

Nov 15th, 2018
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  1. me takes off the duffelbag onto the passenger seat - taking out a laptop from it.
  2. me takes out a 14mm ratchet from the backpack after placing the laptop onto the passenger-
  3. do -seat, then starts removing two bolts from each side of the glovebox.
  4. me rapidly drops the bolts onto the passenger seat with the ratchet, then reaches for a knife-
  5. do -inside the duffelbag and places the small switchblade under the peg; popping it off and push-
  6. do -ing the slides off the pegs holding the glovebox.
  7. me carefully removes the glovebox - ensuring not to hit any of the power-wires around-
  8. do -the glovebox, then finally pulls it off the vehicle and places it into the back of the car.
  9. me reaches for his laptop as he signs himself in.
  10. me reaches into the duffelbag, taking out a JTAGulator, Bus Pirate Cable and an OBD to DE-9 cable.
  11. me hooks up the Micro USB connector to the laptop and the JTAGulator.
  12. do The JTAG turns a green light.
  13. me connects the Bus Pirate Cable into the ECU behind the empty slot in which the glovebox was.
  14. me hooks up the OBD to DE-9 cable to the laptop and then to the CAN BUS.
  15. me runs the laptop, then opens up VMWare and starts a Linux-based OS.
  16. me types in "# ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000 listen-only on".
  17. do Bitrate is 500k.
  18. me types in "# ip link set can0 up" to start up the network.
  19. me types in "# candump -cae can0,0:0, FF" to start sniffing.
  20. me starts setting up the .json file as to set up the port for the network, setting the root as-
  21. do -WWW and the port as 2515.
  22. me types in "{"DeviceType": "simulator", "DeviceFile": "simulator.json"}".
  23. me starts using candump to save the packets by typing in: $ candump -1 can0,0:0, FF.
  24. me begins to enable the log file.
  25. me edits the ECU response, changing the 7F (stands for failure) to 67.(stands for acceptance).
  26. me reaches into the bag once more, taking out a small USB with a sticker on it-
  27. do -labeling it "Funcube Dongles".
  28. me hooks up the Funcube Dongles into the laptop, then starts detecting wave signals emitted-
  29. do -by the immobilizer.
  30. me starts feeding data into the immobilizer - jamming the keyfob signal to keep the RFID-
  31. do -the same, then playbacks the log, using it to force the immobilizer open by using the jammed RFID.
  32. do -In laymen terms, immobilizer has been bypassed.
  33. me starts up the virtual device for playing the offline stream through the CAN BUS to-
  34. do -the ECU, which now has the spoofed data of the key being available to turn the engine on.
  35. me types in "# modprobe vcan" "# ip link add vcan0 type vcan" "# ip link set vcan0 up" to-do-so.
  36. me finally starts playing the virtual device off the log which he has saved earlier by typing-
  37. do -"$ canplayer vcan0=can0 < candump-sex69.log"
  38. do Laptop processes as it sends the data to the CAN BUS, then the vehicle engine should turn on.
  39. me slips everything back into his dufflebag.
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