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Jun 25th, 2017
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  1. /private/var/mobile/Applications/82845334-BAD4-4659-9913-D8A93D5EFAAA/$ plutil Info.plist
  2. {
  3. CFBundleDevelopmentRegion = English;
  4. CFBundleExecutable = ZOOLOGY;
  5. CFBundleIconFile = "Icon.png";
  6. CFBundleIconFiles = (
  7. "Icon.png",
  8. "Icon@2x.png",
  9. "Icon-72.png"
  10. );
  11. CFBundleIdentifier = "com.yourcompany.Zoology";
  12. CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion = "6.0";
  13. CFBundleName = Zoology;
  14. CFBundlePackageType = APPL;
  15. CFBundleResourceSpecification = "ResourceRules.plist";
  16. CFBundleShortVersionString = "2.0.0";
  17. CFBundleSignature = "????";
  18. CFBundleSupportedPlatforms = (
  19. iPhoneOS
  20. );
  21. CFBundleVersion = "2.0.0";
  22. DTCompiler = "4.2";
  23. DTPlatformName = iphoneos;
  24. DTPlatformVersion = "4.1 GM";
  25. DTSDKName = "iphoneos4.1";
  26. DTXcode = 0324;
  27. LSRequiresIPhoneOS = 1;
  28. MinimumOSVersion = "3.1";
  29. NSMainNibFile = MainWindow;
  30. "NSMainNibFile~ipad" = "MainWindow-iPad";
  31. Oxford = {
  32. AboutDisplayName = "A Dictionary of Zoology";
  33. AboutEdition = "Third Edition";
  34. Copyright = "Text Copyright \U00a9 Oxford University Press 1991, 1999, 2003, 2009";
  35. DictionaryCode = ZOOLOGY;
  36. DictionaryEdition = 3;
  37. Features = {
  38. BrowseEnabled = 1;
  39. PopularTagsDisabled = 1;
  40. RecommendDisabled = 1;
  41. SocialViewDisabled = 1;
  42. SummaryDisabled = 1;
  43. ThesaurusIndicatorDisabled = 1;
  44. WordsOfTheDayDisabled = 1;
  45. };
  46. FlurryKey = PJUU3FLZMMY4J2MCE656;
  47. TitleDisplayName = Zoology;
  48. Type = reference;
  49. };
  50. UIDeviceFamily = (
  51. 1,
  52. 2
  53. );
  54. UIPrerenderedIcon = 1;
  55. UISupportedInterfaceOrientations = (
  56. UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait
  57. );
  58. "UISupportedInterfaceOrientations~ipad" = (
  59. UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait,
  60. UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown,
  61. UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft,
  62. UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight
  63. );
  64. }
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