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The /vg/roguelike FAQ

a guest
Mar 20th, 2013
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  1. The /vg/roguelike FAQ
  3. Index:
  4. 1. What is a roguelike?
  5. 2. What makes a game a roguelike?
  6. 2.1. Is [generic dungeon crawler/rpg] a roguelike?
  7. 2.2. Is FTL a roguelike?
  8. 2.3. Is BoI a roguelike?
  9. 2.4. Is Spelunky a roguelike?
  10. 3. Why is permadeath important?
  11. 3.1. What is `savescumming`, and why is it bad?
  12. 4. I'm new to the genre. What game should I start playing?
  13. 5. The pastas are wrong/ something is missing
  14. 6. Can you give me some beginners tips for [some roguelike]?
  15. 7. Why doesn't anyone post about X game?
  16. 8. Why do I suck at [roguelike]?
  17. 9. Why does the RNG hate me?
  18. 10. Why does nobody post about Dwarf Fortress?
  19. 11. How do I take screenshots?
  20. 12. What is a dicksman?
  21. 13. Why are you such elitist faggots?
  23. _____________________
  25. 1. What is a roguelike?
  27. Roguelikes are a sub-genre of role-playing video games, characterized by level randomization, permanent death, and turn-based movement. Most roguelikes feature ASCII graphics, with newer ones increasingly offering tile-based graphics. Games are typically dungeon crawls, with many monsters, items, and environmental features. Computer roguelikes usually employ the majority of the keyboard to facilitate interaction with items and the environment. The name of the genre comes from the 1980 game Rogue.
  28. []
  30. 2. What makes a game a roguelike?
  32. The definition of roguelike is dependent on a number of factors, as described in the often cited Berlin Interpretation [].
  34. However, the broad nature of the Berlin Interpretation allows many games not traditionally considered to be roguelikes to be categorized as such, so stricter definitions of what qualifies as a roguelike have been adopted by various communities. Currently, one of the most accepted interpretations on /vg/ is that a game is a roguelike if and only if it has these 4 elements:
  36. Permadeath - Might be optional or have ways to cheat (eg. Wizard mode), but it has to be a core element of the game.
  37. Turn Based - Roguelikes are about thinking, not about quick reflexes.
  38. Grid Based - Everything happens in a grid, where every element of the game use a set space, usually one tile, although some games have multi-tiled monsters or structures.
  39. Randomly generated content - Since (perma)death is so common in roguelikes, every new game has to be different to keep the gameplay from becoming repetitive.
  41. 2.1. Is [generic dungeon crawler/rpg] a roguelike?
  43. Most likely not. For games that fit certain (but not all) roguelike requirements the term roguelike-like has been coined.
  45. 2.2. Is FTL (Faster than Light) a roguelike?
  47. No. It has roguelike elements (permadeath, resource management, random content) but it isn't turn or grid based, thus, being only a roguelike-like.
  49. 2.3. Is BoI (Binding of Isaac) a roguelike?
  51. No. Just like FTL, it has some roguelike elements, but lack of turn based action makes it a shooter or at best, a roguelike-like, not a roguelike.
  53. 2.4. Is Spelunky a roguelike?
  55. No. It also does have some roguelike elements, but lack of turn based action makes it a platformer or at best, a roguelike-like, not a roguelike.
  57. 3. Why is permadeath important?
  59. It encourages careful decision making and forces you to learn from your mistakes. Roguelikes are supposed to be complex and unforgiving, but compensate by making every game unique.
  61. 3.1. What is `savescumming`, and why is it bad?
  63. Savescumming is the act of making backups of your save files to revive a dead character.
  64. It goes against how roguelike are meant to be played, and goes directly against you as a player, since you won't learn from your mistakes. Also, it encourages bad playing, since your can always reverse your decisions.
  66. 4. I'm new to the genre. What game should I start playing?
  68. You should read the "What to play" pasta in the OP for more detailed info and links.
  69. However, some of the most recommended games for new players are: DCSS, DoomRL and Brogue. Note that Brogue is in ASCII, but is a gorgeous game and fairly simple to get the hang of.
  71. 5. The pastas are wrong/something is missing
  73. The pastas (even this one) are a collaborative effort of all the people who post in the threads. As such, they are open for anyone to propose and make modifications. Just do them yourself, and don't expect someone else to do it.
  75. 5.1. How do I take a screenshot?
  77. Press Alt+Prt Scrn to take a pic of your currently open program. Then open paint (or whatever), paste it (ctrl+v) and save it.
  79. 6. Can you give me some beginners tips for [some roguelike]?
  81. First, check the game pasta if it has one. They are made to help people get started. If you still have some problem, ask.
  83. 7. Why doesn't anyone post about X game?
  85. Maybe you should start the conversation by posting screenshots or stories about the game. Posting pics of a gamerun is a decent way to get people interested, especially with older or lesser known games.
  87. 8. Why do I suck at [roguelike]?
  89. While the exact cause of your deaths are infinite, 99% of the time the fault is on your side. You should track down your own mistakes and avoid them the next time. You will find out that if you are dying stupidly, it is because you are being reckless, not evaluating well the dangers or ignoring your options. Fighting and running aren't your only choices when you have magic, scrolls, wands, potions or whatever to aid you. Gods have uses too.
  91. 9. Why does the RNG hate me?
  93. It doesn't. The RNG is just that: random, and will be beneficial as much as it will be detrimental to you. We don't hear you complaining when you find a +99/+99 sword of world destruction on D:1, do we?
  95. 10. Why does nobody post about Dwarf Fortress?
  97. Because it has its own threads.
  99. 11. How do I take screenshots?
  101. Press Alt+Print Screen to capture the currently selected window without further need to crop the screen, then paste it (ctrl+v) in an image editing program like MSPaint.
  103. 12. What is a dicksman?
  105. He is a guy who started playing DCSS and posting pics of his progress. He won several times (and got incredibly far in his other attempts) just by playing carefully, even when he was new to the game.
  107. 13. Why are you such elitist faggots?
  109. Fuck off, /v/.
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