
[WIP] Intro: Vorehammer feat. kidanon and pony adoption

May 4th, 2014
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  1. *I'm just going to leave this here for right now. Written for the vore threads on /mlp/*
  3. ---Introduction
  5. You are Anonymous, an orphaned child conscripted into the private militia of your Pontiff’s Parish on the hive world of Albius. You kneel, head bowed before the towering, gold-gilded statue of the God-Emperor of Mankind. You thumb through each of the prayer beads of your simple wooden rosary as you whisper litanies, quotes and incantations forever burned into your memory by the drill abbot of your Schola Progenium. Cold air whips about the candle-lit cathedral of Saint Capilene, howling as it passes through the blown out, stained glass windows.
  6. The creaking of a heavy wooden door followed by the approaching echo of hobnailed jackboots upon marble signals the arrival of another soul beneath the roof of the Great Father’s Sanctuary. Out of the corner of your eye you see another boy your age presenting the sign of the Aquila with his hands before kneeling upon the velvet cushion at the altar beside you. After muttering a quick prayer of adoration the boy turns his attention to you.
  8. “Anon, were you in here all night?” Your friend Oliver asks with concern.
  10. Normally you would glare him down for speaking during prayer or outright dismiss inquiries about your wellbeing but you can’t muster the energy to do either. You simply nod in confirmation. Your head stays bowed and eyes closed but you can feel his eyes on you. Moments later a hand comes to rest on your shoulder.
  12. “I know, I know. No speaking during prayer. I just came by to tell you that roll-call is at o’seven hundred at the ossuary beneath the abbey. Don’t make me have to drag you there.” With a heavy sigh he gets to his feet and leaves you to your grim contemplation.
  14. The war has taken its toll on your young mind. It’s taken its toll on everyone in your militia. A long and bloody year, it all started with a Chaos uprising in the hive of Martinus-Kent that quickly tore through the spire after overwhelming the Arbites before spreading to the surrounding manufactories. It wasn’t long before the corruption of Chaos reached your Parish. It was here that the Chaos blitzkrieg has been slowed to street-to-street, building-to-building combat. Seven months ago an Ork invasion had been reported; no doubt the greenskins had been attracted by the promise of a fight. If the situation hadn’t been desperate enough the Tau and their newfound equine allies from ‘Equestria’ have decided to take advantage of the conflict and make their move to add Albius to their quickly expanding empire.
  15. The planetary defense forces were redeployed to deal with the Ork invasion to the south leaving you and your motley army of brothers and sisters of the Ecclesiarchy to hold the line against the heretics and xenos until reinforcements arrive from other reaches of the Imperium to deliver the fury of mankind to these predators.
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