

Jul 13th, 2018
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  1. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II strikes at Chad ThunderMcUrist but the shot is deftly parried by the iron short sword!
  2. Chad ThunderMcUrist stabs Balathor wanna crack some skulls II in the right upper leg with his iron short sword and the severed part sails off in an arc!
  3. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II falls over.
  4. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II strikes at Chad ThunderMcUrist but the shot is deftly parried by the iron short sword!
  5. Chad ThunderMcUrist attacks Balathor wanna crack some skulls II but He scrambles away!
  6. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II strikes at Chad ThunderMcUrist but the shot is easily deflected by the iron short sword!
  7. Chad ThunderMcUrist attacks Balathor wanna crack some skulls II but He scrambles away!
  8. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II strikes at Chad ThunderMcUrist but the shot is deftly parried by the iron short sword!
  9. Chad ThunderMcUrist misses Balathor wanna crack some skulls II!
  10. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II stabs Chad ThunderMcUrist in the left lower leg with his iron long sword, tearing the fat!
  11. Chad ThunderMcUrist slashes Balathor wanna crack some skulls II in the left upper leg with his iron short sword, tearing apart the muscle!
  12. An artery has been opened by the attack and a motor nerve has been severed!
  13. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II: I've been injured badly. I feel hopeless.
  14. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II slashes Chad ThunderMcUrist in the lower body with his iron long sword, bruising the fat through the small linen loincloth!
  15. Chad ThunderMcUrist stabs Balathor wanna crack some skulls II in the lower body with his iron short sword, tearing the muscle and tearing apart the lower spine's nervous tissue!
  16. A tendon in the lower spine has been torn!
  17. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II stabs Chad ThunderMcUrist in the third toe, left foot with his iron long sword, tearing apart the fat!
  18. The force pulls the left foot, tearing apart the skin and tearing apart the left ankle's muscle and bruising the bone!
  19. A ligament in the left ankle has been bruised and a tendon has been bruised!
  20. Chad ThunderMcUrist falls over.
  21. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II stabs Chad ThunderMcUrist in the left hand with his iron long sword, tearing apart the fat!
  22. The iron long sword has lodged firmly in the wound!
  23. Chad ThunderMcUrist slashes Balathor wanna crack some skulls II in the left upper leg with his iron short sword, tearing apart the muscle!
  24. A sensory nerve has been severed!
  25. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II pulls on the embedded iron long sword.
  26. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II gains possession of the iron long sword.
  27. Chad ThunderMcUrist: So easily broken... I must not succumb to fear!
  28. Chad ThunderMcUrist stabs Balathor wanna crack some skulls II in the left lower arm with his iron short sword, tearing apart the muscle!
  29. An artery has been opened by the attack and a sensory nerve has been severed!
  30. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II slashes Chad ThunderMcUrist in the right foot with his iron long sword, tearing apart the fat!
  31. The iron long sword has lodged firmly in the wound!
  32. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II pulls on the embedded iron long sword.
  33. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II gains possession of the iron long sword.
  34. Chad ThunderMcUrist slashes Balathor wanna crack some skulls II in the upper body with his iron short sword, tearing apart the muscle and tearing apart the liver!
  35. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II strikes at Chad ThunderMcUrist but the shot is effortlessly deflected by the iron short sword!
  36. Chad ThunderMcUrist: I've been injured badly. This leaves me so shaken.
  37. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II loses hold of the iron long sword.
  38. Chad ThunderMcUrist stabs Balathor wanna crack some skulls II in the head with his iron short sword and the severed part sails off in an arc!
  39. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II has been knocked unconscious!
  40. Balathor wanna crack some skulls II has been struck down.
  41. Chad ThunderMcUrist scrambles away from the {iron long sword}!
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