
Anon and Luna do Cocaine (NOT MINE)

Dec 9th, 2019
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  1. OP Prompt
  7. >do a line
  8. >shag a goddess who is also completely fucking rolling
  10. Story/Greentext
  12. >You hear the wind calmly drift through the streets of canterlot in the midst of the night, kept alight only by the laps along the street
  13. >You're still not entirely sure why Twi asked you to come with her to meet with the princesses, it's not like they asked you to show up in particular
  14. >Well, she is a good friend of yours after all, maybe she was just after the company
  15. >It would have been a pretty boring train ride over without someone to chat with in all fairness, she's a nerd but at least she can hold a conversation
  16. >You draw a cigarette from your suit jacket pocket along with an old silver zippo lighter, flipping it open and rolling the striker you ignite your rolled stick of cancer
  17. >Taking a drag, you continue your walk, loosening up as you proceed to continue on your search for a bar, you had hoped to find a place to get a drink and maybe chat up some locals
  18. >You're certain at this point that there's some sort of prohibition laws in town, you've been out here for almost an hour and yet there's nothing
  19. >The wind is warm as it wraps around your face, wafting smoke around you
  20. >Eventually you find yourself back at the castle gates, well, that was a bust
  21. >You wave to the guard stationed outside the main gate, he in turn motions for the gates to be opened, unleashing a loud creaking sound as you approach
  22. >As you pass through the gate you wonder if Twilight's still catching up with the royals
  23. >Making your way through the court yard, you hear what sounds like a large bird flying overhead
  24. >Looking up you see the silhouette of an alicorn
  25. >Guess Twi was waiting for you, how nice of her to stick around to say goodnight
  26. >As the figure approaches, the shape becomes clearer, it's a fair bit bigger than Twilight would be even with her fast food habits
  27. >Well, Cadence lives a bit to far south and sunbutt's too lazy to be up this late
  28. >That only leaves one magical flying horse as far as you know
  30. >You put out your smoke, crushing what's left of it into the cobblestone path with your heel, she probably smelt it from the tower and odds are she's coming down to complain about your poor choice in habits
  31. >"Good evening Anon, we had heard that you would be in Canterlot tonight." Luna warmly opens with
  32. "Yeah, Twi seemed like she wanted someone to come along and it's not like I've got much else to do."
  33. >"Indeed, no doubt you are making your return from one of the many purveyors of intoxication that are easily found throughout the city."
  34. >You smile and chuckle
  35. "Something like that, what brings you out here on a peaceful night like this?"
  36. >"Well, Anon, we had been informed of your arrival this morning and we recalled how a conversation about the lands you hail from spurred forth a slight scientific endeavor."
  37. >You have no clue what she could be referring too but the thought that you've been putting idea's in her head is a terrifying one
  38. "Oh? And what would that be?"
  39. >"Come with us, we wish to show you, you will certainly enjoy the surprise in store for you."
  40. >She gives you the kind of smile that screams "I'm up to absolutely nothing good"
  41. >This sounds like a terrible plan, most of the things you tend to talk about from your world are the more crass and edgy type compared to the average conversation from a pony
  42. >None the less, it's not wise to argue with someone that's got a literal army one shout away
  43. "Sure, what's the worst that could happen?"
  44. >Luna giggles, cracking an excited smile
  45. >You've not seen her like this before, usually she's far more matter of fact and serious
  46. >She grabs you in a telekinetic bubble and takes off, bringing you with her at a rapid pace
  47. >The flight is rather short to her room though, taking only mere seconds to reach her bed room
  48. >"I present to you, Anonymous, the fruits of the greatest chemists and botanists in all of equestria!"
  49. >She swings open her door, revealing a somewhat regal room, but the lighting looks like a club's
  51. >You see strobe lights, multicolored lights spinning and turning all around the room, a speaker in the corner is playing some kind of heavy electronic music but it's a little too low to hear
  52. >Then your eyes are drawn to the center of the room, where a large mound of white powder taller than you can be seen
  53. >There's no way it's actually what you think it is
  54. "So you poured baking soda all over your floor in a big pile?"
  55. >Luna laughs hysterically
  56. >"Oh anon, clearly you jest!" she laughs at you
  57. >"You recall our conversation on how people from your world spend their nights?"
  58. >I guess it really is what you think it is then
  59. "Wasn't that the one where I mentioned the different types of parties people hold late into the night and all the types of party drugs they do?"
  60. >"Indeed, we were so intrigued by the concept of this 'cocaine' substance that we simply had to try it ourselves, though when we heard you would be present in the royal city it seemed only fair that you be brought along."
  61. >Look what you've done now, because of you the equestrian people, the most innocent of creatures you've encountered in your life, are to be exposed to the corrupting powers of cocaine
  62. >(I'm so proud of you Anon)
  63. >You look at her, then at the mound
  64. >Then back to her
  65. >Then back at the mound
  66. >You know what must be done
  67. >It's time to do some blow with a royal hoe
  68. >"Well, What do you think?"
  69. "I think that long ass train ride was well worth it."
  70. >Luna grins, her eyes meet yours
  71. >"Let us become higher than the clouds!" she shouts awkwardly but confidently, slamming shut the door to her room
  72. >You go up to the mountain of Colombian snow, preparing to reach over and take about a lines worth from it
  73. >As you approach you hear the sound of wings flapping, unsure of what's going on you turn around
  74. >The last thing you see before impact is a large, dark blue horse flying at you
  75. >*WHAM*
  76. >She collides and spins you, slamming you head first into the treasure trove and following you in
  78. >In a panic, you inhale, a reflex as you expect to fall into it like water
  79. >You catch a massive bump
  80. >Almost instantly it hits you, your face goes numb
  81. >Pulling yourself out of the pile, you feel like a million dollars
  82. >Your brain feels like it belongs in an 80s body builder, you feel like you could punch through the walls and tear down the castle you're in with your bare hands
  83. >It feels like you're on top of the world, you're the king
  84. >No, king's to humble, you're a god
  85. >The shiny green god of motherfucking cocaine!
  86. >Just hours ago you felt almost pointless, a side attraction to the royals and your friend
  87. >Now though, now you feel like no horse or man in any conceivable universe could possibly have the same size of dick that you poses
  88. >You see Luna climb from the pile, prancing in place and laughing
  89. >"We feel amazing! It is everything you had described and more!"
  90. >She quickly runs over to the speaker on the side of the room and turns it up, you recognize the song
  91. >
  92. >It's just starting to pick up
  93. >The volume's maxed out, your heart begins to pound like the firing of a BAR
  94. >You feel alive, more alive than you've ever felt
  95. >Simultaneously you and the princess break into dance, flailing wildly like a pair of startled animals
  96. >You've never felt so pleased with yourself, you're in the royal chambers of a genuine princess, snorting coke and having the time of your life
  99. >You yell out in pure ecstasy and satisfaction
  100. >Looking at Luna, you see her move her plot like nothing you've ever seen
  101. >You cannot take your eyes of her ass
  102. >God damn, she can MOVE!
  103. >You transition from whatever the hell you were doing before and start thrusting your hips relentlessly to the beat
  104. >She looks at you, a wicked grin forms on her face as she continues to sway in all the right ways, locking on your pelvic thrust
  106. >Your movements seem to have a magnetic affect on each other, you're both moving closer as you gyrate like the couple of horny animals you are
  107. >Finally you're in arms reach, the Luna throws her front hoofs over your shoulders and spins you off your feet
  108. >The whirlwind ends with you both falling on her bed, you on top of her as she continues to grip you
  109. >"TAKE US! TAKE US LIKE THE FILTHY WHORE WE ARE!" Luna screams over the blasting music
  110. >Faster than you thought you could, you undo your belt and throw off your pants
  111. >You're already full mast thanks to Luna's moves
  112. >You line it up and reel back, no time to fuck around, this princess needs a real dicking right now
  113. >Slamming forward you breach and clear all the way through as shes screams with pleasure
  115. >Again you draw back and fire forward, repeating the action to the sound of the beat as hard as you can
  116. >Her head falls back onto the sheets, her eyes closed and mouth open, moaning so loud it's a miracle the guards haven't busted the door down
  117. >You bring yourself in closer, head against her chest as you absolutely smash the living shit out of her pussy
  118. >THIS is what you DESERVE, you belong right here, making babies with cutest ruler of the free pony world
  119. >"ANON! WE DRAW NEAR!" she cries out, wrapping her 4 legs around you
  120. >No stopping now, your pace increases
  121. >You can almost hear the slapping over the blasting speaker
  122. >Her entrance tightens around your cock, she opens her eyes only to have them roll back as far as they can, her tung sliding out of her mouth
  123. >"ANOOOON!" she screams, gripping you in a bear hug
  124. >You feel a warm, sticky liquid seep out around your cock
  125. >This changes nothing, you're still not done with her but you feel close
  126. >As she's still reeling in pleasure you begin to absolutely hammer her
  127. >Every breath she lets out is loud moan
  128. >You can feel it welling up in your hips, your shaft starts to tingle
  130. >It's time
  131. >You dig in and go from high pace to hard depth
  132. >Finally, like an explosion of pleasure throughout your whole body that originated in your cock, you cum
  133. >You pour shot after shot after shot into the princess of the night, filling her right up with your sticky, hot batter
  134. >You pull out and watch it drip from her onto the sheets
  135. >"Oh, Anon, that was most excellent! Shall we go again?"
  136. >*WHAM*
  138. >You look over your shoulder, knowing full well who it is
  139. >There she stands, the (very drowsy) goddess of the sun
  140. >She stares at the both of you, a look of disbelief washes over her face
  141. >"A-Anon?" Celestia asks, unsure if she's hallucinating
  142. "I uh, can explain?"
  143. >"How DARE you engage in such debauchery with MY sister?!" Celestia accuses
  144. "L-Look! I-It's not what it looks like!"
  145. >"Oh REALLY? It looks like you're BALLS DEEP IN MY ONLY LIVING RELATIVE!" shouts Celestia, starting towards you
  146. >Luna, dropping out of her post coitus ecstasy, sees exactly what's happening and takes off into the air
  147. >"Oh I'll be having a word with YOU after!" Celestia cries at her sister
  148. >"Now, what gives you the SLIGHTEST idea that you can just WALTZ in here and bed MY SISTER!?"
  149. "Uh"
  150. >"WELL?"
  151. "It was her idea?"
  152. >Before Celestia can continue her Spanish inquisition, you witness a tackle the likes of which have never been seen
  153. >A dark blue blur slams into Celestia, driving her into the mountain of powdered power
  154. >*GASP*
  155. >"LUNA!!" Celestia roars
  156. >"Oh, you are such a killjoy! Come and partake in this deviance! I can promise you that you will not regret it!" Luna prods her sister
  157. >If she wanted to, Celestia could probably hide in that mound all night and no one would know outside of her hair
  158. >This was not to be though
  159. >"Very well! If I am to lower myself to your level, I will do so on MY terms!" Celestia exclaimed
  160. >Luna cheered aloud
  161. >Sticking your head back in to the pile to refresh yourself you feel something tug on you
  163. >Instantly you're ripped from the snow and flung onto your back on the bed
  164. >Before you can even ask what's going on, Luna dives deep into a kiss with you
  165. >Then, you see Celestia standing over you, her marehood aimed squarely at your rod
  166. >She dives down onto your cock, nailing her mark and bottoming out instantly
  167. >Celestia cries out in pleasure as she makes her mark
  168. >Without skipping a beat she starts to bounce along your rod, starting shallow as she slips up and down
  169. >Quickly her pace increases to something even more furious than yours previously
  170. >It's like a machine is trying to draw every last bit of seed still inside you
  171. >Celestia slaps violently against your base, echoing out the still opened door
  172. >"You're MINE now Anon, and I'm going to use you like a cheap toy!" states Celestia, staring you in the eye as she moves even harder
  173. >She looks like a mare on a mission, you've seen her stand up to the bad guys before but good god her eyes are burning into your soul
  174. >She moved her head next to yours, her sister still wrestling your tung
  175. >"Oh! And if you finish before me, I'll chew it clean off.~" Celestia lewdly uttered
  176. >You can feel your heartrate spike
  177. >She stops slamming you and instead you start to feel her hips circling
  178. >Celestia is grinding your cock, and it feels fucking amazing
  179. >Apparently she agrees, you see her face shift from snow white to bright red
  180. >Moans begin to escape her mouth as she picks up the speed
  181. >Oh god you feel it again
  182. >You don't even mind of she bites it clean off, you're ready to blow
  183. >Celestia pulls her head up, crying out in pure pleasure as she refuses to stop using you
  184. >Luna breaks from you and instead moves to her sister, wrapping her forelegs around her neck and drawing her in for a hot, sloppy kiss you can hear from down on the bed
  185. >You can't hold it much longer
  186. >You're not worried though, you feel her tighten on your cock as she moves her hips just right
  188. >The sisters go at each others lips like wild animals, the sight of which is just too much to hold back on
  189. >You feel your stream fire out once more, filling you with that same eruption of pleasure
  190. >At the same time, Sunbutt's pussy starts to absolutely soak your crotch
  191. >After what feels like an eternity of climax, the sisters break lips
  192. >"So, was I as good as my sister?" Asks Celestia
  193. "Y-Yeah"
  194. >You're completely out of it, spent after flying into the sun
  195. >You drop your head back into the pillows, soon to be met by Luna laying herself behind your head and Celestia dropping to your chest covering you almost completely
  196. >You never knew horses could be so comfy
  197. >You feel yourself drift off to sleep, completely burnt out but comfy as could be between the two best princesses in the whole of Equestria
  199. >You wake up the next morning to someone poking your nose
  200. >You look to the left and see a pony in the sunlight of the door, it's too bright to tell who though
  201. "I am the one who BOOPS."
  202. >Your voice is slow as you're still barely awake
  203. >You raise a hand and place it on the nose of the unknown pony
  204. >Suddenly in a flash of purple light, it disappears
  205. >Then you feel yourself change places in the cosmos
  206. >You're outside the room on the stairs, Twilight is looking at you with unending confusion
  207. >"Did you..."
  208. "Yes, I and the princesses got completely fucked up and had a hot, coke fueled 3 way."
  209. >She stares you dead in the eyes, still not sure what's going on
  210. >"So you all got high and... Did it?"
  211. "Yeah, pretty much, in all fairness, it was Luna's idea."
  212. >Her shock turned to disappointment
  213. >"Fine, but next time this thing happens, you come and get me, okay?"
  214. >You look at her quizzically
  215. "Twi at that point there's not a mare in the world that could stop what's about to go down."
  216. >Twilight cocks her head to the side and shoots you a seductive grin
  217. >"Who said I'd wanna stop anything?"
  218. >You laugh, putting your hand on her head and ruffling her hair
  219. "Oh Twilight, you're so cute."
  220. >You stand up and try not to fall down the stairs as you make your descent
  221. >Twilight follows in tow
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