
The memeological spell

Dec 1st, 2017
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  1. We are not being given the full story at once because the memological spell that has been weaved around our minds and sense of self for generations has to be carefully replaced, from within, with a new, more flexible myth of our identity. We think we know who we are – we are told/common sense – we are almost completely wrong.
  2. Here is one aspect of this: a key truth that needs to be faced is that there is a particular form of mental illness in our species that is incredibly dangerous in our social structures. This illness is a psycho-spiritual malaise, it results in variations of what we label psychopathy/sociopathy. For such ill people: empathy, love and respect for others is a mystery – it is perceived in the rest of us as inexplicable weakness.
  3. Most of such people are utter failures in life, they cannot read basic psychological cues in social interaction, and are socially clumsy, unlikeable, and are often loners. A small minority of these people are capable of mimicking normal human interaction, and can be manipulative, cunning, and lacking all compassion and remorse they can advance themselves in social structures to very high levels. Once there, they can surround themselves with others like themselves, and blackmail and manipulate ‘normies’ into doing their bidding.
  4. They can also reproduce others of their kind – through inflicting great suffering and trauma on people, especially children. Over time, certain ‘families’ we can collectively call ‘cabal’ have developed their own mythologies, and justifications, for who they are – who we are – and why they are superior to us and should remain in control.
  5. Our species is just beginning to wake up, en masse, to the reality of the existence of this multigenerational controlling ‘elite’. From their perspective of fragmented illness, the ‘elites’ failed to realise that their disadvantage is not simply that they are vastly outnumbered by the rest of us – they are also inherently outwitted by us. They failed to realise that they are actually, fundamentally, ill. Justice will be done, they will be removed from their perch, and we will thoroughly document and understand the calamity that has befallen us as a species, to ensure that this can never happen to us again.
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