
sister in law 28

Nov 16th, 2017
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  1. app tl sum and not that accurate ..
  3. ch name related to bad memories from the house(or Memories of a very uncomfortable, inconsiderable family). coworker asks him about his phone and mc sees he had a lot of missing /unread text from her. more banter here in how mc thinks maybe his boss wanted to see him but it was her and cunt speaks how mc might not want to see her and coworker gets pissed cause cunt does mc's talking. she tells mc she has no clue about his boss and shows him that his wife texted her about if she wants to have a drink with her in the evening cause there's smth to talk to her about and she gets pissed at mc cause maybe he did smth bad there. mc denies and asks how wife got her number and cunt goes how maybe she looked in mc's phone for it. how there must be smth she wants to talk about it with her in secret and as for the reason he doesn't know. coworker tells cunt to cut it out and how if she/they will go meet wife she will find out. mc thinks so too and coworker tells him she decided to meet her 'there' and mc repeats that 'there'. coworker goes how he doesn't know his wife that well or that and mc thinks he wants to gtfo cause wife might hate this. 'so yoon'/coworker kinda stops him and mc replies with smth that implies that this place has memories for him, and flashback starts: thoughts how the mood was not good and coworker(i think) confesses to him and mc asks what's to like/good about him. she then denies anything being good about him. he congratulates her on her promotion and she dismisses it hating it. she asks mc what's there to be lonely about and he asks what she speak of and fmc steps in how 'why be lonely' and how she's with him. coworker goes how since she hasn't finished her degree they are not together in technical terms. wife goes how she's already 1 year in her phd and coworker goes how she still has 2 years and maybe she should do more and mc bitches that wife doesn't need to take on more. stuff from wife how she got a recommendation to study abroad maybe for 4 years and so what, and coworker kinda tells her things are different in korea vs canada. thoughts how mc knew why coworker was doing this, prbly cause 'his' partner wasn't here. coworker then goes how all 3 will live a hard life in this way. wife goes how she will go to wc, and thoughts how with this they might move on from the topic(notsure). mc goes wtf and goes how coworker does this cause she has none(phd) and she denies it but mc insists that it shows on her face. more banter here and then she goes how he had a text msg and mc wants to look but she is against it. more banter about her celebration and she kinda tells him he's dead if he picks up the phone. thoughts about celebrating one's promotion. wife calls cm to tell him she left first/if they can leave and he asks 'why and what's going on' and she tells him how she doesn't know why but wants to go and to tell coworker sorry. thoughts how wife wasn't supposed to go and then he tells her to wait up that he will be there asap. coworker kinda teases mc with wife's not coming back and tells him to go get her and not to burn through their love too fast. mc wonders what she's doing in the bathroom and if she really left. he thinks who coworker's violent facts words would be unbearable to wife. mc thinks how he or wife should really calm down today (notsure). he hears pleasure moans and wonders who is in there and hears more 'ah ..yeah', and goes ' can't be chae young?' and hears more moaning sounds. tbc ...
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