

Nov 11th, 2019
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  1. You won't lose weight in an instant and you will have to work at it, and work to keep the weight off in the long term, but they could help you achieve your initial goal of losing fat. It's not seen as a fad diet, you can eat all the things you like, and there are no restrictions on what you eat... only how MUCH you eat. And just to hammer it home, if you're not hungry you won't eat as much... therefore you should lose weight.When you've reached your goal weight, or are happy how you look, then you won't need appetite suppressants anymore. Your mind, body and importantly, your stomach will have been trained. You won't be as hungry and the habit and cravings will have disappeared.
  3. There is a discrepancy where fat is stored on both men and women. Men tend to put more weight on around the gut. This is commonly referred to as the beer or pot belly. Women on the other hand put weight on more around the waist and thighs. This can quite often lead to the build up of cellulite. Cellulite is described as the subcutaneous fat build up beneath the skin. This coupled with weak veins leads to an orange peel wrinkled effect on the skin. When both men and women start changing their lifestyle in order to get rid of this beer belly or cellulite many are discouraged, as they do not lose weight from where they would like to.
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