
The Mage

Mar 15th, 2012
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  1. >Be night in ponyville
  2. >Be anon
  3. >Be making something stew like
  4. >Hear knock on door, and answer it.
  5. >Rainbow at door.
  6. >"Hey, anon, what's up? Making dinner?"
  7. "Uhhh, you could say that..."
  8. >"Well, i was wondering if you wanted to go out for a drink... But it seem's your busy... I coul-"
  9. "Oh no, I'm free. The newts have to boil for about 8 hours, and i just put them in."
  10. >"Sweet, lets go."
  11. "Hold up, lemme get my shit"
  12. >You go and grab your hat and staff.
  13. "Let's do this shit. First one to the bar pays."
  14. >"YOUR ON."
  15. >You mumble a few words, and your shoes start to glow.
  16. >You start flying.
  17. >"Wait. Sense when could you fly?"
  18. "All the time dear, I AM a mage after all, just a simple matter of enchanting my shoes with a flight spell, and i can fly faster then an F-16 fighter jet. Or in your case, about as fast as you."
  19. >"Well, things just got more interesting."
  20. >You and your bro assume a starting position.
  21. "And.. GO"
  22. >You are engulfed in blue sparks, and are out front of the bar in a rocking chair reading the news paper
  23. >About 2 min later rainbow appears in sight, then spots you.
  24. >"huh, wha.. HOW?"
  25. "My dear, you lost as soon as you set the destination. It was just a simple matter of teleporting my way here."
  26. >"You cheated!"
  27. "It's not like you never do it my dear. But, if it means anything to you, I never intended to have you pay for my drinks.
  28. >As you say this, the ground shake's as a portal opens off in the distance.
  29. >"What is that!?!"
  30. "Oh dear... This.. Is new. It seem's some form of demon is trying to come in to our plane of existence."
  31. >"Can you stop it?!"
  32. "No, it's too far gone... Might as well see what come's through."
  33. >As you say this, a man of a large build comes walking through the portal, in armour that appers to be made of Dragon Bones.
  34. "Well now. Wasn't expecting that.
  35. >You walk up to to the strange man.
  36. "Can you tell me who you are..?"
  37. >The man looks at you.
  39. "Well, you didn't have to yell it.
  40. >"FUS RO DAH"
  41. >You get blown 50 feet back, by what ever magic he is using.
  42. "THAT was unexpected... It seem's you can't stay in the peaceful world. Pity. You look like you have been through a lot..."
  43. >As you say that, your hands glow with power, and a hole appears and he sink's into it.
  44. "Well now that that's done..."
  45. >Bar was destroyed by that mans yell.
  46. "*sigh* Next time my dear?"
  47. >Rainbows face is in pure aw at what just happened as you fly back home at a leisurely pace.
  49. *end*
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