
John's character

Dec 7th, 2013
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  1. Name: Hadrian Fendel
  2. Race: Human
  3. Gender: Male
  4. Appearance: Hadrian is the middle aged master of Dunmire Castle, a significant military presence in the region. He stands at a staggering 6'8 and has a massive body build. Weighing almost 230lbs, this giant of a man is capable of rivaling even the strongest of Orc Chiefs in hand to hand combat. His dark brown hair is kept shoulder length, neatly combed back to keep out of his eyes. He trims his beard however and keeps it at a neat stubble. His facial features are powerful and sharp, clearly describing his warlike attitude. Adorn with scars of past battles and the gritty scowl of a man who has killed countless others, Hadrian is far from attractive.
  5. Gear: Hadrian is known as 'The Overlord' for many reasons, his armor and weapon are one. His massive armor gives even more size and intimidation to the already terrifying presence of the man that is Hadrian. His armor is thick and made of Ebony and Steel, with a twisted and evil look, the curias bares a pained face,on the chest, morphing out as if melted into the armor. The right pauldron adorns a massive shoulder piece that covers his head alone, the piece appears to be fashioned like a dragon's head breathing fire down his arm. The rest of the pauldron takes on the appearance if flames, his fingers ending in sharp pointed claws. The left pauldron is much smaller to account for the weight of the right, a simple,shoulder guard and gauntlet are all that protect his left side, if not the shield. The shield takes on the shape of fireball, large enough to cover his entire torso when placed in front of him. His grieves are spiked along the side and end in a pointed toe that dogs into the ground and gives his stability in combat.
  6. Finally, the Helmet is fashioned like a crown and a helm, the face piece being a rugged version of a 'spartan' helm while the cranium extends in six long spikes that take the appearance of a crown.
  7. Finally, is Hadrian's weapon; measuring at 4'9, this heavy longblade, much like Hadrian's armor has never been wielded by another man. The blade single edged and is shaped like a twisted tree root grown from a hilt that resembles an amalgamation of spikes.
  8. Man-at-Arms: Hadrian's soldiers, the 'Men-at-Arms' carry a much simpler equipment loadout. Armed usually with leather and steel lamellar vest the Men-at-Arms are a light infantry carrying simple long swords, kite shields, Half-helms, and crossbows/compound bows.
  9. Bio: Born as a peasant in Castle Dunmire, his parents worked under the Leadership of Lord Merwin Underian. An incompetent and corrupt leader, often letting bandits whore away with the plebeians below the Fortress. Hadrian was 15 when he was recruited into the Men-at-Arms for his mandatory 3 year 'service' as Lord Merwin's racketeer and thug. Once his service was nearing the end, the young Hadrian Fendel became a Martyr when he refused to sack his own parents' house. As punishment, Lord Merwin had his family executed and he was banished to be eaten by the wolves. Hadrian did not leave the castle. On the same day, Hadrian led a coup of 300 Men-at-Arms and stormed Lord Merwin's castle. The attack was a massive success as Merwin's untrained thugs fell to Hadrian and the Men-at-Arms. The battle lasted less than three hours and in the end, only 10 Men-at-Arms remained alive, and Hadrian himself decapitated Lord Merwin and displayed his body in the center of town, his head shoved up his own ass. While this meant the end of Lord Merwin's rule, it was the beginning of Hadrian's Era, when he became 'The Overlord'.
  10. Now, many years later, Hadrian rules Castle Dunmire in what many may see as a cruel dictatorship, however most INSIDE castle Dunmire say that law abiding citizens are treated like Nobles, and it is only the unloyal or the criminals that face unimaginable treatment.
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