

Jan 27th, 2020
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  1. Setting up your Discord server
  4. Transcript
  6. 00:11 In this tutorial, I will show you how to setup your Discord server in preparation for launch. This should be setup a few days prior to launch. Let's get started.
  8. 00:25 On the left side of your screen, you will see all the server icons. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the plus sign to add a new server. Then click on, create a new server. You will be prompted to add your server location. Choose a place nearest to you.
  10. 00:44 Then you will need to add a server name. This is the name of your coin. In our case, we will be using Vision X. We can now choose an icon. We will choose one of the png images used in our QT. Click on change icon. And navigate to the image you want to use. When you are happy with how your icon looks, click on create.
  12. 01:11 Close the pop up box. We are not going to invite people until we are ready. As you can see, we now have the basics in the server. We also have the icon displaying in the left hand panel. We are going to first remove the voice channels before we do anything else. It's best to start from a clean slate.
  14. 01:35 Right click on the voice channel and choose delete category. Then we are going to delete the general channel. Leaving just one category, Text channels.
  16. 01:51 Now, we don't want to call this one text channels. So let's rename it. Right click and choose edit category. Rename it to discussions. Save changes and exit by clicking on the cross sign. Now you can see the category has been renamed.
  18. 02:14 Now we are going to add some new channels under the heading discussions. Click on the plus sign next to discussions to create a new channel. We will call this one support. Then hit Enter.
  20. 02:29 If you want to rename your channel. Just click on the settings icon next to the channel. For example, we can change this name to general chat.
  22. 02:44 Right, let's add some more channels. This one we will call suggestions. And this one will be called off topic. Another one called spam. We need a channel to discuss development. And another one for OTC trading. Our final channel here will be for mining pools.
  24. 03:26 Now you can see we have a load of channels for the community to post in. You can drag and drop them to rearrange their order. In my opinion, it's better to arrange them in order of importance. General chat is always at the top. This is the most used channel on the server. Spam is the least important. When you are happy with the order of the channels, move on to creating a new category.
  26. 03:55 At the top, next to your server name. You will see a down facing arrow. Click on that and choose,create category.We are going to call this one ''Info (Read only)''. This will be for all our important channels that we want the community to read. Such as announcements. Press Enter to create the category.
  28. 04:16 Drag it to the top, above the discussions category. We want this to be visible to everyone. Then we are going to create a new channel inside this category. This will be called announcements. The next channel will be called ''About Vision X''.
  30. 04:42 And another called coin specs. The next will be called useful links. And the final one will be for frequently asked questions.
  32. 04:58 As we want these to be read only we need to set the permissions correctly. By doing this we will stop community members being able to post in these channels.
  34. 05:10 To change the permissions. Go to the category name and right click on the plus sign. Choose edit category. Then choose permissions. You will see a list of permissions that you can set for everyone. Everyone being normal users.
  36. 05:27 Currently they are all set in the middle. We don't want the normal users to be able to make changes to our server. So, we have to run through and adjust everything. These settings are solely for the Info category. They are not for the whole server. We have to work category by category.
  38. 05:47 First is the create invite. This we will turn off for this category. Manage channel is off for the normal user too. Manage permissions off. Manage webhooks off. Basically, don't let the normal user manage anything.
  40. 06:05 For this category, we only want them to be able to read what is in the channels. And not be able to type or post anything. So follow along and copy exactly as I am doing.
  42. 06:39 Once done. Click on save changes and exit. Now the users can only read these channels. They can not post anything. Only people with permission can post.
  44. 06:51 Let's move on to edit the permissions in the discussion channels. Here we want to allow them to read and write in the channels. But we don't want to let them post links or files. If you allow them to post links, there will be a lot of spam in this category.
  46. 07:09 There is a spam channel that you can change the permissions. Allow them to post links and embeds in there only. You are probably wondering why we would allow spammers to post in our server. We do this because in order to post, they have to join the server. And when they join the server.The community can see a higher number of people on the server. The more people you have in your community, the more members it attracts.
  48. 07:38 Okay, when you have changed the permissions. Save and exit. We are now going to create a new category called languages. This one will be for different languages. You want to keep your discussion channels to English only. But you will attract many other people with many languages. A lot of Russians, Asians and non English speaking members. There needs to be a place for their specific language.
  50. 08:07 After you have created the category. Add specific channels to each language. You can always add more language channels later if asked.
  52. 08:17 Next we are going to change the permissions for this category. We are going to give them the same permissions as in discussions. When finished. Save and exit.
  54. 08:37 We have now created our channels. We should take a look at roles. When you start your own blockchain. You should be getting around 500 members on your server for launch day. This can happen in just a couple of days after you post your Announcement.
  56. 08:54 You will be extremely busy preparing for the launch. So you will need to hire some community moderators.
  58. 09:02 These are people who interact with the community on your behalf. The best way to hire them, is to post an announcement in your announcement channel. Offer them some coins per month as payment. Then allow them to kick or ban people from the server.
  60. 09:20 Without moderators, you will find it hard to manage the server. And you need to keep the community active to create hype in your coin.
  62. 09:31 As I am the creator of this server, I will automatically have admin permissions. But let's just say I am a normal user. This is how we create a role and assign it with permissions. Go to the top next to our server name. Click on the downwards arrow. Choose server settings. Then choose roles. Click on the plus sign to add a new role.
  64. 09:57 Then name the role. We will call this one Community Manager. Under the role, we can assign a specific color. This will make them stand out from the normal users. Pick a color and then scroll down to edit the permissions.
  66. 10:21 Now, you don't know these people you hire. So give them the same permissions as normal users. But allow them a few extras that will help them do their job. Allow their role to be displayed. And allow them to be mentioned. They need to be able to kick or ban people from the server. But we don't want them to be able to change the server. Follow the settings I choose. Then save and exit.
  68. 11:06 Now, if we imagine that I am the normal user. And we want to make me the community manager. All we have to do is right click on the user. Go to roles. Then assign that role. As you can see, my name has changed color. And above my name is the title of community manager.
  70. 11:27 To remove the role, just right click and un-check the role. Many roles can be created and you should be organized. Give yourself the role of Vision X developer. Add a community manager with higher permissions than moderators. The community manager should be someone you trust.
  72. 11:46 Add 3 to 5 community moderators. It is important to note, that they should all be from different time zones. You need people to manage the server whilst you are asleep or doing other things. It's no good having all your moderators from the same timezone.
  74. 12:06 Community members are very fickle. If there is no activity from the developers or community moderators for 24 hours, they will start posting that the coin is dead. Or even worse, they will shout scam.
  76. 12:20 You will get annoyed by people in your community. It's part of the course and you just have to be thick skinned. There are people out there who have the sole intention of creating mayhem in your server. And others that will try to scam your community. Be alert for people and try to keep your community on your side. By being active and chatting with people, you will gain trust. Be honest and open.
  78. 12:48 A cryptocurrency is nothing without it's community. Your server will grow into the thousands. And with that many people talking about your coin, it will create the hype you need to survive.
  80. 13:01 That's the end of this tutorial. In our next video, we will be looking at creating an announcement on bitcoin talk.
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