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Proposed Banisher and Panther changes

a guest
Dec 20th, 2014
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  1. The design and balance of Panther seems suboptimal. This stems from the fact that currently there is no cost-efficient riot in the tank lab and thus both Panther and Kodachi need to at least partially cover the flex riot role. Certain issues arise from this setup, specifically in the tank vs LV matchup. On large, flat maps Panthers dominate other raiders and more or less invalidate them. Since Panthers are good against both Scorchers and Ravagers, LV players are forced to turtle with Levelers. This goes against the spirit of the LV factory and seems undesirable. I also think tank vs tank could be more interesting if it was less Panther-focused.
  3. My idea is to rerole Banisher into a potent dedicated riot and very slightly nerf Panther's damage to specifically reduce its ability to shut down Scorchers.
  5. Rough draft of Banisher changes (untested as of yet, they might change once I try them out locally):
  6. - HP down from 780 to about 550
  7. - RoF up
  8. - Damage down to just above Scorcher's HP
  9. - Range down to something suitable for a riot
  10. - Other stats including HP would likely more or less stay as they are. The inability of a Sharpshooter to onehit it and the inability of two Ravens alone to kill it is important, I believe.
  12. This Banisher would in theory be good vs Scorchers, Panthers (yay for a better tank mirror) and most other raiders. Exact desired specs can be determined by testing.
  14. Panther changes:
  15. - Damage down from 220 to 205 or 195
  17. With the current 220 damage it two-hits Scorchers and one-hits Glaives. With 205 it would three-hit Scorchers, but still onehit Glaives. If two-hitting Glaives is desired, damage could be reduced to 195.
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