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- #include <bits/stdc++.h>
- using namespace std;
- using lli = long long;
- const lli maxN = 2e5;
- const lli maxM = 2e5;
- const lli logN = log2(maxN);
- using pll = pair <lli, lli>;
- struct Graph{
- lli i, w, u, v;
- };
- Graph graph[maxM + 10];
- bool is_mst[maxM + 10];
- lli n, m;
- /// sort
- bool compare_w(Graph a, Graph b){
- if(a.w == b.w) return a.i < b.i;
- return a.w < b.w;
- }
- bool compare_i(Graph a, Graph b){
- return a.i < b.i;
- }
- /// MST
- lli mst_par[maxN + 10];
- vector <pll> mst_graph[maxN + 10];
- lli root(lli u){
- if(mst_par[u] == u) return u;
- return mst_par[u] = root(mst_par[u]);
- }
- void mrg(lli u, lli v){
- u = root(u);
- v = root(v);
- mst_par[v] = u;
- }
- /// LCA
- lli lca_par[maxN + 10][logN + 10], lca_max[maxN + 10][logN + 10];
- lli level[maxN + 10];
- void dfs(lli u, lli p, lli lvl, lli pw){
- level[u] = lvl;
- lca_par[u][0] = p;
- lca_max[u][0] = pw;
- for(auto g: mst_graph[u]){
- lli v = g.first;
- lli w = g.second;
- if(v == p) continue;
- dfs(v, u, lvl + 1, w);
- }
- }
- /// max edge to ancestor
- lli MaxEdge(lli u, lli v, lli mx = 0){ /// u -> v
- if(level[u] < level[v]) swap(u, v);
- for(lli e=logN;e>=0;e--){ /// [2 ^ logN, 2^0]
- if(level[ lca_par[u][e] ] >= level[v]){
- mx = max(mx, lca_max[u][e]);
- u = lca_par[u][e];
- }
- }
- if(u == v) return mx;
- for(lli e=logN;e>=0;e--){ /// [2 ^ logN, 2^0]
- if(lca_par[u][e] != lca_par[v][e]){
- mx = max({mx, lca_max[u][e], lca_max[v][e]});
- u = lca_par[u][e];
- v = lca_par[v][e];
- }
- }
- mx = max({mx, lca_max[u][0], lca_max[v][0]});
- return mx;
- }
- int main(){
- scanf("%lld %lld", &n, &m);
- for(lli i=1;i<=m;i++){
- lli u, v, w;
- scanf("%lld %lld %lld", &u, &v, &w);
- if(u > v) swap(u, v);
- graph[i] = {i, w, u, v};
- }
- /// MST
- for(lli i=1;i<=n;i++) mst_par[i] = i;
- sort(graph + 1, graph + m + 1, compare_w);
- lli mst_sum = 0;
- for(lli i=1;i<=m;i++){
- if(root(graph[i].u) == root(graph[i].v)) continue;
- mst_sum += graph[i].w;
- mrg(graph[i].u, graph[i].v);
- mst_graph[ graph[i].u ].push_back({graph[i].v, graph[i].w});
- mst_graph[ graph[i].v ].push_back({graph[i].u, graph[i].w});
- is_mst[ graph[i].i ] = true;
- }
- /// LCA
- dfs(1, 0, 1, 0);
- for(lli e=1;e<=logN;e++){
- for(lli u=1;u<=n;u++){
- lca_par[u][e] = lca_par[ lca_par[u][e - 1] ][e - 1];
- lca_max[u][e] = max(lca_max[u][e - 1], lca_max[ lca_par[u][e - 1] ][e - 1]);
- }
- }
- /// query
- sort(graph + 1, graph + m + 1, compare_i);
- for(lli i=1;i<=m;i++){
- if(is_mst[i]) printf("%lld\n", mst_sum);
- else{
- lli w = graph[i].w;
- lli u = graph[i].u;
- lli v = graph[i].v;
- lli mxe = MaxEdge(u, v);
- printf("%lld\n", mst_sum - mxe + w);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
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