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Dec 12th, 2019
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  1. #This option enabled will disable some checkes (maybe increases performance)
  2. #Enable if the server you put the plugin in is just a lobby server with one world for a bungeecord one
  3. #This option disables world-change event, hide players just in one world
  4. lobby-server: true
  6. disable-items: true
  7. disable-commands: false
  9. #If you set this to false, players will be hidden on join
  10. #and will need to click the item to show them
  11. #ATTENTION! This setting has no effect on player change world status
  12. #If a player changes worlds and reset-status is true, they will be reseted to visible players
  13. default-state-shown: true
  15. #on world change if players are hidden, they reapear (this does not interfere with world-systems)
  16. reset-status: true
  18. #hide players just from the world you are currently in
  19. hide-players-in-world: false
  20. #If you set use-hide-permission to true, players with the permission from hide-permission can't be hidden
  21. use-hide-permission: false
  22. hide-permission: 'hideitem.visible'
  24. #use %player% to display player's username
  25. hide-item-name: '&7Hide Players'
  26. hide-item-lore:
  27. - '&aRight Click &7to hide'
  28. - '&7all players'
  29. show-item-name: '&aShow Players'
  30. show-item-lore:
  31. - '&aRight Click &7to show'
  32. - '&7all players'
  33. hide-message: '&7All players are now hidden!'
  34. show-message: '&aAll players are now visible!'
  36. hide-item-material: '351:8'
  37. show-item-material: '351:10'
  38. #use permissions can be set to 'none' if you want all the players to use them by default
  39. item-use-permission: 'none'
  41. #if you set this to true it will put the item in the first free slot it can finds
  42. #item-slot will be useless
  43. first-free-slot: false
  44. item-slot: 8
  45. fixed-item: true
  47. show-players-command: 'showall'
  48. hide-players-command: 'hideall'
  49. #use permissions can be set to 'none' if you want all the players to use them by default
  50. command-use-permission: 'hideitem.use.command'
  51. command-no-permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to use this command'
  54. #If you want to enable the items just in certain worlds you will need this system
  55. #item-world-system: 0 = the items work in all worlds
  56. #item-world-system: -1 = the items work in every world but the ones in the list
  57. #item-world-system: 1 = the items work just in the worlds mentioned in the list
  58. item-world-system: 0
  59. item-world-list:
  60. - 'world1'
  61. - 'world2'
  62. item-bypass-permission: 'hideitem.bypass.item'
  65. #If you want to enable the commands just in certain worlds you will need this system
  66. #command-world-system: 0 = the commands work in all worlds
  67. #command-world-system: -1 = the commands work in every world but the ones in the list
  68. #command-world-system: 1 = the commands work just in the worlds mentioned in the list
  69. command-world-system: 0
  70. command-world-list:
  71. - 'world1'
  72. - 'world2'
  73. command-bypass-permission: 'hideitem.bypass.command'
  74. command-world-deny-message: '&cYou can''t use that command in this world.'
  76. #cooldown must be in seconds
  77. cooldown: 3
  78. #use %cooldown% for time in seconds until the player can use the command/item again
  79. cooldown-message: '&eYou are in cooldown for %cooldown% more seconds.'
  80. cooldown-bypass-permission: 'hideitem.bypass.cooldown'
  83. #please do NOT modify this option
  84. version: 1.1
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