
A Little Change Never Hurt Anyone

Apr 10th, 2018
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  1. A Little Change Never Hurt Anyone
  2. This Run Is The Beginning of an Arc about Ouroboros, a group that kidnaps people and uses them as materials for creating Homunculus
  3. **Title of Run:** A Little Change Never Hurt Anyone
  4. **Run/Event Summary:** People have been disappearing in France after interacting with strange individuals. While not normally cause for concern for the Foundation, every Police Officer sent to investigate was found dead with pale white skin. Psi-7 are sent to investigate and eventually find the people responsible trying to kidnap someone. A high speed chase ensues ending in the people being either dead or incapacitated. Upon further inspection they turn out to be Changelings, a type of Homunculus
  5. **Predicted Difficulty:** Predicted difficulty: Easy
  7. **Run Description:** Psi-7 is brought into the briefing room and told about the civilians who went missing and that men in extravagant outfits were seen with them all before they disappeared. The police attempted to investigate but any cops they sent out went missing as well. They are sent in as fake Interpol agents to investigate on their own. Once they get there, the police give them all the information they currently have. Fancily dressed men have been standing outside the Louvre in the afternoon and talking to people around the time it started, but the Police have been unable to connect them to anything despite their suspicions. They were different men every time however, and no one ever saw the same men a second time. They are also given access to the houses of the two most recent missing persons houses. From here they are free to explore the locations as they see fit.
  9. Carolina Marino's House:A rather plain looking house.
  10. Living room: The front door opens into the living room, where you can see a boot mark on the wall. A DC 4 PERC/ENG check will reveal the lock was picked. A flower pot by the bathroom door is also knocked over and shattered.
  11. Bedroom: The Bedroom door has been kicked open and there's a phone off it's hook on her dresser alongside a pin with a cartoon snake on it. Close inspection and a DC 4 PERC check reveals a Beacon on it.
  12. Bathroom: The Bathroom is an absolute mess. There are obvious signs of a struggle and a strange liquid spilled on the ground that examination will reveal as chloroform. The mirror is also shattered.
  14. Crime: When Carolina was kidnapped she was in the bathroom, while the Changelings picked the lock and broke in. They tried to sneak up on her in the bathroom but they were seen. She struggled against them and knocked a bottle of Chloroform out of one of their hands, spilling it on the floor and giving her a chance to run. She locked herself in her room and tried to call the cops, but the Changelings broke down the door before she could call. They dragged her out, giving her ample chance to make a fuss and cause the boot mark on the wall
  16. Marco Costa's House: A rather nice house. Marco obviously had some money.
  17. Living Room: A plate is knocked onto the floor alongside a small wooden table that can fold up. The TV is still on.
  18. Bedroom: There's a wristband with the same cartoon snake on it. It has a small buckle like a watch that hides another Beacon.
  20. Kitchen: There are materials to make a sandwich left out. A knife is lying on the floor with specks of white flesh on it.
  22. Crime: Marco was in the Living Room eating a sandwich and watching TV when he was kidnapped. The Changelings busted in and Marco saw them. He rushed towards the kitchen to grab a knife before they could do anything. They followed and he got a good stab in. Shame they don't have blood or internal organs. They managed to restrain him and Chloroformed him before dragging him out.
  24. Louvre: Outside of the Louvre are two men in bright pink suits talking to people and handing out merchandise. They all feature a cartoon snake. If asked what they're advertising, they will respond that it's a new children's book coming out, but when pressed for details they'll simply say it's a surprise. They will give a title for it though. "Sammy The Friendly Snake" If they stake them out until they leave, they'll get in their van and go to kidnap another person. If they see Psi-7 coming for them during this time they'll get in their van and try to escape. From here they start a high speed chase, leading to them hopefully either shooting out their tires or killing the Changelings. If they inspect the corpses they'll find the same Homunculus brands on their necks as the Singing Flesh alongside documents in the glove box with a set of coordinates and a checklist of names.
  26. **Outcome:** The Changelings are defeated, and The Foundation obtains a set of mysterious coordinates to investigate.
  29. High Speed Chase Rules:
  30. Driving: When driving at speed, you need to Roll an adjustable AGI/ENG check to avoid dinging anything. This DC corresponds with the Driving Check to move forwards on the Chase Scale Every time you fail a driving check you get pushed back 1 level on the chase scale. On their turn, the drive can also make an Adjustable DC Driving Check to move forwards 1 level on the Chase Scale. The DC for this Run due to it being a deserted street at night is 4.
  32. Chase Scale:
  33. 1: Right beside the target. +2 Bonus to RNG against people in the front seat
  34. 2: A car space behind the target. +2 Bonus to RNG against people shooting out of the back seat
  35. 3: Trailing behind the target. No penalties.
  36. 4: Starting to lose target. -1 RNG penalty
  37. 5: Target is getting away. -2 RNG penalty and everyone in the car must make an adjustable DC PERC check to avoid losing them. The DC for this run due to it being at night is 5.
  39. Car Stats:
  40. Cars by default have 5 HP. Each successful hit against the car reduces it's HP by 0.5. Trying to hit the car purposely is a DC 3 RNG check. Trying to shoot out the tires is a DC 5 RNG check. For every tire shot out, the Driver's AGI for driving checks is reduced by 1. If the Driver's Driving check bonus drops to 0 or all four tires are shot out, the car crashes.
  42. Shooting At Other Cars:
  43. Whenever you shoot at someone in another car, any misses have a 25% chance to hit the car instead of straight out missing. This is determined by a d4. A hit against a car in this way is confirmed on a 4 roll.
  45. Car Crash:
  46. Whenever a car crashes, damage is determined by 4df+6. Passengers can roll AGI to try and roll out of the car before it crashes, instead lowering the damage to 4df+3. The DC for the AGI check is equal to the Chase Scale level, but inverted.(Example, a 1 on the Chase Scale equals a DC of 5 while a 2=4 PDEF may be rolled against both of these. Each damage roll is done per player.
  50. **Name:** Changeling
  51. **Purpose:** Minion
  52. **Nature:** Changelings are intelligent, and wait for the perfect moment to come out of hiding and attack. They attempt to perfectly mimic whoever they're copying.
  53. **Description/History:** Changelings have no distinct form and merely adopt the form of people it sees
  54. **Other:** Any other information someone might need.
  56. **Physical Health:** 2
  57. **Mental Health:** 3
  59. **Physical Defense:** 2
  60. **Mental Defense:** 2
  61. **Perception:** 5
  62. **Agility:** 3
  63. **Strength:** 2
  67. **Melee:** 4
  68. **Ranged:** 4
  72. **Skills:**
  73. *Shape-change: Changelings can emulate other's forms and their mannerisms. Anyone familiar with the person could identify them as a fake however.
  75. *Amorphous Form: Homunculi by nature are formed of preserved flesh with the consistency of clay, this makes it near impossible to get a good grasp on one. It can also shape this flesh to it's advantage, such as squishing itself into vents. Changelings take this a step further by being able to extend it's limbs to attack from a distance.
  77. *Hidden In Plain Sight: When a Changeling attacks after being seen as harmless, it's target must make a DC 4 perception check to notice it, otherwise the Changeling has a +1 bonus to that attack. This skill does not trigger if the Changeling was being actively observed.
  79. **Engagement Style:** Changelings hide in plain sight and wait for an opportune moment to attack, after which it proceeds to fight to the death with no concern for it's safety.
  81. **Name:** Beacons
  82. **Purpose:** Trackers
  83. **Nature:** Beacons are mindless and stay wherever they are placed until they are retrieved or killed. They are also able to telepathically transmit their locations to other Homunculus that were made from the same bodies as the Beacon.
  84. **Description/History:** Beacons are small, tic like creatures made from paper white flesh.
  85. **Other:** If hiding on an object, anyone looking at the object has to make a DC 5 PERC check to notice them.
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