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Aborted Luz/Eda lewd

a guest
Jan 27th, 2020
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  1. "Okay, it's laundry day, give up your clothes you miserable little wretch."
  2. "Already in the basket!"
  3. Looking back into the wickerbin held under her arms she saw a hint of purple. Dragging it out proved that, yes indeed, her Luz had actually snuck her clothing into the bin before she woke up.
  4. "Okay. But it's still missing your whites."
  5. "What!"
  6. "Your whites. Your panties. Give them up."
  7. "But-" Eda just shut her up with a finger on her lips.
  8. "You've been wearing them for the past week. They reek. And I do not suffer filth to live in my house."
  9. "But these are the only ones I've got."
  10. "I'll lend you my spares. Give."
  11. Luz huffed, but still stripped off her panties and stuffed them into Eda's hand before throwing it back.
  12. For some reason that was what made Luz blush. Not the fact she was reading spellbooks topless on the couch, but that she was no doing it naked.
  13. "So. Underwear?"
  14. "No."
  15. "No?" Oh dear, thought Luz
  16. "I distinctly remember something you said to me when you first started living here. What was it? Hmmm." Eda turned away, foot up on an errant stool, in a full on mocking thinker pose. "What ever was it that you promised me?"
  17. "I'd help-" Started Luz.
  18. "With the housekeeping." Ended Eda.
  19. "It's not my fault that you don't let me help. You won't let me cook, you won't let me clean, you barely send me on errands any more."
  20. "Correction. I don't let you clean using the appliances. Here's a broom. Sweep the house and maybe when you're done I'll have found my spare underwear. Maybe." As Eda left the room a broom, a proper stick with reeds on one end, was thrown behind her.
  21. Luz looked between the book in her hands, the broom on the floor, and anywhere else that wasn't her naked body against the couch. With a sigh, she realized that although coarse Eda was right.
  23. ==
  25. "Come on. Come on. Give it up you little piece of absolute. Ah! Forget it." Letting go of the ripcord in disgust Eda gave up on getting the laundrybucket spinning this day. And she sure as hell wasn't going to dismantle it any time soon when a commission was due.
  26. "DONE!"
  27. Eda tripped back into the bright orange laundrybucket as a very dirt-encrusted Luz crashed through the ceiling. "DONE! I am done! I have gone through every room in this house, twice! Twice! I have gone through this house. Twice."
  28. "Calm down. What are you on about? What did you do? What. Are you wearing?" It looked like plant vines holding scraps of fur around her body as mud covered every part of her body that the fur didn't. "Did you go into the Plant Room?"
  29. "Why did you capitalize plant room?" Asked Luz.
  30. "Why did you go into the Plant Room? That place is supposed to be off-limits to anyone that isn't me. Hooty! What the hells?"
  31. "Oh no, don't blame the house. I sort of fell into it whilst I was cleaning."
  32. "Why would you even try to clean a room that is nothing but dirt?" Eda was now trying to do he best to clean up her apprentice whilst she recounted how she got there. Picking up only random phases like "through the windows, through the floors" and "scraped the dirt off the floor and put it in a corner" as she worked to get Luz ready.
  33. "And that is how I cleaned every single room in this house. Now. Can I have my underwear?" Luz stared up expectingly at Eda, eyes glimmering with hope that fell as Eda looked in confusion back at her.
  34. "I don't wear underwear. I was just going to give you some spares I hadn't sold off. And besides, you aren't wearing anything until we get all this," And she gestured to all of Luz, "off."
  35. "Yeah! Shower time!" She cried as she went charging off, only to be pulled back.
  36. "No. Bath time. With Teacher. And a lot of human potions."
  38. ==
  40. "Jab me one more time with your bony elbows and I'm stringing you up and hosing you down."
  41. "Stop tickling me. And. And do you even need to be in the bath with me?" Luz really tried to keep herself under control, but Eda had some uncanny ability to find all her ticklish places.
  42. "Yes. Because I might as well try doing some hands-on training. Now. Rub this into chest whilst I get the stuff for your legs."
  43. "But this is conditioner. It's for your hair."
  44. "Not any longer it ain't. Just because the bottle says one thing doesn't mean the contents will abide by it." And with a quick sniff Luz understood what she meant. Watching her teacher walk along the wall of human and Isle-made bottles trying to find the thing for her legs, Luz thought to herself.
  45. "What does-"
  46. "Thoughts in heads not in mouths. And I don't hear de-greaser being applied to chests."
  47. Pressing the greasy not-conditioner into her hand before putting back in the pile outside the bathtub, Luz smeared the Isle concotion across her chest. Making sure that it covered her front completely from neck to belly, and especially around her breasts where she had to cake most of the plant room mud to keep her fur-bra from slipping off. It seemed to do nothing but add to the riot of bubble-foam she was swimming but with a flash the bubbles along her front popped and the grease had turned into a clear sticky sludge adhering to her chest.
  48. "Why don't we just use this thing everywhere? It really seems to work." Asked Luz as Eda climbed back into the bath with Luz, bearing hands full of overflowing suds, this time at the other end.
  49. "Because we need to see what I can sell and what I can't." Eda replied back after Luz obediently presented her legs. With the motions of a chef seasoning a turgid rack of lamb one leg then the other was obscured in suds. Washing her hands in the bathwater Eda took Luz's leg and hooked it over her shoulder, keeping it place with a firm hold, whilst with the other hand she alternated between soaking Luz's vagina in the bathwater and grinding the heel of her free hand against it. "This world ain't a fair world nor a kind world. You think about things too little, other people will eat you. Literally in most cases. Think too much and you'll burn yourself out trying to control everything. And there is no-one there to tell you what is the right path to walk, and whether you're on the wrong path to begin with. All they can offer if the path they've took. And, Luz? Those paths will never be your path."
  50. Looking up she saw her apprentice flushed red and gripping the sides hard. Lowering Luz's body back into the oval cauldron-cum-bathtub Eda got out. "Just soak in the mixture for now. Keep your body below the waterline or you'll have to use a wire brush to get the rest of the mud out. That's from experience by the way. I'll come back to bottle- drain the tub later."
  51. "Okay, mistress."
  52. Lingering on the threshold, Eda thought of many, many things she wanted to tell her. Hundreds and hundreds of lessons earnt through toil and error that Luz should't have to go through. But. And always that damned butt. She didn't know how to deliver them to her. How to make sure she understood them like she did. So instead she just left.
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