
Punishment Room

Jun 7th, 2012
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  1. 16:01:34 ZXNova #Punishment Room: You will not survive.
  2. 16:01:35 Shintear #Punishment Room: MY BODY IS REGGIE
  3. 16:01:37 Zari0t #Punishment Room: /motd For all your Punny needs.
  4. 16:01:38 Shintear #Punishment Room: er
  5. 16:01:39 Shintear #Punishment Room: VEGGIE
  6. 16:01:41 Zari0t #Punishment Room: /motd For all your punny needs.
  7. 16:01:42 Pockets #Punishment Room: YOUR BODY IS VEGGIE FOR CARROTS
  9. 16:02:01 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: would you put carrots in your pockets?
  10. 16:02:07 Pockets #Punishment Room: MAIKU
  11. 16:02:09 Mr.Scrub #Punishment Room: lol
  12. 16:02:10 Pockets #Punishment Room: Carrots don't go there
  13. 16:02:13 ZXNova #Punishment Room: NO, I eat Carrots.
  14. 16:02:20 Mr.Scrub #Punishment Room: eww
  15. 16:02:21 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: what about cake?
  16. 16:02:24 Shintear #Punishment Room: I see what you did there
  17. 16:02:26 Pockets #Punishment Room: DOESN'T GO THERE EITHER
  18. 16:02:34 Zari0t #Punishment Room: I HEARD THAT.
  19. 16:02:37 Mr.Scrub #Punishment Room: lol
  20. 16:02:37 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: k...ake
  21. 16:02:38 ZXNova #Punishment Room: Hurr
  22. 16:02:43 Pockets #Punishment Room: ....
  23. 16:02:46 Zari0t #Punishment Room: >k...ake
  24. 16:02:52 Zari0t #Punishment Room: add a "buk" behind that
  25. 16:02:52 ZXNova #Punishment Room: Wat
  26. 16:02:56 Zari0t #Punishment Room: and that's what i read it as.
  27. 16:02:58 Mr.Scrub #Punishment Room: LOL
  28. 16:02:59 Shintear #Punishment Room: hell no Zar
  29. 16:03:00 Shintear #Punishment Room: lol
  30. 16:03:03 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: close enough
  31. 16:03:05 ZXNova #Punishment Room: Bukake Udon,
  32. 16:04:34 Zari0t #Punishment Room: >punishment room made
  33. 16:04:36 Zari0t #Punishment Room: >puns stop
  34. 16:04:42 Zari0t #Punishment Room: I am disappointed.
  35. 16:04:46 Shintear #Punishment Room: keikaku doori
  36. 16:04:48 Shintear #Punishment Room: n
  37. 16:04:53 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: all according to plant
  38. 16:04:54 Shintear #Punishment Room: doorin*
  39. 16:05:03 Pockets #Punishment Room: /slap dotMaiku
  40. 16:05:06 Pockets #Punishment Room: pun thief
  41. 16:05:09 Shintear #Punishment Room: ; ;
  42. 16:05:09 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: T_T
  43. 16:05:11 Zari0t #Punishment Room: there are planty more puns to be made.
  44. 16:05:16 Pockets #Punishment Room: OH YOU
  45. 16:05:17 Zari0t #Punishment Room: Beleaf me.
  46. 16:05:19 ZXNova #Punishment Room: Oh really?
  47. 16:05:40 Shintear #Punishment Room: You don't think we can?
  48. 16:05:41 Shintear #Punishment Room: Kick Nova for treeson
  49. 16:05:43 Pockets #Punishment Room: I bayleef in myself.
  50. 16:05:48 Zari0t #Punishment Room: NO
  51. 16:05:50 Zari0t #Punishment Room: NO POKEPUNS
  52. 16:05:50 ZXNova #Punishment Room: Nvah
  53. 16:05:54 Pockets #Punishment Room: Fien.
  54. 16:05:58 Zari0t #Punishment Room: Cus srsly
  55. 16:06:02 Zari0t #Punishment Room: if we start pokepuns
  56. 16:06:06 ZXNova #Punishment Room: Oh god
  57. 16:06:07 Shintear #Punishment Room: SUDDENLY PHOENIX
  58. 16:06:07 Zari0t #Punishment Room: I won't hitmonstop.
  59. 16:06:08 dotMaiku #Punishment Room:
  60. 16:06:23 ZXNova #Punishment Room: Oh boy
  61. 16:06:29 Mr.Scrub #Punishment Room: wow
  62. 16:06:40 Shintear #Punishment Room: Zar truly is ma champ of puns
  63. 16:06:47 Zari0t #Punishment Room: Dude
  64. 16:06:50 Zari0t #Punishment Room: Imma choke you for that one.
  65. 16:06:54 Shintear #Punishment Room: lol
  66. 16:07:20 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: geeo dude, settle down
  67. 16:07:27 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: he's just seeking some fun
  68. 16:07:31 Shintear #Punishment Room: fffff
  69. 16:07:31 Pockets #Punishment Room: LOL
  70. 16:07:34 ZXNova #Punishment Room: Lol
  71. 16:07:56 Zari0t #Punishment Room: That pun
  72. 16:07:59 ZXNova #Punishment Room: I can't Marvel at what's goin on.
  73. 16:08:03 Shintear #Punishment Room: It's best if you dun fish for those kinds of puns
  74. 16:08:03 Zari0t #Punishment Room: totally seel'd your fate, Maiku.
  75. 16:08:17 Shintear #Punishment Room: wait
  76. 16:08:19 Shintear #Punishment Room: fuck I messed up
  77. 16:08:44 Shintear #Punishment Room: /dropkick Shintear
  78. 16:08:58 Pockets #Punishment Room: These puns are just gastly.
  79. 16:09:04 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: I want to say one, but.... so bad
  80. 16:09:08 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: and it involves pockets
  81. 16:09:12 Zari0t #Punishment Room: Maiku, don't worry.
  82. 16:09:14 Zari0t #Punishment Room: I have many
  83. 16:09:14 Zari0t #Punishment Room: MANY
  84. 16:09:16 Zari0t #Punishment Room: ready.
  85. 16:09:27 Zari0t #Punishment Room: and
  86. 16:09:31 Zari0t #Punishment Room: they'll all make you grumpih.
  87. 16:09:34 Zari0t #Punishment Room: *grumpig
  88. 16:09:42 Shintear #Punishment Room: If you say them, they'll haunt er for the rest of her life
  89. 16:09:54 ZXNova #Punishment Room: How Reshiaming.
  90. 16:10:11 Shintear #Punishment Room: THE MASTER HAS COME
  91. 16:10:15 Pockets #Punishment Room: Rhydon't you take a seat and enjoy?
  92. 16:10:20 ZXNova #Punishment Room: Ho-Oh, Phoenix has walked in.
  93. 16:10:44 Zari0t #Punishment Room: Maiku
  94. 16:10:49 Zari0t #Punishment Room: if you're not going to say yours
  95. 16:11:02 Zari0t #Punishment Room: I will have to resort to some hideous pokepuns.
  96. 16:11:06 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: This is just Reuniclus
  97. 16:11:07 Shintear #Punishment Room: Oh dear, what an electabuzzkill
  98. 16:11:11 Pockets #Punishment Room: These puns are quite oddish.
  99. 16:11:17 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: fine
  100. 16:11:17 Shintear #Punishment Room: I'm weepin
  101. 16:11:18 ZXNova #Punishment Room: Durr
  102. 16:11:21 Zari0t #Punishment Room: Gloom-ey, even.
  103. 16:11:24 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: I like to slow poke pockets
  104. 16:11:29 Zari0t #Punishment Room: ...SHIT
  105. 16:11:37 ZXNova #Punishment Room: Oh god
  106. 16:11:40 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: fuck'n told you
  107. 16:11:51 ZXNova #Punishment Room: You vileplume.
  108. 16:11:55 Pockets #Punishment Room: That was.. onixpected.
  109. 16:12:10 Shintear #Punishment Room: I hadn't steelix'd myself for it
  110. 16:12:21 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: well, I aint gonna raichu a love song
  111. 16:12:24 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: cause you asked furret
  112. 16:12:25 Shintear #Punishment Room: lol
  113. 16:12:27 ZXNova #Punishment Room: CURSE YOU
  114. 16:12:33 Shintear #Punishment Room: oh god
  115. 16:12:43 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: rydon phoenix
  116. 16:13:34 Pockets #Punishment Room: Looks like the puns arbok in town.
  117. 16:13:36 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: *Generic Pikachu pun here*
  118. 16:14:02 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: I have a couple of master balls
  119. 16:14:06 Zari0t #Punishment Room: referring to Maiku's previous pun...
  120. 16:14:07 ZXNova #Punishment Room: er
  121. 16:14:08 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: /me kicks self
  122. 16:14:11 Zari0t #Punishment Room: he be drillin' pockets.
  123. 16:14:16 Pockets #Punishment Room: FFFFFFFFFFFF
  124. 16:14:18 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: HNG
  125. 16:14:19 ZXNova #Punishment Room: Lol
  126. 16:14:21 Shintear #Punishment Room: I thought they were pretty quick balls
  127. 16:14:29 Zari0t #Punishment Room: OOOOOO
  128. 16:14:29 Shintear #Punishment Room: //leaves
  129. 16:14:29 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: ...........
  130. 16:14:30 Zari0t #Punishment Room: BUUUUUUUURN
  131. 16:14:35 ZXNova #Punishment Room: OWCH
  132. 16:14:36 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: MAGMA BURN
  133. 16:14:40 Pockets #Punishment Room: FUCKN
  134. 16:14:56 ZXNova #Punishment Room: *Insert Great Ball joke*
  135. 16:15:18 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: have you been smoking?
  136. 16:15:26 Pockets #Punishment Room: Weedle is bad for you.
  137. 16:15:26 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: Weedle make you hungry
  138. 16:15:31 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: no, but someone is
  139. 16:15:34 Zari0t #Punishment Room: I'unno
  140. 16:15:39 Zari0t #Punishment Room: I've been koffing and weezing a lot tho
  141. 16:15:39 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: I keep coughin
  142. 16:15:41 Zari0t #Punishment Room: maybe that's why.
  143. 16:15:44 ZXNova #Punishment Room: I am so Gloom-y now.
  144. 16:16:25 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: Why?
  145. 16:16:25 Zari0t #Punishment Room: ...
  146. 16:16:26 Zari0t #Punishment Room: ..........
  147. 16:16:28 Shintear #Punishment Room: Ugh
  148. 16:16:29 Zari0t #Punishment Room: we need
  149. 16:16:29 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: Wynaut?
  150. 16:16:30 Zari0t #Punishment Room: Cherrimshot.
  151. 16:16:34 Shintear #Punishment Room: nice
  152. 16:16:40 Pockets #Punishment Room: Beautivulpix puns.
  153. 16:16:41 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: oh yeah, need to take my meds
  154. 16:16:47 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: a side effect
  155. 16:16:53 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: is they make me drowsey
  156. 16:16:55 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: whose up to zubat for the next pun?
  157. 16:17:06 Shintear #Punishment Room: The cold usually keeps me up
  158. 16:17:22 Shintear #Punishment Room: If you want to stay awake, you should go to the artic u no
  159. 16:17:49 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: I machamp at pokepuns
  160. 16:17:50 ZXNova #Punishment Room: I had to sit through nine tales told by this old man.
  161. 16:17:53 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: man, you're slow, bro
  162. 16:17:57 Pockets #Punishment Room: OH
  163. 16:18:17 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: that last one was a bit farfetch'd
  164. 16:18:23 Pockets #Punishment Room: Quit slowking off
  165. 16:18:24 Zari0t #Punishment Room: Quite.
  166. 16:18:32 Zari0t #Punishment Room: Pockets
  167. 16:18:36 Zari0t #Punishment Room: missing the obvious SLAKING
  168. 16:18:38 Zari0t #Punishment Room: ffs
  169. 16:18:45 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: I can bayleef these puns
  170. 16:18:51 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: can't*
  171. 16:19:24 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: ditto
  172. 16:19:42 Zari0t #Punishment Room: the lack of effort in that one is amazing
  173. 16:19:46 Zari0t #Punishment Room: but at the same time, commendable.
  174. 16:20:02 ZXNova #Punishment Room: I wanna go to Paras.
  175. 16:20:18 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: which sect?
  176. 16:21:07 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: you're going to shuckle at this next one
  177. 16:21:15 ZXNova #Punishment Room: Ho-oh
  178. 16:21:42 Shintear #Punishment Room: So I'm going to be hiding in a shell?...sounds about right
  179. 16:21:50 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: seaking fresh material
  180. 16:21:53 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: come on guys
  181. 16:22:04 Shintear #Punishment Room: Damn
  182. 16:22:23 Shintear #Punishment Room: we had suck goldeen material earlier, but we're all dried up now
  183. 16:22:27 ZXNova #Punishment Room: I road a Magikarpet.
  184. 16:22:27 Shintear #Punishment Room: such*
  185. 16:22:59 dotMaiku #Punishment Room: aren't these puns just absol-ultely wonderful?
  186. 16:23:23 Pockets #Punishment Room: Exeggcute more puns before I get krabby.
  187. 16:23:36 Zari0t #Punishment Room: Okay
  188. 16:23:38 Zari0t #Punishment Room: I'm sorry
  189. 16:23:42 Zari0t #Punishment Room: I can't fucking hold this one back any longer.
  190. 16:23:43 Zari0t #Punishment Room:
  191. 16:23:51 ZXNova #Punishment Room: Oh god
  192. 16:23:51 Zari0t #Punishment Room: YOU READ THAT RIGHT.
  193. 16:24:09 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: So there was this asian guy, he had a parrot named polly. it was always on his shoulder. One day he looks over one day, and the parrot is missing
  194. 16:24:17 PhoenixM #Punishment Room: so he says "OH NO PORYGON"
  195. 16:24:24 Shintear #Punishment Room: WHAT
  196. 16:24:26 ZXNova #Punishment Room: Wat
  197. 16:24:28 Zari0t #Punishment Room: AHAHHAA
  198. 16:24:28 Pockets #Punishment Room: WHAAAAAAAAAAT
  199. 16:24:32 Shintear #Punishment Room: Oh god
  200. 16:24:45 Pockets #Punishment Room: /me highfives PhoenixM
  201. 16:24:48 Zari0t #Punishment Room: That one was
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