
The Divine - Astaroth

Dec 6th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. USERNAME — @GlisteningHobi
  2. FACE CLAIM — Jaemin (nct) [Backup: Bang Chan (stray kids)]
  3. SLOT — Astaroth
  5. NAME — Astaroth (he used to be Alexander but he changed it to Astaroth)
  7. NICKNAME — He would be called Roe
  8. Daredevil (he loves danger and is very reckless)
  10. AGE — 2400 (born 380 BCE)
  13. Alexander grew up a poor boy. He had to steal for he and his family in order to survive and his parents were working for pocket money (if they were lucky). He lived in a province where the rich and the poor were very much separated and there was disconnect between the people. As Alexander got older, he got a job in the palace as a Fletcher where he made arrows for wars or battles they may fight. As Alexander continued to work there, he met the King's daughter, Atheria.
  15. Overtime, the two got closer and fell in love however, they knew it would both of them in danger if anyone ever found out. Over the course of the next few years, they would sneak around together, sharing kisses behind a pillar, holding hands behind a tree. They were very clearly soulmates. One night, Alexander and Atheria slept together and after that night, they knew they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together and so they planned to runaway together to a far away province that nobody would know them or be able to find them. They planned to change their names and live their lives as Astaroth and Esther. However, what they didn't know was that a servant had overheard their plan and told the king in order to receive favour from him.
  17. The next night, Roe and Esther set out to run away together. As they were getting away, they suddenly heard shouts from the palace guards telling them to come back. They continued to run. Suddenly arrows were flying past their heads, just about missing them. Just then, tragedy struck, an arrow went straight through the chest of Esther and the scream from her made Roe look towards her. Roe collapsed on his knees crying as he saw the love of his life, in a pool of her own, lifeless. As he continued to wail over the death of his lover, an arrow went straight through his heart, dealing only a fraction of pain than what he was feeling. As the life was slowly sucked out of him, he could faintly breath out the words "Esther, I love you".
  19. As he was murdered in cold blood, Roe was able to make it to heaven. Roe was grateful however, he was also resentful. He never got to live out the life that he and Esther deserved and now he had no idea where she was. Over time, Roe became increasingly corrupted, disobeying God's word, sleeping with other angels and overall being an absolute menace. God became furious with him and sent him down to Hell where he would stay for the rest of time.
  22. . Charismatic + smooth talker - He is a very charismatic person and can use his charm to get out of a lot of situations. There is something about the way he smiles or the way he talks or the way he just holds himself that attracts people to him. He just has a very appealing aura. He can easily talk his way out of tricky situations. He uses this in a very manipulative way. For example he uses innocent smiles and false hopes in order to get something he wants from you and then he will leave you in the dust, leaving you alone and broken.
  23. . Impulsive + Unpredictable - he doesn't think before he acts often making rash decisions with no proper thought behind them. He says or does things that may hurt people just because of a rush of anger. Sometimes it can be good though, it allows him to seize opportunities before they pass where as other people would carefully think it through and potentially miss the opportunity. This can also make him do very dangerous things as he thinks "it would be fun".
  24. . Crude - he can be quite crude and vulgar with his humour and is often talking about sex or making suggestive innuendos. This man is basically horny on legs and he doesn't care who knows it. He can't last five minutes without messing around with someone. He speaks in a very rude and offensive way in order to spark reactions from people just because he can.
  25. . Ruthless - he shows no pity or compassion for anyone. He is cruel and harsh and will do anything in order to get what he wants, even if that means stepping on people's toes. He has no moral compass and will do things because he wants to do them and won't even consider how it would affect other people.
  26. . Emotionally unavailable - He hates talking about his personal life and his past as it just puts him in a bad mood. He is very evasive about his past. He struggles to empathise with people and this makes it hard for him to cheer people up when they are upset. He is probably the last person to go to when you are upset unless you have made an emotional connection with him which, as of right now only SERAPHINUS and MALPHAS have been able to do. He doesn't know what true love is anymore after losing Esther and seems to be incapable of it so he resorts to meaningless hook-ups and flings to feel a fraction of it.
  27. . Loud - this man cannot keep quiet if his life depended on it. When he is just having a normal conversation his voice would be the only one you could hear. His voice is very distinctive and you can always tell it apart from other people's voices.
  28. . Unserious - he loves fucking around and can't take anything seriously. He loves scaring people or pulling mini pranks on them such as pulling their hair when they are unaware or calling their phone multiple times for no reason. He just can't be taken seriously.
  30. TRIVIA —
  31. 1 He is a fallen angel (a demon who was once an angel but was expelled from Heaven).
  32. 2 His real name was Alexander but he changed it to Astaroth in order to keep the memory of Atheria alive. It is something he can remember her by.
  33. 3 He enjoys sex as a means to get out of his own head and forget about the things that are stressing him out.
  34. 4 He loves living life on the dangerous side.
  35. 5 He enjoys late night walks in the cold as it gives time to think and reflect. He usually takes someone with him (most likely SERAPHINUS or MALPHAS) as being alone means being alone with his thoughts and he knows he does not need that.
  37. PERSONAL CONFLICTS — (1) Roe often disregards the feelings of others as he has become completely disconnected with general moral codes. He doesn't see a use in helping people when all they do is stab you in the back. (2) He sometimes struggles to forget his past and when people ask him about it, he gets cold and very evasive and will probably insult you in the process. He doesn't like revisiting that time in his life because it is too painful for him. He resorts to sleeping with random women in order to supress the feelings that he has.
  39. SECRETS — (1) He purposely corrupted angels by sleeping with them in order to get them expelled from Heaven. (2) He would often have to rob houses and sell the stuff he stole in order to afford stuff for his family as he still wasn't earning much as the King's fletcher.
  41. LOVE INTEREST — nobody
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