

Aug 29th, 2016
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  3. (Цоунцил Датабасе: )
  5. Generation I.
  7. Amethyst Flame: A swirl of ever-morphing flame that takes on the hue of infinite shades of violet. The stuff radiates an immensely potent aura, that of knowledge incarnate. They occasionally flicker with an inky darkness.
  9. Magetear Droplet: A compressed drop of pure magetear, composed of a full bucket's worth. The formless substance glows with a cosmic background, peering into the stellar realm beyond the mortal world.
  11. Augustan Seed: A round, knotted ball of a particular type of ancient hazel wood. Cracks are dotted along the surface, emitting an unearthly amethyst light. The seed is unusually warm to the touch.
  13. Amaranthine Embers: The burning vestiges of a once-potent amethyst flame. They radiate a peculiar silence over all, as if attempting to conceal an inner secret. Such ashes will never burn out, and never grow in intensity. Such is fate.
  15. Liquid Starlight: A flowing mass of cosmic fluid, shining with a pale eternal light. The fluid's glow comes from its propensity to show every possible thing in reality at all times, with no distinctions between scenes. It is the purest expression of knowledge overload one might be able to find, though oddly commanded by precisely the opposite.
  17. Resin Residuum: An aureate fluid squeezed from the grains of an infused hazel tree. The substance itself seems devoid of use. However, when imbibed, the fluid provides some deal of a boost in regards to arcane power, if one could call it that.
  19. Ophidium: A sizable hunk of pulsating violaceous crystal, formed from bark transmutation. The lattice seems to both draw light in around it, and break it down in the ordered depths of the chaotic structure.
  21. Concentrated Avaritine: A bizarre burning golden fluid composed primarily of pure greed essence, and molten gold. The fluid, when vaporized, emits ancient refiner's fumes, which elevate the value of anything they touch, transmuting it into a higher state of being.
  23. Crystal Plague: A long shard of turquoise crystal nearly seven inches in length. Grows and feeds on life itself, eager to expunge its foul innards from within. It appears as if the things were utilized as storage vessels of some sort.
  25. ЦЕЛПХ-Х-ИХИС: A pale ophidium tablet, slightly over a foot in length, half a foot in width, and a few inches think. The thing's vertices are lined with what appears to be magetear-lined corotite caps of some sort. The device's front bears nothing, save for the image of a hand.
  27. ЫИ: A long, tenebrite greatsword, blade dipped in the magetear of the cosmos. The surface of the sword occasionally flashes past a variety of images, almost all of them entirely unrelated to the present time and place. One can manipulate the coating of the blade with their mind to form whatever their heart desires, whether it be a modification, or a particular vision. If so inclined, one could even give the liquid virulent qualities with sheer willpower.
  29. Acras Tuner: A melodious energy cannon composed of tenebrite, several Amethyst Flame capacitors, and an ophidium-lined barrel dripping with some maroon fluid of unknown origin. If you stare hard enough into the stuff, it fills you with a dark yearning.
  31. Seventh Capacitor: What was once a Magic 7-Ball, cracked and pulsating with a pale gray light. The device appears to be filled with liquid magetear, visions of an age long past ceaselessly shifting across their surface. Harnessing the device, one can connect to the gray knowledge of yore, and access its existence, to an extent.
  33. Generation II.
  35. (Magetear Droplet && Vial of Abyssal Ink) && Amethyst Flame == Burning Sign.
  37. Burning Sign: The hexagonal callsign of the Dæmon, composed of fluid ink infused with cosmic concentrate. A Burning Sign can be grafted chemically to the flesh of its bearer at any location with little thought. It occasionally reveals snippets of events that are yet to come, have already passed, and are occurring. As with any stellar concentrate, the Burning Sign can be molded to the desires of the wielder, from sword to shield to pen to rose.
  39. Ultra Sledgehammer || (Lightning Hammer && Amethyst Flame) && Fish Guitar && Laser Crystal Shards && (The Black Sword && Concentrated Avaritine) && (Ultra Shovel && Magetear Droplet) = Xolotl.
  41. Xolotl: An ornate warhammer composed of a shining vesperium. Matrices and lattices have been inscribed into the head of the hammer with a combination of avaritine and magetear, the latter of which providing an additional method of combat, if mere swings fail to suffice. The weapon itself is a small furnace burning with amethyst flames, and outputting inordinately vast amounts of radiation as a result. A single swing of the hammer can shatter masses of atomic bonds around you, and release the energy in the form of blasts of unearthly lightning, rending flesh from bone.
  42. Name and description made by Erelye. Recipe by battlefury.
  44. (Torch && Liquid Starlight) && Amethyst Flame == The Refiner's Fire.
  46. The Refiner's Fire: An eternally burning torch of some multicolored flame. When applied to organic matter, the fire will warm their core, bestowing upon them a Refinement for a short time. When applied to inorganic matter, the flame will transmute and liquify it, pouring forth infinite curtains of magma. Through the Refiner's Fire comes rebirth.
  48. Magetear 8 Ball && (Magetear && Amethyst Flame) || Eye = ??? ITEM UNKNOWN
  50. Magic 8-Ball && Eyepatch || (Magetear Droplet && Sign of Perthro == Primordial Ichor) && (Evocation Lens && Amethyst Flame) == Stasis Awakening.
  52. Stasis Awakening: An eyepatch, of sorts, adorned with seven lenses made of glass fused with the purest magetear. This set of lenses permits the user to see beyond the facades and lies of the plane of men. From the lowest scum to the grandest syncophant, their lies and half-truths mean nothing. No finely-made facade or falsitude will fool the bearer of its arcane knowledge. From their husk comes the truth, like a phoenix from the ashes, and with it, the purest enlightenment.
  54. Recipe created by Battlefury and heavily modified by Erelye. See above for orginal recipe.
  56. Crown of Blood || (Magetear Droplet && Liquid Starlight) == Crown of the Cosmos.
  58. Crown of the Cosmos: Stellar concentrate infused to the callsign of the bloodthirsty. In spilling blood, one has ignited a grand awakening. In having spilt your own, one has reached enlightenment. Shines with the inimitable radiant glow of the viscous fluid topping the reconfigured Proto Crown.
  60. Crown of Hatred || (Amethyst Flame && Agonized Soul) == Crown of Damnation.
  62. Crown of Damnation: Blazing cosmic destruction infused with the unmitigated suffering derived from those damned by the Amethyst Flame, the Crown of Damnation feasts on the vitality of its owner's victims, in a manner akin to a grisly dreamcatcher, stealing souls away at the brink of death.
  64. ((Hazel-Trimmed Alchemical Construct && Magetear Droplet) && (Glass Tubes && Amethyst Flame)) == Baqium.
  66. Baqium: A column of hazel-trimmed arcane iron coated in a mass of interfaces, valves, and tubes. The central mechanism is fueled by what appears to be a steady supply of liquid magetear from an unknown source, feeding a colorless refiner's fire in a visible compartment. When supplemented with various module technologies, the Baqium can punch a localized hole into the fabric of spacetime, and consume the base essence of existence to create a variety of specified materials.
  68. Hazel Rod && Amethyst Flame == Rod of Alchameth.
  70. Rod of Alchameth: This long, straight, slightly gnarled rod is sculpted of hazel wood, with amethyst-glowing cracks dotting its length. They congregate at the tip of the rod, where amethyst flames occasionally lick out of the cracks. Allows generation of and control over Amethyst Flame, as well as tapping into its knowledge for various effects. Also functions as a magical focus, with extra oomph given to any spell that deals with knowledge.
  72. ((Magetear Droplet && Amethyst Flame == Stellarum Catalyst) && Napalm == Pyra Asteria) && Sprayer == Sidereal Inferno. (Idea and description by crystalcat. Make this one if you want, I don't care.)
  74. Sidereal Inferno: A hazel-trimmed napalm-sprayer forged of dark metal and loaded with a practically infinite supply of Pyra Asteria, which is basically cosmic knowledge distilled into pure fiery destruction. Its flames are amethyst, its heat unending.
  76. (Stellarum Catalyst: Writhing magetear that constantly shows visions of an amethyst inferno consuming existence. Functions as a catalyst par excellence, vastly improving the effectiveness of whatever it is blended with. In addition, highly linked to amethyst flame, and many items incorporating it produce said flame.)
  78. (Pyra Asteria: Cosmic knowledge distilled into blazing destruction by mixing Stellarum Catalyst with napalm, this viscous liquid ignites in response to being deployed, burning amethyst and blazing with stellar heat.)
  80. (Smoky Quartz Sphere || Stellarum Catalyst) && Amethyst Flame == Wisdom's Tragedy.
  82. Wisdom's Tragedy: A perfectly-spherical orb of smoky quartz, raging within with the vestiges of an inner violet inferno. The orb occasionally destabilizes into a liquid form, dripping with pure visions of the coming of an age of the violet. The contrivance hungers for the essence serving as the foundation of sentient existence, for its passage shall usher in an age of the orb's true master.
  84. Pure Magic Eye && Amethyst Flame && Amaranthine Embers && Liquid Starlight == Mentis Oculus. (Idea and description by crystalcat. Please ask for his permission before creating this item. [I kinda want it to be a Crystal-exclusive item.])
  86. Mentis Oculus: A softly-glowing eye comprised of Liquid Starlight ringed about by a series of violet sigils and runes, both confining and defining the ocular orb. Its iris is the same violet as its sigils and seems to flicker with flame, revealing the inferno within, while the sclera is liquid starlight and the pupil is the normal black. Holds a core of banked and compressed amethyst flame, and, upon mental command, may ignite in a conflagration of violaceous radiance, unlocking its true capabilities. The eye constantly feeds its holder knowledge spun from the liquid starlight it holds, and may tap its amethyst core for greater wisdom when ignited. The holder may, as well, query the orb in the manner of an oracle to glean specific insights. When its inner flame is unleashed, the eye is capable of consuming knowledge to add to its archives. Said process is mediated through the medium of amethyst flame, the blaze consuming stores of knowledge in the manner of a refiner's fire and leaving behind a condensed crystal of knowledge incarnate, which is then consumed by the eye and integrated into its core. As a natural consequence of this ability, the eye may also project lances of concentrated amethyst flame. (Of note is that condensed knowledge produced by any other means may also be consumed by the eye in the same manner, and that the eye's own refining process may be augmented through various means.)
  88. Magic Cueball Eye && Seventh Capacitor && Baqium == Eye of Grey Ages. (Idea and description by crystalcat. Please ask for his permission before creating this item. [Not that you could, since only I have the Seventh Capacitor.])
  90. Eye of Grey Ages: An eye formed of the union of a mystic cueball eye, a link to the Grey Knowledge of yore, and an ancient refiner's mechanism. Comprised of a pale grey sclera, a maroon iris the same hue as the maroon shell of the Seventh Capacitor, and a single conventionally black pupil. Constantly taps the grand power and knowledge of the Grey Ages, feeding it into the holder in a manner that both provides occasional flashes of ancient insight and intensifies the holder's mystical power. The knowledge ensconced within may also be queried more directly, in the manner of an oracle. The refiner's mechanism within may be activated with a mental command, causing the eye to begin leaking a grey aura. This aura may then be mentally congealed into grey hard-light and put to a multitude of uses, from simply firing shards of hard-light to forming complex mechanisms and objects. The ancient power embodied in these manifestations of a bygone time grants them an unmatched puissance and metaphorical weight, to the extent of the very world warping around them. All things yield before the ancient ages returned.
  92. Generation III.
  94. Cosmic Cloak && Captain's Guardian && Magetear Droplet = Nocturne.
  96. Nocturne: A liquid cloak of stellar concentrate infused with pure energy. When donned, the cloak projects a mass of pure cosmic magetear about you, forming a second body in the shape of an amorphous blob, if it could be called even that. The form will bend to your very will, in both shape and effect. The liquid around you will dissolve if you remove the cloak. Nothing will stand in the path of those who think.
  98. Railgun || (Massive Blaze Rods && Amaranthine Embers) && (Magma Cream && Magetear Droplet) == Haunt Muskie.
  100. Haunt Muskie: Modified corotite railgun of some description, reinforced by four charred blaze rods. The advanced device is greased with magma cream, and charged with stellar concentrate. When loaded with Charred Rods acquired from the crystallization of knowledge swirls upon a special form of blaze rod, the Haunt Muskie fires out cosmically-charged unstable pikes formed from fused charred rods coated in the violaceous embers of the abyss. Upon spearing an enemy, the pike will detonate itself, blasting forth a wave of amethystine fire and charred shrapnel, neither of which make distinction between friend or foe.
  102. Solus Katana && Amethyst Flame && Red Sun Essence && Green Sun Essence && Last Prism == Eos Blade.
  104. Eos Blade: A glittering multicolored katana shining with the colors of the rainbow, especially green, red, and violet. The Eos Blade has two forms. The standard phase concentrates the light of every star capable of sending light to the wielder's current position into an erratic blast of pure searing heat and light eventually concentrating into a solid beam of undiluted flame and plasma. The second form crystallizes any photons it strikes, forming highly unstable masses of high-velocity multicolored hard-light, with the additional benefactor of being charged with the essence of two biuniversal stars, and a demonic fire. The masses do not distinguish between friend and foe, naturally.
  106. Blood Hammer || (Magetear Droplet && Liquid Starlight) == Lilith In Starlight.
  108. Lilith In Starlight: A large warhammer composed of some tenebrite alloy, exuding a peculiar thorny black smoke. The faces are coated in a peculiar dripping substance whispering to you of interstellar dreams, long-lost euphoria, and the will of Hra'iasasid. The device itself pierces most conventional forms of armor, temporarily searing through their concepts to strike at the very being of the victim, inflicting them with a peculiar Corruption. While the implement itself deals relatively little damage, the Corruption and piercing tend to alleviate that. Each and every strike is fueled by the life-force of the wielder. If the wielder is immortal, the weapon will fail to function.
  110. Gatling Slugger || (Blast Furnace && Amethyst Flame) && Augustan Seed == The Translocator.
  112. The Translocator: Modified shell weapon containing a small furnace in the barrel. When loaded with ingots of metal, the device will melt them down, and infuse them with a recondite purpose. Upon pulling the trigger, the Translocator will shoot out globs of molten metallic slag infused with eldritch thought in the general direction you were aiming at. Upon being struck, an entity will likely note that the slag has become organic in nature, and is using their life force as a host vessel to grow an unearthly servant.
  114. (Ultra Auto Heavy Crossbow && Magetear Infused Hazel Wood) && (Heavy Bolt && Magetear Infused Hazel Wood && Ophidium && Amethyst Flame) = Punitive Arbalest.
  116. Punitive Arbalest: A heavy hazel crossbow of some description, dripping with the small amounts of magetear sealed within it. The actual bolts are of the finest ophidium-tipped burning amethyst hazel, designed to impale as many organic targets as possible without striking an obstacle. All you need do is muster the strength the utilize the gargantuan arbalest, and you will be a god.
  118. (Potion 000 Brimstone) && Magetear Droplet == Zye.
  120. Zye: A black tarlike substance contained within a vial. When applied to any sentient being, zye will immediately seep into their essence, and introduce a vile darkness to their being. This darkness with force them into submitting to the rule of ██. None shall resist your might, and the Flame shall prevail.
  122. Splinter Gun && (Crossbow Bolt && Crystal Plague) == Hellion.
  124. Hellion: A compact splinter gun constructed with a pale steel and hazel wood. When loaded with fully-operational turquoise crystal prisons, Hellion will fire shards of a contained foulness at your target. In the event that a shard touches another living entity, it will inflict upon it a sickness, of sorts, spreading it across the field of battle with every successful strike from either victim or wielder. Of course, a sizable enough minority of Crystal Plagues contain categorically threatening content which, if loaded into Hellion, will force the hand of the Interdimensional Police Department. They will ambush you before you pull the trigger, and occupy your time for a good few days.
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