
grimalkin message

Aug 9th, 2022
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  1. I opened my mouth to fire back like Sir Benedic would have wanted me to, but instead I had to deal with a sudden harsh, twisting feline voice radiating through my skull.
  2. Sir Knight, mewled the unsettling voice of a malk, this is Grimalkin.
  3. Right. Grimalkin was Mab’s . . . personal aide, in some ways. He was an Elder of the malks, which meant he was bigger and stronger and meaner than most, and had access to a number of powers, foremost of which was the ability to creep me out with his damned weird voice.
  4. The enemy comes from the north, Sir Knight. I am also advised, by this irritating pixie, to inform you that there is a still-occupied child-care center in its path with a number of young mortals inside.
  5. I clenched my jaw so hard that I chipped a tooth.
  7. Battle Ground Chapter 19, Page 183
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