the shadows and runs at your group.
  2422. >”Fucking apes! Go back to your own universe!”
  2423. >Fruitanon acts quicker than you and rolls into his path, kicking out his legs and grappling him to the floor.
  2424. >In a last ditch effort to harm at least one of you, he throws the knife in your direction.
  2425. >Time seems to slow down as you realize the knife is spinning straight at Twilight.
  2426. >Your legs and arms act of their own accord and you run and push twilight out of the way.
  2427. >No-one, unfortunately, is left to save you.
  2428. >You suck in a breath as the cold metal slides into your side, nuzzling in between two of your ribs.
  2429. >All of the sudden your breath seems to leave you and you collapse.
  2430. >”You fucking bastard!”You hear Fruitanon yell, and a sickening thud resonates from where he is.
  2431. >All at once your three companions lean over you.
  2432. >”JT! Are you okay?!” Rarity yells at you.
  2433. >She's already leaking more tears than you thought possible.
  2434. >You try to speak but no breath leaves you.
  2435. >You were going to tell her you were fine, but this shines a new light on things.
  2436. >You solemnly shake your head and grab her hoof.
  2437. >Holding it close to your chest, you give it a gentle squeeze.
  2438. >Twilight teleports away, and you black out.
  2440. [FRUITANON]
  2442. >Be Fruitanon.
  2443. >Be watching your blacked out friend on the ground, in utter horror.
  2444. >You hear whimpering behind you, and slowly turn your head around to the source of the noise, His attacker.
  2445. >Pic related YFW.
  2446. >You slowly walk toward the pony, it attempting to crawl away, but a hard boot kick made sure none of that would happen.
  2447. ’Why'd ya do it, Buddy?’
  2449. >You Jump onto the pony's hoof, feeling the Snap of some bone inside it’s leg, and it cries out in pain.
  2450. >And for god knows why, you find it….Funny.
  2451. >Like you did when you were a child watching an action Movie, and the Climax had started.
  2452. ‘That was only One bone, and I have a few more what….Two hundred or so more? to choose to break next. Now tell me. Why?’
  2453. >The Pony turns to face you, Hate in its eyes, and spits at your face.
  2454. ‘I’m sorry, the Correct answer was actually Twenty FOUR.’
  2455. >You Twist it’s leg behind
  2456. it, and Kick it in the head with all your might, being rewarded with another sickening snap.
  2457. ‘Now, Since I know my friend here’s going to be fine I’ll let you off with a warning.’
  2458. >You pick the pony up by the neck, choking it and making it stare directly into your eyes.
  2459. ‘ I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for justice, I can tell you that you won’t find any.. But what you will find are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for ponies like you. If you fuck off now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.’
  2461. >You pause for a Moment.
  2462. Do I make myself clear, Maggot?’
  2463. >A Very vigorous head shaking was the only response, before you threw the Pony back onto the ground.
  2464. ‘Get out of my sight…’
  2465. >It limps away to the best of it’s abilities, and you turn around to the group.
  2466. >Twilight and Rarity were staring at you wide eyed, in...Fear.
  2467. ‘Sorry you had to...Ya know. But we have a bigger Issue at hand!’
  2468. >You turn to Twilight, Who was….Healing JT with magic.
  2469. >Now you feel like everything you did was a bit overkill.
  2470. ‘So how’s he going to be?’
  2471. >’From the looks of it, the knife didn’t rupture anything. He’ll be up and at it in no time, but taken from you *It’s going to sting Like a Bitch*
  2472. >You tip your imaginary hat you your friend.
  2473. >’I Don’t know why you insist on using a Female Dog as an Insult…’
  2474. ‘It just stuck with us. Rarity, can you make sure JT stays safe?
  2475. >’Yes yes, He’ll be fine Darling! I Don’t see why you insist on his safety so drastically!’
  2477. ‘It’s….A Personal thing.’
  2478. >’If you say so….’
  2479. >Rarity then proceeds to pull a gem coated Wagon from behind a building, stick JT inside it, and Pull him away.
  2480. >Twilight grabs your arm with a hoof, drawing your attention back to her.
  2481. >’We need to get back to the Castle. There’s something I have to discuss with you..’
  2482. ‘I Don’t see a problem with that, let’s g-....Hey, do you smell that?’
  2483. >’S-Smell what?’
  2484. ‘Eh, it’s nothing. Come on, let’s go.’
  2485. >You could’ve sworn you smelled something. Reminded you faintly of...Some kind of Berry.
  2487. >The trip back to the Castle was quiet.
  2488. >Twilight looked like she wanted to say something, but she couldn’t muster up the courage.
  2489. >You held the door open for her, following in afterwards, and sitting down on a couch beside her.
  2490. >You noticed she was careful to lock all the doors, and shut all the blinds.
  2491. >She sighed, and looked down at the ground.
  2492. >’So you really have no idea what time it is, do you?’
  2493. ‘Not in the Slightest.’
  2494. >’Do you know what the word *Estrus* Means?’
  2495. >Processing.gif
  2496. ‘Wait you mean….I Actually owe JT an apology for being to fucking oblivious…’
  2497. >’You’re familiar with the Concept?’
  2498. ‘Yeah, I Just...Didn’t know. Sorry Twi.’
  2499. >’You’re alright, I just feel like a Goddamn Vegetable…’
  2500. >She Giggles, and crawls on top of your lap.
  2501. >’Now, Where was I? Right!’
  2502. >She licks her muzzle, and seductively stares you in the eyes.
  2503. >’For some time Now, I’ve had this...Itch. Something comparable to *Stepping on a Lego with no socks on* As you would say…’
  2504. >You could feel her warmth from here, in all aspects.
  2505. >’I was hoping you could help me scratch it…’
  2506. ‘Twilight, maybe we sh-’
  2507. >’NO MORE WAITING! It’s been too long!’
  2508. ‘I was saying that maybe we should take this somewhere a little more….Private. Any curious eye would wonder why there’s screaming coming from the Princess’s castle.
  2509. >You would wink, if you had eyes, but she still gets the idea.
  2510. >’I Know just where we should go, but you have to carry me~’
  2511. ‘Kinky.’
  2512. >’We’re not at that part yet…’
  2514. >You pick her up in a cradle position, but she adjusts herself, to the point where the fingers of your left hand are positioned directly in front of her Marehood.
  2515. >You stand up, and try to re-adjust your hand, only to have her aggressively Force your hand back to where it was, and bury your fingers inside her.
  2516. >She was Hot, almost to the point of being uncomfortable, but you managed.
  2517. ‘So, which way do I Go?’
  2518. >She Half Moaned the answer to you.
  2519. >’L~Left Staircase, Then to the...Oh Celestia...To the right.’
  2520. >You follow her instructions, your fingers feeling every movement she made.
  2521. >You decided to let her have your fun, and started to move your fingers in and out of her.
  2522. ‘Ok, The door right here, right?’
  2523. >’Y~Yeah...J-Just Don’t stop…’
  2524. >Horny Alicorns, man.
  2525. >You opened the door, turning the light on and closing it behind you.
  2526. >You were in the Equivalent of a bedroom, if they combined it with the fun of restraint jackets.
  2527. >The bed had covers and all, but you could tell it was used for….Other things….Then sleeping.
  2528. >Twilight must’ve sensed your uneasiness, and clarified.
  2529. >’I usually come here during season, To….You know.’
  2530. >She pulled herself out of you, forcing you down onto the bed, and then laying atop you.
  2531. >’I’m usually called *The Worst in Season* But this year….’
  2532. >She pauses for a moment to burry her muzzle into your suit pants, and Inhale.
  2533. >’I Have an Outlet~’
  2535. ‘Alright so, before anything lewd happens, let's get down to a few Basics.’
  2536. >’What basics?’
  2537. ‘Anything I Should pay mind to? Like Fetishes, Virginities, Skeletons, the usual stuff.’
  2538. >’Well, I have a few things, I-If you don’t Mind.’
  2539. ‘I Usually Don’t.’
  2540. >’Well, for one, I have a….What's it called…. It involves Biting...’
  2541. ‘You must not be thinking straight if you can’t remember what to call a Carnivore fetish.’
  2542. >’Yeah, That!’
  2543. >You shrug to yourself, and stare into her eyes.
  2544. ‘ I love you, ya know that?’
  2545. >’We can admit feelings later! Now is the time to relive your princess!
  2546. >Before you can react, Twilight forcefully takes your clothing off, revealing your body to her.
  2547. >If she ripped your Suit, you’re going to be fucking pissed.
  2548. >Oh Hell if you care.
  2549. >She Turns herself around, leaving you with a faceful of Purple Pony Plot.
  2550. >Oh, How long I’ve been needing this…’
  2551. >You decide to give Twilight a test lick, which elicits a gentle moan from her.
  2552. >It Tastes like A Mixture of berries, Oddly enough.
  2553. >But who doesn't love berries?
  2554. >Twilight decides to do the same thing on her end, gently running her tongue along your member, sending a shock down your spine.
  2555. >’It’s shaped differently than a Stallions, but it makes it easier to...Take in…’
  2556. >Not a moment after she says that, she slowly intakes you, Inch, by agonizing, Pleasurable inch.
  2557. >Two can play at this game…
  2558. >You dig your fingernails into her Cutie Marks, forcefully pulling her closer to you.
  2559. >You then proceed to Gently slide your tongue inside her, lapping up any juices that so happen to drip.
  2561. >This causes her to Moan on you, the Vibrations sending Pleasure in all the right places.
  2562. >You Start to trace words inside her, while clawing at both of her Cutie Marks.
  2563. >For some reason, Banana really gets her going.
  2564. >You could feel her shaking from anticipation, In all given tenses
  2565. >Then, Much to her displeasure, You lift her up in the air, flipping her around and bringing her face to yours.
  2566. >Her face is covered in sweat and...Other fluids.
  2567. >But it just makes the experience even hotter
  2568. >She speaks in between long breaths.
  2569. >’I Swear...to Celestia if you...Stop now…’
  2570. >You gently Tease her from below, helping her get the general idea.
  2571. ‘Oh...We’re just getting started..’
  2572. >She immediately gets the hint, and before even you can do anything, Impales herself on you.
  2573. >Your mind is nothing but pleasure for a few moments, but it eventually degrades down enough for you to get back to the matter at hand.
  2574. >You push her downwards, into a point where you were directly over her, and she was forced to stare directly up at you.
  2575. >And you could tell she was enjoying that feeling of Helplessness.
  2576. ‘So, You said something about a Carnivore Fetish?’
  2577. >You lower your head toward hers.
  2578. ‘I Wonder, where in EQUESTRIA are you going to find something like that?’
  2579. >You Lightly scratch her Soft underbelly, Nearly face and face with her.
  2580. ‘That’s right….Right here…’
  2582. >You Thrust into her, Emitting a Loud moan from Twilight.
  2583. >You lean your head in directly beside Twilight's neck, and gently run your tongue along it.
  2584. >She wanted Carnivorous? She’s getting Carnivorous.
  2585. >You gently bite her neck, Not enough to leave a mark, but hard enough to feel pain.
  2586. >You notice her breathing becoming more rapid and Shallow, and the occasional Moan turning into a Deep, Husky moan.
  2587. >You redouble your efforts, pulling yourself in and out of Her.
  2588. >Her wings are flailing Wildly, Like she was trying to find something to Hold onto.
  2589. >You move your hands to her Cutie Marks, Scratching them at both sides, And applying more Pressure to her neck.
  2590. >That was the pebble that broke the dam.
  2591. >She Convulses, trapping you inside her, and dosing the bed in her Fluids.
  2592. >The feeling itself causes you to go over the edge, and you Paint her insides with your seed
  2593. >You sit there for a moment or two, Catching your breath.
  2594. >Right before Twilight does something odd.
  2595. >She cramps up, laying herself onto you.
  2596. ‘Twilight, You alright…?’
  2597. >SPLASH!
  2599. >A Thick, musty smell starts to completely overtake the room, particularly strong when you try to help Twilight up.
  2600. >Twilight slowly regains control of her scenes, looks at the scene, and Gasps in Horror.
  2601. >’Oh Sweet Celestia That was….Oh no…..Oh I’m so so so so Sorry!’
  2602. >You pull out of her, and lightly set her down.
  2603. ‘What? Nothings Wrong. Was it my Performance?’
  2604. >’No, You did better then all of Celestia’s guards. It’s...this.’
  2605. >She Points dramatically to the room, then to the fluids covering the both of you.
  2606. ‘So what? Nothing a little Shower won’t fix.’
  2607. >’No it’s Not that Simple. I just….Claimed you.’
  2608. >She Cringes at the word, Like she just said something terrible.
  2609. ‘Claimed? That’s a new one Twi, Mind getting a bit Scientific?’
  2610. >’Well, when a Mare is Desperately bonded with a Stallion, she can Mark him with a Strong burst of Pheromones that produce a smell unique to that mare. Like...that.’
  2611. ‘So long Story short, I’m stuck with only have Fun times with my Favorite mare?’
  2612. >’Yes...But you’re taking this so Lightly!’
  2613. >You Shush her, putting your middle finger to her muzzle.
  2614. ‘If it’s you and me, I honestly Don’t mind. Hell, the world can come knocking at my door, and I Wouldn’t care.’’
  2615. >You smile at her, Pulling the pony close to your chest.
  2616. >You felt a strong sense of...What can you call it?
  2617. >The word didn’t come to you, but you felt at peace with her.
  2618. >This was YOUR mare.
  2619. >And by god, you were going to protect her.
  2620. >Eventually, the exhaustion of your acts get to you, and you fall asleep, one Twilight Sparkle still in hands.
  2622. [JT]
  2624. >Be JT
  2625. >Be dead.
  2626. >Well almost.
  2627. >You find yourself in hell once again, this time greeted by Satan and Lawsman in his office.
  2628. >”Jesus, we send you to colorful horseland and you still managed to get yourself killed? I don't know how you lasted 5 minutes in the tower.”
  2629. “Hey, fuck you. Some crazy dude came running at us and I valiantly took a knife in the side to save Twilight!”
  2630. >Satan shakes his head and sighs.
  2631. >”She's a unicorn, dipshit. She could've caught the knife in mid-air.”
  2632. >You think about it.
  2633. >Shit.
  2634. “Oh… well it's the thought that counts.”
  2635. >Satan and Lawsman simultaneously roll their eyes, but Satan is first to respond.
  2636. >”Whatever. Let's just get to the point. We still need a dungeon, and we still need you. So just this once, I'm giving you a free pass. You'll wake up in a lot of pain, but you'll live. But I don't have to warn you that if you die again… that's it. You're done, and I'll have a lot of fun with you here in hell for eternity.”
  2637. “Damn. Well, thanks for the freebie. I'll be sure to not die in the future.
  2638. >”See that you do. Now go back and wait for dungeon like a good little lackey.”
  2639. “Can do Mr. Lucifer Sir. Buh-bye!”
  2641. >And like that, you're swept up into a hurricane of fire and plopped right back down into horseworld, this time in Rarity's boutique.
  2642. >You open your eyes and look around.
  2643. >It's dark, but you can just make out several shapes.
  2644. >Dress racks, fully stocked with new designs, several mannequins, and sitting in a chair, asleep at her desk, is Rarity.
  2645. >You start to sit up, thinking to put Rarity in the bed and you'll sleep in the chair.
  2646. >A bolt of pain shooting up your side puts that idea to rest.
  2647. >Exhausted, you sit back down.
  2648. >You'll take the bed, actually.
  2649. >Fitful sleep grasps you, and you lay unconscious for a good while.
  2650. >When you wake up, sun is streaming through the windows, and the room is looking far cleaner than it was.
  2651. >How nice, she picked up just for you.
  2652. >You look down to the bedside table and see a tray set out for you.
  2653. >Underneath the bowl of oatmeal is a small note, printed on simple white paper.
  2654. >You pick it up and unfold it.
  2655. >In Rarity's neat handwriting it says
  2656. >”JT, Gone for a meeting, be back at 3. Rarity.” With a little smooch mark at the bottom.
  2657. >Cute.
  2658. >You put the letter back down and dig into breakfast.
  2660. >After you're finished you decide to go somewhere.
  2661. >Then you remember you can't due to your fucked up side.
  2662. >Shieeet
  2663. >You entertain yourself during the next four hours counting tiles on the floor.
  2664. >1, 2, 3, A whole fucking bunch.
  2665. >At some point the door opens and closes.
  2666. >Finally, something interesting.
  2667. >You listen intently as someone climbs the stairs to the room you're in.
  2668. >He rounds the corner and is revealed to you.
  2669. >The fucker that stabbed you.
  2670. “Who the fuck do you think you are, showing up here.”
  2671. >He's all bandaged up, you wonder what Fruitanon did to him.
  2672. >Nothing good, you're sure.
  2673. >”I don't like leaving jobs unfinished.”
  2674. “I don't like racist assholes, so let's get this over with. You remember my friend?”
  2675. >He visibly shudders.
  2676. “Take what he did to you, and multiply it by a hundred. That's what's gonna happen if you take another step towards me.”
  2677. >He hesitates, and takes 2 steps forward.
  2678. >No-one ever takes the easy way.
  2679. >Yet again he produces a knife, and holds fury in his eyes.
  2680. >You stand up, trying not to display any pain you're in.
  2681. >He runs at you.
  2682. >You wait in place.
  2684. >When he gets within a couple feet, you make your move.
  2685. >Sidestepping him and using his momentum against him, you grab him by the throat with your forearm.
  2686. >He somehow manages to not drop the knife and plunges it into your arm.
  2687. >You scream and suplex that mother fucker.
  2688. >This time he loses his grip on the knife and it sticks into your arm.
  2689. >You reach around, grab it, and impale his right hoof with it against the wall.
  2690. “Now don't move until someone comes home, or I'll stick you to the wall with something other than your hand.
  2691. >He grimaces, then remains still.
  2692. >Bastard. You go lay back in bed, your side screaming in agony.
  2693. >You don't think you'll be able to stop him if he does get any Ideas, but you keep a vigil anyways.
  2694. >Sooner or later, the door opens a second time, and you hear a gasp.
  2695. >It's Rarity. Fucker must've broken the lock.
  2696. >She bolts up the stairs, and enters the room, stopping as she sees your prisoner.
  2697. >”Ah!” She studies him closer.
  2698. >”You...”
  2699. >He looks down in shame.
  2700. >Rarity looks back to you.
  2701. >”Did he hurt you?”
  2702. “No. But I can't say the same about him. Especially not when Fruits finds out he payed me a visit.”
  2703. >”Indeed. You've got a lot of pain ahead of you Mister. And I can't say you don't deserve it.
  2704. >At that point she does something that surprises you immensely.
  2705. >She spits in his face.
  2706. >Directly in the face.
  2707. >You think a bit got in his mouth.
  2709. [FRUITANON]
  2711. >Be Fruitanon
  2712. >You wake up, feeling a warm, fuzzy mass atop you.
  2713. >You hug it tightly, bringing it closer to you.
  2714. >But as you do so, you start to feel how...Absolutely soaked you are.
  2715. >You don’t remember Wetting the bed. Not since High School anyway.
  2716. >You open your eyes, and remembrance slowly overtakes your fruit shaped brain.
  2717. >You ended up helping Twilight with her *Issues*, and got a bond out of it.
  2718. >Then again, you wouldn’t want to be anywhere but here.
  2719. >You gently pet her mane, waiting for her to inevitably wake up.
  2720. >She slowly stirs, questioning to the mysterious force giving her good feelings.
  2721. >Then she recognizes it as it is, and lays her head back down on your body.
  2722. ‘Morning, Beautiful.’
  2723. >’Oh, stop it…’
  2724. ‘You know It’s true. Anyways, you Up for just laying here a bit longer? Sure as hell know I am.’
  2725. >’As much as I would love to, We have to get up, Mainly to Wash off the- Ohh...That’s the spot..’
  2726. >You scratch behind her ear, and she collapses into you.
  2727. >Why was it always behind the ears?
  2728. >Eh, must be the pony equivalent of the that unreachable itch.
  2729. >You embrace Twilight, staring off into the ceiling.
  2730. >Before Rarity comes barging down the door, panic in her eyes.
  2731. >’Twilight, Darling! At last I found you! It’s JT, H-!’
  2732. >She stares at you and Twilight for a moment, before becoming devoid of words.
  2733. >’I’ll….leave you two to get cleaned up, I Suppose…’
  2734. >.....Fuck.
  2736. >You’re following Rarity and Twilight down the cobblestone road, still adjusting your tie properly.
  2737. >Nearly head over heels in fucking rage.
  2738. ‘So you’re telling me the Fucker came BACK?’
  2739. >’Exactly. We were hoping you could teach Him a few….Manners.’
  2740. >Oh, You were certainly to do more then that…
  2741. >You eventually reach Her Boutique, climb the stairs, and see JT, And your favorite pony, Cowering in fear off to the corner.
  2742. >You immediately snap attention to him.
  2743. ‘Buddy! It’s been too long!’
  2744. >You pull your best Evil Scientist look out, and slowly close in on the pony.
  2745. >It continues to hide in the corner, as you grab it by the leg, and drag it out into the world.
  2747. >Switching POV.
  2748. >Be Twilight Sparkle.
  2749. >And he….Just took him out of the Boutique.
  2750. >Like one of those movies, where somepony gets dragged down a Hallway.
  2751. >But that's what you expected.
  2752. >He's your Human alright. Your Insane, Lovable, Mind-Rutting~-
  2753. >’Twilight dearest? We need to have a little chat.’
  2754. >Oh no…
  2755. >’I Can smell you from a Mile away darling! Kinky, but why?’
  2756. ‘It’s Instinct! Haven’t you already?’
  2757. >’I May have or have not, but at least I Washed afterwards…’
  2758. ‘I Was rushed! By you nevertheless! And Celestia knows what he’s doing to that pony out there.’
  2759. >’It’s best not to think about it, Twilight. After all, It’s always the Quiet ones~’
  2760. ‘S-Stop that!’
  2761. >’Don’t act like you don’t love the way it ticks…’
  2762. >You suddenly Remember JT, as he speaks.
  2763. >’Hey, not that I Mind the kinky Conversations, but can you give the stab victim a ha- hoof?’
  2764. ‘Right, Sorry JT.’
  2766. >Be Fruit T. Anon.
  2767. >Also be covered In some grape Juice and ketchup.
  2768. >After taking your friend over to Hayburgers, Making a bit of a mess, and having a civilized discussion, you came to an agreement.
  2769. >Turns out he was just so-
  2770. >Wait, you promised to tell nobody.
  2771. >Not even yourself.
  2772. >Fine. stupid subconscious thought.
  2773. >’Are you….Covered in…’
  2774. ‘There are some things Riding a Magical flying Unicorn cannot fix! One of those things is Communism!’
  2775. >She stared at you with a dumbfounded look.
  2776. ‘Nothing bad, I Promise. But It will be out of our hair now.’
  2777. >’I Expected nothing less…’
  2778. >She nuzzles against your leg, and you give her head a pat.
  2779. >Now Onto the second order of business.
  2780. >You walk over to the Room JT was in. Nothing wrong with dropping in on a stab victim, right?
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