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Dec 20th, 2018
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  1. # oc describe pod mongodb-1-t2cjh
  2. Name: mongodb-1-t2cjh
  3. Namespace: storage-test-mongo-2
  4. Priority: 0
  5. PriorityClassName: <none>
  6. Node: compute-000025/
  7. Start Time: Thu, 20 Dec 2018 08:33:20 +0000
  8. Labels: deployment=mongodb-1
  9. deploymentconfig=mongodb
  10. name=mongodb
  11. Annotations:
  15. Status: Pending
  16. IP:
  17. Controlled By: ReplicationController/mongodb-1
  18. Containers:
  19. mongodb:
  20. Container ID:
  21. Image: docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/mongodb@sha256:8fea1e4a7f3ae48a2e49b74eaa23b919cb7f4ce1d2a2037fc612769116c1e4e5
  22. Image ID:
  23. Port: 27017/TCP
  24. Host Port: 0/TCP
  25. State: Waiting
  26. Reason: ContainerCreating
  27. Ready: False
  28. Restart Count: 0
  29. Limits:
  30. memory: 2Gi
  31. Requests:
  32. memory: 2Gi
  33. Liveness: tcp-socket :27017 delay=30s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
  34. Readiness: exec [/bin/sh -i -c mongo$MONGODB_DATABASE -u $MONGODB_USER -p $MONGODB_PASSWORD --eval="quit()"] delay=3s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
  35. Environment:
  36. MONGODB_USER: <set to the key 'database-user' in secret 'mongodb'> Optional: false
  37. MONGODB_PASSWORD: <set to the key 'database-password' in secret 'mongodb'> Optional: false
  38. MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD: <set to the key 'database-admin-password' in secret 'mongodb'> Optional: false
  39. MONGODB_DATABASE: <set to the key 'database-name' in secret 'mongodb'> Optional: false
  40. Mounts:
  41. /var/lib/mongodb/data from mongodb-data (rw)
  42. /var/run/secrets/ from default-token-mt84l (ro)
  43. Conditions:
  44. Type Status
  45. Initialized True
  46. Ready False
  47. ContainersReady False
  48. PodScheduled True
  49. Volumes:
  50. mongodb-data:
  51. Type: PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
  52. ClaimName: mongodb
  53. ReadOnly: false
  54. default-token-mt84l:
  55. Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
  56. SecretName: default-token-mt84l
  57. Optional: false
  58. QoS Class: Burstable
  59. Node-Selectors:
  60. Tolerations:
  61. Events:
  62. Type Reason Age From Message
  63. ---- ------ ---- ---- -------
  64. Warning FailedScheduling 9m (x2 over 9m) default-scheduler pod has unbound PersistentVolumeClaims (repeated 100 times)
  65. Normal Scheduled 9m default-scheduler Successfully assigned storage-test-mongo-2/mongodb-1-t2cjh to compute-000025
  66. Normal SuccessfulAttachVolume 9m attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "pvc-e45950ef-0431-11e9-ae29-000d3a2bb4d5"
  67. Warning FailedMount 9m (x7 over 9m) kubelet, compute-000025 MountVolume.WaitForAttach failed for volume "pvc-e45950ef-0431-11e9-ae29-000d3a2bb4d5" : Cannot find Lun for disk kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-e45950ef-0431-11e9-ae29-000d3a2bb4d5
  68. Warning FailedMount 8m kubelet, compute-000025 MountVolume.WaitForAttach failed for volume "pvc-e45950ef-0431-11e9-ae29-000d3a2bb4d5" : azureDisk - WaitForAttach failed within timeout node (compute-000025) diskId:(kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-e45950ef-0431-11e9-ae29-000d3a2bb4d5) lun:(0)
  69. Warning FailedMount 50s (x4 over 7m) kubelet, compute-000025 Unable to mount volumes for pod "mongodb-1-t2cjh_storage-test-mongo-2(e7b53fea-0431-11e9-ae29-000d3a2bb4d5)": timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach or mount for pod "storage-test-mongo-2"/"mongodb-1-t2cjh". list of unmounted volumes=[mongodb-data]. list of unattached volumes=[mongodb-data default-token-mt84l]
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