
#UniversalElectricity chatlog regarding powerdupe issue

Jan 12th, 2013
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  1. [21:23:54] <Kilobyte> i heard there are issues with blocks acception UE energy on multiple sides
  2. [21:24:03] <Kilobyte> from the same line that is
  3. [21:24:11] <Kilobyte> aka. energy duping
  4. [21:24:13] <@Mattredsox> which blocks?
  5. [21:24:20] <Kilobyte> in general
  6. [21:24:29] <Kilobyte> due to API limitations
  7. [21:24:44] <@Mattredsox> all blocks except mekanism only have one input face
  8. [21:24:54] <Kilobyte> because i wanna use UE, but i want my block to accept energy from all sides
  9. [21:25:10] <Kilobyte> because its easier for the user that way
  10. [21:25:22] <@Mattredsox> Cammygames you there?
  11. [21:25:29] <@Cammygames> yp
  12. [21:25:43] <@Mattredsox> can you help kilo?
  13. [21:25:49] <@Mattredsox> i am not feeling great
  14. [21:25:54] <@Cammygames> with what
  15. [21:26:06] <@Mattredsox> because i wanna use UE, but i want my block to accept energy from all sides
  16. [21:26:06] <@Mattredsox> because its easier for the user that way
  17. [21:26:26] <@Cammygames> cat they just do return true anymore
  18. [21:26:41] <@Mattredsox> ??
  19. [21:26:47] <@Cammygames> cant
  20. [21:26:48] Kilobyte is confused too
  21. [21:26:49] TheLarius [] hat den Server verlassen: Ping timeout: 180 seconds
  22. [21:26:57] <@Mattredsox> it is an api limitation
  23. [21:27:07] <@Cammygames> is it
  24. [21:27:20] <@Mattredsox> aidancbrady, has a duplication of energy glitch then
  25. [21:27:26] <@Mattredsox> because he accepts power from all sides
  26. [21:27:31] <Kilobyte> havesn't tested myself though, but talked to powercrystals earlier who told me
  27. [21:27:38] <+aidancbrady> Hm?
  28. [21:27:48] <Kilobyte> yeah, he's back :P
  29. [21:27:53] <@Mattredsox> read up in the log aidan
  30. [21:28:06] <Kilobyte> anyways, he wanted to talk to you guys too
  31. [21:28:15] <@Mattredsox> Cammygames, whoever sees calclavia first we need to tell him about this
  32. [21:28:20] <@Mattredsox> it is a limitation
  33. [21:28:21] <@Cammygames> kk
  34. [21:28:39] <@Cammygames> i thing u can o it with forge direction ill look
  35. [21:28:43] <@Mattredsox> i was thinking about making something where
  36. [21:28:53] <@Mattredsox> you can configure the side the block is facing
  37. [21:28:58] <+aidancbrady> I'm not changing anything, this is on calclavia lol :)
  38. [21:28:58] <@Mattredsox> derp
  39. [21:29:07] <@Mattredsox> so you can change the output face
  40. [21:29:13] <Kilobyte> yeah
  41. [21:29:17] <+aidancbrady> I'm trying to fix this damn container dupe bug
  42. [21:29:34] <@Mattredsox> i will make an issue on git
  43. [21:29:35] <Kilobyte> but what if a user wants multiple seperated energy nets to output into the same block?
  44. [21:29:55] <@Mattredsox> yeah
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