
Blossoming (Robin X Alraune)

Jul 7th, 2017
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  1. Robin flopped inelegantly onto the simple wooden bed. Every part of him hurt. Every cracked bone, every exhausted muscle, every single inch of bruised skin throbbed with the pain of vigorous exercise on a body wholly unequipped for such a thing. His frame was small, slender and frankly rather feminine, a descriptor not at all helped by the simple linen robes that bore a striking resemblance to a peasant’s dress. He’d already been mistaken for one of the barmaids downstairs at least three times this month. His pale and freckle covered skin was beginning to turn a deep red and slowly crack and peel from the long hours in the sun, and almost every day ended with his short ginger hair soaked with sweat.
  3. Frankly, it was his own fault; he was the one who had suggested that the voluptuous elven witch Lucille help him grow stronger. If the adventures into the Underneath had proven anything, it was that Robin could not continue to press into the dangerous, monster infested realm without proper preparations. Besides, Falkis had stopped speaking to him. Not that he particularly liked the devilspawn, but their party of four dropping to a mere three would make their expeditions suicidal. And there was a significant lack of talented adventurers lately. So, instead of resting on his laurels and well-earned payment like the others, he had chosen to spend the weeks trying to learn at least the basics of combat. And for his part, he felt like he was doing pretty well, aside from a few early… hiccups.
  5. He rolled onto his back, staring up at the rafters. Lucille was being awfully patient with him. It was obvious she had an ulterior motive for training him; her actions during the first incident with the slime had proven that much. But even then, with his recent improvements resulting in a distinct lack of compromising scenarios, but still she continued to indulge him with more and more summoned monsters to spar against. And she genuinely seemed to be enjoying it as well. Today she’d even cheered him on like an excited mother. He blushed and covered his face with a pillow, before tossing it away as the contact with his skin stung.
  7. It occurred to him that he really should return to the great hall for supper. Or even just change into his bedclothes. But his limbs refused to move and his body protested every insistence otherwise. Before he knew it he was fighting to keep his eyes open as he sank deeper and deeper into the soft sheets. He let out a little moan of protest, rolling back onto his stomach and inching closer to the edge of the bed. He really shouldn’t sleep like this, he thought. Really shouldn’t… Mm... He instinctively nuzzled the pillow, burying his face deeper before his eyes closed.
  9. When Robin awoke the dull afternoon light of the day before had turned fresh morning brightness. He gently sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. The sheets slipped off his body and into a crumbled pile at his waist. That was odd; he didn’t remember pulling them over himself. In fact, he was sure he fell asleep on top of them. He shook his head and mumbled idly to himself. Eventually his mind cleared enough for him to notice the folded note resting on the small bedside table. His name was written on the front, in a script he recognised as Lucille’s: she was the only one of the four who bothered using cursive, aside from himself. He pulled himself onto the side of the bed and pried open the lavender scented paper.
  11. ‘Robin
  12. I’ve had to run an errand. I’m afraid our little rendezvous will have to be put on hold for a while. Although, going by how quickly you fell asleep last night you may appreciate some time to rest and recover your stamina. I do hope I’m not too much for you to handle.
  13. I should only be a few days. Don’t be afraid to think about me in the meantime.
  14. -Lucille XOXO.’
  16. His cheeks burnt brightly. He didn’t…! Wouldn’t…! He sighed and put the paper back, flopping onto the mattress again. He really should have come to expect this sort of thing by now. It also occurred to him that he really, really needed to remember to lock his door. He was lucky the last two times had been Sigmund and Lucille, and not some drunken lout mistaking him for a lady of the night.
  18. He looked at the letter again, wrinkling his nose gently as the strong perfumed scent hit him. A few days didn’t seem long enough for any important errand, but with Lucille who could tell? He didn’t even know what she did in her spare time, let alone what her life was like outside of their adventuring. He chastised himself a little. He didn’t really have any right to be complaining about the lack of training today; even after over twelve hours of sleep his body still felt like it was made of hardened clay. If anything he should have been grateful.
  20. He slid off the bed, wincing slightly as his thighs protested. Definitely grateful. He took a few ginger steps, reaching for the oaken staff by the door, and slowly made his way out into the hallway. Most of the patrons would be about their business at this hour, leaving the corridors and stairwells of the square keep empty enough for him to wander down with impunity. That said, the prospect of stairs didn’t exactly fill him with joy. But he couldn’t very well sit in his room and starve. So he took a deep breath, twirled a few strands of soothing magical light between his fingers and set off to break his fast.
  22. By the time he emerged from the double doors of the keep he was feeling a lot more refreshed. He felt a little bad for depending so much on his own healing magic just to get him up and moving, but what choice did he have? His hand hovered over his stomach and he sighed with contentment. It had definitely been worth it, shame or otherwise. He scurried as fast as he could across the uneven stones, weaving between burly couriers and exhausted adventuring parties. Most didn’t even give him a first glance, let alone a second, but his ears still burnt bright red as familiar catcalls reached them. Robin had once tried to explain that he wasn’t a woman, but the caller had just said that made it better. He still shuddered whenever he thought about the leering eyes on that dwarf. Eventually he passed under through the large wooden doors that served as the only entrance to the Last Stop. If he had to guess, he’d place the thickness of the walls at around seven feet, which made the brief walk through the stone arch and between the towers all the more reassuring. Even if he didn’t like it in there, it was nice to know it was a safe place to be.
  24. He took a long, deep breath of crisp air as he stepped back into the light of day. The sky was clear and blue, stretching from the tops of the mountains the Last Stop was nestled against and down southwards to hide amongst a forest of evergreen trees. The cobble path slithered across the landscape until it met with the main road, which split the forest in half and ran as straight as could be towards the entrance to the Underneath. Going there was an incredible risk in a group, let alone by yourself, and Robin had no wish to fall victim to another monster. Especially not when he could afford some free time like this. He set off, following the road south at a leisurely pace as he took in the sights and sounds amidst the tall trees. It was unusual for there to be no travellers along this road, so great was the promise of fame and fortune that lay to the north and into the depths, but Robin was glad of it. It was nice to have some peace and quiet again.
  26. It only took him a few minutes before he stopped to admire the flowers. Patches grew alongside the road, giving the occasional burst of purple, yellow or white to what was otherwise a greyish green or brown landscape. Robin had no idea what type or breed they were; some looked like little snares for catching flies, others like long hollow tubes, and yet more that looked like strings of little bells. The word ‘orchid’ bumped around his head as he lowered himself down for a closer look, but he really couldn’t place it to the right flower. They were pretty though. Lucille would know, he thought, she knew everything about plants. Her room was full of them, though a lot of them were far larger and very likely more dangerous than these.
  28. A curious thought occurred to him. He plucked one of the flowers stem first from its bunch and, with a little concentration and a light tap, sent a burst of magic into the broken end. Immediately new roots sprouted forth, gently cursing around his hand. He beamed to no one in particular and picked a couple more and carefully held them together. He hadn’t seen any plants like this in Lucille’s room, at least not immediately, and since he could restore their roots it wasn’t as if he was killing them. Maybe she’d like them? He did need some way to thank her for helping him train, even if she did seem to enjoy it a little too much. He hummed to himself as he carefully selected the prettiest flowers from the biggest bunches. He was sure he could find a vase somewhere to keep them in. Or maybe he could borrow a stein from the bar.
  30. It was when he stopped his humming to watch a fly get trapped in one of the tubular plants that he noticed he wasn’t the only one making a sound. A faint voice was coming out of the forest, singing a wordless melody. He’d never heard anything quite like it. He looked around to make absolutely sure it was coming from the forest, before turning back to the shadowy depths. The trees suddenly seemed to loom. He swallowed; he’d left his staff at the inn, and he had no idea what kind of nasty things might reside in the forest. There was a reason everyone followed the road, after all. But curiosity was very quickly getting the better of him and so, with his recently picked bouquet held lightly against his chest, he timidly stepped into the undergrowth.
  32. He flinched as he stepped on a twig. He’d been walking for only a few minutes, but already his heartbeat was pounding against his chest. The dappled shade was a lot more intimidating than he’d expected, and every bird call set his nerves on edge. He could easily find his way back, he reckoned, but that wouldn’t help if he was ambushed by goblins or wolves or something much worse. But he had to know who was singing. Friend or foe, he knew he’d be stuck wondering all night if he didn’t find out.
  34. He could hear a brook babbling in the distance, and up ahead the trees seemed to thin out. There was a peculiar smell floating on the breeze, like a perfumed honey, that made his mouth water. He stalked forward, moving from tree trunk to tree trunk. His steps were slow and careful, his weight settling gently so as to avoid more frighteningly loud snapped twigs. Falkis had once boasted about the skill, saying he was so adept he could walk on the air itself. They had yet to see him do it. The singing was at its loudest, a gentle rhythm of pure voice that seemed to promise happy days and comfortable nights despite the lack of words. He reached the edge of the clearing and slowly peered out from behind a tall fir tree. He blinked; the clearing was empty, and the singing had stopped.
  36. “Hello, pretty thing.”
  38. Robin jumped, turning to his side. He was met by what at first appeared to be a figure sitting cross legged at the base of the fir, but like much of what he’d discovered in his time away from the monastery, first impressions were a poor form of judgement. From the waist upwards she was a young woman, average in proportions but beautiful to look upon. An almond shaped face, with pretty violet eyes and full lips. Her skin was a healthy pale green, akin to the flesh of a sapling, with many sizes of purple freckles across her face and arms. Her hair seemed to be made of dozens of fleshy tendrils and ivy-like creepers cascading down to her waist. Many were coated in plump red berries, while the thickest ended in bulbous nubs. Instead of legs her hips ended in a large bell-shaped structure that sank into the ground. Its rim was the same purple as her freckles, and curled gently outward onto the dirt. The sweet smell seemed strongest here, and Robin was embarrassed to notice that it joined her body at exactly where her crotch would have been. All in all she seemed to resemble an orchid atop a pitcher plant, albeit with a human touch. Not that Robin could really tell either of those on sight.
  40. “Good morning.” She said. Her smile was bright and brilliantly white.
  42. “U-um… Good morning.” Robin said back.
  44. “Mmm… don’t you just love when it’s sunny like this?” She said, arching her back and setting her hands down behind her. Her chest pushed forward and her hair was perilously close to slipping away and revealing her breasts. She let out a small moan of pleasure as the sun filtered onto her skin. “It makes me feel so… alive.”
  46. “Y-yeah…” He swallowed, taking a step back.
  48. “Hmm?” She looked at him and giggled. “What’s the matter? Scared I’ll try to eat you?”
  50. “I wasn’t-!”
  52. “Hehehe! Don’t worry, pretty thing, I’ve already eaten today.” She leant over the rim of her bell, smiling like a cat as her hands gripped the edge. Her elbows gently pushed her breasts together and Robin felt his face flush. “See? Full and perky. I’d be all shrivelled and small if I still need to eat.”
  54. Robin averted his gaze. He could still feel her eyes boring into him as he fidgeted.
  56. “Although you are cute enough to eat. And I would love to see how much you make my tits grow.” She added. She doubled over, laughing as Robin yelped and leapt back a good few feet. “It’s a joke!”
  58. “Don’t joke about that!”
  60. “Aw, but it’s so much fun.” She pouted. “It’s not like I get to make jokes all that often anyway. You’re the first person I’ve seen in weeks.”
  62. “Really?” Robin said, slowly uncurling from his comically tense stance. “I guess you wouldn’t get many people coming this way…”
  64. “Mhmm…” She sighed. “It gets so lonely out here sometimes. Just me, the birds and maybe a deer now and then. I think even they’re avoiding me now…”
  66. “That’s a shame…” Robin rubbed his arms.
  68. “It’s the life of a predator, I guess.” She said. She leant back, resting her arms on the ground behind her and pushing her chest out again. Robin found his eyes wandering over the taut stomach. “So what brings you out here?”
  70. “Huh? O-oh! I was… I was looking for some flowers.” He swallowed, eyes jerking back to her face. The coy smile on her lips had him suddenly very interested in his feet. “A friend of mine has been helping me train, a-and I wanted to thank her.”
  72. “Training?”
  74. “Y-yeah! I’m trying to get stronger, so I don’t let anyone down…”
  76. “A cute girl like you doesn’t need to be strong. Just flap your eyelashes and every man in the room will be kneeling at your feet.”
  78. “I’m not a girl!” He closed his eyes and resisted the urge to stamp his foot.
  80. “Could have fooled me, pretty thing.” She giggled.
  82. “That’s what everyone seems to think…”
  84. “So…” The plant-woman said after a short, awkward pause. “This friend of yours. Is she strong?”
  86. “Not really… she’s more, um…” He began.
  88. “Full figured?” She squeezed her breasts between her upper arms again, laughing as Robin turned away red-faced. “Lucky you, huh?”
  90. “Y-yeah! She’s a great… a great friend.”
  92. “Bet you want her to be more than that though.”
  94. “N-no! I don’t… she’s really forward and s-sometimes says things but it’s not like that!” He lied. It wasn’t that he wanted her to be more than a friend, it was more that she outright pushed them past the limits. “S-she’s just helping me get stronger so I can be of more use to the rest of the party.”
  96. “Party?” She gasped, leaning as close as she could to him from her rooted position. “You’re an adventurer?”
  98. “Um…”
  100. “You must have loads of fun stories to tell!” She bounced in place. Very, very noticeably bounced, much to Robin’s embarrassment. “Please tell me some! It’s so boring out here.”
  102. “I-I don’t... we’re not legendary heroes or anything…” He fumbled for words. “But… we did recently steal an idol from a tribe of lizardfolk…”
  104. And so he told the tale, doing his best to embellish every detail. Despite his amateur storytelling the plant-woman seemed enthralled by every word. He had found his way to sitting beside her, considerably more relaxed as she made absolutely no moves to devour, maim or otherwise hurt him. He didn’t trust her, but something about her made him feel comfortable. The sweet smell coming from her subterranean bell certainly helped matters.
  106. “Wow… you’re really brave.” She said as he finished.
  108. “N-not really…” He said. His ears were burning bright red again.
  110. “But you are! And really kind, too.”
  112. “Kind?”
  114. “Mhmm! Most people would have run away from me by now, but you’re still here.” She smiled at him. “I really appreciate it, you know?”
  116. “I-it was no trouble at all.”
  118. “You know… I think you deserve a reward for being so kind.” The smile turned sultry as she leaned toward him, her breasts pressing against his arm. He fumbled and blushed, moving to pull away but her hands held his arm and her face grew closer and closer. His heartbeat jumped to a panicking pace as one hand slid along his thigh. Her lips were scant inches from his; her eyes a very specific sort of hungry. Robin’s breath grew shallow and wild as his brain screamed and argued over how far he should let it go. Her lips were almost upon him…
  119. She blew into his face, a faint yellowish cloud puffing out of her mouth and all over his senses. He sputtered as she pulled back with a giggle. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words didn’t come. He felt… weird. Like his thoughts were dulled. He could still think them, but their impact was dulled and they seemed to swim slowly through his mind. His senses, however, were growing sharper by the second. He could suddenly feel his clothes settled onto his skin, see the smallest details on the plant-woman’s skin, and smell… the smell was intoxicating.
  121. “What did you… do…?” He mumbled. He swayed gently from side to side, slowly leaning back away from her.
  123. “Shh… let me take care of everything.” She said. Her voice melodic and beautiful. Like a symphony. “You’ve already done so much today. Just relax…”
  125. “So… much…” He repeated. It wasn’t true… or was it? He couldn’t think well enough to decide. She gently pulled him closer to her and he let her, his muscles turning almost liquid. The air was thicker around her. Laden with a sticky sweetness that could almost be felt, like he was breathing some ethereal syrup. It made his head swim and threw him gently off balance. A part of him was worried, nervously begging him to move away from her. It wouldn’t have been the first time he’d let himself get ensnared by a tempting trap. But the more he breathed the more everything seemed to become muted, and the more he wanted to breath deeper. He was on his knees in scarce few seconds, the bundle of flowers discarded by his side. He swayed a little, blinking as his brain tried to catch up to his actions.
  127. “You must be so hungry…” She said. She leant in closer, enough that he could feel her breath on his face. She smelt of sugar and apples. “You’ve gone such a long way…”
  129. “Long… way…” He repeated.
  131. “Your stomach must be grumbling… your limbs weak… you need something. Something tasty.”
  133. “Tasty…” The screams of protest in his head faded in and out between her words. She was dangerous… but so trustworthy. He needed to run, but he was so… hungry… Without a thought he reached forward and plucked a berry from her hair. It burst in his mouth, the juice almost sickeningly sweet. Her hands were guiding his to the biggest bunches, softly stroking her fingers along his skin. He devoured berry after berry, his limbs slowly relaxing as he slumped further and further forward and into her waiting arms. A warm, pleasant throbbing began to grow in his body, pulsing to his slow heartbeat.
  135. “That’s it…” She said. Her thumb stroked his cheek as he ate and he nuzzled it on instinct. Her smile broadened, and she slowly took hold of a particularly plump berry. She mimed an open mouth, complete with seductive ‘ah’. His mouth barely opened, and her soft fingers pushed past his lips to deposit the berry onto his tongue. He swallowed, his lips closing around her digit and staying there as he gently suckled it. Her hand stayed, slowly pushing the finger further as his tongue swirled around it. Her skin tasted much like her berries did, save for a delicate muskiness in place of sweetness. She slowly withdrew the finger and his head leaned forward as if in protest. She giggled, gently pressing his chin upwards and sharing a light kiss with him.
  137. “Good boy…” She purred. “You love the taste of me, don’t you? Why don’t you slip inside, hmm? I’d love to get to know you better.”
  139. “Yes…” He breathed. His sluggish movements, aided by her quick fingers, quickly had him disrobed completely. The sun felt good on his pale skin, and despite the cold goose-bumps didn’t join the freckles in covering most of it. She neatly folded his clothes and placed them to the side as he slid past the rim and into her fleshy bell. His waist was about level with hers, and his head hovered at breast height. The honey like fluid was pleasantly warm, coming up to the very tops of his thighs.
  141. “Mmm… I can see the transformation is already beginning.”
  143. “Trans… formation…?” He blinked, his head taking a few seconds to process the word.
  145. “Oh? You haven’t noticed?” Her lips curled into a smile. “Just have a look at your body.”
  147. Slowly his gaze turned down and he saw what she meant. The most immediate thing was his chest; what had previously been a flat, skinny and pale was now host to two small but perky lumps of soft flesh. His nipples were fully erect form the cold and his latent arousal, and he felt his cock stir as it finally registered what they were attached to; he had breasts. Tiny, barely there, but definitely breasts. His floral friend’s hands slid down his back, making him shiver, before taking firm grasp of his arse. Although he couldn’t see it well, he could feel her fingers sink into flesh plumper than normal. Even his waist seemed smaller.
  149. “What’s… happening?” He said.
  151. “It’s my berries, of course.” Her hands continued to grope and squeeze, scooping out handfuls of rich syrup and rubbing them into his skin. “By now your balls must be aching… your body is working so hard to make the biggest, thickest load you’ve ever had.”
  153. “M-mm…” He squirmed under her touch. His skin was far more sensitive than he remembered. He couldn’t restrain a moan as her hands moved up his stomach, and he gasped with shock as her palms brushed his nipples. “Why…?”
  155. “Why?” She said. Her hands moved from him and to her hair as she began to pick out the largest and juiciest of the berries, collecting them in a small pile on one palm. Robin couldn’t even form a coherent enough thought to begin moving away from her. He was trapped by his own lack of will. “It’s my gift to you, for keeping me company.”
  157. She smiled, one hand brushing along his cheek. With a gentle squeeze between thumb and forefinger his mouth opened. With a tilt of her hand the pile of berries tumbled past his lips until his mouth was filled with them. She released his lips and, without a single thought, he swallowed the entire mouthful.
  159. “They can’t do much on their own. A little bit of extra shape here and there, but that’s just a side effect.” She licked up his neck. “The real fun happens when you mix them with my venom.”
  161. Two of the thick tendrils in her hair began to wriggle, slowly rising up to chest height. The bulbs peeled back their flesh, revealing a pair of very nasty looking thorns. Before Robin could even cry out they stabbed his newly grown breasts. He whimpered, biting his lip. His eyes widened as bulges began to appear at the base of each of the tendrils, before travelling down the fleshy tube. He squirmed and weakly cried out, but her hands held him fast. With a strange, wet noise the bulge passed through the thorny bulb and into the sensitive skin of his chest. The heat from before swelled to intense levels, pooling in his chest and hips. With a sudden surge the flesh of his breasts swelled, growing from a mere hint to a small handful in just a few seconds. They jiggled as the growth slowed, resting heavily on his heaving chest. His stomach gurgled and her grip suddenly felt tighter as his arse struggled to squeeze its new, soft bulk between her fingers. Another pair of bulges and he expanded again. And again, and again. Each new injection brought with it just a little extra jiggle. Her hands slid up his body, giving his faint hourglass shape a through exploring as he shivered. Her hands felt so good… everything felt so good.
  163. He shook his head weakly as she offered him another handful of berries, but the gentlest of squeezes had him swallow it nonetheless. He moaned as dose after dose of venom was pushed into him. He grew again, his breasts almost overflowing out of her palms. Despite the new size they’d remained impossibly perky, and she took advantage of her position by gently jiggling them up and down as he helplessly watched. It was almost hypnotising the way the –his- breasts moved. The dull ache in his balls grew to an unbearable throbbing and his hips pushed forwards. His cock twitched from untended arousal, and his body begged to release the slowly mounting pressure. He mewled as gently as fingers moved to slowly massage his sack, a frustrated moan leaving his throat as she bypassed his shaft entirely.
  165. “Hehehe… You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who would believe you’re a boy now. “She purred, giving his plump arse a little smack. She pulled her hand from his chest and, with a cruel little smile, gave his nipple a quick flick.
  167. The sharp jolt of pleasure shattered his pollen induced trance. Confused and panicked thoughts rushed to his head. He struggled, trying to push away from her grasp, but her fingers lightly pinched his hardened nipples and suddenly his legs were useless. The warm, sticky fluid moved up to his breasts as he collapsed into the bell. Her hands took full advantage, slathering as much of the sweet smelling syrup onto his as possible, massaging the warmth into his skin. He cried out as she palmed his breasts, squeezing the flesh and teasing the sensitive nubs. It was like nothing he’d ever felt before; the pleasure was so sudden, so sharp, compared to the gentle build-up he was used to. He was already quivering and helpless and she hadn’t even touched his cock.
  169. She hoisted him from her bell and propped him on the rim. The viscous liquid slowly dripped down his body, and he was able to see just how much thicker his thighs had become. They weren’t as bountiful as someone like Lucille’s, but they had more than enough give. The desperately throbbing cock between his new thighs was the only shred of masculinity he had left, and even that seemed almost feminine with its small size and hairlessness. Her hands glided over his legs and he bit his lip.
  171. “S-stop...” He trembled as she kneaded his chest. She just giggled again, before latching her full lips around his nipple. He cried out as her tongue vigorously flicked and played with the sensitive nub. He moaned and writhed in her grasp, her other hand lightly pinching the exposed other nipple as she suckled him. His hips wriggled against her rim, his hands clenched lumps of grass and his toes curled as she teased him.
  173. She pulled from his nipple with a lewd pop, instead pressing her lips to his. Her tongue was fierce pushing its way into his mouth and cowing his into submission. He weakly relented to her, their chests squishing together as she pulled their bodies close. He felt something slither against his skin and he pushed her away just in time to watch a pair of her thick tendrils slowly rise up his body. They hovered in front of his chest, the bulbs slowly peeling back into four quarters. They lunged forward, making Robin scream in sudden pleasure as they latched onto his hardened nipples. The pair of them sucked and pinched and tugged at the sensitive buds, their owner giggling as Robin mewled. The tendrils seemed intent on… milking him, almost. He didn’t even know if he could be milked, but the plant-woman’s attempts made all his muscles melt under the pleasure, leaving him a quivering wreck.
  175. He bit his lip and his thighs shook but he knew he couldn’t hold out. With a cry his back arched, pressing his chest into her face, and he came. His cock twitched and pulsed, splattering the plant-woman’s belly with his cum. He gasped and quivered with every spurt, her teasing coaxing more and more from him. For several seconds he sat quivering as she milked him without even touching his cock, the thick jizz first flying then drippling out of him. She hadn’t been lying about the berries effect on him; there was no other way he could be coming this much. He collapsed against her, a few last spurts of cum dripping down his shaft as he slowly blacked out.
  177. He awoke some time later, still sticky and naked. He sat up, bleary eyed, and wondered about the curious dream he’d had for a second. He then looked down at himself and screamed. A giggle from off to the side made him leap back into the grass, scrambling for some sort of modesty as the flower-girl smiled at him. His heartbeat stayed high as he noticed that his cum was still slowly dripping down her stomach.
  179. “Honestly, I don’t get why you even bother wearing this kind of thing.” She said, holding his robe up. “It’s so… unflattering.”
  181. “You… you did this to me!” He exclaimed.
  183. “Mhmm.” Her smile was oddly reminiscent of a cat. “Suits you, pretty thing. Or should I say pretty girl now?”
  185. “Why did you…?” He shook his head. “What made you think…!”
  187. “I told you! It’s my gift to you for being such a good listener.”
  189. “I didn’t want this!”
  191. “Typical… I do you a favour and you just throw it right back at me.” She pouted. “And I didn’t even eat you, either.”
  193. “You… You didn’t.”
  195. “Duh. I’m not a bad girl, I’m just a predator.” She folded his robe neatly and placed it beside the still somewhat intact bundle of flowers. “It would’ve been so easy. Just tip you in while after you came and then I could let you stew in my nectar and your cum. But you were really nice to me… and it’d be a waste to up your assets and just melt them down again.”
  197. “A-are… are they, um…” He slid behind a tree, trying not to think about it.
  199. “Permanent?”
  201. He nodded.
  203. “Oh, yes. Very.” She smirked at him.
  205. Robin hung his head.
  207. “Urgh, you’re not going to be ungrateful about it, are you?”
  209. “I didn’t want this!” He shouted, cheeks burning bright red.
  211. “Honestly, some people.” She rolled her eyes. “A lot of guys would love having a nice pair like yours constantly on hand. And that butt is a work of art! Really you should be thanking me.”
  213. Robin decided not to press the issue. There wasn’t much he could do to change the situation anyway. He shivered, suddenly aware of the cool air seeping into his skin. “Um… could… could I have my clothes back?”
  215. “Sure.” She said.
  217. “… Could you, um…?”
  219. “Nope. You’re going to have to come over here and get them.”
  221. “But I’m-!”
  223. “That’s the idea.” She smirked. “I’m not sure what you’re so embarrassed about. I’ve already seen everything.”
  225. Robin whined like a scared puppy. Taking a short breath he dashed forwards, hands covering what he could as he kneeled down to grab the pile. He leapt back with a shocked yelp as her hand smacked his arse, before immediately dropping back into his embarrassed ball when he realised he’d put everything on display. She smirked at him, resting her elbows on the rim of her bell as she watched him dress. Robin struggled a little; everything was so much tighter now. His lower half was, thankfully, still swathed in loose cloth but it didn’t matter how he arranged the folds or tugged at the fabric; his newly enhanced chest stretched the robes to their limit and was thus exceedingly noticeable.
  227. “I-I should go…” He mumbled.
  229. “Aw…” She pouted. It didn’t last long before another smile broke out on her face. “Come visit me again sometime. Maybe I’ll make you even bigger.” She blew him a kiss and he ran off, blushing furiously and wincing as his breasts moved and smacked against his torso.
  231. ***
  233. Three days alter and Robin still hadn’t gotten the hang of binding them. Finding the spare cloth to wrap them with wasn’t too hard, but getting the angles right so that they didn’t hurt was exceedingly difficult. He sighed and unwound the cloth again; his breasts were just too big. They didn’t match up to some of the pairs he had seen, of course, but those women had had lifetimes to work with them. Three days in and he hated them. He sat on the bed, fumbling with the strips of linen and trying desperately to stop the damn things from stretching his robes again. He didn’t mind the bigger arse as much. Mostly because he didn’t see it so frequently, but the extra cushioning was nice. And, he admitted only in private and with intense amounts of blushing, the thicker thighs were kind of cute.
  235. There was a knock at his door, and he panicked. He called out and quickly pulled his robe back over his head, neatening himself up just as the door swung open. He pushed the cloth under the bedsheets and tried to position his arms in a way that would hide as much of the bulging clothing as possible.
  237. “Did you miss me, Robin?” Lucille said. She didn’t look any different from the last time he saw her, though that was normal for her. Voluptuous and with every move laden with seduction, the motherly elf strode with an incalculable confidence. A confidence that suited her choice of very skimpy attire, a simple chest wrap and loincloth, exceedingly well. She walked into his room, gently closing the door behind her as he tried his best to smile nonchalantly.
  239. “H-hi! How was the trip?”
  241. “Oh, a little boring. Errands always are. I’m sorry I left on such short notice. I do hate to leave you bored and alone…” She walked over to the bed, looming over him a little. “Who knows what you might have had to resort to…”
  243. “N-nothing!” He lied. “Nothing at all!”
  245. “A shame. I would have loved to hear about any… exploring you did.” She smiled like a sultry predator.
  247. “U-um… I-I picked you some flowers. A-as thanks for, um, training me!” He said, gesturing toward the improvised vase on the bedside table. He was starting to sweat; there was no way she wouldn’t notice. If he’d had just a few more seconds…
  249. “Oh!” She moved over, and Robin breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, they’re beautiful! Where did you find all these orchids?”
  251. “In the forest, along the road.” He slowly edged down the bed, turning his body away from her. This was a mistake, as she almost immediately turned round to trap him in a hug. Her ample breasts pressed against the back of his head and her arms found their way to wrap around his waist.
  253. “You’re such a sweet thing, Robin.” She said.
  255. “I-It was nothing, really!” Her hands were getting dangerously close, tracing patterns along his stomach.
  257. “Are you sure there’s nothing I can do to repay you?” She whispered in his ear.
  259. “Th-they’re already a gift! Y-you don’t have… to…” He swallowed as she brushed along the soft bulge in his clothes. There was a pause, before she gave him a curious squeeze. And then another, and another. Robin’s face flushed bright red.
  261. “Robin… are these…?”
  263. “N-no?”
  265. “Robin.”
  267. “I-I don’t know what you’re-“ He squeaked as she pulled the robe from him, leaving him sitting in his britches. He looked pointedly down at the floor as she stared. She blinked, and then a smile broke out across her face.
  269. “My, oh my… you have been busy.” Lucille said, licking her lips.
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