
Al the Chemist

Dec 26th, 2016
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  1. She's 5'7". From what can be discerned behind her clothing, she has a dark complexion, and black, wavy hair. Her eyes are brown
  3. She's wearing a set of black and gray hooded robes. There's also a little cap on her head, separate of the hood. She's wearing a teal scarf over her mouth, covered in illegible runics. The cloth trails under her jacket, showing off some small, white tassels. There's a brown satchel over the coat around her chest, dangling a few trinkets and charms alike. The satchel's buckle is adorned with a turquoise gem, and its strap contains a series of smaller pouches along the front. Her robes are held close by a black belt.
  5. Outside of the robes, she's wearing a necklace comprised of huge cyan beads, with a single black medallion fixed to the chain. There's thin white bandages wrapped around each of her fingers, sporting some rings studded with precious gems. There's an ornament censer strapped to one side the satchel, along with a short cudgel. There's the handle to a machete semi-hidden at the part of the sack closest to her body.
  7. There's a jingle to her when she moves faster than a casual amble. She probably giggles under her breath when she's not doing anything else.
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